mariesg16 · 2 years
Title: My universe
Author: Mariesg16
Pairing: Chris/Jonny
Rating: Mature
Summary: Tomorrow can wait; let’s make the most out of today.
Disclaimer: Coldplay belong to themselves. This is fiction, so none of what you will read actually happened (at least, as far as we know
grin) I am not making any money out of this, so don’t sue
you’ll be disappointed with my meagre belongings if you do anyway. Also, English isn’t my mother tongue, so keep that in mind if you come across weirdly written words or sentences that don’t quite make sense. This is a slash fic (if you don’t know what that is, look it up: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slash_fiction). If you don’t like those, then skip this post and don’t read it. Finally, this was originally written for another fandom, so you might have read this somewhere else in the past.
These were the moments that mattered the most, thought Jonny as he lazily ran his fingers through his sleeping bandmate’s hair. He leaned down and kissed the top of Chris’ head, smiling at the soft snores that he got in return.
Yes, when it came down to it, Jonny lived for these quiet, peaceful and serene little stolen moments.
Now, that totally didn’t mean that sex with Chris wasn’t a blast. With the singer’s inability to sit still or focus on a single thing for too long, every time they were alone, just the two of them, Jonny never quite knew what to expect. From a quickie in a dirty bathroom when their bus stopped for gas, to sleepless nights spent rediscovering each other all over again when they were lucky enough to trade their bus bunks for a motel room for a night, from a simple handjob as they kissed each other breathless, to long nights that would leave them both aching in weird places, and covered in bruises that were sometimes hard to explain. Yes, in a weird way, sex with Chris kept you on your toes, as you could never really know what you were getting yourself into. Jonny sometimes felt like a teenager all over again, getting butterflies in his stomach and sweaty palms whenever his bandmate would grab his hand and lead him away from the others. Coming to think of it, there was one thing that was predictable when that happened, and that was that they would both have a matching stupid grin on their face when they joined the group once more.
As he looked down at Chris, laying half on top of him, completely relaxed, their breathing and heartbeat subconsciously matching the other’s, Jonny felt complete. These were the small moments when they could let their guards down completely, forget about what tomorrow might bring, about what would happen when the tour ended and they had to go back home or what would happen if their families, friends or fans found out about their relationship.
Moving his hand down the other man’s back until it rested comfortably on the small patch of skin that was visible between the edge of the singer’s t-shirt and the top of his jeans, Jonny burrowed his nose in Chris’ hair and closed his eyes. He murmured a soft “I love you” before falling asleep as well, stupidly hoping that he would be able to join his best friend in the dreams he was having.
Yes, this was all that mattered and tomorrow could wait.
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mariesg16 · 6 years
Are there any The Resident fics anywhere yet? It could be slash or het, I’m not picky. Any writers out there interrested by that fandom yet? Share your links please! :)
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mariesg16 · 10 years
Born to run - Chapter 2
Title: Born 2 run – Chapter 2 Author: Mariesg16 Pairing: Roman/Dean, with a side of Seth/Punk Rating: Mature Summary: Watching movies is fun. Going to a club is fun. Crossfit is fun. Picking a random hooker off  the street is not Roman’s definition of fun. Disclaimer: The boys all belong to themselves. This is fiction, so none of what you will read actually happened (at least, as far as we know
*grin*) I am not making any money out of this, so don’t sue
you’ll be disappointed with my meagre belongings if you do anyway. Also, English isn’t my mother tongue, so keep that in mind if you come across weirdly written words or sentences that don’t quite make sense. Finally, this is a slash fic (if you don’t know what that is, look it up : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slash_fiction). If you don’t like those, than skip this post and don’t read it.
As confident and in control as he had seemed in the darkness of the car, once seated in a booth at the very back of the small restaurant, Dean looked like a fish out of water. His bruises, barely visible before, sharply stood out in the harsh light now surrounding them, attracting the attention of the few patrons that were already in the restaurant when they had arrived. To make it worse, the kid looked like he would have given anything and everything he owned to just disappear. His head was down, but his eyes were roaming the thin crowd, as if he was expecting to be attacked at any time. He also alternated between chewing his nails and taping his fingers against his collarbone.
  Wanting to get the other man’s attention, Roman lightly covered his hand with his own, flinching when he felt Dean flinch. Damn, seeing the kid so on edge apparently made him on edge too. Roman consciously tried to relax, hoping that he could get Dean to unwind a bit too if he did as well. He was already relieved that the hand that he had covered with his was still under his own and felt a lot warmer than before. At least the other man wouldn’t die from hypothermia on his watch.
  Roman softly massaged the tense hand, moving up his wrist after a few minutes. It wasn’t much, but the simple contact, after a little while, seemed to have the desired effect as the blond sighed softly, slouching a bit in his seat. After another minute or two, a pair of blue eyes even rose high enough to meet his. Roman smiled encouragingly.
  A small smile touched Dean’s lips, but it was replaced by a frown as the waitress came up to their table.
  « Good evening. What can I get for you gentlemen? »
  Roman glanced at Dean, who had lowered his head once more, his fingers tense under his own.
  « Two hot chocolates and two of your chocolate cupcakes. »
  The waitress wrote their order down and walked away from their table.
  Roman laced his fingers with the other man’s and was rewarded with another brief smile. After a few minutes of silence, their waitress came back with their food and drinks and, while Roman wasn’t very hungry, Dean seemed to forget all about his previous shyness and dug into his cupcake with vigor. Roman also noted that, whenever he wasn’t shoving a piece of cake in his mouth, the fingers of the hand that wasn’t still entwined with his own would wrap themselves around his cup of hot chocolate, seeping in its warmth.
Once the food was gone (Dean had finished his cupcake in record time and Roman had pushed his own toward the other man, happy that he received a grin this time, and not just a ghost of a smile), Dean seemed a bit more relaxed. He was sipping his hot chocolate slowly while looking around the restaurant with mild interest instead of obvious paranoia now. As his eyes met Roman, he smiled.
  « So, I already know that you seem to like hanging out in the back of your friend’s car, that picking up random strangers off the street makes you a little weird and that when you get a little weird, you start  giving out cupcakes.  Is there anything else that I should know about you, big guy? »
  Once more, that gravely voice got under Roman’s skin and gave him goosebumps. Heck, he could just sit here for the next eternity and a half listening to this guy reading the phonebook, and he would be perfectly happy. Roman shifted in his seat.
  « There isn’t that much to say. My friends took me out tonight because they think I have a very boring life, as a matter of fact. »
  Icy blue eyes met his own. It looked like Roman had piqued Dean’s interest.
  « What do you like to do for fun? »
  Roman took another sip of his hot chocolate. As much as he loved the path that he had chosen in life, the people he met never seemed to get why he had chosen it. He often heard that he was wasting his time and should consider getting an education and starting a « real » career.
  « It might sound a little weird, but I love wrestling. I mean, I come from a family of wrestlers, so it has pretty much always fascinated me. I spend most of my time training. I also do some matches sometimes, in little venues, often with the other two guys that were in the car with me earlier. We don’t make much money right now, but there is this division of the WWE, NXT, that is holding auditions later this week, so we will definitely give it a shot. »
  By now, Dean was grinning widely. His thumb moving up and down the side of Roman’s hand.
    « I love wrestling! I would watch it non stop when I was growing up. I also went to a training school a few years ago and still do some matches here and there. Mostly hardcore stuff, as you can see. »
  Dean rubbed the marks on his neck and then the bruise on his cheek. Roman knew that there was a little company around town that did some...unconventional matches. They included anything from tables to chairs, from barbed wire to electric tools....it wasn’t Roman’s cup of tea, but you had to be a pretty good wrestler to survive these types of matches.
  « I love putting on a good show! », said Dean, before the twinkle in his eyes faded a bit.
  « But it unfortunately doesn’t pay enough to put any kind of money on the table. So I had to....change my career path. »
  With that, Dean lowered his eyes to their linked hands.
  « It’s probably for the best. The guys I wrestle with...some of them can be a little off at times...they can take what happens in the ring a little too far...you have to watch your back even when you’re not in the ring, because you never know when and where they might turn up, just looking to rough you up for the fun of it. »
  Roman squeezed the other man’s gently. They were both silent for a moment, before Roman, struck by a genius idea, tugged on the blond’s hand until blue eyes met his own once more.
  « Let’s go grab your stuff. You can stay with my friends and I for a few days. We’ll train as much and as hard as we can, and then we’ll all go to that audition. What do you say? »
  Dean took his hand back, and eyed Roman carefully, probably looking for a sign that the other man wasn’t serious, that he had an ulterior motive or that this whole situation would end up as badly as many others had before in his life.
  « Why are you doing this? »
  Roman had to fight the impulse to lower his gaze, knowing that that would only put Dean even more on edge. So he kept his eyes locked on the other man’s.
  « I know that we haven’t known each other for very long, and haven’t exactly met in the kind of circumstances that usually build strong friendships, but you seem like a good guy. Plus, I rarely meet new people who share my passion, so I have to admit that getting a few days to get to know you better sounds pretty awesome. I’d love to see what you bring to the table during a match. And if you make it into NXT and I don’t, maybe you can put in a few good words for me. »
  Dean was silent for a few minutes, and his inner struggle was evident. Roman could understand why. After all, this could still all be a big ploy to kill him and cut him into little pieces. Roman could be a maniac or a sociopath for all he knew. Yet, if his intentions were really as he said they were, he would get a roof over his head for a few days, would be able to sleep without having to worry about what might happen to him as soon as he closed his eyes, he would get to wrestle with other passionate guys, and might even score a spot on the NXT rooster.
  « You’re one weird dude. I don’t really have any stuff that we need to pick up. What you see is what you get. But I can give back the money that your friends gave me. It should be enough to cover food, board and the ride to NXT. »
  As Dean started reaching into his pocket, Roman stopped him.
  « Keep it. Tomorrow, we can go shopping. We’ll get you something comfy to wrestle in, as well as something nice to wear so that you can impress the NXT people when we’ll walk in.»
  Dean looked at Roman. The other man seemed so happy and excited that he could only nod and grin too. Still, in the back of his mind, he couldn’t help but wonder what the hell he had gotten himself into.
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mariesg16 · 10 years
The green fairy of the East...somehow, I don't think that my enemies would be very scared of my title...but I might be able to defeat them while they are busy laughing at my title....lol!
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mariesg16 · 10 years
you are a human being 
you are a human being
humans get hungry
humans get tired
humans forget
humans have emotions
you are a human being and losing control is normal
just make sure that you don’t let that loss of control define you
because humans are strong
humans recover
humans are built to survive
you are a human being
and you will make it through
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mariesg16 · 10 years
Born 2 run
Title: Born 2 run Author: Mariesg16 Pairing: Roman/Dean, with a side of Seth/Punk Rating: Mature Summary: Watching movies is fun. Going to a club is fun. Crossfit is fun. Picking a random hooker off  the street is not Roman’s definition of fun. Disclaimer: The boys all belong to themselves. This is fiction, so none of what you will read actually happened (at least, as far as we know
*grin*) I am not making any money out of this, so don’t sue
you’ll be disappointed with my meagre belongings if you do anyway. Also, English isn’t my mother tongue, so keep that in mind if you come across weirdly written words or sentences that don’t quite make sense. Finally, this is a slash fic (if you don’t know what that is, look it up : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slash_fiction). If you don’t like those, than skip this post and don’t read it.
  Roman sighed, slouching even lower in his seat and wondering once more why he had let his friends bully him into this. The Samoan looked out the slightly frosted car window, his gaze meeting nothing but darkness, seedy buildings and a handfull of desperate looking people.
  -So, what are we looking for? Tall? Small? Blond? Black?
  Upon hearing his friend’s voice, Roman lifted his eyes and met Punk’s gaze in the rearview mirror as Seth, who was riding shotgun, twisted in his seat to look at Roman.
  -I’m not looking for shit. This was your idea, not mine. Beside, it’s like minus 100 degrees. Lets just go back home and watch a couple of movies instead.
  Seth grinned and shook his head.
  -Nope. Trust me, this will do you a world of good. It’s been weeks since you did anything other than eat, sleep and work, Roman. It’s ok to have a little bit of fun in life, you know?
  Roman rolled his eyes.
  -Watching movies is fun. Going to a club is fun. Crossfit is fun. Picking a random hooker off  the street is not my definition of fun.
  Roman turned his head once more so that he could look out the window and into the darkness, just so he wouldn’t have to see Seth’s shit eating grin directed at him. That’s when he saw Him.
  The man had short messy blond hair. He was by no means dressed for the kind of weather that he was currently standing in, with a pair of washed out jeans and a tank top. Yet, Roman could easily see why he wasn’t wearing a coat, as his top showcased his muscular arms and chest.
  -You like that one?
  Roman was startled out of his staring by Punk’s voice.
-No. Let’s just go home.
  But his friend turned a deaf hear to his argument and parked the car on the curb, a few feet away from the blond man. The car had barely stopped moving when Seth jumped out and walked up to the hooker.
  Roman could feel his heart race. Yes, it had been forever since he’s last gotten laid. Yes, he had way more responsabilities that pleasure nowadays. And yes, the blond man was incredibly gorgeous....but Roman had a very bad feeling about all of this. As he looked out the window once more, his eyes crossed the hooker’s and he shivered. Even in the darkness, he could see that the other man had the most amazing blue eyes that he’s ever seen.
  Seth talked to the other man for a few more minutes, and Roman felt himself tense as his friend handed the stanger what seemed like a little bundle of cash before both men started walking back to the car together.
  Seth opened the back door of the car, letting the blond man crawl in beside Roman.
  -Roman, this is Dean. Dean, this is Roman. Punk and I are going to go for a bite down the street and be back in about an hour. You guys can either stay in the car or go to the little motel over there. It’s up to you. Have fun!
  With that, Seth closed the door once more. Punk got out of the car as well, grinning back at them before closing his door and walking away with his boyfriend.
  Roman wiped his sweaty hands on his pants, nervously looking at Dean.
  -Don’t be nervous. We are only going to go as far as you want to go tonight. No pressure.
  The gravelly voice went straight to Roman’s crotch. The blond man smiled and leaned in slowly. Romand closed his eyes as soft lips met his in a nearly chaste kiss. There were butterflies in his stomach and he felt lightheaded....all of that from a simple kiss...
  Roman gasped as a warm tongue met his buttom lip and Dean took that as an invitation, slipping his tongue into the other man’s mouth.
  It took a few minutes, but Roman eventually relaxed into the kiss, letting one of his hands move up the the hooker’s hair and running it through the soft curls. Dean seemed to take that as his cue. Without breaking contact, he climbed into Roman’s lap.
  The Samoan unconsciously moved his hands from Dean’s hair to his hips, grounding the other man on his lap. Roman felt as if all of his senses were on overload. He was being kissed senseless, but even if his lungs were complaining about the lack of oxygen, he couldn’t bring himself to back away from the sweet assault. The solid weight on his lap, softly rutting against him to bring delicious frictions to both of their groins was maddening.
  Yet, the feeling of utter wrongness reeled its ugly head once more as Roman felt Dean shiver against him, and as freezing hands slipped under his shirt to skim over his skin.
  The other man must have felt how Roman suddenly tensed, because he moved back slightly from the kiss, smiling.
  -Don’t worry, I know that my hands are cold, but my mouth is definitely warm.
  With that the hooker started working on Roman’s belt with shaky fingers.
  As hard as he was, the little alarm bells in Roman’s head just wouldn’t let up. Or course, he was horny as hell and his body was begging for release, but he couldn’t help but wonder what had pushed the other man into becoming a hooker. Was he doing it to pay for drugs? Did he have a shitty upbringing? Did he like doing what he did or was it only a way to put a roof over his head and food in his stomach?
  Roman knew that he was thinking with his heart instead of his head at that moment, but as he skimmed his hands around the other man’s waist, feeling him wince slightly, he took a second to really look at Dean. Even in the very dim light provided by the moon on this frigid night, he could see a fading bruise on the other man’s cheek. The fingers that were still trying to get his belt unbucked were scrapped and the knuckles were bloody. When Roman’s eyes moved back up and meet a long and fresh mark on the other man’s neck, clearly indicating that someone had tried choking him not that long ago, he felt anger bubble beneath his skin.
  Dean must have felt him tense all over again, because he moved in to kiss Roman once more. At the simple contact, the Samoan’s brain stopped functionning properly for a few seconds, but as he felt cold fingers pulling down the zipper of his pants after having finally been successful with his belt, the little voice inside his head started screaming how wrong all of this was once again.
  Roman moved back from the kiss, leaned his forehead agains the other man’s and took the shaky fingers in his, stopping their progress on his pants.
  It was Dean’s turn to tense a bit, seemingly a little thrown off by this turn of events. Yet, he turned a smile that showcased his dimples to the Samoan.
  -Would you prefer going to the motel? We can do anything you want. I’m make it worth your while, I promise.
  When Dean’s lips ran across his own, Roman let him for a moment or two, before pulling away. Still holding the freezing digits of the other man in his own, he brought them up to his face and softly blew warm air on them, hoping to ease the ache and stiffness that he knew Dean had to be feeling after standing in the cold for God knew how long.
  -Here’s what we’ll do. We’ll go to the little cafĂ© down the street and grab a bite and warm drink. We’ll hang out for an hour or two and then we’ll meet my friends back at the car and drive you home. How does that sound?
  If Dean had been tense earlier, he was now rigid on Roman’s lap. The Samoan could nearly hear the little wheels turning in the other man’s head, wondering if this was a trap, if he would have to give back the money that he had been given earlier, if the 3 men would really be taking him home afterwards or if he would end up in a dark alley somewhere and never be seen again. Yet, he could feel every cell in his body shivering from staying on the sidewalk for over an hour in the freezing night, and his stomach was painfully contracting at the mere thought of food. He couldn’t even remember when was the last meal that he had taken.
  Before the blond could make up his mind, Roman gently pushed him off of his lap and onto the seat beside him. He then took off his coat and pulled in onto the other man, wrapping him tightly in soft warmth.
  Roman nearly laughed when shocked blue eyes meet his, but he hid his smirk as much as he could, not wanting the other man to run away from him, into the cold night and on to the next client, getting beat up and abused for a bit of cash.
  The Samoan climbed out of the car, grabbing Dean’s hand and helping him out as well. Roman then locked the car, and keeping Dean’s hand in his, slowly made his way over to the cafĂ©. He could see that the other man was trying his best to hide the limp in his step, and he pulled him a little closer to his body.
  -You can keep whatever my friends gave you earlier. It’s yours. And we’ll be in a public place, so you have nothing to worry about. If you still think that this is a big masterplan to kill you and dump your body somewhere after we’re done eating, then you can simply kick me in the nut and run while I mourn the fact that I’ll never be able to even consider having kids one day.
  A soft smile lit Dean’s face, and Roman pulled on his hand some more, making them bump shoulders.
  -It’s just a meal, drink and conversation. If you’re unconfortable at any point, just say so and then walk out. I won’t hold it against you.
  Dean stopped walking and, as Roman turned to the other man, soft lips grazed his own for a moment.
  -Thank you.
  Once again, that deep voice ran straight to Roman’s dick, but he simply smiled, gave the other man a peck on the lips and tugged on his hand once more as he started walking again.
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mariesg16 · 10 years
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Dean Ambrose on set of his movie lockdown. (Credit to owner)
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mariesg16 · 10 years
Any chance we could get a part 2 to this? You can't leave Dean sobbing in a little ball, all alone in the world....*tears*
Ambrollins, "I'm not cut out for this."
just pretend you love me, wrestling, seth/dean, pg-13, angst, break up fic, fighting
ohnoitsthebat (i’d say i’m sorry, but you knew what you were asking for.)
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mariesg16 · 10 years
But isn't that a trash truck? Lol!
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mariesg16 · 10 years
Breathe. It’s only a bad day, not a bad life.
Johnny Depp (via enemaroberts)
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mariesg16 · 10 years
Loved this! I'd also give my soul to be a fly on the wall in Seth's hotel room and see what happens next. Any chance for a sequel? *grin*
You wanted some prompts, well here you go : no matter how indestructible Dean thinks he is, the human body can only handle so much pain and injuries. After weeks of abuse at the hands of the autorities, after a rough match, he simply can't get back to his feet, no matter how hard he tries. Despite the fact that they are enemies now, Seth is worried
never cuts you quite as deep as the first time, pg-13, wrestling, seth/dean, angst, hurt/comfort, canon-typical violence, blood, iffy medical things relating to concussions
(tagging ohnoitsthebat because well, it’s obvious by now, right?)
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mariesg16 · 10 years
Rebloging, just in case anyone is interrested in writing these! *grin*
To all of the writers out there, I have a few fic ideas, and am looking for someone to turn these little plot bunnies into actual fics. If you want to, you can also change parts of them, mix them up, etc
 and before you ask, yes, I LOVE hurt/comfort fics. And if you do write one of these fics, please tag with “ambrollins” or “ambreigns” to make sure that I won’t miss it! *grin*
-Dean gets injured (car crash, bar fight, tripped over his own feet
you decide) and the hospital stil has Seth as his emergency contact. With Roman nowhere to be found and refusing to return his calls, Seth heads to the hospital. Bonus point if Triple H tries to convince Seth of simply leaving Dean to his faith, or that this is the perfect opportunity to make sure that he is never going to be a threat to his business again.
-With Seth no longer in the Shield, Roman is now in charge of making sure that Dean takes his medication daily. However, when Roman is having a match overseas while Dean is having one in the US, he forgets to leave Dean some of his meds. So when Dean has a complete meltdown in the backstage area and becomes a danger to himself as well as to the other wrestlers, Seth knows that he needs to step in. Bonus point if the WWE medics need to sedate Dean and Seth has to keep an eye on him overnight.
-Any other fic where Dean is hurt, either physically, mentally or emotionnaly and Seth and/or Roman takes care of him =  automatic thumbs up!
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mariesg16 · 10 years
Fic ideas!!!!
To all of the writers out there, I have a few fic ideas, and am looking for someone to turn these little plot bunnies into actual fics. If you want to, you can also change parts of them, mix them up, etc... and before you ask, yes, I LOVE hurt/comfort fics. And if you do write one of these fics, please tag with "ambrollins" or "ambreigns" to make sure that I won't miss it! *grin*
-Dean gets injured (car crash, bar fight, tripped over his own feet...you decide) and the hospital stil has Seth as his emergency contact. With Roman nowhere to be found and refusing to return his calls, Seth heads to the hospital. Bonus point if Triple H tries to convince Seth of simply leaving Dean to his faith, or that this is the perfect opportunity to make sure that he is never going to be a threat to his business again.
-With Seth no longer in the Shield, Roman is now in charge of making sure that Dean takes his medication daily. However, when Roman is having a match overseas while Dean is having one in the US, he forgets to leave Dean some of his meds. So when Dean has a complete meltdown in the backstage area and becomes a danger to himself as well as to the other wrestlers, Seth knows that he needs to step in. Bonus point if the WWE medics need to sedate Dean and Seth has to keep an eye on him overnight.
-Any other fic where Dean is hurt, either physically, mentally or emotionnaly and Seth and/or Roman takes care of him =  automatic thumbs up!
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mariesg16 · 10 years
Out of Reach - Epilogue
Title: Out of reach – Epilogue Author: Mariesg16 Pairing: Dan/Daniel Rating: Mature Summary: Disorganized chaos. That was the only thing that came to Daniel’s mind as he glanced around, his heart pounding in his chest. Disclaimer: Imagine Dragons belong to themselves. This is fiction, so none of what you will read actually happened (at least, as far as we know
*grin*) I am not making any money out of this, so don’t sue
you’ll be disappointed with my meagre belongings if you do anyway. Also, English isn’t my mother tongue, so keep that in mind if you come across weirdly written words or sentences that don’t quite make sense. Finally, this is a slash fic (if you don’t know what that is, look it up: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slash_fiction). If you don’t like those, than skip this post and don’t read it.
Daniel could feel adrenaline running through his veins, could feel his heart pounding in his chest. This couldn’t be happening. Not again.
  “Have you seen Dan?”
  Ben shook his head, a worried crossing his features. Ever since that fateful night that had taken place exactly a year ago, where Dan had vanished and been found bruised and terrified, the drummer always made sure to keep an eye on his friend. Even when they were on opposite sides of a room, he subconsciously positioned himself so that the singer was in his line of sight. He tried to be discreet about it, not wanting to suffocate his friend, but even thinking about loosing him or about something bad happening to him again scared him shitless. Yet, he had somehow slipped through Daniel’s fingers again. He felt like he had been looking everywhere, but couldn’t manage to find his best friend.
  Daniel forced his fingers to unclench. After Dan had told them what he remembered of that night, they had gone to the police station and filled a report. Both of the men that had attacked and nearly raped Dan had been arrested shortly after that and would thankfully be being bars for quite a few years. So Daniel had no reason to be this wound up.
  The drummer tried to force a deep breath into his lungs, but it got stuck in his throat as someone came up behind him and warm hands covered his eyes. Daniel tensed for only a few seconds before a familiar chuckle met his ears. He instantly relaxed and a wide smile crossed his face.
  The drummer turned around, the hands on his eyes being dislodged in the process, and his eyes met a pair of shinny blue orbs.  Their smiles matched as their mouths met softly.
  “I’m going to have to seriously think about putting a GPS on your ass.”
  Their eyes locked as they stood close to each other. Dan’s features turned uncertain and a nervous look crossed his face. Now the drummer was intrigued.
  “What did you do?”
  Dan smiled once more before pulling a necklace out of his pocket and swinging it before the drummer’s eyes.
  “Happy anniversary, baby. I know it’s not a ring or anything fancy, but
  Dan was interrupted by soft lips meeting his once more, and grinned.
  “I love it. Thank you.”
  After fastening it around the drummer’s neck, Dan leaning in and they kissed once more. But before things got too heated, Daniel smirked and whispered in the singer’s ear.
  “You’ll have to wait until tonight to get your gift, but I’m sure that it will be worth the wait.”
  Their smiles matched and their excitement was palpable.
  You could say that Daniel had mixed emotions when he thought about what they now all referred to as “that night”. Of course, if he could go back in time, he would do everything and anything in his power to make sure that his best friend didn’t get hurt the way he had a year ago. Yet, he couldn’t help but wonder if all of the emotions that the situation had stirred hadn’t been the little push that they needed to finally act upon the attraction that had always shimmered between them. As he hear a soft “I love you” whispered close to his ear, his mind shifted back to the present and he whispered those three smalls words right back to the singer.
  Hand in hand, the walked back toward their tour bur, both feeling excited, eager and blissfully happy.
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mariesg16 · 10 years
Out of Reach - Chapter 5
Title: Out of reach – Chapter 5 Author: Mariesg16 Pairing: Dan/Daniel Rating: Mature Summary: Disorganized chaos. That was the only thing that came to Daniel’s mind as he glanced around, his heart pounding in his chest. Disclaimer: Imagine Dragons belong to themselves. This is fiction, so none of what you will read actually happened (at least, as far as we know
*grin*) I am not making any money out of this, so don’t sue
you’ll be disappointed with my meagre belongings if you do anyway. Also, English isn’t my mother tongue, so keep that in mind if you come across weirdly written words or sentences that don’t quite make sense. Finally, this is a slash fic (if you don’t know what that is, look it up: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slash_fiction). If you don’t like those, than skip this post and don’t read it.
The Imagine Dragons tour crew had always felt more like a family then mere coworkers to Daniel. He loved every single one of them and knew that the feeling was mutual. Yet, when Ben bodily pushed everyone out of their crowded tour bus until only the four of them remained, the drummer felt like he could finally breathe. A single glance at Dan told his that he felt exactly the same way.
  Of course they wanted to know what had happened. Of course they wanted to make sure that Dan was ok. Of course they wanted to know if they could do anything to help. After all, that was what friends were for: caring. But right this moment, space and time was the only thing that could ease the tension that was palpable on their tour bus.
  Wayne headed for the lounge area situated at the back of their bus, the other three members of the band silently following him. They had done this so many times that it nearly felt like a second nature by now. Every time one of them felt down, sad or angry, every time something overwhelming happened, good or bad, they retreated to the small lounge, closed the door and either talked things through, or sat together in silence, simply drawing comfort from the closeness of the others.
  Dan sat on one of the couches and the drummer sat right beside him. As soon as his butt hit the cushions, the singer took that as his cue and laid down, resting his head on Daniel’s lap. Ben and Wayne sat on the other couch, and the latter picked up a guitar and started gently strumming its cords, lightening the mood instantly. Daniel ran his fingers gently through the singer’s hair as Dan took a deep breathe and started talking.
  “Last night, after the show, I was walking around the venue. It was dark and with my hood up, I could go around the stands, watch the other acts and just unwind a bit without being recognised. I love the atmosphere at festivals
  Dan’s voice trailed off for a bit before he took a shaky breath and went on.
   “Then this guy ran up to me. He was freaked out and breathless. There was mud all over him and blood was running from his nose. He told me that he and his friend had been mugged and that I had to help him. I told him that the security stand was close by, and that they would be able to get him and his friend some help. But he told me that we didn’t have enough time to alert them and that I had to help him. As we were talking, I didn’t realise that he was moving backwards slowly. With the noise of the venue, I always had to move toward him in order to hear what he was saying. “
  Dan’s fingers dug slightly into the drummer’s thigh and he closed his eyes.
“The first thing that I knew was that we were behind one of the stands. From there, we were completely hidden and no one could see us, but I wasn’t too worried about it then. The guy looked like he was in complete shock and I didn’t think that he could have hurt anyone in that kind of state. I kept telling him that the security stand was the other way and that we had to get help for his friend. That’s when someone grabbed me from behind. I remember being pushed to the ground as someone wrapped his hands around my throat. I couldn’t breathe.”
  Dan’s hand moved up to his throat and he gently rubbed the abrasions and bruises that littered his smooth skin.
  “It becomes a little fuzzy after that. I remember that when I came to, we were in an alley. It was dark and cold. The guy from earlier, not the one who had chocked me, but the one who had told me that he had been mugged, was trying to push my pants down. He didn’t know that I was awake, so he had his guards down. He was probably shocked as hell when I brought my knee up to his groin before punching him in the jaw. He stumbled back, and the other guy, the one that had chocked me, grabbed me from being once more. To be honest, I have no clue what happened after that. When I woke up on the bus, I thought that it had all been some kind of twisted dream. So when I got to the restroom and saw the marks on my neck
I guess it make it all sink it. It wasn’t just a dream
  Dan’s voice trailed off one more and the drummer took that as his cue to fill in some of the blanks.
  “We looked everywhere for you. We had been looking for hours when some guy come up to us yelling that he had found you in some alley. When we got to you, you were terrified. It was like you didn’t know where you were and couldn’t recognize any of us. You nearly punched Wayne.”
  Daniel grinned as he caught the wide-eyed look that the singer threw Wayne’s way. The guitarist smiled and shrugged, still strumming his guitar.
  “It was raining and we were all freezing, but we managed to get you back to the bus. “
  Wayne’s smile took on an evil turn as he saw the opportunity to lighten the mood.
  “Daniel forgot to tell you that he passed out from the cold. Like a wimp. Oh, and you guys both need to loose some weight. Getting you out of your wet clothes was a struggle to say the least. Ben was holding you in place as I was pulling as hard as I could
.which took FOREVER as I’m not exactly Hulk Hogan. Oh, and when we saw that Dan wasn’t wearing any underwear under his jeans
  By the time the guitarist was done, all four of them were giggling, the stifling tension once again draining out of the room.
  If there was ever a time to get anything out in the open, Daniel figured that this was it. As Dan wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, the drummer bent down and gave him a small peck on the lips. As he straightened back up to look at his bandmates, instead of chocked expressions, what he received was a wink from Wayne and a thumb up from Ben.  And just like that, he knew that everything was going to be ok, that as long as they all had each other, there was nothing that they couldn’t do or get through.
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mariesg16 · 11 years
Out of Reach - Chapter 4
Title: Out of reach – Chapter 4 Author: Mariesg16 Pairing: Dan/Daniel Rating: Mature Summary: Disorganized chaos. That was the only thing that came to Daniel’s mind as he glanced around, his heart pounding in his chest. Disclaimer: Imagine Dragons belong to themselves. This is fiction, so none of what you will read actually happened (at least, as far as we know
*grin*) I am not making any money out of this, so don’t sue
you’ll be disappointed with my meagre belongings if you do anyway. Also, English isn’t my mother tongue, so keep that in mind if you come across weirdly written words or sentences that don’t quite make sense. Finally, this is a slash fic (if you don’t know what that is, look it up: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slash_fiction). If you don’t like those, than skip this post and don’t read it.
When Daniel opened his eyes, the first thing that he noticed was the lack of vibration. That meant that their tour bus was no longer moving and that they were stopped at a rest stop, a gas station or a convenience store. That also meant the possibility of getting a nice cup of coffee (the machine on their tour bus only seemed able to make incredibly bitter coffee), a snack (he was starving) and, if he was lucky enough, a quick shower. Even a rest stop‘s lukewarm water would feel heavenly right now.
  The drummer stretched, feeling sored all over, his muscles aching. That is when the events of the previous night came rushing back to his memory.
  Looking around, the drummer couldn’t help but wonder if he should consider the fact that Dan was no longer in his bunk as a good or as a bad sign. So, pushing back the covers of his bunk, he got up. His legs still felt a little unsteady, but it was nothing a couple of Advil and a strong cup of coffee wouldn’t be able to fix. Walking toward the front of the bus, Daniel instantly knew that he was alone in the vehicle. When you travelled with a bunch of musicians, you got used to the constant noise, as someone was always tuning a guitar, singing a tune or drumming a beat somewhere. It drove him absolutely crazy at first, but after a while, like the vibration of a moving tour bus, the constant noise surrounding him started to feel like home. It reminded him of when he was little, of when the sounds of his mother cooking in the kitchen or the sound of the TV playing in the living room meant that he was safe and that the people he loved where close by. The complete silence on the bus felt weird and unfamiliar.
  As he stepped out of the tour bus, Daniel couldn’t help but smile. He had hit the jackpot! A rest stop! That meant that, if he had enough time, he could get all of his previous wishes: a cup of strong coffee, a sweet snack AND a shower. Deciding that coffee had to come first, he was heading for the rest stop’s little convenience store when he saw Wayne walking his way. The drummer’s smile faded as he saw the frown on his friend’s face.
is everything ok?”
  Wayne kept his eyes on the rest stop’s restrooms.
  “I don’t know. Dan is in the restrooms. He looks ok, physically
.like, he didn’t look like he was in any pain when we walked off of the bus
.but he hasn’t said a single word since we woke up. You know how he usually never stops talking
and when I told him that we were heading for the convenience store, he nodded and stayed in the restroom.”
  Daniel’s eyes were now also on the little building where restrooms and showers could be found by travelers.
  “I didn’t want to leave him alone in there, especially after what happened, but Ben told me that maybe Dan just needed some time alone. But
 I have a bad feeling about this
  Daniel looked at his friend for a few seconds before giving him a small push toward the convenience store.
  “I wanted to take a shower before we left. So I’ll keep an eye on him. Don’t worry about it.”
  It was as if Daniel had just lifter a hundred pounds off of his friend’s shoulders. The guitarist looked relieved.
  “Thanks man, I’ll feel a lot better knowing that he’s not alone in there.”
  Daniel squeezed his friend’s shoulder and walked back to their tour bus. He made quick work of grabbing clean clothes, a bar of soap and some towels. Walking by Dan’s bunk, he hesitated shortly, but ended up grabbing some fresh clothes for his friend as well. By now the drummer felt wide awake, the adrenaline that was once again flowing through his veins masking all of the small aches and pains that he had felt when he had first woken up.
  The walk to the restrooms was short, yet, as he pushed the door of the building open, Daniel could feel and hear himself panting, his heart pounding in his chest. First, he walked to the showers section of the building. When he found that room empty, he left his things on one of the benches, and left the room once more, intent on looking for the stray singer. When he opened the door of the men’s bathroom, he once again didn’t know whether to be relieved or scared.
  Dan was there, and looked like he was still in one piece, which was a relief, but he was leaning with his hands over one of the porcelain sinks, staring at his own reflection in the dirty mirror hanging overhead. If the singer heard him come into the bathroom, he gave no sign of it.
  Daniel walked over to his friend. Once he was right behind Dan, his reflection now also visible in the bathroom mirror, their eyes met and the drummer’s heart broke. Dan’s eyes, usually so full of life and mischief, were now dull, distant and slightly unfocused. Slowly, Daniel moved forward until his chest was pressed to his friend’s back, and wrapped his arms around the singer’s waist. He was relieved when Dan didn’t tense or move away, but seemed to relax and melt into his arms instead, leaning some of his weight on his friend.
  Still keeping eye contact in the bathroom mirror, Daniel pressed a soft kiss to his friend’s cheek and nuzzled his neck a bit. The fact that he got a small smile in return made him smile as well.
  “How about a shower? I can’t promise hot water or decent water pressure, but I have a bar of your favourite soap and some clean clothes waiting in the next room.”
  The only response was another small smile and a slight nod. Daniel stepped back, taking the singer’s hand in his and leading him toward the shower section of the building. Since it was still very early in the morning, it seemed like the band and its crew were alone at the rest stop. No one seemed to be in the restroom building at the moment.
  Daniel started undressing, keeping his eyes on the ground. Of course, over the years that they had spent on the road together, the drummer had probably seen him band mates naked or half naked more often then he should be confortable with, and they had never been shy with one another. But Dan didn’t seem like himself (and rightfully so) that morning and he wanted to give his friend some space and some illusion of privacy. So the drummer entered one of the shower stalls and stepped under the spray of water (lukewarm
no water pressure
just like he had thought it would be), and closed his eyes, trying to get his muscles to relax. The aches and pains were coming back with a vengeance now and the drummer could only thank God for the fact that they were not playing a show that night.
  As he turned around under the spray of water, his eyes fell on Dan. His friend had also undressed, but instead of entering one of the other shower stalls, he had walked into the drummer’s. Now, as he stood there, naked and obviously cold, he looked as if he didn’t know what to do with himself. Daniel could nearly hear to wheels turning in his friend’s head. He probably wasn’t confortable, after the events of the previous night, with the idea of being naked, alone and vulnerable in his own stall. Yet, even if joining the drummer had seemed like a good idea at first, now that he was actually in his friend’s stall, self-consciousness and fear of rejection was setting in.
  “Don’t think too hard, or you’re gonna hurt yourself.”
  The shy grin he received let Daniel know that he had hit the bull’s eye. He took his friend’s hand and placed him under the spray of water before rubbing the bar of soap between his hands and bringing the foam to Dan’s head, gently massaging his scalp as he cleaned the singer’s hair. It took a few moments, but eventually, the tension tightening his friend’s muscles started to ease. The singer closed his eyes as the drummer ran the bar of soap over his skin, washing away the sweat, the grime, the tension and the fear from his body.
  Once he was done, Daniel put the bar of soap to the side and carefully started rinsing Dan’s short dark blond hair. He was so focused on the task at hands that he nearly jumped when he felt gentle hands start running the bar of soap across his own skin. Dan, who now seemed exhausted, was leaning back slightly against the wall of the shower stall, his legs shaking faintly. Yet, he looked determined to give the drummer the gentle attention that he had just received.
  That was probably one of the reasons why Daniel found it so hard to believe that someone could willingly hurt the singer. Dan was such a sweet, giving and easy-going individual. Of course, at times, he could drive his band mates completely nuts with his pranks, silly jokes and constant chatter, but even though the drummer had wrestled with the singer more times than he could count (don’t let Dan’s small frame fool you, the guy could definitely hold his end of a friendly bout), he could never imagine wanting to harm the other man. As his eyes focused on the bruise on the singer’s neck, looking red and angry in the dim lighting, he felt his throat tighten.
  As warm hands were now soaping up his hair, Daniel leaned over and pressed a light kiss on the singer’s chest, right over his heart. Dan’s movements faltered a bit and, as if that light kiss had opened Pandora’s Box, tears gathered in the singer’s eyes and his breathing hitched.
  Daniel took the soap from his now shaky hand, put it on the side and gathered the singer in his arms. At first, his friend seemed intent on keeping as much of his composure as he could, holding himself stiffly, but after a moment, the emotions got the better of him and he started sobbing openly. Daniel felt tears streaming down his own face as he held the singer close to him, rubbing his back soothingly. The sobs wracking the other man’s body were breaking his heart all over again.
  For a while, it truly felt like Dan was breaking apart. His whole body was shaking and he was gasping for air. Yet, after what felt like an eternity, the sobs became soft sniffles, as Dan leaned most of his weight against the drummer, clearly exhausted. By now, the lukewarm water had turned uncomfortably cold and both men were shivering. Daniel turned his head, trying to make eye contact with the singer. What he didn’t expect was for his lips to come in contact with his best friends’ in a light kiss.
  Daniel wasn’t what some people would call a romantic
but he could say that it literally felt like the whole world stopped spinning as they lips met. He couldn’t even say which one (if any) of them had initiated the kiss, but it felt so right, especially after the rollercoaster of emotions that they had been on for the last few hours. It was like they were both taking and giving comfort to the other. Daniel opened him mouth, and a warm tongue met his. The drummer could feel tingles running from his head to his stomach and toes, his whole body humming happily.
  Unfortunately, the world started spinning again and both men jumped at the sound of a door opening and closing. They had to remember that they were in a very public place, and that Wayne was probably going out of his mind, wondering if they had been abducted by aliens by now. Daniel broke the kiss and one look at the now flushed singer was enough to bring a smile to his face. He brushed his lips against the other man’s once more before turning off the water and wrapping the both of them in towels, making short work of drying himself and helping the singer do the same.
  Once they were both dry, they stepped out of their shower stall. Thankfully, they could hear water running in another stall, which meant that no one would notice the both of them coming out of the same shower stall with small (and suspicious) grins on their faces . They both got dressed and walked out of the building.
  By now, Daniel was pretty sure that he wasn’t going to have enough time to grab a coffee and a snack before their tour bus had to leave again, but as a warm hand slipped into his, he realised that he felt strangely ok with that.
  Yet, as high as he felt right now, he knew that it was only a matter of time before their rollercoaster took a new dip. Once on the bus, they would need to talk about what had happened the night before. Their band mates, their manager 
heck, Daniel himself, wanted to know what had left the singer so scared and weary. It was like coming across a train wreck. Your curiosity made you want to take a peek, while the sensible part of your brain screamed that you shouldn’t. Yet, you couldn’t help but take a look, even knowing that you might have trouble getting over the images running through your head later on.
  Still, as he pulled Dan closer to him and their eyes met, the drummer knew that, whatever had or would happen, they would get through it together.
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mariesg16 · 11 years
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too adorable 
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