megbanned · 4 hours
She has her pen now! XD
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megbanned · 5 hours
The inspiration to draw struck me at 4 am so I took the notebook and drew this before sleep lol Changing Evil!Cyn lore agaaaainnnn
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Cyn arrives at the gala after asking Tessa and J not to leave the room, something was about to happen according to her "program" and she didn't want to hurt them.
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Cyn reveals herself, is there something about her that has made her more different than the other drones, not being afraid of humans? maybe...
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The solver had not worked well on her, however she still has difficulty doing certain things but tries to hide them.
We know that in this AU the humans created the AS, but as a weapon to attack each other, and that is something Cyn wanted to avoid, seeing the humans she once cared for fight senselessly.
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The Elliotts brought Cyn to the mansion knowing that she had a virus to kill them in that place, it was planned, they did not know that she would become conscious enough to try to change that.
But in the end she couldn't...
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megbanned · 2 days
I wanted to doodle some of my other characters before sleep ✨
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Yup, I also draw for other fandoms, welp, closed species x'D
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megbanned · 2 days
would V be like sans in the evilAU, just a lazy girl in a big fluffy coat
Evil!V is not lazy xD but likes having fluffy coats!
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megbanned · 2 days
Estuve pensando en que Doll en tu au simplemente perdonaría a V por lo de sus padres sabiendo que ella está bastante arrepentida de lo que hizo, como que estarían en buenos términos pero a V igual le daría algo de pena hablar con Doll ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Bueno, Evil V se arrepiente pero de lo que le hizo a N en el pasado al ver en lo que se ha convertido hoy o:, muy probablemente porque esa era la forma que V tenia de convivir con N 🤔
Y sobre lo de Evil Doll y V hmm estaria interesante si intentaran llevar una conversacion sabiendo que esta Doll es un poco mas extrovertida 🤔
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megbanned · 2 days
Hmm… What do you think would happen if Anneliese met N? ^^ (She’s a German model of worker drone, though she has a similar personality to Uzi with only 3/4 the angst)
( https://toyhou.se/26938052.anneliese-durchdenwald )
N would probably be nervous and delighted to meet a new drone with a similar personality of Uzi 👀
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megbanned · 2 days
(about the ask about giga Uzi) it's Uzi but the same height as the rest of her classmates /j
Or her classmates being small /j
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megbanned · 2 days
Mini Uzi at the beach!
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I already had the drawings done, all I had to do was take the photos x'D
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megbanned · 3 days
Rewriting Evil!Cyn's lore for the fourth time aahhhh
Welp, I'm rewriting a lot of things to make some sense of it-
And I'm also I don't know what I'm writing for this AU, but I want to see how capable I am of telling it.
So I thank everyone who has contributed ideas for this AU as they have helped me a lot!!! ;O;
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-random cat image cuz looks funny XD-
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megbanned · 3 days
Chillin at the beach
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I needed to relax for a bit heheh
MB moment
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megbanned · 3 days
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Algunos dibujos del evil!au de @megbanned porque diseño que veo y me gusta,diseño que tengo que dibujar 👍
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megbanned · 3 days
Since Mini Uzi exists, what about a GIGA Uzi?
I don't do that
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megbanned · 3 days
Mini Uzi sketches heheh
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megbanned · 3 days
Today I'm going to the beach :'D
Finally I can rest all the weekeeeeeend x'D
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Btw, take a flower!
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megbanned · 3 days
Hi, what program did you use to draw? Btw, love your MD fanart💕
I use Paint Tool Sai 1, an old version from 2017
And Clip studio paint just for extra effects xD
Thank you!!>w<!
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megbanned · 4 days
I dont know, i prefer evil!solver as the kindess thing in the world, since it basically the contrary of the canon one, it would be so funny XD
I'm still thinking about it since there are some things that should go from canon
That's why Evil!Solver was created by humans xD But it didn't turn out as expected.
But still I keep thinking if I will change that lore
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megbanned · 4 days
Ok but the big question: how is Evil CYN?
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HEHEHEHEHEHEH Maybe some things or the whole lore concept will be changed, idk
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