mechanicalwitch · 2 years
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Happy blood moon eclipse friends. My usually quite harsh shadow work deck gave me a very sweet reading tonight, so perhaps I'm finally on a good track.
Spent a lot of time with a lot of spirits and deities I'm close to tonight. Now to settle in. Work in the morning.
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mechanicalwitch · 2 years
I'm new to pokepaganism and really want to worship Lunala
Any ideas?
Aye sorry for the wait, I had about 16 hours of work today, heh. So, I've only worked very little with Lunala personally, she's an interesting one if you ask me. Personally I always start with an approach and offerings to open a communication. I use the Pokemon Moon logo in the place of a personal sigil for Lunala, and the Sun logo for Solgaleo.
I'd recommend finding more folks who work with Lunala and sussing out things she enjoys in terms of offerings, and looking into the source material for correspondences to use in decorating for her, setting up an altar if you have space, etc. Things like flutes, the moon and stars, pinks, purples, golds, all stand out to me from the source material. I've also found good results offering her chunks of Himalayan Pink Salt (the fact that I got the chunks from a local theatre I worked at after an indie show used them as set pieces helped as well).
And of course, don't fear UPG. Practice your discernment, be analytical and apply healthy skepticism. But we're really building our own pathways here. A lot of this you'll have to figure out yourself as you experience progress with Lunala. Don't take my word or anyone else's as gospel.
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mechanicalwitch · 2 years
Hi, I’m still really busy! I’m in a really good state though actually. A lot has been going my way and a lot I’m really grateful for. I’m tired as hell but hey, I’m spending time outside, doing what I love, contributing to communities I care about, and spending time with people I love.
I’ve got new freelance gigs on my roster, and people are catching wind of my capabilities and industry experience. Suddenly it’s becoming a lot more valuable to have me on site and in venues because of the things I can do and can do skillfully. A lot more places are becoming willing to pay me more and offer me more just to have me around, it feels great.
But it’s ironic too because I’m still someone who’s willing to work for peanuts if I like the environment and it makes me feel good, and I have been lmao, I’ve spent half my time at a theatre known for terrible pay. Me and my friends there discuss how low it is, but it’s still comfortable, because I’ve strategically budgeted and limited my expenses and costs and live a pretty minimalist lifestyle, I’m not stressed about it. I can prioritize what I love. I’m even staying an extra 11 or so hours after my work morning tomorrow for no pay just so I can help a buddy out with some live music work and learn the system at that space so I can start covering calls there later on mixing the bands’ audio.
Though I’ve got higher paying stuff coming up too. A bigger museum in the north side of the city caught wind that I can operate lighting and is pulling me in for events and concerts. Got a couple of those coming up, with the highest pay rate I’ve ever gotten. It’s very exciting, and I know friends there too, so I’m not stressed about it. I’m also juuuust doing enough corporate AV to keep those folks on that side of my life happy, and I’m about to start putting the clamp on all of them for raises too, because everyone keeps telling me my skills should have me being paid more.
It feels like I’m bragging but like I’m really proud of myself? I’m LIVING again, in a way I haven’t in a few years now between the pandemic, losing my career and home, and my last relationship adding extra layers of stress and emotional exhaustion. I’m spending time with friends, I’m exploring my sexuality and identity with people I trust, I’m figuring out myself and what I want but also just letting myself live in the moment. I commissioned a friend of mine to design me a tattoo that has a lot of emotional and spiritual meaning for me, and I submitted my name and gender marker change application. Things are falling into place.
I’ve got a festival gig coming up that will consume about a month of my summer, and idk what it’ll pay me yet but I also don’t care!! I’m not worried about it! It feels great! It won’t pay me any less than it did in 2019 (which was shit pay but enough to cover my more expensive rent, expenses, bills, transit which cost me more then than it does now, and have enough spare to have some fun) and if it pays me more it’ll be a pleasant surprise for later. One of my best buddies is my second technician for the venue and we’ll be a dream team. And they moved the patio and offices for the festival around the corner from my apartment, so it’ll be even easier to party with the artists and other techs after each show day lmao.
Anyways this has been my little brag session. I’m just feeling the good vibes. Life has been good, my hands are busy and my mind is going with the flow. It’s nice.
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mechanicalwitch · 2 years
Walpurgisnacht is the night before Beltane. They are not incompatible, just different.
I say, "Happy Walpurgisnacht" and my love-and-light Whole Foods witches start hyperventilating. It's okay. Have some kombucha. Burn a black candle on this jar of dead cockroaches and you'll be fine. Hey! Come back!
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mechanicalwitch · 2 years
It's Walpurgisnacht, the black moon and a partial solar eclipse today and I've been at work since 7:30am and will be here until 11pm.
I'm still gonna celebrate with some deity and wine time when I get home even if I've got work again tomorrow I don't care. I see why Baphomet was prodding for tonight specifically, looking at this line up of events.
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mechanicalwitch · 2 years
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𝔸𝕝𝕥𝕒𝕣 ℝ𝕖𝕗𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕙
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mechanicalwitch · 2 years
Hey, I’m still alive yeah. I don’t really post here! I still do my workings and spend time with my spirit family, but rarely do I find it’s something to post on the internet anymore. It’s all pretty personal. Plus I’m just fucking busy.
My industry is going insane with work right now and I am loaded up with it, my business is booming, shit’s alright. I’m exhausted but the income flow has meant more freedom and fun times with my friends, as well as gifts and treats for my physical friends, spirit friends, and myself.
Been doing a lot of planetary magic lately too, which has been pretty good. And spending time with Baphomet and my patron deity as well. Low pressure, since everyone involved knows I’m doing insane work months. Gotta give a big thanks out to Jupiter though for lining up some opportunities I have been aching for over the pandemic for me as well - if you’re in Toronto come hit up Aki Studio to see some of the Fringe 2022 shows I’m venue teching in July, hah.
Promised my spirit brother and his fiancee some Japanese cheesecake before work tonight too, but I kinda... just want to nap instead lmao. Cheesecake tomorrow, as a treat.
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mechanicalwitch · 2 years
I figured so yeah. It’s been years since I really tuned into that side of tumblr so I’m returning to what’s very barren in comparison.
What all even still remains of the spirit companion and spirit keeping community on this site anyhow?
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mechanicalwitch · 2 years
What all even still remains of the spirit companion and spirit keeping community on this site anyhow?
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mechanicalwitch · 2 years
F/ligh/t R//ising Thoughtforms: Part I
Details of basic thoughtform creation specific to dragon petsite hell, written with independent constructs w/ free will in mind. Actual post under the cut to avoid it showing up in the site tags. It is assumed that you already have basic thoughtform knowledge.
Manual Link
Keep reading
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mechanicalwitch · 2 years
Fair enough. I would recommend updating “thoughtforms” to “servitors” in the public post as to not spread misinformation.
More Notes on Thoughtforms
you don’t let them develop awareness at all. their not meant to become like AI, in that you’re not wanting them to become self aware. you’re essentially using them like an extension, think more robot/aid in a mobility sense or household sense. you wouldn’t want a broom or dustpan to develop awareness, but you still use them to make cleaning up messes easier. same concept. 
- thoughtforms are meant to make magical/spiritual tasks easier, but you’re still doing most of the work yourself. it’s just essentially a tool to make doing your tasks more efficient or take less energy.
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mechanicalwitch · 2 years
Also yes, I know I’m a quiet one. It’s been a few years since I actively thought to put anything I’ve done in terms of my spiritual and magical life on the internet aside from maybe sharing with some friends. I’m simply a face in the corner off quietly working on himself and for himself.
I think it’s better that way honestly.
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mechanicalwitch · 2 years
As a heads up, you are HEAVILY generalizing thoughtforms and their purposes especially within community settings. There is a pretty wide spectrum of what you do with a thoughtform and what you might allow them to understand.
What you’re describing here is strictly a servitor.
More Notes on Thoughtforms
you don’t let them develop awareness at all. their not meant to become like AI, in that you’re not wanting them to become self aware. you’re essentially using them like an extension, think more robot/aid in a mobility sense or household sense. you wouldn’t want a broom or dustpan to develop awareness, but you still use them to make cleaning up messes easier. same concept. 
- thoughtforms are meant to make magical/spiritual tasks easier, but you’re still doing most of the work yourself. it’s just essentially a tool to make doing your tasks more efficient or take less energy.
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mechanicalwitch · 2 years
I found something very fascinating when I engaged more often with the spirit work community than I do now. I’m still a spirit worker, I’m still regularly engaged with spirits and talking on a daily basis. But I don’t speak much with other practitioners online aside from my personal friends.
But one thing that interests me calls back to early-mid 2020, after the pandemic had really kicked into action over here. I had noticed a disruption in the local spirits in my area. I lived at the time in an urban environment and try to tune into the flow of local spirits and energy. I had spoken to other practitioners about it and they seemed to find the idea that local spirits would be affected by the sudden halt in the overall flow of the city to be absurd. “The spirits can’t get covid-19″, yes I know that, that isn’t what I mean.
The start of the pandemic was intense for me on a lot of levels, and how it affected the energy and spiritual experiences in my city was one. But I’m certain that’s how it was for a lot of people. I know for sure while I had to adjust to practising my physical and health protections like masking, social distancing and minimizing my time out and about, I also had to REALLY get my magic and protections on lock.
It makes me wonder about spirit work practitioners who are more often tuned into the very otherworldly entities - which I understand, I work with otherworldly entities as well. But it’s felt a bit out of place being someone who does take note of the immediate local surroundings and spiritual presences, and how they can be affected by the drastic changes in the overall flow of an urban environment.
Movement is a wild thing, and when it suddenly drops it’s incredibly disorienting. Many of the entities I spoke to found it very disorienting for them as well - even the ones who’ve been around so long to have witnessed this sort of long-term life pause a few times over.
Apologies for the rambling.
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mechanicalwitch · 3 years
Just so we're clear, a male witch is traditionally called a warlock and a female practitioner of witchcraft is traditionally called a witch. If you are a male and find it strange to call yourself a witch, it is perfectly fine to embrace the term warlock. I myself personally find it weird calling a male practitioner a witch but it is entirely up to the person practicing what they wish to be called.
- Erika, The Clumsy Witch
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mechanicalwitch · 3 years
Going Through a Painful Blood Ritual of the Black Angel Cult
In the city of Pachuca, Mexico, there is a religious following of a figure known as the Angelito Negro, or the Black Angel. VICE’s Alex Mendoza visits two of the Black Angel’s most popular places of worship. He explores the origin and belief in Angelito Negro and undergoes their respective ceremonies to seek protection from the Black Angel himself.
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mechanicalwitch · 3 years
“Taboo” Topics in the Pagan Community
Here’s a list of topics some people find to be “taboo” in the pagan community. Now, a lot of this list contains things people have highly variable opinions about – either they love it or hate it viscerally. I’m in support of all of these topics as long as they’re engaged with in a safe manner. 
But my point in making this post is to warn folks – given how the internet and tumblr are prone to dogpiling first, asking questions later, I’ve found that people simply don’t know these topics are “taboo.” They end up casually mentioning one, and then get hurt when people lash out. 
This isn’t a list to shame anyone, it’s just a warning that general pagan communities can go from kind to spiteful at the mere mention of some of these concepts! Keep it in mind as you navigate the internet. 
Being Neutral to Positive about Established Religions:
positive attitudes about Christianity in pagan spaces
talking about Christianity and Judaism as very separate things
talking about Christianity as a grouping of many different practices instead of one monolith (often conflated with the US Evangelical Version)
Holding People Accountable within the Community:
talking about any of what I call -isms (racism, ableism, queerphobia, s*xism, etc) in relation to paganism
talking about appropriation within paganism
Any Relationship Dynamic with Spirits / Deities that is Non-”Standard”:
channeling or possession, especially when done casually
godspouses (gods, spirits, fae, demons, angels, anything that can be in a godspouse-like relationship)
any kin or shard stuff
pop culture paganism
unrecorded gods
astral kids and astral s*x
any action that makes you the (wrongly perceived) “sole authority” on a deity or that posits your relationship as different from the standard pagan god-worshipper arrangement (and is therefore read as “special”)
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