max-nolastname ¡ 4 days
extremely maxeleanor
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youre standing face to face with i told you so 💆💆💆💆💆
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max-nolastname ¡ 13 days
hama escapes prison, and becomes the most feared pirate captain in the colonies. she operates out of a tropical island that was once a fire nation colony until a bunch of pirates overthrew the local government. piracy flourishes in the eastern seas, for a time, disrupting trade and naval movements. hama goes to war with the fire nation, a large part of her does it because she wants to inflict as much harm as possible to the entity that inflicted so much harm and violence towards her and her people. another part of her has dreams that someday she will live to see the fall of the fire empire, and that she would have played a part in its downfall. but as we know, at the end of her story, she is living in hiding in a fire settlement, she is the witch at the edge of town, the werewolf terrorizing citizens at every full moon… she is the monster that parents tell their children about at night, the reason why the townspeople don’t dare go into the forest at night because in the dark….well. there is her. but how is it that she is monster in this situation? how is it that the fire nation takes and eats and burns everything in its path, destroyed her home and took everything from her yet turn around and call her the monster? well she may be old and alone, unable to do much, and yes if she’s caught, it will be nothing but pain and death waiting for her. but she will see to it that the fire nation suffers as much as she has
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max-nolastname ¡ 13 days
Can I be controversial for one sec
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max-nolastname ¡ 24 days
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saviours of dragons
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max-nolastname ¡ 29 days
treating alcohol and other drugs as “poisons” that should never be touched is not helpful. the enshittification of how addicts are treated is partly due to this kind of mindset. it makes us look like a bunch of people who just decided to touch the poison, and now we can’t stop. it makes it look like a stupid life decision, instead of what is often a rational response to trauma
but also. ‘just avoid touching the substance ever’ does not work. if you can understand why abstinence sex ed is bad, you can understand why ‘never do drugs’ education is bad. evidence has shown time and time again that harm reduction education is more useful than sobriety-based education. we cannot keep pretending that all humans will always avoid substances forever. that myth has led to unnecessary deaths and addictions and heartbreak. we cannot keep going like this
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max-nolastname ¡ 1 month
this is how xmen should be btw just a bunch of unemployed queers ages twenty one to three hundred all having vaguely dated each other under the control of their mom-friend's ex husband who is a radical leftist faggot with a mile long rap sheet and a propensity for terrorism! there are no child soldiers in this bitch only infighting leftists with no life skills suitable to capitalism
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max-nolastname ¡ 1 month
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i'm his best friend his pal his homeboy his rotten soldier his sweet cheese his good time boy
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max-nolastname ¡ 1 month
I wish black sails was given more episodes in their seasons so we could have had filler episodes. All of the main cast characters had such incredible dynamics and we never got to explore most of them. Silver and Max scheming, angry ginger team up between Flint and Anne. Vane getting played by Miranda because he wanted to threaten Flint and his gay need for a house but that woman actually might be a witch. Silver as the quartermaster having to actually keep peace during disputes? Silver and Miranda getting along and making Flints head explode??
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max-nolastname ¡ 1 month
no walrus crew member can beat all of the following allegations
dental veneers
first degree murder
high treason
expired visa
osha violations
fake tan
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max-nolastname ¡ 1 month
i am a woman at war with herself, torn forever between my love of detective fiction and my hatred of cops and cop media
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max-nolastname ¡ 1 month
we should talk more about cities that are vampires. cities that are cold and wet and sink into your bones and stay there. cities that are hungry and want to live. dead cities that dont know they're dead and suck the life force of their people to maintain the delusion. cities with harbors that are actually mouths; one-way entries. cities that are devastatingly lonely and see consumption as love
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max-nolastname ¡ 1 month
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max-nolastname ¡ 2 months
I’m watching avatar the last airbender with a 10 year old and what a joy it is to watch them fall in love with it. It reminds me of what atla is really and truly about: laughing at sokka’s struggles and happily yelling, “Appa!!” whenever he appears on screen
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max-nolastname ¡ 2 months
black sails is like that viral video about a cat refusing to go to the vet. the cat is tricked into a cat carrier because it follows a trail of treats right into it. The cat’s owners believe it’s for the cat’s own good that they go to the vet, so the cat can either go into the carrier of it’s own accord (thus giving the cat the illusion that it did so of it’s own volition) or the cat can be forced to do so. after the vet visit the cat springs free of it’s tiny prison but does that cat know that it’s still trapped in a house? Ah but what does the cat care about being trapped in a house, for inside the house there is warmth and food and comfort. does the cat know how much it’s been mutilated, how much of it’s nature has been cut away and defined by its human owners? does the cat know the cost they’ve paid to be inside this house?
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max-nolastname ¡ 2 months
[AS A DAGGER IS HELD TO MY THROAT] are we about to kiss rn. Lol
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max-nolastname ¡ 2 months
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Toby Stephens as James Flint BLACK SAILS | 1.02
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max-nolastname ¡ 2 months
if there's one thing I'm gna do in every piece of media I consume is find the polytriad. bonus points if they're haunted by a lost loved one
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