#but my brain is buffering
wizard-eater · 1 year
wizad spell of queueueueueueueues you
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iguessitsjustme · 2 months
The fact that Yuan was in Lili's room when Qian found the ultrasound meant that Lili asked for help from her brother to protect her boyfriend from...her brother.
And the fact that she knew that their best chance to convince Qian and make sure that he doesn't kill San Pang is to get Yuan involved. To tell Qian on their terms before he can find out for himself. Since it didn't go to well when Qian found out about their relationship and Yuan just sat there and did nothing (god bless him that's still my favorite scene). Qian was mad for a looooong time after finding out about their relationship.
Getting Yuan involved and also setting it up so Qian finds out while they're all in a relatively safe space but together while still telling him and not keeping things from him meant that Qian didn't stay angry for long. It also helped because as much as Yuan loves Qian romantically, he loves Lili as his sister. He is also protective of her but he's much more reasonable about it because he doesn't have the same family trauma that Qian has. Yuan can help smooth things over not just because Qian loves him and listens to him but because Yuan loves Lili and sees what makes her happy and wants the best for her.
This show is so good and I love the romance of it all but I just had to say something about how much I loved the siblingship between Yuan and Lili. Lili let Yuan into that home and in doing so gave herself something more than just a brother. She gave herself a friend that would help when she needed help and would love and support both her and Qian unconditionally.
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nuclearanomaly · 11 months
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Hashtag Nailed It
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electric-plants · 4 months
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listen we can be boring and just take this to mean “always been” as in post the archon quests OR we can make a bunch of headcanons instead such as:
1) they all meet up so much it feels like they’ve been doing it forever
2) these two were just fucking pretending they don’t know each other throughout the entire archon quest
3) alhaitham was being pedantic with “at the akademia” and despite being personal friends they fully separate their working selves and consider each other strangers in work matters
4) they’ve been meeting up as part of the friend group for forever but never actually talked to each other until this moment making it Extra Awkward™️
and literally so many more like the pathways this has opened up in my brain ughhh
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rainysofsunshineao3 · 29 days
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She's literally a loading screen.
Like, in summary, the entirety of Yasmina's character arc throughout the seasons is just her brain catching up with her heart.
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good-beansdraws · 4 months
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Just some 2am Fuutas
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teamcurtflake · 8 months
Ok now that I think I've finished all the iterations of this that I can make, I present to you all the devolution of my brain:
Nerdy Prudes Must Curt
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Curty Prudes Must Die
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Nerdy Curts Must Die
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Curty Curts Curt Curt
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*as a special bonus*
Curtsed Curts Must Die
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nonetoon · 1 year
I know this is kind of late, but I want to thank everyone for all the kind comments about the Clown Curse story it really does mean a lot 😭
I want you all to know they float around inside of my mind at all times like the bouncing dvd screen
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vroomian · 6 months
Ppl…… reread my fics…………….
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pileojunk · 11 months
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He’s so pretty and for why
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ahalliance · 4 months
romance language brain is reading a sentence and wondering why the hell your brain is suddenly tripping over french before realising it’s written in Portuguese
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nuclearanomaly · 4 months
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Post workout cuddle, y/n?
pose ref
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calciumcryptid · 5 months
I know I am the last person to throw stones about character names, but sometimes you'll be writing for a fandom and the character name will hit you full force like 'wow that is really your name huh'.
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liciatalks · 7 months
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John-117 is fourteen (14), three (3) weeks after the body augmentations.
I think about this scene a lot. It's sad and pisses you off all at the same time for a multitude of reasons.
This is the first time John is by his self. He's not with the other Spartans, he's not reporting to anyone. He's just going to the gym to do a little bit of exercising, experiencing his augmentations without comparing it to another Spartan.
He thinks everything moving slow, the weights are to light and runs experiments with the gravity because he thinks maybe the rooms calibration is off.
He literally does not know his own strength right now.
Then you have the ODST soldiers.
Probably the first military personnel outside of the Spartan program that John has interacted with. This is backed up by his hesitation to defend himself because not knowing their rank.
These ODST soldiers are assholes but none of them deserve what about to happen.
In walks the Sergeant, assuming he's the ODST sergeant.
John given the orders to step into the fighting ring, by someone he knows is higher ranked then him, he follows orders.
Given the context, he thinks this has to be some kind of mission.
(Of course he does he's 14 and a military kid)
John, not knowing his new strength, severely injuries the ODST soldiers and kills one (maybe two), might have been more deaths but Mendez stops it.
Either he walked in after John, or after the ODST and was just sitting back and observing.
Given John would have noticed Mendez, I'm thinking it's the latter.
Mendez has already called medics, and the Intel officers were informed about the ODST and their sergeant, all before the match was called.
Mendez was aware of what was about to happen.
Mendez wanted to see how his Spartan was with the new augmentations in a combat situation.
John and these soldiers were all used as an experiment.
And I think in a way, John knows.
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lionfloss · 1 year
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goldkirk · 1 month
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