metal-regets · 4 months
Genuine question. Anyone here like treasure planet. Because I’ve been hyperfixating on it for so long like it’s an actual work of art; like one of the first 3D and 2D animated movies made. One of the first for Disney too; and it was a work of art. It had such a deeper message with even a sadder backstory, a more realistic and sad backstory for Jim than any other Disney character. You might have characters like Mirabel who has a fight with their grandmother and stuff; feeling unloved but for some reason that’s still so out of reach. While some people might understand that feeling of being pushed out the family it’s still hard to really relate to while Jim just has the thing about his backstory. Loosing his father, seeing his mother cry, barely being out of reach from him, finding a father figure in someone else. I just don’t get it but even people who didn’t loose a dad or a parent can still somehow relate.
And character growth is amazing, like it’s so interesting and even with the aliens and monsters is the movie it seems more probable and humanly possible compared to most of the fantasy movies like *wish.*
And I love how it made me cry, most shows don’t but it really got me tearing; like I wish they made more movies like that. A treasure planet 2 would have been amazing but I’m glad they didn’t; shouldn’t risk ruining a work of art like TRP with a sequel as a lot of sequel just aren’t it.
Back to the 3D modeling, it was beautiful. It just fit in, it just worked, it blended in you didn’t even notice that the 3D modeling and the 2D aren’t on the same plain. They interact with eachother perfectly unlike a lot of movie *now* that still can’t master that, flicking through eachother and late movement doesn’t make it seem real but treasure planet it just, works
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metal-regets · 5 months
Tumblr media
Live, laugh, spider punk poster made of out paper and fabric.
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metal-regets · 5 months
This is my 8th account 👹
I keep having my to make accounts because I try to text people about roleplays and I get SHADOW BANNED
I’ve already sent a email but I gave up one that;
If you knew me hi! I was mostly under the spiderverse and young Royal tags <3
All my accounts are
Does anyone know how to prevent this from continuing to happen? Like I try to text someone and it says ‘could not send’ on a message and I reopen tumblr and I’m banned.
Like they’re just people too, I’m not messaging bots, not spamming, not copy and pasting, just messaging “hey! You liked blah blah post and I wanted to know if you were to open to blah blah”
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