marshfeldman31 · 4 months
Goblins on the River
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Scene: A Rickety Raft Bobbing Along the Murky Waters of the Glimmering River
(Four goblins, Gobnob, Snizzle, Grubwort, and Muddles, huddle on a barely buoyant raft made of gnarled wood and hope. The current is swift, and the mood is a blend of trepidation and exhilaration.)
Gobnob: (Gripping the raft with one hand and his hat with the other) I told you this was a bad idea. Rivers are for fish and... other wet things.
Snizzle: (Paddling with a stick) Nonsense! It's like the tea party, but with more... potential for drowning.
Grubwort: (Looking over the edge) Do you think there are river trolls? I heard they're like regular trolls but with an affinity for moisture and bad poetry.
Muddles: (Steering the raft with a large leaf) Focus, crew! We must navigate these treacherous waters with the grace of a swan and the cunning of a... well, of a goblin.
Gobnob: Grace? We have the coordination of a three-legged dragon in a dance-off!
Snizzle: (Squinting ahead) Hey, what's that up ahead? Rapids? No, it's a waterfall!
Grubwort: (Panicking) Waterfall? I didn't sign up for involuntary flight lessons!
Muddles: Steady! We need a plan. Gobnob, use your hat as a sail! Snizzle, paddle with the rhythm of a panicked heart! Grubwort, stop looking for trolls!
Gobnob: (Holding his hat up) This is either going to be a brilliant escape or a spectacular way to bathe.
Snizzle: (Paddling furiously) I can't believe I'm saying this, but... faster, Gobnob, faster!
Grubwort: (Peering downriver) There's a branch! A big, sturdy branch! If we can just grab onto—
(The raft hits the branch, spinning into a sudden, ungainly pirouette.)
Muddles: Now, pull! With all your goblin might!
(They all heave, managing to narrowly avoid the waterfall, the raft lurching into a calmer stream.)
Gobnob: (Breathless) We're alive! And only moderately soaked!
Snizzle: (Laughing) See? What did I tell you? An adventure!
Grubwort: Next time, let's stick to tea... on solid ground.
Muddles: Ah, but where's the fun in that? Onward, my brave crew, for the river still calls!
(The raft floats away, the laughter and bickering of the goblin crew fading into the sounds of the rushing river.)
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marshfeldman31 · 4 months
Four Goblins Hiding Behind a Rock
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Peering over the jagged rocks, the quartet of goblins—each with a countenance twisted in a mix of fear and anger—are unmistakably in the throes of a dire situation. One might surmise they're hiding from an encroaching peril, perhaps the thunderous steps of a wandering giant whose shadow looms as ominously as a storm cloud over their sanctuary. Their eyes, wide with trepidation, tell tales of close encounters with creatures much larger than themselves, encounters in which they were not the hunters, but the hunted.
Alternatively, the fury etched upon their faces could be born of an intrusion, a violation of their sacred grounds by audacious adventurers or plundering bandits. These goblins, known to be fiercely territorial, may well be plotting a defense of their home, their anger fueled by the audacity of uninvited guests.
In the end, whether it's a beast of legend or the all-too-familiar greed of man, these goblins find themselves bound by a common cause: survival. Their expressions are the masks worn by those who live on the edge of a knife, where fear keeps you sharp, and anger keeps you alive.
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marshfeldman31 · 4 months
Thorgar Axebinder
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In the dense, mist-shrouded depths of the Darkwood Forest, amongst the ancient oaks and whispering pines, there stands a figure of lore and legend—Thorgar Axebinder, the warrior goblin of yore. His tale is one woven through the ages, told in hushed tones around crackling campfires and inscribed in the tomes of the learned.
Born beneath the Blood Moon to the clan of Ironsnout, Thorgar was marked from the beginning by the old seeress to be a goblin not of common cloth but of a destiny as hard and sharp as the iron they mined. As a whelp, he was swifter, keener, and more cunning than his peers, often leading them into the heart of the forest to explore the ruins of civilizations long forgotten.
His prowess in battle was evident from his first skirmish when he turned a bandit ambush into a rout, wielding nothing but a rusted hatchet. The hatchet, his first trophy, was bound to his hand by leather thongs, earning him the name Axebinder. With time, the hatchet was replaced by a fearsome axe, forged in dragonfire and cooled in the tears of a banshee—his trusted companion through countless battles.
Thorgar's legend grew, not just for his might in battle but for his unexpected wisdom. Unlike his kin, who were quick to ransack and retreat into the night, Thorgar sought to build a bastion for his people—a stronghold where the goblin song could rise, free from the fear of elven arrows or human swords.
The scars that line his visage are a map of his life's trials, from the jagged line across his cheek from a dwarven axe to the burn upon his brow from a sorcerer's flame. His eyes, a piercing amber, have beheld the fall of heroes and monsters alike. His armor, cobbled from the remains of his foes, serves as a testament to his resilience and his unyielding spirit.
Now, in the twilight of his years, Thorgar Axebinder stands not as a raider of the shadows but as a guardian of his kin. His story is not of a beast lurking in the dark but of a warrior who turned the tide for his people, a goblin who became a legend.
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marshfeldman31 · 4 months
A Goblin Tea Party
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Scene: A Dimly Lit Glade in a Dense, Overgrown Forest
(Four goblins are seated around a rickety table adorned with mismatched tea cups and a teapot that's seen better days. The air is filled with the scent of over-steeped tea and mild trepidation.)
Gobnob: (Pouring tea, which looks suspiciously like mud) Now, remember, pinky out. That's how the fancy folk do it.
Snizzle: (Eyeing her cup suspiciously) I heard the fancy folk also drink tea that doesn't look like swamp water.
Grubwort: (Sniffing the air) Is it supposed to smell like a troll's laundry basket?
Muddles: Peace, friends! It's about ambiance, not aroma. Imagine, we are sophisticated beings partaking in high society's rituals!
Gobnob: (Grinning) Right, sophisticated! That's why I wore my best hat. (Points to a hat that appears to be made from an old boot.)
Snizzle: Sophisticated? I still have mud under my nails from yesterday's grub-digging fiesta.
Grubwort: (Takes a sip and grimaces) This tea tastes like it's been steeped in the tears of a disgruntled pixie.
Muddles: A touch of imagination, Grubwort. Imagine it's... an exotic blend from the far-off lands of... um, somewhere far-off.
Gobnob: Speaking of far-off, did anyone remember to invite the hobgoblin from the eastern marshes?
Snizzle: I thought you were going to do that!
Muddles: (Sighs) It appears our grand tea party is just us... again.
Grubwort: (Smiling) Well, at least we've got the best company. Who needs hobgoblins when you've got tea that could double as potion ingredients?
Gobnob: To us, the finest goblins in these woods!
(They all raise their cups, clinking them together, a chorus of laughter mingling with the clatter of teacups in the dim forest glade.)
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marshfeldman31 · 4 months
Drawing a Goblin
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If one were to venture into the frequently overlooked nooks of fantasy, beyond the valiant knights and damsels distressingly undistressed, one might stumble upon the goblin. Now, a goblin is not merely a subject for a sketch; it's a revelation in ridges, a symphony in scars, a cacophony of crooked crannies waiting to be explored by pencil and paper.
Drawing a goblin is like dancing to music that only you can hear, but the music is slightly off-key and the dance is more of a shuffle. It's a delightful divergence from the pristine and predictable. With each stroke, you're not just capturing a creature; you're delving into a personality, a story, a life less ordinary.
Their faces are landscapes of life's tumultuousness, each wrinkle a road traveled, each scar a battle braved, each crooked smile a tale in itself. Sketching a goblin allows the artist to tread the fine line between the grotesque and the endearing, to find beauty in the asymmetrical, the imperfect, the downright odd.
And let's not forget the humor in their haggardness, a subtle reminder that even in the realms of the imaginary, life is no less fraught with the absurdities that plague the human condition. The act of sketching a goblin is to embrace the chaos, to find the order in disorder, and perhaps, to see a bit of ourselves in those twisted visages – because, after all, who among us hasn't felt a little goblin-esque on a Monday morning?
So, wield your pencils as a goblin wields his cleverly procured trinkets - with a sense of purpose and a hint of mischief. Because to sketch a goblin is to sketch the heart of fantasy, a heart that beats not with the thundering drums of epic battles, but with the quiet determination of the overlooked, the underestimated, and the oddly charming.
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marshfeldman31 · 4 months
All About the Goblins
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In the whimsical yet slightly neurotic world that is my Tumblr, I'm embarking on a series most peculiar, one that delves into the lives, loves, and lamentable laundry habits of goblins. Yes, goblins - those misunderstood, often malodorous denizens of places we'd rather not visit after dark (or even in broad daylight, to be perfectly honest).
Each post will be a foray into the goblin psyche, which is as convoluted as a maze designed by a particularly sadistic architect with a penchant for Escher prints and Kafka novels. We'll explore the intricacies of goblin social etiquette, which primarily involves not eating one's dinner guest, and the complexities of their economy, which is largely based on the barter system, shiny objects, and the occasional mildly cursed artifact.
Expect tales of goblin romance, as fraught and passionate as any Shakespearean drama, but with more warts and a significantly higher risk of accidental poisoning. We'll meet goblins who are poets, philosophers (albeit of a rather gloomy disposition), and even a few who fancy themselves as chefs, though their definition of 'haute cuisine' might make the average person opt for a prolonged fast.
So, grab your metaphorical torch and pitchfork (or actual ones, if you're feeling particularly adventurous) and join me on this journey. It promises to be erratic, occasionally eerie, and possibly educational, but I guarantee it will at least be more entertaining than watching paint dry - unless it's goblin paint, which has a tendency to scream as it dries. Stay tuned, dear reader, for our first foray into the world of goblins - creatures who remind us that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and sometimes the beholder just needs a good optometrist.
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marshfeldman31 · 1 year
Why I Like Bitcoin Cash
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I don’t only play Minecraft. I dabble in Crypto. Yeah, I know...
But here’s why I like Bitcoin Cash.
Bitcoin Cash is a popular cryptocurrency that has been gaining a lot of attention in recent years. It was created in 2017 as a fork of the original Bitcoin blockchain, with the aim of improving on some of the issues that Bitcoin faced, such as slow transaction times and high fees. Here are some of the benefits of Bitcoin Cash:
Faster transactions: Bitcoin Cash is designed to process transactions faster than Bitcoin. This is because it has a larger block size limit, which means it can handle more transactions per block.
Lower fees: Due to the larger block size limit, the fees for sending Bitcoin Cash transactions are generally lower than those for Bitcoin transactions. This makes it a more attractive option for people who want to send small amounts of money without paying high fees.
Decentralized: Bitcoin Cash, like Bitcoin, is decentralized, meaning it is not controlled by any central authority. This makes it more secure and resistant to censorship.
Widely accepted: Bitcoin Cash is accepted by a growing number of merchants and businesses around the world, making it easier to use as a means of payment. I use it all the time for playing poker in casinos that accept Bitcoin Cash.
Accessibility: Bitcoin Cash is accessible to anyone with an internet connection, regardless of where they are in the world. This makes it a useful tool for people who need to send or receive money internationally.
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marshfeldman31 · 1 year
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A village pub at sunset.
As the sun sets in the Minecraft world, the villagers in the local village begin to gather at the cozy pub. The sound of their chatter and laughter can be heard from afar as they settle in for the evening.
Inside the pub, the air is thick with the aroma of roasted meats and freshly brewed ale. The walls are adorned with banners and paintings, adding to the warm and inviting atmosphere.
At the center of the pub, a large fireplace crackles and pops, casting a warm glow on the faces of those seated nearby. Villagers sit around the wooden tables, enjoying a hearty meal and swapping stories from their day.
The pub's bartender bustles about, filling mugs and chatting with the patrons. A group of miners sits in the corner, their faces streaked with dirt and grime, recounting tales of the treasures they uncovered in the depths of the earth.
As the night wears on, the mood in the pub grows more lively. Villagers begin to sing and dance to the music played by a wandering bard who has stopped in for the evening. The pub's owner joins in the revelry, his rosy cheeks flushing with the warmth of the fire and the joy of the moment.
As the night draws to a close, the villagers bid each other goodnight and make their way back to their homes, tired but happy after a night of good company and cheer at the local village pub.
It sounds more exciting then what goes down at my local bar, where it’s mostly just drunks talking about how much they hate their wives and lives
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marshfeldman31 · 1 year
Alternates to Minecraft
I know, I know. There is only one Minecraft. But sometimes I like to play different games and when I do, here is my running list of Minecraft alternatives. Some are pretty old but still fun to play
Terraria: A 2D sandbox game with crafting, building, and survival elements.
Roblox: A sandbox game with building and scripting elements, allowing players to create their own games and virtual worlds.
Ark: Survival Evolved: A survival game set in a prehistoric world where players must gather resources, craft items, and build structures to survive against dinosaurs and other dangers.
7 Days to Die: A survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world where players must gather resources, craft items, and build structures to survive against zombies and other dangers.
Starbound: A space-themed sandbox game with building, crafting, and survival elements, allowing players to explore different planets and create their own adventures.
The Forest: A survival game set in a dense forest where players must gather resources, craft items, and build shelters to survive against cannibalistic mutants and other dangers.
Cube World: A sandbox game with procedurally generated worlds, character customization, and a variety of activities to engage in, such as crafting, building, and adventuring.
Landmark: A building and crafting game set in a fantasy world where players can create and explore their own worlds, as well as participate in player-driven events and challenges.
Creativerse: A sandbox game with building, crafting, and survival elements set in a colorful, blocky world. Players can explore different biomes, gather resources, and build structures to survive against various threats.
Wurm Online: A sandbox game with building, crafting, and survival elements set in a medieval fantasy world. Players can explore a vast, procedurally generated world, gather resources, and build structures to survive against various dangers.
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marshfeldman31 · 1 year
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Minecraft with a hint of funk art style
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marshfeldman31 · 5 years
I don’t think that all anime shows are special. But Naruto sure is!
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marshfeldman31 · 5 years
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Let’s punch some trees!
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marshfeldman31 · 5 years
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Minecraft scenes Minecraft scenery pix pretty images from Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft creations pictures of Minecraft screenshots from Minecraft
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marshfeldman31 · 5 years
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scenery of Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft art Minecraft pics Minecraft game beautiful Minecraft wallpapers beautiful pictures of Minecraft
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marshfeldman31 · 5 years
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Minecraft pics scenes of Minecraft Minecraft photos screenshots of Minecraft amazing Minecraft images gorgeous pix of Minecraft Minecraft
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marshfeldman31 · 5 years
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Minecraft game pretty images from Minecraft photos from Minecraft Minecraft renders Minecraft images from Minecraft play Minecraft
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marshfeldman31 · 5 years
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Minecraft scenes pictures from Minecraft amazing Minecraft pix wonderful pix of Minecraft Minecraft scenery pix play Minecraft Minecraft
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