maria-jk-tae · 3 years
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maria-jk-tae · 3 years
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Hey guys,
I see a lot of people who are struggling with binge eating in this Community. And I don’t mean the “oh I ate over 1000 calories” binging, I mean the 3.000 -over 10.000 calories binging.
My Story : I always had a fast metabolism and was always the skinny girl who would eat a lot. Then I discoverd the pro-ana community and I thought I could become even skinnier, so I started restricting, but I always stayed over 1000 calories. I lost a lot of weight people where concerned and always commenting on how skinny and unhealthy I looked blablabla, I loved it. But then I would have these cravings and I would eat a lot, so I got back to my starting weight, over the years it got worse because I would try to restrict during the week and always binge on the weekend. Holidays where the worst, because I had no routine and would binge every day. Last year I finshed high school and started a gap year in the USA and maybe going to the US with binge eating disorder was the worst Idea of my life. In the last 8 month I gained over 22 lbs /10 kg. A lot of shit happend at home and I wasn’t there, so I would eat my feelings, I would stay in bed for weeks and eat 10 whole meals a day until I thought I would die from a heart attack because I ate so much. I have a 9 to 5 job in an Office right now, so I dont move a lot. Most days I get up go to Work and have lunch, go back home have dinner, eat a lot of Snacks watch TV go to bed. But since a few weeks I am binge free, I still eat too much and not healthy all the time, but it’s getting better slowly and I already lost some Weight. So here are my things that help me.
🌻Accept it.
You have Binge eating disorder, Yeah it sucks, and it’s gonna happen again! Nothing sucks more than having this anorexic beauty standart /goal in your head, but binge eating at the same time. But this is where we are right now, so accept it. And dont promise yourself to never binge again, this will put you under pressure and you will most likley binge again! Promise yourself to get better.
🥗 Eat healthy.
All this processed food will lead to more cravings and wont make you full. Also healthy food is lower in calories, more nutrional and will make you feel better.
📺 Eat mindful.
Don’t eat in front of any media. If you have time prepare your food and eat slowly. I used to eat every meal while watching something on my Phone, to the point where I couldnt watch something without craving food. Yeah eating in silence is boring but it will stop you from over eating. Also dont eat in your room!
🕛Eat regulary
Try to eat at the same time every Day. That doesnt mean you have to eat exactley at 12pm but try to eat around that time. What Works for me is having 3 big meals a day. But there are so many options like 3 meals two snacks etc. Just try to have a routine. It helps especially when you have trouble knowing when you are hungry or full. I try not to eat after 7pm because I know that thats mostly emotional /binge eating. And dont freak out if something unplanned is happening and you can’t eat at that certain time. Its ok thats life. Try again tomorrow.
👭Eat with friends.
Especially when you feel like binging. Call a friend, do a sleepover. Eating with others will stop you from eating like a pig. Maybe you will still overeat but at least not until your stomache hurts.
😴 Get enough sleep.
If you lack of sleep your body is trying to get the energy from food, so you will eat more. Try to get 7-9 hours every night. And have a certain bedtime. I had most of my binges after 10pm but if you sleep you can’t eat!
🏡 Get out of the house.
If you are at home it’s easier to binge. No one is watching you and you have all the food around you. Try to have something to do every Day. Meet with friends, get a hobby. Even if you have work to do, do it somewhere else like the libary.
🙅Avoid Stress.
Bad feelings like stress will lead to binging. If you have a big project to do and you don’t know how to start and you procastinate, that will lead to guild and stress. Start early, ask for help, prepare for a binge. Dont let other people Stress you, especially family members love to tell you how many things you should be doing and how far you are behind and how easy it is to do All of this. Its ok, breathe, especially with Depression and an eating disorder it often feels like you are stuck in life and everyone else figured it out. Its not like that! Your trying! As long as you keep trying you are not stuck!!!
👸Don’t compare yourself to others!!!!
This is maybe the most improtant one. Dont compare yourself, yes there are people where it seems like there are perfect, they have all this energy and they are good in everything. But who cares? They are not you, you should only compare yourself with yourself. Everything else will make you feel like you can never do it and you will never be good enough. But if you only Focus on your own progress you will get happy and stay motivated.
🐢 Be slow.
Yes I know we all want to see change as soon as possible. But change takes time. Think about where you would be right now if you made slow but constant progress?! Yeah we see all these people who eat under 1000 calories exercise every day and have straight A’s. But you tried that right? It worked for a week and then you binge again. Dont overwhelm yourself Start slow. Start with one challange a week. Set yourself realistic Goals. For example exercise 4 times a week. Thats your goal for the week nothing else. You could stay in bed all Day and eat, as long as you exercise 4 times a week. It works, I promise you wont stay in bed all Day, but if your brain thinks you could then it doesnt feel like restricting and you wont binge. Its So weird but the Moment you tell yourself Im gonna binge again and it’s ok, you are less likley to binge. The mindset, I never gonna binge again, is the most dangerous.
⭐Dont be a fucking perfectionist!
I told myself so many times Im gonna eat healthy and then I would eat one drop of olive oil and be like fuck it now Im gonna eat 10.000 calories of junk! There are so many diffrend ways to reach your goal! Not this one perfect way. And even the most perfect people are not always perfect. You dont have to be perfect to reach your goal!!!!!!!! Slow progress!!!! Kill your All or nothing mindest!!
🍕Enjoy your binge.
If you are about to binge, keep calm, Trink some water. Call a friend, prepare your binge food, try to make it more healthy,for example vegan junk food or stuff like hummus and Avocado, wich are tasty and high in calories but healthy. Binging on more healthy food will make you feel better than binging on McDonalds and your skin is not going to break out, also it is hader to eat as many calories with healthy food. Enjoy the food, dont just swallow it!
🚫Dont restrict the day after!
It seems so logic right? I binge, now Im gonna starve the next Day. But this will ALWAYS lead to another binge. Dont skip meals! Move on as if nothing happend!
🤸Learn to fill the void
Lets be honest there are only 2 reason why we binge,1. You don’t eat enough and your body is trying to get the nutrition. And 2. you’re trying to feel better. Tasty food is releasing Dopamin and we feel good, at least while we are eating. But after you binge you feel disgusting and like a failure. So you have to find something else to fill that void. I read once that for every Bad habit you want to break you need 5 good habits. So find something that makes you happy. Start your Day dancing to your favourite songs. Meet with friends. Exercise. Watch your favourite Show without any distraction. Draw. Masturbate :) whatever makes you happy.
🌈Stay motivated.
Remember, progress is slow. Sometimes you wont see any change, your brain will tell you it’s not worth it and to just give up. Remember why you started. Keep a tumblr with stuff that inspires and motivates you, but don’t compare yourself with others! Search for people who have the same problems it’s not a race, be Kind to each other motivate each other. And don’t use your whole energy for this one goal, focuse on other things in life, time will go faster that way. Dont search for change in the morrior everyday! You got this!
🍑Hope this helps someone. If you have more Tips please share. If you have questions ask me and if you want to chat, message me.
Sorry for my spelling btw.
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maria-jk-tae · 3 years
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maria-jk-tae · 3 years
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maria-jk-tae · 3 years
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Soon! 🎄☃️🚗❄️
My inst:
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maria-jk-tae · 3 years
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My first digital drawing 🌱
Any support is greatly appreciated :)
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maria-jk-tae · 3 years
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Lazy Sunday catching up on my journal and napping.
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maria-jk-tae · 3 years
“Don’t be afraid of new beginnings. Don’t shy away from new people, new energy, new surroundings. Embrace new chances at happiness.”
— Billy Chapata
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maria-jk-tae · 3 years
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the last 3 months in pictures ¦ sept-nov
So it's official! I've defered my place in data science uni til next year--online learning was just bringing up too many issues so taking another gap year is my solution! I'm looking forward to going back to uni next September - but until then I'm going to focus all my efforts onto learning French and improving my coding skills✨
(psst : I'm already feeling so much better about everything - thank you to everyone who sent me good vibes and kind messages over the last few weeks!! Studyblr is the most wholesome and supportive community🥺)
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like the moon, your radiance will come back 🌙✨
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