marieforster20 · 3 years
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Day 89: How do you research for your worldbuilding?
I travel. Here's Piha beach, New Zealand.
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marieforster20 · 3 years
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Day 88 with @the-wip-project: Have you ever reused characters?
Not unless you mean in the same universe.
Every character and side character in my original content has been original with their own quirks and intricacies. I've definitely written about the same characters in multiple works, though!
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marieforster20 · 3 years
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Day 87 with @the-wip-project: Have you ever reused scenes? Was it intentional or unintentional?
I feel like there are two types of reusing, and I've done them both.
First, there's the scene you love to write, so you either accidentally end up writing someone eerily similar or knowingly redo it in another work because you love it. There's nothing new under the sun, and tropes wouldn't exist without repetition.
Then there's the scene you intentionally reuse word for word and edit in the changes. Maybe it's a different fandom or novel, but that's the scene that works- so you do it.
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marieforster20 · 3 years
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Day 86 with @the-wip-project: What's your trick to control the chaos?
Control it? No. It controls me.
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marieforster20 · 3 years
Thank you so much @kmilart! They look adorable, I love it.
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Commission I made for @marieforster20 ! Thanks again for commission with me!!❤
And if you interested in commission with me just click here!
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marieforster20 · 3 years
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Day 85 with @the-wip-project:
Sketch out a story with a side-character as the main protagonist.
I'd love to talk about Ameena. She's my main character Solvi's aunt, and she plays a vital role in the story as the 'protector.' Her story could take place at any number of intersections, but I feel like a prequel would be best. Spoilers (and babbling) below the cut.
The novel would start with tragedy. Ameena's sister passed away, leaving a grieving husband and young son behind. As death is so infrequent in the elven culture, it strikes hard. Ameena's life is thrown into disarray and made worse when her brother-in-law takes his life and leaves his son, Solvi, alone.
Ameena takes over raising him. She learns to be a parent in trial by fire and grows into the role. She makes mistakes, Solvi rebels, they make up. Life continues to move.
Ameena meets a partner of her own and battles with herself trying to decide if she is willing to go through potential heartbreak while dealing with the guilt of 'abandoning' Solvi to peruse a life.
Reconciliation, personal growth, and managing grief would be our main themes.
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marieforster20 · 3 years
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Day 84 with @the-wip-project:
What’s the favourite beginning of a story you have written?
My favourite beginning is hands down from a Fanfiction AU I wrote. Set during Mass Effect 2 if Saren survives ME1. Let's go to Purgatory, shall we?
Snippet under the cut!
The very first thing Saren registered was an icy chill running up the length of his spine, frigid air surrounded him in a haze. He was moving, not on his own but upwards -the pull of artificial gravity, or so he figured. A lingering ache made his shoulders tighten and he grunted. Opening his mouth, it felt like he’d been asleep for too long. His mandibles were stiff against his face, his tongue felt fuzzy and useless between his teeth.
Metal grinding on metal made him wince, the sound too loud after too long a time spent in silence. When the biotic managed to blink his eyes open, the light pained them too. Brightness made him squint as he was unable to cover them with his only wrist trapped as it was at his waist. The geth arm he’d been fitted with by Sovereign had long since been destroyed.
Comfort definitely wasn’t something the doctors or the guards had considered when they woke him. Although, that came as a surprise. They were as much monsters as the Reaper pawns that had implanted the technology had been in the first place.
Attempting to stretch his neck out, Saren caught against another metal binding, a collar. He growled at the despicable conditions that the Council had left him in. He deserved better than this squalor. He deserved his freedom.
Awareness started to settle in when the motion stopped and the mist dissipated. The chill in his extremities began to ebb and his eyes acclimatized to the harsh fluorescent lights. It was only then that Saren realized that he’d been cryogenically frozen. For how long, he didn’t know.
A flat, female voice to his right forced Saren to refocus his attention on a human that had been woken at the same time. As the world sharpened in front of his gaze, he watched her break free from the bindings, similar to his own. Apparently, he had not been awakened intentionally. Otherwise, there would have been a slew of guards waiting for him. Nor would there have been another prisoner reanimated in the same chamber. It was too dangerous.
He was too dangerous.
The thought made his mandibles slide into a grin. Now was his chance to escape. He’d tried to be accommodating, he’d allowed the Council to keep him in custody for months. He’d done the treatments they forced on him, however painful, and come out no better for them.
Tightening his only hand into a fist, he willed the first binding open and then tore at the one around his neck. Stepping forward out of his own steel pod, Saren took in the environment. It was a warehouse. Cold metal walls with no real defining features surrounded him. A control room sat above the level he was confined on. There were three cages, like his own, that had risen from below the deck and only one other had been occupied. Twisting toward the doors, he watched a series of mechs begin their startup protocol, the sound of metal grinding and electronics spooling filled the space. They would need to be dispatched before he could leave. There were no sapient guards.
Before Saren could even finish leaving the pod, the human screamed out a battle-cry. Her body igniting in the familiar blue colouring of a biotic aura before she attacked the centre of three mechs waiting for them.
Not to be outdone, Saren rolled out his neck as he stepped forwards out of the containment ring. With a mere flick of his wrist, his biotics were flaring to life. Without an amp, his power was less refined than normal, though he wasn’t any less deadly. Instead of clean spikes of biotic energy the edges frayed, it was more difficult to control the flare, but he was nothing if not an expert at his craft. The Council underestimated him.
The mechs were more akin to a fledgling’s plaything than an actual challenge for the pair of them. The human’s biotics were anything but controlled, yet she was effective at the least.
Above them, at the cell’s viewing port, movement caught his eye. Three humans stood there, but only one of them warranted his attention. ‘ Shepard. ’
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marieforster20 · 3 years
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Day 83 with @the-wip-project
Write the opening of a story with this title: Under A Lonely Star
She could feel the wind through her jacket that cold January night. It howled through the empty floors of the construction site above her like a pack of wolves chasing their dinner. Still, Aleena couldn't move just yet. The weight of her rifle and the cold press of steel against her cheek steadied her. When she breathed the air fogged around her mouth and dissipated into her hovel.
Soon. Soon her mark would be here. She only needed to be patient.
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marieforster20 · 3 years
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Day 82 with @the-wip-project
What is that great line that you can’t find a plot for?
I have a notepad on my phone where I keep all sorts of little lines I see or hear or dream up. Here is my favourite.
"I thought I had butterflies in my chest when I met her.... Nope, turns out my heart's f***ed."
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marieforster20 · 3 years
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Day 81 with @the-wip-project:
What have you learned on your writer journey that you wish you had learned earlier?
If there's one thing I wish I learned, it's the fact that sometimes you don't need to explain yourself. Literally, this line is a multi-million dollar production. If the pros don't need to have the answers to everything, neither do you!
Don't let a scene block you forever, change perspectives or skip a scene completely. Make it work for you.
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marieforster20 · 3 years
#100daysofwriting, day eighty, 2021-08-19
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How do you feel about your old works?
I love my older works, even if they make me cringe sometimes. I can see my growth as a writer and person through them. Some of my darker fics got me through tough times, and maybe I wouldn't be here without them.
And bonus homework: say something nice about past-writer-you.
Past me, you did good. You were never afraid of a challenge or afraid to write what you wanted to. I'm glad I can go back and read your stories.
Thanks for the questions, @the-wip-project
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marieforster20 · 3 years
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First printed copy of Blink! Art by @blueboxness-art
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marieforster20 · 3 years
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Day 78: Fanfic or original, which fandoms/genres do you like to write?
I have written for a few fandoms and have now been focusing my energy on original fiction. Generally, character-based romances are my favourite thing to write.
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marieforster20 · 3 years
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Day 76 with @the-wip-project
Is what you like to write the same as what you like to read?
This feels like a cop-out answer but- sometimes?
I flow through different moods when reading, everything from Science Fiction like Childhood's End and The Expanse to Historical fiction like Memoires of a Geisha or Wideacre. I tend to write romance because it's my comfort zone but, one day, I'd like to branch out and write a science fiction novel of my own. I just need the right idea.
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marieforster20 · 3 years
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Day 76 with @the-wip-project.
Describe what your character likes about the place they live, in their words.
This feels like a conversation Finn would have with Lyra. They would be laying in the damp grass and staring at the stars. To Finn, it's less about the place and more about the feelings home invokes.
"It's like any other farm, I suppose," Finn replied when Lyra asked him about home. "In summer there are fields of hay taller than you. The cattle roam through the hills nearby, and the horses rest under birch trees."
He closed his eyes and inhaled, remembering the smell of dew on his morning trudge to the barn. "The farmhouse stands in the middle of it all. Ma is always baking bread or making stew to feed the lot of us." He smiled. "Rolf eats like his leg is hollow."
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marieforster20 · 3 years
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Day 75: Do you write in past tense or present tense? Why do you prefer one?
I prefer to write in present tense but have a bad habit of mixing tenses (thank you Grammarly for catching me). I like the immediacy it gives my characters and since I like to write in chronological order, it works well for me.
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marieforster20 · 3 years
Writer Permission Slip
Go as slowly as you need to in order to complete your writing project(s).
Prioritize other responsibilities if necessary. It’s okay.
Prioritize rest and self-care if necessary. It’s okay.
Re-write those 6k words you slaved over for weeks. It’s okay.
Slog through that boggy, swampy middle you always dread. It’s okay.
Writing fast is often glorified in the writing community. But some people just physically cannot do that for whatever reason. It’s perfectly okay to write slowly.
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