marygracetanjusay · 1 year
The neverending mark of Writing for New Media
Mary Grace C. Tanjusay                                                                                Writing for New Media
BMMA, MA403                                                                                        Mr. Randy James Ado-an
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According to Albert Einstein, the only source of knowledge is experience. To study the course Writing for New Media is a privilege and to gain and use the knowledge of it is such a wisdom. Throughout my Writing for New Media course, I can confidently state that I have gained a better understanding of what is going on in New Media and the various factors that influence it. It was a lifelong process that shaped my understanding of the media, expanded my knowledge, and fostered my personal growth. The various lessons from this course have been an eye-opener about real-life situations to students like me.
Writing for New Media has broadened my perspective, developed my critical thinking skills, and fueled my curiosity about the things that affect the subject. Because of this course, I have come to the realization that New Media is not just a trend and it is not something to be played with because if we do, there can be some serious consequences that we could face unknowingly. Aside from these, I have five specific experiences in the course that has made an impact on my perspective of the new media platforms and their dynamics. These are the lessons that we are taught every week, the vlog that we have accomplished on midterms, the blogs and essays that we do every week, and the podcast that we have completed for the pre-finals.
The first specific experience in this subject that has made an impact on me as a student is the lessons that we are taught by our professor that has made us foster our way of thinking and helped us dig deeper knowledge for the happenings and many situations that affects the New Media such as the various challenges and opportunities that it provides for the world, the threats that the developing New Media could bring, and the irony of the Information age that involves Fake News, and many more.
Coming up next is the vlog that we were tasked to accomplish last midterms. This task experience has made me realize that being a vlogger means having to share interesting facts for the world to see and gain knowledge. Being a vlogger does not limit to sharing just entertaining videos, it is also about having to share informational things with people who share the same interests as you do.
It was such a memorable experience for me and for my classmates because we were assigned to a group for this project. We were able to share our insights, do research on our chosen topic, and share our knowledge with one another. Upon conducting our vlog, we have learned that as aspiring vloggers, we should be mindful of what we let the world see especially nowadays when fake news is prevalent and people are very easy to trick. We should not be one of those internet personalities who do not do fact-checking before making a vlog.
It should always be kept in mind that there are children and people who are easily influenced by the new media. Let us help them become more critical thinkers and let us share more factual knowledge instead of providing nonsense videos that are full of bluffs.
Moving on, the third and fourth specific experiences are the necessary blogs and essays that we are required to do every week. These blogs and essays have become essential to us students and it is one of the things that has shaped our critical thinking. To my way of thinking, this has played an important role in our course because it helps us to be ready for any important matter to discuss that requires sharing the insight oneself. These things have expanded our vocabulary and sparked our intellect.
The last specific experience that has made an impact on me is the podcast that we have accomplished for the pre-finals. This podcast has made us realize a lot and aside from this, we have also gained experience from it which is really helpful for us to be prepared for the future if ever we decide to become one. Becoming a podcaster means being able to share true-to-life experiences, learnings, and wisdom. Our podcast show's name is Digital Impact, and to start our podcast, we have first gathered information on how New Media impacts society as a whole.
We have learned a lot as a group that being a podcaster is something serious and requires dedication. A script is needed, and it needs to be factual but at the same time it should sound entertaining, or else the listeners could be bored and decide to switch and listen to another available podcast. Our group talked about how we could catch the attention and interest of potential listeners, and that is how we came up with our podcast, Digital Impact.
As stated by Sasha Azevado, an actress from San Diego, California, we can teach from experience, but we cannot teach experience. To be able to contribute to New Media, we should all gather experience and knowledge first. There are many things to learn about and I believe that my learning experiences have been the bridge of the diverse encounters, each contributing to my personal growth and development. By completing the course Writing for New Media, I am sure to say that I will be continuing to write my wisdom for society. Each day is a new day to think and apply new innovative ways of new media writing; The world needs us aspiring new media writers to spread the truth.
All of the editing, studying, and researching, for the tasks that we have done are all very educational and fun for me, which is why as a multimedia art student, I will continue to contribute to new media writing by sharing blogs, vlogs, and hopefully even podcasts because it has really hooked my interest and I think it's fun to share my knowledge while providing entertainment. In addition, editing audio and videos is one of my passions and it will be beneficial for me as a future blogger, vlogger, or podcaster. The journey of learning is continuous, and I eagerly anticipate future opportunities that will help me to broaden my skills in the future. I do not want my knowledge of this course to go to waste, and I will not let it happen. It is a privilege to know the contents of this subject and as I continue to embrace new experiences, I will share my acquired wisdom about it.
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marygracetanjusay · 1 year
Utopianism or Dystopianism? The Irony of the "Information Age” in The New Media.
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As we humans advance our way of living, the advancements in technology have also been advancing alongside us. The growth and improvement of technology have reshaped the way we consume information and interact with the world. There is no deniable fact that the rise of new media that is fueled by technological progress has presented both challenges and opportunities. Personally, challenges, hence the name, are a very difficult circumstance that could happen as the advancement of new media arises. Opportunities could be presented, but the challenges could as well worsen.
To further understand how the rise of new media could worsen the challenges, let us understand that opportunities are also relevant to individuals, businesses, and society as a whole. Opportunities could take numerous forms, including increased credibility, shifting internet trends, worldwide connectedness, education, and learning, and so on.
As new media grows in recognition, credibility may improve. It is now much easier than ever to provide reliable sources such as links, downloads, multimedia, and images. Websites can look more professional and decent, and designers may ensure that providing the information is adequately differentiated from marketing. Furthermore, altering internet trends play a role in the potential given by new media. People constantly change and evolve their way of communicating and interacting with other people, that's why the media also find various ways to change the internet patterns for the people to use and bring more opportunities for the people and for more platforms to emerge as well. Aside from these, worldwide connectivity, education, and learning are all improving and expanding. People can now share their observations, ideas, and expertise with one another at any time and from any location thanks to the use and assistance of new media.
On the other hand, no matter how much we believe new media is beneficial and beneficial to individuals, businesses, and society as a whole, we must not forget the reality that there is a facade behind these presented chances. Not everything that appears to be too wonderful to be true is.
Hegemony, fake news, censorship, privacy, and security issues are some of the common challenges that the globe is facing as new media advances. People have a lot of sway over one another. There is always something persuasive about everyone, especially whether a person or organization is wealthy, influential, involved in politics, or a celebrity. Moving on, bogus news is also prevalent in the new media. It is common in our modern society, when anyone may post whatever they want and think to be real on social media without conducting any fact-checking.  Students and workers who are compelled to use technology for study are among the most vulnerable to fake news, as are those who believe anything. Moving on, censorship is one of the new media obstacles because it encompasses hate speech, cyberbullying, security, and many other issues, which leads to the last challenge mentioned, privacy and security concerns.
The continuous growth and improvements of the new media is inevitable but as an individual, we can do something if we do not want to be a victim of the many challenges that it might bring to us. We must learn how to do fact-checking and not base it on hegemony itself especially because there is a huge facade between reality and the new media. To fully harness the potential of new media, it is crucial to navigate the challenges thoughtfully, adopting policies and practices that ensure inclusivity, privacy, and responsible use of technology. By doing so, we can maximize the opportunities and create a future where technology and new media contribute positively to our personal lives.
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marygracetanjusay · 1 year
Mary Grace C. Tanjusay                                                                                June 5, 2023
BMMA, MA403                                                                                            Writing for New Media
I. On the Habana vs. Robles case, how does copyright infringement affect the complaint?
In today's digital age, copyright infringement is a prevalent issue due to the ease with which creative works can be copied and distributed. The conventional case study of what happened in the Habana vs. Robles case serves as a wake-up call to the country that any type of copyright infringement, such as plagiarism, stealing, and copying of any intellectual property, has severe consequences.
The Habana vs Robles case involves two parties, Habana (petitioner) and Robles (respondent). The petitioner claimed that the respondent copied their original work College English for Today (CET for brevity) without any permission, thereby infringing on their copyright. In simple terms, this case revolves around determining whether Robles violated Habana's exclusive rights as a copyright holder.
To fully comprehend the case, it is necessary to first understand the definition of copyright infringement. Unauthorized use or distribution is referred to as copyright infringement. as well as the reproduction of a copyrighted work. It happens when someone violates the copyright holder's exclusive rights, such as the right to reproduce, distribute, display, or create derivative works based on the original content.
Since this case talks about copyright infringement, having someone copy your works means that ultimately, there will be an impact left to you. The petitioner suffered economic loss, legal protection, and reputation and recognition as a result of this case.
Copyright infringement can result in financial losses for the copyright holder due to unauthorized copies of their work and decrease demand for the original creation, as the petitioner has experienced. Moving on, the petitioner seeks legal redress and protection for their copyrighted work by filing a complaint against the respondent. Finally, infringement can damage an artist's reputation and diminish their recognition by associating their work with unauthorized copies or inferior imitations.
Fortunately, this case is being handled legally, the respondent will face legal consequences for his illegal actions, such as monetary damages and criminal charges. If the respondent is found guilty, he must reimburse the petitioner monetary damages. The amount of damages may vary depending on factors such as the extent of the infringement, the infringer's profits, or the copyright holder's losses. Furthermore, serious cases of copyright infringement can result in criminal charges, which can result in fines or, in the worst-case scenario, imprisonment.
In conclusion, the Habana vs Robles case clearly demonstrates the consequences of copyright infringement on both the copyright holder and the believed infringer. As long as copyright infringement is a problem, it is critical to understand the economic, legal, and broader societal consequences. Effective copyright enforcement, combined with public awareness and education, can help to protect intellectual property rights, and preserve creative industries in the digital age. In this fast-paced media advancement, technology and copyright infringement have become much more prevalent, and we must take this into account, which is why it is critical for us, especially students, to understand these situations in order to avoid future consequences
II. On the Newsweek, Inc. vs. IAC case, how do we know that information is libelous or not?
In the realm of journalism, maintaining accuracy and credibility is crucial. However, the line between free speech and defamation can sometimes become blurred, which leads to legal disputes. One such case is Newsweek, Inc. vs. IAC, where the issue at hand was determining whether the information presented was libelous.
According to the complaint, the petitioner committed a calumniation against them by publishing the composition" An Island of Fear" in their magazine. The forenamed report depicted an island in Negros Occidental integrated with large land possessors and an association of sugarcane growers who exploited sugarcane laborers by paying them lower than the minimal pay envelope and allegedly severely killing them. The private repliers have sued NewsweekInc. and two of their non-resident reporters’ journalists, Fred Bruning and Barry Came, on their own behalf. They say that the published piece demonstrates a purposeful use of falsity, prejudiced presenting, and abuse of data, casting them in an inimical light.
Before digging into deeper arguments, libel refers to a false and damaging statement about a person or entity that is published in written or printed form, causing harm to their reputation. To prove libel, certain elements must be established. These include the publication of false information, the identification of the petitioner, communication with a third party, and the presence of harm or damage to the petitioner’s reputation.
One of the crucial aspects in libel cases is establishing the falsity of the information presented. In this case, the burden of proof lies with the plaintiff, who must demonstrate that the statements made in the article were untrue. Typically, this requires evidence or testimony contradicting the claims made in the publication. Aside from this, fact-checking is also essential that plays a vital role in determining the veracity of information. Professional journalists are expected to adhere to ethical standards, which involve conducting thorough research, verifying sources, and corroborating facts. Failure to uphold these standards may result in the dissemination of false information, potentially leading to libel claims.
Additionally, intent is another foremost factor in libel cases. It must be proven that the publisher acted with "actual malice," meaning they knew the information was false or acted with reckless disregard for its truthfulness. Demonstrating intent can be challenging, as it often relies on presenting evidence of the publisher's state of mind or motivations.
Determining whether information is libelous or not is a complex process that involves analyzing various factors, including the veracity of the statements, the presence of harm to the petitioner's reputation, and the publisher's intent. In the Newsweek, Inc. vs. IAC case, the court would need to evaluate the evidence presented by both parties to determine whether the article published by IAC constituted libel. Through the examination of legal standards and precedents, libel cases aim to strike a balance between protecting reputation and upholding freedom of speech in the realm of journalism.
In conclusion, information is considered libelous when proof is not presented properly and if the stated factors are mentioned such as the intent of the publisher. In today's digital age, misinformation is rampant, spreading across various platforms. As responsible consumers of information, it is our duty to delve deeper and approach the information we encounter with wisdom and discernment. The widespread dissemination of content through the internet and social media has become increasingly challenging to differentiate between accurate and false information. Therefore, it is essential for us to cultivate critical thinking skills and adopt a questioning mindset when we encounter any form of information
III. How important is the protection of privacy for every individual?
The protection of privacy for every individual is a fundamental human right, and its protection becomes even more significant in the context of journalism. Journalists play a crucial role in holding power to account, uncovering truths, and informing the public. However, ensuring the privacy of individuals involved in news stories is of utmost importance. Moreover, this does not just talk about the importance of privacy to those who have a higher position in work that involves journalists writing about themselves. Everyone deserves to have the right to protection of privacy especially now that technology advances and our lives become increasingly interconnected, protection should also become more critical for individuals' rights.
The legitimate purpose should be served by the media as it is their responsibility whenever handling a piece of information. It is foremost not to do quick actions without using common sense. The principles of transparency and proportionality should be taken into consideration as well. If these principles are not followed, there will be no fair justice for the lives of the people who are the main subject of the press or media. Additionally, it is stated by Patdu that collecting information for public concern and for the purpose of journalism means that you won't need such consent from the subjects because it is said to be a part of the freedom press. However, if the information gathered was used for marketing, then the data subjects should be at least informed on how they present their personal data to the media.
Privacy plays a pivotal role in preserving democratic values and principles. It ensures that individuals can freely exercise their rights to freedom of speech, association, and political participation without fear of reprisal or surveillance, and respecting privacy is an ethical responsibility for journalists. Adhering to professional standards and ethical guidelines ensures that journalists treat individuals with fairness, respect, and integrity. Privacy protection is a fundamental aspect of responsible journalism, enhancing the profession's credibility and maintaining public trust.
In conclusion, it is very crucial to keep in mind the possible aspects that could affect the data subjects no matter their social status. The protection of privacy is paramount for every individual. Privacy protection enables individuals to navigate the digital age with confidence, preserving their rights, and fostering trust in institutions and systems. By recognizing the importance of privacy and implementing robust privacy safeguards, society can uphold the dignity and fundamental rights of every individual in a rapidly evolving world.
IV. In all cases, how important are ethical principles in examining the content published on new media?
With the rapid growth of new media platforms, the dissemination and consumption of information have undergone significant transformations. In this era of instant communication and widespread accessibility, the importance of ethical principles in examining the content published in new media should not be overlooked.
Ethical principles in new media emphasize the importance of respecting privacy and obtaining informed consent. Content creators should be cautious not to infringe upon individuals' privacy rights when sharing personal information or images. They must seek explicit permission before using someone's private information or capturing their image. Respecting privacy and consent builds trust and safeguards individuals' rights, ensuring ethical behavior in content creation and consumption.
In addition, being able to examine the ethical principles and taking responsibility for them avoids the possibility of harm and sensationalism. No one would want to be sensational in a bad way and be a laughingstock of the public eye. Content creators and journalists should be well aware of taking the consideration their responsibility for reporting sensitive topics such as violence, tragedy, or mental health issues, with sensitivity and empathy. could have a potential impact on individuals who consume their content in this fast-phased technology of the world.
All in all, examining the content published on new media platforms guides the content creators, users, and society as a whole to prioritize truth, accuracy, privacy, diversity, and responsible reporting. By upholding ethical principles, new media can fulfill its potential as a force for positive change, empowering individuals, fostering informed public discourse, and promoting a more accountable look for the new media.
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marygracetanjusay · 1 year
May 11, 2023
Maligaya, Carl Jeandre
Mirafuentes, Sheena Rose
Tanjusay, Mary Grace
Tulang, Ma. Judielle
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Mary Grace: Welcome to "Digital Impact," the podcast where we explore how audience feedback on online content has been shaping the Philippines. I'm your host, Mary Grace, and joining me today are Sheena, Carl, and Judielle. In this episode, we'll discuss how the opinions and responses of online audiences have been influencing our country.
Sheena: Hello, everyone! I'm Sheena, and I'm thrilled to be a part of this podcast episode. As a content creator and avid social media user, I've witnessed firsthand how audience feedback has become a driving force for change in our digital world. It's remarkable to see how the power of the audience's voice has reshaped various aspects of our society, from arts and entertainment to politics and governance.
Carl: Hi, everyone! I'm Carl, and I'm excited to delve into this topic with all of you. My background in social activism has shown me the transformative power of online platforms. The ability to raise awareness, mobilize communities, and advocate for positive change has become more accessible than ever. I'm particularly interested in how audience feedback has contributed to shaping social issues and promoting inclusivity in the Philippines.
Judielle: Greetings, everyone! I'm Judielle, and I'm honored to be part of this conversation. With a keen interest in media and communication, I've observed how audience feedback has influenced the way news is reported and consumed. It's fascinating to see how digital platforms have empowered individuals to hold institutions accountable and demand greater transparency. I'm also interested in exploring the impact of audience feedback on education and the business landscape.
Mary Grace: Thank you, Sheena, Carl, and Judielle, for introducing yourselves. As for why we chose this topic for today's episode, it stems from our collective realization that audience feedback has become a powerful driving force in shaping the cultural, social, and economic fabric of the Philippines. The digital revolution has given rise to new opportunities for engagement, expression, and participation. We believe it's crucial to explore and understand how the opinions, voices, and feedback of the audience have become catalysts for positive change.
Sheena: Absolutely, Mary Grace. In an era where everyone has the ability to share their thoughts and opinions instantly, it's important to recognize the impact and influence that audience feedback holds. By discussing this topic, we hope to shed light on the ways in which audience feedback has transformed various sectors and empowered Filipinos to actively participate in shaping their society.
Carl: Precisely, Sheena. By examining the role of audience feedback in areas such as arts and entertainment, politics, governance, education, and business, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of its significance. We want to highlight the potential for change and improvement that lies within the collective voices of the audience.
Judielle: Additionally, we want to emphasize the responsibility that comes with providing feedback. Constructive and respectful feedback can foster meaningful conversations, drive positive transformations, and help create an inclusive and participatory society. It's important to acknowledge the impact that audience feedback can have and how it can be used as a tool for progress.
Mary Grace: Absolutely, Judielle. Our goal is to encourage our listeners to actively engage with online content and participate in shaping their narratives. By sharing their thoughts, ideas, and feedback, they become essential contributors to the betterment of our society. We believe that the democratizing power of the digital age is strengthened when individuals take an active role in influencing and improving the world around them.
Sheena: And that's why we're excited to explore the ways in which audience feedback has impacted the Philippines. From the rise of local independent films to the influence on news reporting, governance, education, and even the marketing industry, we have a wealth of fascinating examples.
Sheena: It's fascinating to see how audience feedback has been a driving force for change in our digital world. One great example is the growing popularity of local independent films. In the past, these films struggled to find an audience because they had limited ways of reaching people. But now, through social media and online platforms, audiences have a direct say in what they want to watch. Their feedback and support have created a   demand for more diverse and thought-provoking local films.
Carl: Absolutely! Social media has transformed how we address social issues and work towards positive change. Filipinos have been using online platforms to raise awareness about various causes, such as protecting the environment and advocating for human rights. By using hashtags, launching viral campaigns, and signing digital petitions, audience feedback and engagement have played a crucial role in pressuring institutions and the government to take action. feedback has been instrumental in pushing for more inclusive and representative content. TV shows and movies now feature characters and storylines that reflect the diverse cultural tapestry of the Philippines. This change has resonated with viewers and has also challenged traditional stereotypes. By amplifying the voices of underrepresented groups, audience feedback has helped create a more inclusive and fair media landscape.
Mary grace: Absolutely, and the influence of feedback extends to news and journalism as well.   With the rise of citizen journalism and social media, audiences now have a direct platform to express their concerns about biased reporting and demand greater transparency. This feedback has compelled news organizations to review their practices, resulting in more balanced and accountable reporting. Through fact-checking initiatives and active engagement with online communities, journalists are actively responding to audience feedback and working to regain trust in the media.
Sheena: It's truly remarkable how the power of feedback has transformed various aspects of our society. By actively engaging with online content and providing feedback, audiences have become active participants, shaping the cultural and societal landscape of the Philippines. From influencing policy decisions to driving social change, audience feedback has proven to be a powerful tool in democratizing our society's functioning.
Carl: And the impact goes beyond content creation. Businesses now depend on audience feedback to enhance their products and services. Whether it's through reviews, ratings, or interactions on social media, customer feedback has become a valuable resource for companies to meet the evolving needs and preferences of Filipino consumers. This continuous feedback loop fosters a customer-centric approach, ensuring that businesses adapt and innovate based on audience demands.
Judielle: Overall, audience feedback has given a stronger voice to Filipinos, empowering them to shape their own narratives. It's a testament to the democratizing power of the digital age, where every individual has the ability to contribute to positive change. However, it's important to remember the impact and responsibility that come with providing feedback. Constructive and respectful feedback can lead to meaningful conversations and improvements, while hurtful or uninformed feedback can hinder progress.
Sheena: One aspect we haven't touched upon yet is the impact of audience feedback on the education sector. With the rise of e-learning and online platforms, students and teachers can now engage in virtual classrooms and share their thoughts on educational content. This feedback helps shape the development of more effective and engaging digital learning materials, ultimately improving the educational experience for learners across the country.
Carl: Absolutely, Sheena. Additionally, audience feedback has influenced the political landscape in the Philippines. Social media has become a platform for citizens to voice their opinions, criticize government policies, and engage in political discussions. This online discourse has contributed to the shaping of public opinion, putting pressure on policymakers and elected officials to listen and respond to the concerns and demands of the people they serve.
Judielle: That's a great point, Carl. Audience feedback has also played a role in promoting transparency and accountability in governance. Through online platforms, citizens can report incidents of corruption, share their experiences with public services, and hold government officials accountable. This feedback acts as a check and balance, fostering a culture of transparency and encouraging improvements in governance practices.
Mary Grace: Furthermore, audience feedback has influenced the advertising and marketing industry in the Philippines. Brands and advertisers now closely monitor and analyze online feedback to gauge consumer sentiment, understand preferences, and tailor their campaigns accordingly. This data-driven approach helps businesses create more targeted and impactful marketing strategies that resonate with their target audience.
Sheena: It's incredible to see how audience feedback has transformed various sectors in the Philippines, from arts and entertainment to education, politics, governance, and business. The digital age has given individuals a powerful voice, allowing them to participate actively in shaping their society.
Carl: Absolutely, Sheena. This emphasis on audience feedback highlights the importance of creating spaces for dialogue, encouraging inclusivity, and valuing diverse perspectives. By listening to the feedback of our fellow Filipinos, we foster a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement, ensuring that our society evolves in a positive direction.
Judielle: Well said, Carl. As we move forward, it's crucial for content creators, institutions, and decision-makers to recognize the value of audience feedback. By actively seeking and incorporating feedback, we can create content, policies, and services that truly reflect the needs and aspirations of the Filipino people.
Sheena: And that wraps up another enlightening episode of "Digital Impact." We appreciate your support and engagement throughout this journey. Remember, your feedback matters, so feel free to share your thoughts with us on our social media channels. Until next time, stay curious and keep making an impact! Goodbye and take care!
Mary Grace: That concludes our discussion on how audience feedback on online content has been shaping the Philippines. We hope this episode has shed light on the power and significance of audience engagement. Remember, your feedback has the potential to drive positive change and contribute to the betterment of our society. Thank you for joining us on "Digital Impact." Stay connected, stay engaged, and keep making an impact!
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marygracetanjusay · 1 year
The significance of the changes in society because of feedback in our lives today
Mary Grace C. Tanjusay                                                                       Writing for New Media
BMMA, MA403                                                                                             May 8, 2023
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In the words of George Raveling, "The best feedback is what we don't want to hear.". Feedback is a sort of communication that we must tolerate regardless of whether it has a positive or bad impact on us because it is something from which we may learn a lot. Feedback is vital in communication since it is the response, reaction, or information provided to the sender by the recipient of a message. Furthermore, in this fast-paced world of technology, the content on social media changes rapidly and unpredictably. People will notice a new trend at one point, then another trending material will emerge after a few days or weeks. At this point, no trend in content is permanent. It may leave a core memory in our minds, but it will always be replaced with a new one.
One example is the previous trending meme "Hindi pa 'yan patay...", which features people in the picture and one of them is modified to be in the black and white filter. This meme appeared to be popular only a short time ago, but it has already been surpassed by a slew of "Mommy Oni" (Toni Fowler) memes. The "Hindi pa 'yan pray..." meme has gone viral because many people have enjoyed it. Feedback was shared from one to another saying that it has entertained them and such, but as much as they have enjoyed it, it was still overthrown by new Mommy Oni memes, and just like the first mentioned meme, This Mommy Oni meme has sparked feedbacks especially because a well-known figure is connected with this meme, and a reward of an iPhone 14 is waiting for the lucky people who are going to be noticed by Toni Fowler.
We can see from these examples that feedback is important, especially for us because it is highly influential. Moving on from memes, the changes in society as a result of feedback are sufficiently significant for them to open up new viewpoints and ways of thinking. As previously stated, we are significantly influenced by the feedback we receive from our content because once we learn how to accept criticism, we grow our learning capacity to develop ourselves, our relationships with others, and our content.
An example of the importance of feedback as an artist is when we share our art content and some of our fellow artists give us art responses and advice on how we can enhance our art. This is something that most artists experience. Most of us communicate and spread ideas with our friends without taking them personally or offensively. We are delighted that they are prepared to share with us what could make our art even more impressive than it already is. This, in my opinion, demonstrates the importance of feedback. The receiver provides feedback to the sender, and the sender implements the receiver's feedback.
It strengthens the relationship because feedback shows that they care about us and the content that we provide. Furthermore, as suggestions are hurled at us, we develop ourselves because the perspectives of others are blended with what we believe to be correct. People who visit our content are now much more engaged with what we post as a result of this combination since they will feel valued and appreciated because you have taken the time to tolerate their feedback.
To have a better understanding of feedback and its significance and impact, consider how it affects our creativity, personal growth, motivation, satisfaction, and clarity. Our creativity could use some fuel; our content may appear nice to us, but it could be better for others. Personal development is critical, and it is one of the most significant effects of feedback. Feedback and opinions lead to personal development, both professionally and in everyday life. Responses/feedback can also help us cultivate motivation. Knowing that the people who have offered their views and ideas on our content have been incredibly useful in providing what they believe would make our ideas even better motivates us to perform better for more engagements.
Another aspect that is influenced by feedback is satisfaction. Being given thoughts and opinions demonstrates that we are doing well with our material, and others want to see us succeed as content providers. Finally, there is the issue of clarity. Clarity is best demonstrated through constructive and positive criticism. Although it can also be demonstrated through negative feedback, we must always remember not to take it too seriously because the recipient only wishes to broaden our horizons in terms of the different regions of the information that we share. It gives us an idea of what to do and how to eliminate any uncertainty that may be affecting our creativity and productivity.
Summing up, feedback provides us with new opportunities to think beyond the box, educates us not to be narrow-minded, and teaches us to accept criticism but never take it personally. Trying new things is essential. Feedback and opinions inspire us to go on new and exciting endeavors that not only improve the information we provide on social media, but also better ourselves and the way we think. It is extremely important and should not be taken for granted, as many people strive for it yet not all obtain it. Finally, feedback tells us what abilities to improve and acts as a direction for the topics about which we want to create material because as stated by Bill Gates, "We all need people who will give us feedback. That's how we improve."
Link of “Hindi pa ‘yan patay…” meme: https://rb.gy/f0ba8
Link of Mommy Oni memes: https://rb.gy/sd4c6 https://rb.gy/nd6kr
DeFranzo, W. by S. E. (2023, April 5). 5 reasons why feedback is important. Snap Surveys Blog. Retrieved May 8, 2023, from https://www.snapsurveys.com/blog/5-reasons-feedback-important/#:~:text=The%20term%20'feedback'%20is%20used,and%20future%20actions%20and%20behaviors.
Stanciu, T. (2023, March 28). Why is feedback important in the communication process. Why Is Feedback Important in the Communication Process. Retrieved May 8, 2023, from https://mirro.io/blog/feedback/why-is-feedback-important-in-the-communication-process#:~:text=Feedback%20in%20communication%20is%20the,areas%20they%20need%20to%20improve.
 Therrien, M. L. (n.d.). How feedback can change your life (both at work and home). Retrieved May 8, 2023, from https://www.hyperisland.com/blog/how-feedback-can-change-your-life
Home. Virtual College. (n.d.). Retrieved May 8, 2023, from https://www.virtual-college.co.uk/resources/how-does-feedback-improve-performance#:~:text=Receiving%20feedback%20gives%20people%20clear,and%20in%20their%20wider%20life.
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marygracetanjusay · 1 year
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                             
Contact: Mr. See Pue
NOVEMBER 19, 2019                                                                   
80 Elisco Road, BO. Kalawaan Sur Pasig City
(632) 641 - 56 - 88
Kalawaan Sur Pasig City, Philippines: Regent Food Corporation (RFC), the food manufacturer, is moving out of Pasig City after the arrest of the 23 strikers after their dispersal at the food plant. This concerns the detention of 23 workers on November 09, 2019, from a branch in Pasig City. As far as we are concerned, as their employers, this matter has been handled with attention and proper care of the law.
The conducted strike by our workers is illegal for the reason that it was backed by a group called the Unyon ng Manggagawa sa Regent Food Corporation-Kilusang Mayo Uno (UMRFC-KMU). Our factory branch in Pasic City was shut down by the UMRFC-KMU and was hindering accessibility to other workforce members and the company's administration. From any perspective, this group had no right to speak for other employees and engage in negotiations with management.
As a result of this incident, we have directed the Regent Food Corporation Branch in Pasig City – Considering closing down and stop manufacturing in the said location until our Company’s name is cleared of all unfounded accusations and until a contract with Mayor Vico Sotto is overseen.
Regent Food Corporation has taken excellent treatment of its management and staff over the years. The company presently has a sole and exclusive bargaining representative that was signed and approved by our employees. We never intend to subject our employees to working hours, pay, benefits, or workplace regulations with which they are not initially comfortable. To our firm and loyal customers, we will continue to make an effort to produce products that meet the high standards we have set since the beginning of our company. We will still persistently produce and export our products to the city until the final discussion with the Mayor, Vico Sotto, is finalized.
The proper treatment of our employees is something we at Regent Food Corporation are committed to doing, primarily since it is referred to as forth in the contract between our company and each employee before they are hired. Lastly, rest assured that our shareholders will receive an exclusive message as to what is to come for our final decisions, and we will do our utmost best to provide the necessary updates. Overall, as one of the country's oldest food companies, we'll make sure to carefully evaluate the needs and wants of our staff members to prevent situations like this.
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Marquez, C. (2019, November 10). 23 strikers arrested after dispersal at food plant in Pasig. INQUIRER.net. Retrieved April 13, 2023, from https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1187926/23-strikers-arrested-after-dispersal-at-food-plant-in-pasig
Patag, K. J. (2019, November 19). Regent mulls leaving Pasig after being called out by Vico Sotto. Philstar.com. Retrieved April 13, 2023, from https://www.philstar.com/business/2019/11/19/1970093/regent-mulls-leaving-pasig-after-being-called-out-vico-sotto
Regent Foods Corporation says it may leave Pasig City after mayor sides with striking workers. (2019, November 19). Retrieved April 13, 2023, from https://coconuts.co/manila/news/regent-foods-corporation-says-it-may-leave-pasig-city-after-mayor-sides-with-striking-workers/
About Regent Foods Corporation: https://www.regentfoods.com.ph/
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marygracetanjusay · 1 year
Mindless terrorists? The truth about Isis is much worse.
Tanjusay, Mary Grace C.
April 01, 2023
Group 3 (Writing for New Media)
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Nowadays, in our complex and fast-paced information age, it is crucial to be aware of the warning indications of an opinion-based statement. Opinion-based statements can be useful in some situations, such as when they encourage us to consider alternative viewpoints rather than merely sticking with our own. However, the disadvantage of an opinion-based article is that it tends to focus more on the author's point of view and is less trustworthy because it is unavoidably biased. In contrast, a fact-based article offers us additional evidence of credibility by citing reliable sources in addition to its own.
Upon reading the Article of The Guardian's "Mindless terrorists? The truth about Isis is much worse" by Scott Atran, I was able to determine that it was factual because it contained clearly stated information, contained links that backed up the information, was written in the third person without using the pronouns "I" or "we," and cited sources to support your points of view. Additionally, it is factual because it is a confirmed article with evidence to back it up. In addition, "TheGuardian.com" is more than just an online news source. It is also a British Daily newspaper. Considering the fact that this online news website is also a print media founded in 1821, it is safe to say that the articles that are posted on this website are all based on facts and not opinions. Why? Because the news should not be opinionated and biased. All of the articles that come from online news and print media are published to the public. If it is opinion based then most people will start to believe that the opinion-based article is a fact rather than an opinion because it is posted by the news, making the information dissemination complex and confusing.
Therefore, I conclude that the article provided for our group (3) is not opinionated content, rather, it is factual content. The author of this content has provided a lot of other cited statements from the people who are a part of the news that they are sharing. An example of this is a part of the article stated "As Abu Mousa, Isis’s press officer in Raqqa, put it: “We are not sending people back to the time of the carrier pigeon. On the contrary, we will benefit from development. But in a way that doesn’t contradict the religion.” Additionally, the content has used formal and objective language. All in all, the lead of the story is sufficiently supported, multiple sources have been shown correctly, the URLs are accurate, and most importantly it is transparent and it has also shown a side of Isis.
Mitchell, A. (2021, May 28). Distinguishing between factual and opinion statements in the news. Pew Research Center's Journalism Project. Retrieved March 31, 2023, from https://www.pewresearch.org/journalism/2018/06/18/distinguishing-between-factual-and-opinion-statements-in-the-news/
Atran, S. (2015, November 15). Mindless terrorists? the truth about ISIS is much worse | Scott Atran. The Guardian. Retrieved March 31, 2023, from https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/nov/15/terrorists-isis
Miller, E. (n.d.). Opinion, news or editorial? readers often can’t tell the difference. Retrieved March 31, 2023, from https://www.poynter.org/reporting-editing/2020/opinion-news-or-editorial-readers-often-cant-tell-the-difference/
Wikimedia Foundation. (2023, March 28). The Guardian. Wikipedia. Retrieved March 31, 2023, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Guardian
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marygracetanjusay · 1 year
The Drastic Changes in our Ecosystem
Tanjusay, Mary Grace C.
March 29, 2023
Group 5- Environmental News
"There is one issue that will define the contours of this century more dramatically than any other, and that is the urgent threat of a changing climate."
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As stated by Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States.
We cannot dispute that we, as humans, are dealing with the effects of climate change. Especially today, in the year 2023. Before digging any deeper, let us define the term "Climate Change". Climate change is the continuous change or shift in weather conditions and temperatures. Most commonly, the result of the frequent use of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, gas, chemical fertilizers, pollution, deforestation, etc. is the main cause of climate change.
Workers, students, and, most importantly, farmers are constantly exposed to the external world and the weather. They are the ones who actually understand the changing of the environment because they are the ones who have to leave their homes and labor with their bodies to make a living. Unlike other high-ranking officials who are martyrs, and anyone else who is financially secure and does not have to leave their homes regularly, most of them are unaware of the climatic change that we are witnessing. They may have heard of it, and they might seem concerned about it, but in reality, they don't and have no plans to make even the smallest contribution.
If people continue to put blind and oblivious act regarding this long-term shifts in our environment, we will all suffer the consequences of it and no one will be able to buy the way out it, even the highest of the high officials. Everyone has to be informed of what is it really that we are facing when we say Environmental and Climate change. It's not just for us, but for the future of our world.
To furthermore understand the effects of climate change, here are some key takeaways of how it affects the world and the Philippines.
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A higher likelihood of more droughts and more powerful storms is associated with rising global surface temperatures. An increase in water vapor evaporating into the atmosphere fuels the creation of storms and disasters that are stronger.
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Worldwide, basic crops are affected by rising global temperatures, droughts, floods, and carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. Due to adverse environmental factors, plant diseases, and a global water problem, corn, and wheat production has recently decreased.
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The grasslands, coral reefs, and other important ecosystems of our country are extremely vulnerable to the upcoming climate change. Most grasslands in the uplands are prone to fire, especially during extended droughts and poor rainfall during the summer.
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About 3.6 billion or 46% of the demographic lacks access to properly run sewage systems, which forces approximately 500 million individuals to engage in what they call "open defecation". Additionally, One in four people on the planet still lacked access to clean water in 2020, may it be water for drinking, cooking, or hygienic matter.
The World Resources Institute has conducted a study that has predicted that the Philippines is projected to experience a "high" degree of water scarcity by the year 2040. The country was placed 57th out of 167 nations in terms of predicted water stress in 2040.
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In accordance with the 2016 Low Carbon Monitor Report, it is said that by the years 2051 to 2060, the maximum fish catch potential in the Philippine waters is predicted to be 50% lower than levels between 2001 and 2010. In addition, 98 percent of Southeast Asian coral reefs are predicted to vanish by 2050, virtually going extinct by the end of the century, if present global warming trends continue.
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According to the estimates from the Department of Agriculture, the latest El Niño period's drought and dry periods have negatively impacted 413, 456 farmers. Just like other countries in Southeast Asia, global warming has intensified the impacts of El Niño, which was one of the most recent events that the Philippines experienced from the year 2015 to 2016.
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The International Rice Research Institute found that for every degree Celsius increase in the growing-season minimum temperature during the dry season, grain output decreased by at least 10%. This finding was based on an analysis of temperature trends and irrigated field testing. If such global warming continues, the farmers are the most affected as their crops and fields are exposed to the continuous change of the seasons.
If there's a problem, most definitely, there's a way to prevent it and make a solution for it. We need to keep an eye out for immediate measures to stop global warming because climate change is affecting the resources and lives of our planet. What can we do right now to stop this? Is it possible for us to somehow work together to protect nature? How are we able to make a positive contribution to the world's climate change?
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Yes! Everything is possible and it is not yet too late for us to open our eyes to the reality and make an effort to help and preserve our ecosystem!
Here are some strategies that we could take action of for reducing climate change:
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People nowadays, especially the younger generations, have the habit of just throwing whatever piece of junk they have wherever they want to throw it. Practice the habit of keeping your trash in your pocket or bag until you find the right trash can that has the designation of your junk, One must be mindful of the right dissemination of trash, if it is trash that is decaying, put it in the decomposing or non-biodegradable trash bin. If it is not, throw it inside a trash bin that is biodegradable.
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Just because you are blessed and have access to water and other natural resources, it does not mean that you should waste it and take it for granted, There are a lot of people who are in deep need of it. Be sure to manage the usage of natural resources rightfully and do not abuse them. We never know when it will be non-accessible to us. Especially at these times wherein water shortages are frequent and happen without warning.
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Appliances that are inverters are foremost and helpful. Not only does it saves energy, but it also saves you money by being slow consuming. Additionally, solar panels are also a great alternative for lights and reduce your home's electricity bill.
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This is one of the most common things to do for us to help lessen the effects of global warming. If trees are too big to be planted in an area, plants are a great substitute for them! Aside from it helping the Ecosystem, it can also be a source of entertainment and hobby because plants require attention and it can be enjoyable to see a plant sprout out of your perseverance of taking care of it!
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Do not neglect the over usage of energy. If electricity is not needed, turn it off. If electrical cables are not needed and not in use, pull them out from the electrical outlets. Aside from it being a waste of the consumption of energy, it would greatly raise the electricity bill and can even cause a start of fire if it starts to overheat. Always check your electrical outlets before heading out of the house.
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Just like this blog, as a person and a student, if the others listed here are something that is too big for us, we can still contribute. This is by posting and spreading social awareness of climate change! Compose and research global warming and post your thoughts and gathered data on it and make a piece of information out of it! Doing case studies such as these and being able to know the background of your research makes you more knowledgeable and aware of what is happening in our world. Not only does it help you, but it also helps our Ecosystem.
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The easiest thing an individual can do to contribute to our world is to respect the environment and not destroy it. Everyone and everything deserves to be treated with respect, especially the environment! We are living in this world and it is a blessing to be a part of it, so we must learn to give back our gratitude by reciprocating respect to the ecosystem.
If one knows that something is harmful to the environment, why do it? For example, destroying a coral reef. If a person is a tourist and sees a beautiful coral reef, should they destroy it and keep a part of it as a souvenir? No. If we loved and like something, we should just appreciate it and not destroy it, especially if it is a part of our world.
These are the things to remember to reduce climate change and preserve our ecosystem. If people are still not practicing the things that are mentioned above, the continuation of the increased weather conditions, agricultural yields, shortage of drinking water, and the impact on livelihood will still be continued and could worsen. Therefore we should start practicing the listed following above to make our world a better place!
Moreover, the Social Weather Stations or SWS ( a social research institution in the Philippines) has conducted a survey that has found that 88% of their respondents agreed with the statement "People like me can do something to reduce climate risks" and approximately, about 10% of the respondents of their study were undecided, and only 3% disagreed with the statement.
Nine out of ten Filipinos are aware of the ways to fight climate change, and this includes saving electricity at home, reducing and reusing things, recycling plastic wastes, taking public transportation, and planting trees. While eighty-six percent of the people are aware that lowering food waste is a climate-friendly measure. Because of this survey, a higher rate of Filipinos agrees and think that If everyone made a sincere effort, humanity could stop or slow down climate change. Only twenty-three of people believe that humans are powerless to stop the climate catastrophe.
The majority of the people who said that they are aware of the possible solutions said that their families are practicing positive contributions to the ecosystem. 81% for walking, cycling, or taking public transportation instead of their own vehicles, 86% for throwing away less food, 91% for reducing, reusing, and recycling, and about 95% for saving electricity at home.
In conclusion, it is good news that not all people are unaware of the things that we can do to prevent climate change. It is a positive thing to know from the research that is conducted that some still have humanity in them and believes that we can still slow down the negative changes in our ecosystem.
We humans are continuing to experience climate change in diverse ways, and we could not escape from it because every year there are new inventions, additional vehicles, deforestations, and infrastructures are being made. Though we could not resist it happening, we could still prevent it. If the officials from the higher grounds will not take action for it, we must move for ourselves, Let's not wait for them to start and realize it before it's too late.
We are capable of preventing damage to the ecosystem and we should start practicing the positive habits that are talked about earlier! It is never too late to learn and change our ways. Everything start's within ourselves and we the right practice, we are able to make change.
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Bottolier-Depois, A. (2023, March 22). Drought, floods and sickness: Key takeaways from UN's water report. Philstar.com. Retrieved March 29, 2023, from https://www.philstar.com/headlines/climate-and-environment/2023/03/22/2253609/drought-floods-and-sickness-key-takeaways-uns-water-report
Cabico, G. K. (2023, March 23). 9 in 10 Filipinos felt climate impacts in past three years - SWS. Philstar.com. Retrieved March 29, 2023, from https://www.philstar.com/headlines/climate-and-environment/2023/03/23/2253845/9-10-filipinos-felt-climate-impacts-past-three-years-sws
Commission, C. C. (n.d.). Climate change impacts. NICCDIES. Retrieved March 29, 2023, from https://niccdies.climate.gov.ph/climate-change-impacts
United Nations. (n.d.). What is climate change? United Nations. Retrieved March 29, 2023, from https://www.un.org/en/climatechange/what-is-climate-change#:~:text=Climate%20change%20refers%20to%20long,like%20coal%2C%20oil%20and%20gas.
Philippines: Country climate and development report 2022 - Philippines. ReliefWeb. (2022, November 9). Retrieved March 29, 2023, from https://reliefweb.int/report/philippines/philippines-country-climate-and-development-report-2022
How climate change increases hunger - and why we're all at risk. Concern Worldwide. (n.d.). Retrieved March 29, 2023, from https://www.concern.net/news/climate-change-and-hunger
How can climate change affect natural disasters? How can climate change affect natural disasters? | U.S. Geological Survey. (n.d.). Retrieved March 29, 2023, from https://www.usgs.gov/faqs/how-can-climate-change-affect-natural-disasters#:~:text=With%20increasing%20global%20surface%20temperatures,more%20powerful%20storms%20to%20develop.
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marygracetanjusay · 1 year
Tanjusay, Mary Grace C.
Have you ever heard of the phrase "Nag a-abroad sila"?
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This phrase is most well-known because of Gloc-9's song "Walang Natira," which is about the workers in the Philippines such as teachers, engineers, nurses, and even blue-collar workers. Nurses are considered to be one of the most vital front-line workers in our country, the Philippines. They are extremely vulnerable to danger, hazards, and a variety of diseases. Unfortunately, the government tends to overlook the needs and worth of the lives of the medical workers, and most nurses in the Philippines face a grim reality of low pay and high risk.
A large number of trained and registered Nurses in the Philippines are choosing to leave their homeland and migrate internationally for a huge upgrade in terms of opportunities and better wages. Because of the international shortage of nurses, bigger opportunities are presented to the local nurses which offer them a salary worth double and sometimes even triple their local wages. According to the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE, 2020), entry-level registered nurses or nurses with little to new experience earn an income of ₱8,000 which is around ($158.54) to ₱13,500 or ($267.54) per month, and registered nurses that are hired by hospitals usually receives an average income of ₱9,757 ($193.36) a month.
On the other hand, as the years go by, just like any other job, the implementation of the increment of the monthly wage of the nurses was applied. Effective on January 1, 2023, from a minimum salary of ₱8,000 ($158.54), the newly imposed earning of registered nurses now range from ₱15,000 (minimum salary) to ₱51,900 (maximum salary) per month. Furthermore, the median salary of registered nurses is ₱35,200 ($641.32). This indicates that fifty percent (50%) of Nurses receive less than ₱35,200, whereas the other 50 percent earn over than ₱35,200. Most definitely, if you are a nurse that is earning higher than the median salary of ₱35,200, you are performing very well.
Henceforth, a nurse with less than two years of work experience earns around ₱17,000 ($309.73) every month. In comparison, a nurse with two to five years of experience acquires ₱22,700 ($413.58) per month, which is estimated 34% more than an individual with only about two years of employment. Moreover, a nurse with five to ten years of working experience gains a monthly salary of ₱33,600 ($612.17) per month, which is equivalent to 48% more than someone who has only two to five years of employment experience. On top of this, Nurses with ten to fifteen years of experience earn ₱41,000 ($746.99) per month, which is 22% more compared to those with five to ten years of experience. With between fifteen to twenty years of expertise, you can anticipate earning ₱44,700 ($814.40) per month, which is 9% more than someone with between ten and fifteen years of experience. Finally, workers with far more than twenty years of professional expertise earn ₱48,400($881.81) per month, which is 8% higher than those with fifteen to twenty years of professional experience.
As we all know, higher educational attainment opens much bigger opportunities and of course, higher salaries. The average salary of a Nurse whose education level is a bachelor’s degree is about ₱19,800 ($360.74) per month. Compared to an individual with a master’s degree who earns approximately ₱38,200 ($695.98) per month which is 93% more than an individual who has attained a bachelor’s degree.
Around every 20 months, the nurses in the Philippines can expect an increase in wages of around 8%. The nationwide average annual raise for all professions combined is 8%, with employees earning it every 18 months. Now, when it comes to the average hourly wage of the nurses in the Philippines, our nurses are paid approximately ₱190 per hour worked. Compared to other countries such as the United States, the average hourly wage of their nurses is around $29.38 which is ₱1,612.58. Going back to our introduction, this is one of the reasons the OFW Nurses why choose to go abroad.
Nurses in the Philippines only earn hundreds while nurses in other countries earn thousands per hour. There is such a huge difference which makes it no surprise why many of our front-liners choose to leave their homeland.
To sum it all up, based on the gathered information, the salary of the nurses in the Philippines is indeed not that justifiable. Unbiased of any collected data, it is not that unexpected anymore as to why the nurses of our country choose to go abroad rather than stay in their homeland. With their salary doubled in another country, we could not blame them for wanting to receive more of what they are being offered in the local country. Nurses are enduring the low-paying wages of their desire to help people who are in need of medical assistance.
Knowing the minimum salary of the nurses here is now ₱15,000 and the median salary is ₱35,200 if they are offered $6,900 per month, of course, they would choose the dollar rate. Why? Because $6,900 in pesos is ₱378,561.60 and this is double the yearly salary of a nurse in the Philippines which is ₱180,000. Imagine having 378,561.60 pesos in a month, it could provide so much more for the needs of your family and the necessities in life. Comparing the salary of the two different countries, the salary in the Philippines is just too small and one would not be able to provide for a family. Let's say this as an example, if there is a nurse who has four siblings, there is no certainty that they would make the ends meet because firstly, the educational needs of a kid, a high schooler, or a college student are no joke. The monthly wage of 15,000 pesos or a median wage of 35,200 pesos is not enough.
Moving on, nurses do not deserve to be unappreciated, underpaid, and overworked. People who choose this profession have such big hearts and they should be well-rewarded for it. If the government does not do anything with the monthly income of our nurses, there will be always a shortage and can even cause technological degradation when it comes to the medical field. This is because they are being pressured not just with their salary but also, because the government wants advancement within the medical fields, yet they do not provide the necessities of our nurses. Nursing is a very dedicated profession to choose to pursue because it requires so much patience, understanding, and care for the well-being of others.
Nurse average salary in Philippines 2023. The Complete Guide. (2023). Retrieved March 22, 2023, from http://www.salaryexplorer.com/salary-survey.php?loc=171&loctype=1&job=865&jobtype=3
Admin. (2023, March 5). Nurse salary grade in the Philippines. NewsToGov. Retrieved March 22, 2023, from https://newstogov.com/salary-grade-of-nurses-in-philippines/#:~:text=Effective%20January%201%2C%202023%2C%20the,which%20amounts%20to%20P39%2C672
Newsroom. (2020, July 30). Too few nurses in the Philippines. is the problem related to the salary? Emergency Live. Retrieved March 22, 2023, from https://www.emergency-live.com/of-interest/too-few-nurses-in-the-philippines-is-the-problem-related-to-the-salary/
Business Bliss Consultants FZE. (November 2018). Impact of Migration to the Profession of Nursing in the Philippines. Retrieved from https://nursinganswers.net/essays/migration-philippines-healthcare.php?vref=1
Magsambol, B., author Bonz Magsambol @bnzmagsambol Bonz Magsambol is a multimedia reporter for Rappler, Author, Bonz Magsambol is a multimedia reporter for Rappler, & Magsambol, M. from B. (2020, May 6). Low pay, high risk: The reality of nurses in the Philippines. RAPPLER. Retrieved March 22, 2023, from https://www.rappler.com/newsbreak/iq/259610-salary-nurses-philippines/
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marygracetanjusay · 1 year
Doing Nothing is Doing Something
Tanjusay, Mary Grace C.
Have you ever experienced the feeling of emptiness? The feeling that you're being left behind because you feel like you're not doing enough? It is always a tough silent battle to endure and it should not be neglected because if it is, we could end up self-sabotaged which could affect our relationships not just with others but also within ourselves. All of us are valid, and so are our emotions! If you are tired, take a rest. If you lack creativity, take a rest. If you feel worthless, take a rest! Not everything can be solutioned within an hour or a day. As a person, mental health is everything to us! Why? Because our mental health affects our daily lives. From the way we start our day, the way we blend in with other people, and how we express ourselves. We live in this day and age wherein New Media is highly prevalent and almost everything is connected to it.
Almost any kind of work or study has a connection with New Media. If there is something that we don't know about our job or study, most of the time where do we run to and who do we ask the most if there's no one available to ask? Certainly, it is the New Media, specifically Social Media. The transition between the Old Media and New Media has impacted us a lot and made our thinking evolve and much more adaptable. But because of the abuse of the usage of it, we are now likely prone to being drained, and feeling unproductive.
From time to time, we are seeing new things on Social Media and these things change our perspective of life and influence us as a person. An example of this is the social media application, Instagram. Many people are following well-known people on this platform, and because of this, their expectations of life are now somehow not so realistic anymore. People are now wanting more and more, and some would even do things that are way out of the line. It is draining us little by little, we just don't realize it now. If we could remind ourselves every day that we are loved, capable, and worthy of everything in our own ways, then anything is possible.
Moving on, as a student, I could not avoid the thought of myself not being enough and it is because there are some times when I tend to procrastinate and choose to rest rather than force myself with doing my school works. Most of the school works nowadays requires the usage of New Media, and that is why I chose this topic for my blog! I chose this to be able to remind not just the students, but every individual that doing nothing is also doing something.
My perspective about this topic that I've chosen for this blog has two opposing sides. The first side is that it is good to take a rest and do nothing for a while because it cools down our minds and enables us to think more later on. To choose to rest and relax the mind is a must for everyone. But with the right moderation. What I meant by "with moderation" is that If you know that you've taken enough rest, try to start again with your task. There are tendencies wherein people do not know how to control resting and managing their tasks, and that is where the problems start to arise, and this is where the opposing side comes in. This bad side of resting too many leads to procrastinating and can make our lives hectic.
This blog is helpful for the readers to identify when is the right time to take a rest, and how to do it with the right moderation. Days or weeks of pausing and relaxing the brain could do us good and can even push us away from dramas and negative scenarios in life! An example of this is when you're tasked to do group work that requires a lot of brainstorming and analysis, if you force yourself to do that work in a day and choose to do it all by yourself, of course, you will feel drained, exhausted, and somehow angry. This can cause drama/fight with your group members because not all of the time we could control our temper. We are humans, and we feel overwhelmed too! Hence, being able to recognize the right time to cool down our brain is a necessity. Not just for ourselves and our mental being, but also for the people that are surrounding us.
To understand more, I have listed a number of tips on how to help yourself and become a better person!
Know that your time is as precious as others. Always know your limitations whenever someone pushes you to do something that is off of the line! If you're the kind of person who says yes to everything, without doubts, you will definitely get your energy drained easily. If you don't want to do something that a person wants you to do, then say NO respectfully and explain your feelings to them clearly and nicely.
Not everyone is your friend, family, or loved ones. Keep in mind that if you're too nice to everyone, they might abuse it and use it to manipulate you. If they successfully manipulate you, they now have the access to ask for favors that requires your energy. This is one factor of why you could possibly be tired and want to lay back for a while. Doing the tasks of others is not your priority.
Exercise, do journaling, list your tasks, do time management, and eat healthily. Prioritize your needs and the things that makes your mental health grow as a person! Enjoy the hobbies that you love and explore who you really are. Journaling is one of the best option to fully understand yourself, then comes the listing of tasks. If you don't want to be pressured and want to stay in track even though you're taking a rest, try to list your tasks but not overanalyze it until your rest is over.
All in all, taking a rest and deciding not to do anything for a day or even a week is not a waste of time. Especially, if you're doing it for your own mental state. It's completely normal to lose track of things for a while and lay back for a short period of time. We are just humans, we get tired and we get our energies to get drained. For us to be fully functional again, we must learn to lay back and relax for a while, because no person can do a task with their heads on such dark clouds. Lastly, we must not be swayed by peer pressure and also with loads of tasks. Just remember to breathe, relax, and take time for yourself, and eventually, you will feel yourself coming back to you without any force.
All in all, taking a rest and deciding not to do anything for a day or even a week is not a waste of time. Especially, if you're doing it for your own mental state. It's completely normal to lose track of things for a while and lay back for a short period of time. We are just humans, we get tired and we get our energies to get drained. For us to be fully functional again, we must learn to lay back and relax for a while, because no person can do a task with their heads on such dark clouds. Lastly, we must not be swayed by peer pressure and also with loads of tasks. Just remember to breathe, relax, and take time for yourself, and eventually, you will feel yourself coming back to you without any force.
Reference: Waters, S. (2022, January 3). 10 ways to take time for yourself even with a hectic schedule. Google. Retrieved March 18, 2023, from https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.betterup.com/blog/take-time-for-yourself%3fhs_amp=true
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