maxdes · 11 months
A message from Max's family.
I've been struggling for a while with how to draft this post since every time I've tried to write it, the words come out wrong. I apologise for the mess that this probably is to read, I struggle to remember half of what happened without breaking down but it's time I stopped putting it off, for Max's sake if nothing else.
In November of 2021, our son Max was in a car accident that left him severely injured and brain damaged. The bones in both of his legs were shattered, the right one needing to be amputated below the knee, and he had multiple breaks along his spine and neck. He needed to go through dozens of extensive surgeries to try to repair the damage done, including several brain operations that while were still somewhat successful, he would never be the same person he was. Despite all the hard work done by his surgeons however, he wasn't getting any better and since January of this year, he'd been in a coma without any predictions of ever waking up.
There hadn't been any detectable brain activity for months and my husband and I were just hurting ourselves leaving our baby like that hooked up to machines. We've had a long time to grieve; it was time to let him go and last monday we said goodbye to our son.
Ever since the accident, I've been coming back to this blog to try and feel connected to him. In some ways it works. Writing was always such a big part of him and it warms my heart to see everything he'd managed to build on here even if he wasn't able to get very far.
We've decided to keep this blog up so that a small piece of him remains alive. If you're reading this, thank you for supporting our boy and reading his work. I'll never forget the little moments of him excitedly telling me about this blog and the friends he made because of it. Thank you for making our son happy.
We love you so much Max. You deserved so much more.
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maxdes · 3 years
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Status: No Demo
Important Note: This is very, very early days and I’m mainly creating this blog/posting this to see if this is a concept anyone would be interested in. The plan is to create the game in Twine and post it to itch.io, but I am a brand new IF writer and I’m still figuring at lot of things out!!
In other words: Thank you for your interest, but please be patient. <3
The Story
Fellow Traveler is a dark urban fantasy interactive fiction story set in an alternative present version of North America.
You are a cambion - a half-human/half-demon hybrid, though having grown up with an adopted family, you are unaware of this fact. Or, at least you were for the first 29 years of your life. But after a strange man claiming to be a nephilim (half-human/half-angel) shows up at your door one night to inform you that you are both part of a prophecy about destroying the world as we know it, you are thrust into a supernatural underworld full of mystery, magic, and most unfortunately - death.
Will you choose to go along with the prophecy, or will you fight against it?
Features and Gameplay
Customizable MC including name, gender, pronouns, sexuality, personality, and (prior) career choice
Meet demons, angels, vampires, werewolves, other hybrids, etc. - both friendly and unfriendly
Go on “hunts” - though this doesn’t necessarily involve killing
Learn how to use your powers, or stick to more traditional skills (or do both!)
Develop friendships, romances, or rivalries
Romantic Options
(This list may expand/change with time)
Sameer Misra [ Age: 29 | Pronouns: He/Him | Species: Nephilim ]
The man who shows up at your door. He is sarcastic, confident, and idealistic. He deeply opposes the hierarchies of heaven (and hell) and wants you to help him bring it all down.
Blair Dyer [ Age: 34 | Pronouns: They/Them | Species: Human ]
A hunter who shares Sameer’s views, though their goals are more grounded in (what they believe is) reality. They are pragmatic and brave and willing to help anyone out of a tough spot.
Nora Chambers [ Age: ??? | Pronouns: She/Her | Species: Demon ]
A believer in the prophecy who has been tasked with guiding you on your way. She is goal-oriented, stubborn, and loyal to a fault. She will do whatever is necessary to see things through.
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maxdes · 3 years
I'd like to thank the academy for giving me this opportunity and my parents for, yk, making me and giving me this life. Couldn't have done it without you, besties. Literally.
As for my treat, I'm definitely gonna have to go with 🎃 <3
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Ooh, I have quite a treat, then!! This one is actually my very first conceptualizing sketch I made of Hanyoung. I made this maybe like... 4 months back?
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maxdes · 3 years
"i hate you"
okay then have an enemies to lovers arc with me
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maxdes · 3 years
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Saw this on my Instagram feed and never again will I see a more accurate representation of D in my life.
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maxdes · 3 years
13. "I didn't mean to say that but yeah, I love you" For Tabitha my wife please🥺❤
You asked for fluff but I give you ANGST. Sorry, anon, but I don't make the rules. This is also the last of the fluffy/non smut asks so I'm gonna save those for later.
You're sitting in the dark of the living, lacing up your boots. You feel weighed down in your seat, a sinking, dreadful feeling consuming your insides. Your chest is tight and tears burn at the back of your eyes. It hurts but you have to go before you cause any more damage. 
"Where are you going?" 
You glance up to see Tabitha step off the last step of the staircase. You turn away from, shielding yourself from the concern that adorns her features as you wipe a few stray tears. You don't answer her, instead focusing back on your boots.
"You're just gonna leave?"
You sigh and pause what you're doing to glance up at her. "This isn't easy for me, Tabitha…"
"But it is. Just don't go." She appears before you, dropping to her knees and taking your hands in hers.
It's difficult to look at her, with her bottom quivering and her eyes welling with tears of her own. "Tabitha -"
"Please, I love you!"
You stop, your heart racing a million miles a minute. No, you think. Not now. Not when I have to go. "You… you love me?"
She drops her gaze to the floor, though her grip on your hands tightens. "I didn't mean to say that but yes, I love you." She looks up at you, clear resolve etched on her features. "So stay, please." 
You squeeze your eye closed, finding it impossible to look at her as you do what needs to be done. You pull your hands away from hers and raise them to cup her face before you lean forward and press a long, hard kiss to her forehead. You don't kiss her on the lips, you can't, because you know if you did, you wouldn't have the courage to leave.
"I'm sorry," you whisper. It's not what you want to say and it's a poor excuse for what you should say. I love you too. But it's the best you can do.
Your mind made up and your boots laced, you get to your feet. Tabitha's quiet sobs follow you to the front door and as much as it pains you to do so, you leave. You walk away. And your heart shatters.
I love you. I love you. I love you.
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maxdes · 3 years
Could I have " the world could be on fire and I'd still be happy as long as I'm with you " with A
You sit by yourself during lunch. Pushing your food around the plate with your fork, you're tempted to skip lunch entirely and go back to the training room when you stop yourself. You watch as A approaches your table from the other side of the room. They're a towering, commanding presence and you begin to feel butterflies as you watch them.
A soft smile curls at their lips as they sit down across from you. You offer them a tentative smile of your own, though you raise an eyebrow at them. "What are you doing?" You ask, keeping your voice low. "Someone could catch you."
They cast their eyes around the dining hall. It's mostly empty besides the two of you; two other competitors sit across the room. You're not sure you feel any better about the risk. 
Their violet eyes return to your face and you catch a flash of white teeth in their smile. "I find that I don't care too much for rules today."
"Really? Consequences be damned?" You ask, unable to keep your smile from growing. You still have your concerns but to know what A is willing to risk to spend time with you is enough to drown out the intrusive thoughts.
They laugh softly, the sound of music to your ears. “The world could be on fire and i’d still be happy as long as I'm with you,” they say, enough sincerity laced through their words to make an iceberg melt.
You duck your head to hide your smile, your face growing hot. Glancing up at them through your lashes, you slyly reach across the table and take their hand. You find solace in their small gesture of squeezing of your hand. "Fingers crossed it never comes to that."
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maxdes · 3 years
How about Fluff 38 for Tabitha, dear Maxy?
38 - “I'm not scared but if you are, you can hold my hand.”
You make yourself comfortable on the couch, a bowl of popcorn on your lap and Tabitha by your side. She shivers slightly and you grab the blanket draped over the back of the couch to cover her with it. You turn your attention back to the TV as the Halloween theme music begins to play. She shivers again, curling her body into yours and you quickly connect the dots. 
You turn your head to look at her, her delicate features illuminated by the light of the TV. "I'm not scared but if you are, you can hold my hand." She looks down at your outstretched hand before meeting your eyes, quickly nodding her head. She takes your hand in hers and she grips it tight, despite the opening credits being the only thing on screen. 
By the time you're halfway through the movie, Tabitha has climbed onto your lap, her face buried in your neck more often than not. You're not sure how it happened, but with your arms wrapped protectively around you, you're not complaining. 
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maxdes · 3 years
Turning my asks off for now or else I'm never gonna get through these prompts...
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maxdes · 3 years
"Maybe His Dad Died: A New Theory of Relativity"
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mines is “this is a safe place bc i know harries would murder me: a true crime series”
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maxdes · 3 years
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Ummm… What?? 👀👀🥺👉🏻👈🏻🤯
Guys, I’m absolutely blown away! The idea that 1,100 people are actually interested in my little story and my characters is just… crazy! Beyond crazy! We passed a thousand a while ago and I’ve been wrecking my brain trying to think of some way to celebrate. I thought about doing another giveaway, just to show you how grateful and appreciative I am for all of your support and your kindness, but I honestly have no idea what to give away?? I have nothing worthy to offer! 😭😭
All I can really offer is my endless thanks! I just want you to know that I see and appreciate every single one of you — all the likes, the reblogs, the mentions, the asks, the tags ✨🤎 It all brings me so much joy, and it’s truly beyond anything I ever expected when I started this blog. So thank you to all of you! 
I wish I could tag literally everyone I’ve ever been in contact with since I made this blog, because everyone has been extraordinarily kind and lovely, but I’ll just start by sending extra love and gratitude, for the support, and for being genuinely sweet, awesome and talented people, to… 
@bouncyballcitadel @deflatedball @hlarahellfire @doriana-gray-games @innerdemons-if @ascendance-if @nightingale-interactive @leoneliterary @thrill-seeker-if @justscribbles @milaswriting​ @maxdes​ ✨🤎
@mt07131 @r22s @kiwi101​ @victoriel​ @cursedlibraries​ @little-leech-boy​ @thatonegirlkat​ @noesapphic​ @lizzymasters143​ @sol-and-lunar​ @teenytinykevin​ @cordialgargoyle​ @d-e-e-r @euphoniousgoob​ @addsalts​ ✨🤎
+ so many more!! 
Thank you so much for being here y’all! 😭✨🤎 
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maxdes · 3 years
Me side-eyeing all those smut prompts like 👀 ohoho D, they’re all D.
But I’m a soft bitch so let’s actually get some fluff, how about “you’re hugging me too tight” for D.
Bro, you're like the only person to request a fluff prompt for D. Ever. I don't know how to feel about this 💀
You throw open the door of the shop before it even has a chance to do so for you. D lazy looks up at you from their place behind the counter, a variety of glass vials and elixirs in front of them. You beam at them as you make your way toward them, appearing before them in a blink of an eye. They raise an eyebrow at you and you take the opportunity to pull them into a hug. 
They stand there stiffly for a moment before slowly raising their arms to pat your back. “You’re hugging me too tight.”
“I’m just hugging you normally."
You pull away slightly, your arms still draped around their waist. “Admit it; you missed me.”
They tilt their head to the side, a playful smile on their face. They pull their bottom lip between their teeth, putting on the facade of thinking hard. “You know I’d never lie to you, MC.”
You grin at them, pulling them into a tight hug once more. “I missed you too, D.”
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maxdes · 3 years
“what would people say if they knew you were such a slut for me?” for E pls <3
Euric looms over your writhing body, his grin wicked, the hard planes of his body slicked with sweat. His thighs press in on either side of you and he leans in close, his lips ghosting over yours.
“What would people say if they knew you were such a slut for me?” His voice is a low and husky sound that comes from deep within his throat and rumbles throughout his chest. He avoids touching you, his hands planted firmly on either side of your head. You can’t help but whine desperately.
He looks at you expectantly, awaiting your response. You open your mouth to speak but the words die on your tongue. He tuts disapprovingly. “Come on, baby; you know better than to not answer when I ask a simple question.”
You attempt to swallow past the lump in your throat and pull your thoughts together into something coherent, mustering the courage to speak. You clear your throat. “They’d say you’re taking too long.”
You don’t give him the chance to reply. Instead you wrap your hand around the back of his neck and pull him down, your lips crashing together. Finally, he touches you, moves against you, and you savour every second. Because you know it won’t last. Not when Euric’s in charge.
All too quickly, he pulls away, seemingly unaffected while you lie beneath him breathless. His wicked grin is back and he chuckles softly.
"I hope you're ready to have some fun, MC."
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maxdes · 3 years
Fluff 3 for Euric? 👀
3 - "is that my shirt?"
You’re just pulling the kettle off the stove when Euric appears in the doorway to the kitchen blurry-eyed and yawning. “I’m just about to make coffee, do you want -”
You lose your train of thought as you look up at him. There he stands, tired and beautiful, wearing your shirt.
“What?” he grumbles, rubbing his eyes as he approaches you. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
You try to fight the smirk twitching at your lips but you fail miserably. You set the kettle down and turn your body to face him, your hip resting against the counter. “Is that my shirt?”
This seems to wake him up. He looks down at his chest with furrowed eyebrows as if the shirt somehow offended him. “Uh, no,” he states before looking back at you. “I don’t know. I have many suitors, it could be any one of theirs.”
“Euric, this my house.”
“I brought it with me?”
Your smile grows in amusement. “You like me.”
This seems to offend him even more than the shirt stretched across his broad chest. His eyebrows shoot upward and he shakes his head so vigorously, you fear he’ll give himself a headache. “Now, I didn’t say that, MC.”
“You’re wearing my clothes.”
“What were you saying about coffee?”
You push off the counter and come to stand before him, so close you have to tilt your head back to look at him. Your cheeks are starting to hurt from smiling too much. “Deny it all you want, Euric; you like me. And now I have proof.”
He stares down at you, silent and unamused. The tension builds between you but you refuse to break first. Finally, he huffs and breaks the silence. “You’re annoying. No wonder we’re sworn enemies.”
Before you can reply, he turns on his feet and leaves the kitchen. That’s as much of an admission as you’re going to get from him today. You grin at his retreating back. “So, no coffee then?”
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maxdes · 3 years
prompts list (150)
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• fluff
“you look better in my clothes than i do.”
“i believe you.”
“is that my shirt?”
“can i play with your hair?”
“you can tell me anything.”
“isn’t the view beautiful?”
“my mother adores you.”
“they’re not you.”
“if you cry, i’ll cry ─ and that won’t be fun for anyone.”
“did you just kiss me?”
“i’ve dreamt about this.”
“is that a drawing of me?”
“i didn’t mean to say that but yeah, i love you.”
“of course i will.”
“wow, you’re photogenic.”
“i thought you'd never ask.”
“quick, kiss me!”
“you cancelled plans for me?”
“i’ve never seen anyone look so cute and ridiculous at the same time.”
“that is not what the instructions say.”
“you remembered?”
“stop looking at me like that!”
“has anyone told you that your eyes sparkle in the moonlight?”
“how mad would you be if i kissed you?”
“you’re hugging me too tight!”
“my lipgloss is all over your lips.”
“that’s the first time i’ve ever seen you smile.”
“you’re lucky you’re hot.”
“i didn’t know you could sing.”
“you weren’t supposed to hear that!”
“shut up before i kiss you.”
“you give me butterflies.”
“i can’t think around you.”
“i just wanted to make you laugh.”
“kiss me better.”
“why’d you stop?”
“you wrote me a song?”
“i’m not scared but if you are, you can hold my hand.”
“you ramble and it’s adorable.”
“are you blushing?”
“did i say that out loud?”
“hey, only i can call them that!”
“have you ever thought about how much worse our lives would be without each other?”
“i meant it when i said for better or for worse.”
“that’s the sixth time you’ve complimented me today.”
“nothing else matters except for you.”
“we could run away.”
“the world could be on fire and i’d still be happy as long as i'm with you.”
“they’re such an idiot. my idiot but still.”
“this isn’t adrenaline, i want to spend my life with you.”
• smut
“do you think of me when you touch yourself?”
“stop before someone sees!”
“do that again.”
“ten? i only need five.”
“on your knees.”
“enjoying the view?”
“that was the prettiest sound i’ve ever heard.”
“i didn’t think you were into that.”
“i trust you. do it.”
“next time we get into an argument, i’m reminding you that i took your virginity.”
“against the window? are you insane?”
“i’m going to ruin that pretty makeup.”
“now everyone’s going to know you’re mine.”
“i could do this all day.”
“louder, i want them to hear you.”
“you can finish if you beg.”
“do you want to come on my fingers or mouth?”
“you won’t be able to walk tomorrow when i’m through with you.”
“how funny do you think teasing is now?”
“after that little stunt? you’re not getting off that easy.”
“lay down and stay still.”
“are you doing that on purpose?”
“i didn’t like the way they were looking at you.”
“have they ever touched you like this?”
“i never noticed how beautiful filthy words could be.”
“were you masturbating?”
“my boyfriend/girlfriend would kill us.”
“keep quiet or someone’ll hear.”
“not so cocky now, are you?”
“is that new?”
“who gave you that?”
“are you jealous?”
“show me you’re mine.”
“i’ve been waiting all day to do this.”
“does that hurt?”
“lipstick’s a good look on you.”
“we should skinny dip.”
“as beautiful as you look, all i want to do is rip that dress off right now.”
“were you checking me out?”
“this isn’t what i had in mind when i yelled fuck you.”
“call me that again.”
“did i do that?”
“i’ll try it for you.”
“i think we just found a new kink.”
“i always hated spankings as a child.”
“leave the heels on.”
“i’d rather have your hands around my throat but the necklace will do.”
“what would people say if they knew you were such a slut for me?”
“shut up and pin me down.”
“i thought your laugh was the prettiest sound in the world. i was wrong, it's your moans.”
• angst
“do you love them?”
“you’re not sorry.”
“how did you find out?”
“don’t lie to me.”
“am i not important to you anymore?”
“i didn’t realise i was such an inconvenience.”
“do you think about them when you look at me?”
“how many times am i supposed to forgive you?”
“don’t raise your fucking voice at me.”
“i trusted you.”
“are you ashamed of me?”
“it was open and i read it.”
“i can’t deal with you right now.”
“did you ever really love me?”
“i see the way you look at them.”
“if you can’t live without me, then die.”
“i don’t believe you.”
“all you had to do was stay.”
“i knew you were too good to be true.”
“i don't need help and i don’t need you either.”
“some things aren’t meant to be.”
“all my friends told me you’d break my heart.”
“we can’t afford to do this anymore.”
“you deserve better.”
“it’s not safe.”
“i wish i’d never met you.”
“i can’t look at you.”
“get out.”
“was it worth it?”
“how could you let them say that about me?”
“there’s just no pleasing you, is there?”
“why don’t you give a shit?”
“how many times are you going to look me in the eye and lie to me?”
“i can’t do this if you don't trust me.”
“find someone else then.”
“don’t touch me!”
“they were there. you weren’t.”
“i don’t want to spend another second with you!”
“is your image really more important than us?”
“you win.”
“this isn’t what i wanted to happen.”
“i’d take our relationship back in a heartbeat.”
“you two deserve each other.”
“can’t you listen for one second?”
“you’ll be happier without me.”
“if you loved me, you wouldn’t have done it.”
“don’t you try to explain yourself!”
“you can’t take back what you said.”
“i don’t see the same person i loved when i look at you anymore.”
“why didn’t you fight for us?”
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maxdes · 3 years
Thank you @thrill-seeker-if and @kalorphic, and the same to both of you. MWAH. Everyone that I would tag has already been tagged and I don’t wanna clog up anyone’s feed, but to all my followers, thank you for all your support, and to all the if authors I follow, ILY KEEP DOING GOD’S WORK. 
I’ve combined two tag games in one cause I love a lot of blogs on here.
💛🌼🌼💛 send this to the nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome 💖✨💖✨
Missy!! Thank you so so so much! Right back at you lovely! Thank you for thinking of me!
Tagging a few so you know how much you mean to me!
@wayward-blonde @xxindiglow @the-iceni-bitch @stargazingfangirl18 @chrissquares @afriendlyblackhottie @thatsthewrongwallcraig @a-moment-captured @luxeavenger @worksby-d
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maxdes · 3 years
By frozen condoms I meant literally frozen. He filled the with water and then put them in the freezer
Well, now that's just asking for a battery charge...
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