marvelxreader · 5 years
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marvelxreader · 5 years
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Oh, don’t you get all decent on me now. What, you think I wanna do it? I’m trying to save your life, you idiot.
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marvelxreader · 5 years
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marvelxreader · 5 years
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Ladies of the MCU: Phase 3
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marvelxreader · 5 years
But imagine Loki trying to take over GenZ
Loki: You misgardians are all beneath me. You are all worthless creatures.
Us: Well, ya ain’t wrong.
Loki: Yes- wait what. *eyes tearing up* I’m- I’m sorry, I did not mean that.
Loki: I am Loki, prince of Asgard and-
Us: Well, with an ass like that, I can see why you’re the prince of Assgard
Loki: what I- no! I am your ruler! You will kneel before me!
Us: Well, usually I do that after the first date, but if you insist-
Loki *blushing*: wh-what?? No? Th-that is not what I meant- THOR, WHY HAVE THESE CREATURES BECOME OVERLY HORMONAL!
Loki: I will rule your stupid realm! I will annihilate all of you mewling quims!
Us: lol pls kill me xx
Loki: I will kil- wait what?? No, I-I did not mean it like that- you’re life is valuable and worth fighting for- THOR WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE CREATURES!!!!!!!
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marvelxreader · 5 years
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Hello, mother. Have I made you proud?
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marvelxreader · 5 years
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So here we are: a thief, one thug, an assassin, a maniac and an angry little tree.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017) dir. James Gunn
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marvelxreader · 5 years
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marvelxreader · 5 years
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8K notes · View notes
marvelxreader · 5 years
Through the Glass - Part 1
Request from the lovely @rubberduckymomma: There is one maid that Loki never paid attention to, even though she served him for years. After he gets imprisoned for attacking New York, she's the only one that will still serve him.
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Warnings = none
Word Count = 2,4 k
Y/N = Your Name
Y/E/C = Your Eye Color
A/N = Thanks to @rubberduckymomma I have a vague idea of where I want to go with this, but I’m always open for suggestions! 
You’ve worked as a maid for the royalty of Asgard since you were a teenager, because your mother insisted on it and you needed the money. You didn’t mind though, because Frigga and Odin always treated you with respect. They even allowed their oldest son Thor to befriend you, his brother Loki on the other hand had no interest in you whatsoever.
Every time you entered the library to clean it, he would sit on the velvet armchair in front of the fireplace, captivated by the story he was reading and completely oblivious to your presence. It seemed like he was spending all of his free time in between walls of books, escaping into one of the many realities he could choose from, and it made you wonder if he wasn’t satisfied with the one he was living in. 
Loki was always very distant and he never talked much, but when he did, he was the only thing you concentrated on. You could listen to him all day, and you wouldn’t get bored of the intelligence and mystery of his carefully chosen words, even though they were never directed towards you. Most of the time, he talked to his family and you just happened to be in the same room, but you always seemed to be the only one that actually cared about what he had to say, and you wanted to know what else he was hiding in that clever mind of his.
Over the years, you noticed his behavior changing dramatically. His only goal in life was to ascend the throne of Asgard, proving Odin, Thor and himself how much he was capable of, how much power he had. It made you curious, but ‘curiosity killed the cat’ and you figured it would be best to stay out of their family issues. 
But then, he attacked Midgard.
„There he is, my majesty“
The words of a royal guard sent shivers down your spine as he dragged Loki across the throne room, all chained up. He looked like he was in really bad condition, and you almost felt sorry for the broken man in front of you.
For a split second it seemed like he glanced over to you before you realized he was looking at Thor, who was standing by your side. Odin didn’t even look at him, while Frigga’s quiet sobs echoed through the room occasionally. 
“I have returned, father. Did you miss me?”, he hissed through gritted teeth, “I am sure Thor was there to dry your tears while I was gone”
“Take him to the dungeons”, Odin said in a cold tone, before the guards pushed Loki out of the room. 
It was silent for a moment, until the King raised his voice.
“Stop staring and get back to work!”, and immediately everyone continued doing their thing, like the Prince of Asgard didn’t just get imprisoned minutes ago.
A few weeks went by, yet he was all you could think about. Every time you walked through the castle, you hoped Loki would be sitting in the library like he used to, reading an old book that was about to fall apart, or walking in between beautiful flower beds in the royal gardens with Frigga. But he never was.
You were tossing and turning in your bed, desperate to fall asleep, but the thought of him spending the rest of his life in the dungeons wouldn’t let you. You looked at the time, it was 1 am. Great.
You remembered how your mother used to go for late night walks when she couldn’t sleep, and you decided to give it a try. You rolled out of bed and got dressed before leaving the room, the golden halls of Asgard’s palace welcoming you once again.
You mindlessly strolled through the dimly lit corridors, trying to make as little sound as possible, when a sudden idea crossed your mind. The doors to the library were directly in front of you. You sneaked in, the smell of old pages and dust tickling your nose, almost making you sneeze. There were still some embers in the fireplace from earlier, softly illuminating the spines of countless books, while you searched for a story that might interest the imprisoned prince. After you gathered a few he could choose from, you returned back into the hallway and made your way to the cold dungeons. 
It was wet and dark, the ominous silence making you feel uneasy, as you passed several cells before reaching Loki’s. It seemed like he didn’t belong here, among the most dangerous enemies of the nine realms, but yet he was destined to spend the rest of his life here in a cell, being treated like a monster.
Loki peacefully laid on his bed and stared at the wall, his hands resting on his stomach. He still wore his full armor, apparently always ready for a fight, when he jolted up and looked at you. His sudden movement made you jump, causing you to drop the books with a loud thud.
“You should not be here in the middle of the night, Maid”, his eyes pierced right through you.
“Forgive me, your Highness. I thought you might enjoy some reading material”, you said while picking up the novels on the ground, feeling his gaze on you as he mustered you from head to toe. 
Loki slowly approached the glass wall that separated the two of you, never breaking eye contact, causing goosebumps to form on your skin. The man who looked so innocent a few seconds prior became very intimidating all of a sudden, and you started to understand why Odin kept him here. 
He could see the fear in your eyes as you backed away bit by bit, holding the books with shaky hands, and it broke his heart. Loki hasn’t done anything to the woman in front of him, yet you were scared, just like everyone else. He never wanted the throne, he only wanted to be Thor’s equal, but he made a huge mistake in the process and this was the price he had to pay. 
You were about to leave again, as his deep voice echoed from the stone walls.  
“Come back here, Maid”
You stopped dead in your tracks, your heart hammering against your chest. You were afraid of what was about to come, but it was an order from the Prince that you had to obey. It seemed like you caught the attention of several prisoners as you walked back to Loki, some of them whistling after you, some of them cursing you for waking them up.
“You are Thor’s Maid, Y/N, right?”, he asked you.
“Indeed, your Highness”, you responded, trying to sound as calm as possible.
“I see. Your effort is very appreciated, but you cannot give these books to me without a key”, Loki said as he sat down on the chair next to him, “Would you read them to me, please?”
You looked at him with big eyes, uncertain if you heard him correctly. The imprisoned Prince wants you to read to him at two in the morning? He officially lost it now, you thought. But an order is an order.
“Which one would you like to hear, m’Lord?”
“Whichever you find the most interesting”, he said in a deep, silky voice and it almost sounded like he actually cared.
You sat down onto the cold stone floor and looked through the books, before you chose “History of Midgard”. How ironic of you.
It appeared to be a very old book, it’s thin pages worn out by the amount of times they have been turned, a yellowish tint spreading across them, some letters already faded. You started reading to Loki as he watched you intently from his cell, clinging onto every word, even though he knew them like the back of his hand. He used to read this book over and over again, but somehow it was so much better when you did. The torches on the wall illuminated your face in a warm glow, as your slender fingers danced over the old pages, flipping them every now and then. Strands of hair fell into your face, as your Y/E/C eyes wandered over the letters, and your beauty was the only thing Loki could concentrate on. 
You’ve been reading for an hour, when a yawn escaped your lips.
“Forgive me, your Highness”, you looked at him through heavy eyelids, almost falling asleep on the cold dungeon floor.
“Do not apologize, I should have noticed your fatigue earlier. I really enjoyed this and I hope you visit me again some time. Now go and get some rest, Y/N”
You didn’t even notice him calling you by your name, as you closed the book and got up. You bowed to him before leaving the dungeons and walked back to your room, not bothered to change into your night gown before crashing onto the bed, sleep washing over you immediately.
You woke up the next morning, still confused by last night. You had to admit, you enjoyed the attention Loki gave you, and the fact that he knew your name brought a smile to your lips. All these years of serving the two Princes of Asgard, even establishing a friendship with Thor, and still Loki had to be imprisoned first to finally acknowledge you.
You got ready for the day and left off into the kitchen to grab Thor’s breakfast. The two of you became pretty close throughout the years and he never made you feel like he was above you, always showing the respect you deserved and treating you like an equal, even though he was the God of Thunder and you were just an ordinary Maid.
“Good morning, Lady Y/N”, he greeted you as you walked through the door with the tray in your hands. Knowing how much Thor loved breakfast in bed, you walked over to him and put it on his nightstand.
“Morning, Sleepyhead”, you jokingly said, earning a hearty chuckle from him.
“You look like the Sleepyhead between the two of us. Tell me, Y/N, did you not sleep well?”, he asked, before taking a bite of the asgardian pastry in his hand.
“I have to admit, it’s been a.. weird night, but don’t worry. I’m up and running, that’s all that matters”
“A weird night? How so?”
Thor was a sucker for good stories and you knew that, but you can’t possibly tell him what happened last night. Maids weren’t allowed in the dungeons if they weren’t explicitly told to do so, especially not in the middle of the night to keep the imprisoned Prince company.
“You know, I-I kept dreaming about.. uhm.. your coronation”
“About my coronation? There is nothing weird about that now, is it?”
“Well.. Loki had a deal with the frost giants and let them into the King’s weapon vault during the celebration”
“I see. Now that is truly ridiculous, Lady Y/N”
“Right?”, you chuckled nervously, knowing that you’ve just lied to the God of Thunder.
The rest of the day went by like every other, nothing special happening. Yet. 
It was just after dinner, when Thor approached you. 
“Lady Y/N, could you bring this to my brother? It is his favorite meal, but I cannot go myself right now. I have a meeting to attend”, he looked at you with big puppy eyes and you nodded, earning a thankful smile.
You walked down the stairs to the dungeons, several pairs of eyes lingering on you as you made your way towards the guard in front of Loki’s cell.
“Good evening. Thor sent me to give this to his brother”, you said, looking down at the tray of food in your hands. The guard looked at you in suspicion, but he eventually walked up to the metal door of Loki’s cell and opened the little slot with his key, so you could slide the tray inside.
He sat in the chair, looking like he was waiting for you to arrive, when you met his gaze. A smile tugged on his lips as he saw you looking back at him, and you couldn’t help but wonder why. Loki had realized that you were the only one who still believed there was some good left in him, and he was determined to prove you right. He didn’t care much about other people, but there was something about you he couldn’t explain, and he couldn’t bear to see you scared of him.
“Thank you, Lady Y/N”, he said as he picked up the tray from the floor of his cell, making your heart jump. Only Thor called you that, he insisted on it in order to show his mutual respect, but you never thought Loki would do the same. He didn’t even bother looking at you before he got trapped down here, and although you enjoyed the way he treated you now, you thought he might be up to something. They called him the God of Mischief for a reason, right?
“You’re welcome, m’Lord”, you said as you bowed to him, before hearing the guard behind you laughing.
“m’Lord? Really now? Look at him, he got imprisoned by his own father”, he said as you turned around, anger rising inside of you.
“I'd watch my words if I were you. He is still the Prince of Asgard and he holds more titles than you ever will”, you snarled back at him, now Loki’s turn to laugh.
„I like her“, he said to the guard who was glaring at you, but decided to keep his mouth shut. You did have a point after all, and he didn‘t want to mess with you any further.
But wait, Loki liked you?
For all you know, there is no one, except for Thor and Frigga, who he actually liked and cared about. You turned to him, confusion written all over your face, as your eyes met his. He looked at you in admiration for being the first one, besides Thor, to ever defend him and even though you’ve only known him from these awful rumors, it didn’t take a second for you to snap back at the guard.
You tried to wrap your head around his behavior, but eventually brushed it off. He was probably just trying to be a better person after everything he has done, and what better way to start than by complimenting the Maid?
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marvelxreader · 5 years
Please do a part 2 on the tom hiddleston angst! :) .x
Part 1
The last two weeks without Tom haven’t been easy. You didn’t sleep well when he wasn’t next to you, the cold mattress reminding you of his absence constantly and you couldn’t even count the times you were lying awake, staring at the ceiling of your bedroom, one number away from calling him. You missed his little surprises, the way he looked at you, the way he loved you, and you felt like you’ve left something behind when you walked out the door that day.
You haven’t heard anything from him since then. There were no new articles about him and Taylor, no new pictures of him out on the street, nothing. It was like he didn’t leave the apartment for two weeks. Every time your phone rang, you secretly hoped it would be him, but it never was.
It was a rainy Thursday morning and you were about to have breakfast, when you heard the doorbell rang. You rolled your eyes, annoyed by the fact that someone would even dare to talk to you before you had your morning coffee, as you walked over to the door.
“You better have a damn good reason for interrupting my breakf- “, you said as you swung the door open, choking on the rest of your sentence when you realized who was standing in front of you.
“I think I do, actually”, Tom answered, guilt evident in his voice. It was the same deep, silky voice you longed to hear for the past weeks, and yet the sound of it hurt like a knife to your heart.
“Listen, Y/N, I made a huge mistake and I know that, but it was never my intention to hurt you. Please come back home, I’m miserable without you. You’re the only one I want and I can’t afford to lose you. I love you so much”
You’ve never seen Tom this vulnerable, practically begging you to forgive him, but you couldn’t get the image of him and Taylor out of your mind. You mustered him, as he was standing in front of you, the dark circles around his eyes instantly giving away how tired he was. Lonely nights haven’t been easy for the both of you.
“You have absolutely no idea what it was like… Seeing the person you trusted with all your heart throw it away, like it’s nothing”, you said in a calm voice, since you’ve already spent too much time crying about this. “I’ve missed you too, you know. You’re all I ever wanted, but after all this mess, I’m not sure if the same applies to you anymore. To be honest, I can’t even blame you for doing it. She’s successful, confident and absolutely stunning, and I’ll never be anything like her.
Don’t get me wrong, I know that you love me and I believe you when you say I’m the only one, but I can never be sure, you know? She’ll always be in the back of my mind when I look at you, and I don’t want to keep comparing me to her. You can tell me a thousand times how much you need me, but I still can’t get this goddamn image out of my head. It drives me insane. I’m sorry, but I don’t want to be in a relationship where I’m practically waiting for you to go back to her. I can’t live a life constantly worrying about losing you and as much as it hurts, I need to ask you to leave”
This was definitely not the reaction he expected. He knew he fucked up, but he didn’t know it had this much of an impact on you. He completely broke you, even though nothing really happened between Taylor and him, and he hated himself for not thinking about the consequences. He should have known.
“Words can’t express how truly sorry I am, Y/N. Please call me whenever you’re able to trust me again. I’ll be waiting for you”
“You don’t need to wait for me, Tom. If I trust anyone ever again, it certainly won’t be you. I’m not saying this to be mean, I just don’t want you to waste your time clinging onto hope where there is none. Now go, don’t make this any harder than it already is”
“I won’t give up on you, my love”, he choked out, before he slowly backed away from the door and walked out of your apartment building.
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marvelxreader · 5 years
Secrets is honestly so good I'm screeching and excited and I keep waving my hands around when I think about it?? Omfg!!!
Thank you so much :’) 
I’m thinking of rewriting the last part, because I kind of started to hate it. Let me know what you want to happen next!!
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marvelxreader · 5 years
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Tom, the peacemaker
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marvelxreader · 5 years
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The one who died for power
The one who died for love
The one who greeted death like an old friend
- The Tale Of Three Brothers, J. K. Rowling
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marvelxreader · 5 years
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Tom, Jake Gyllenhaal and Jacob Batalon at CCXP!
© IG: hugogloss
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marvelxreader · 5 years
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I’m sorry, but the old Hawkeye can’t come to the phone right now…Why? Oh cause he’s dead.
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marvelxreader · 5 years
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