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being mao's dorm mate
- late night manga reading with mao.
- with being a part of this dorm group, you get to see the chaos that happens inside, and most of the time, you're the one who stops the chaos. one example when a breakout happens between izumi and shu, and you help mao by quietening them down. another moment is reminding mao not to get influenced by kuro so much with some actions (**aka when he started learning to take his shirt off and walk about half naked in the dorm room- let's talk about that- imeanwhat.**)...
- honestly, when it's just you, mao, and kuro, the dorm room is pretty quiet, which lets you get on with the stuff you want/need to do in the dorm.
- if you're not reading manga past the hours of midnight, then somehow you're always talking about family stuff with mao. like his sister, for example!
- you take turns in collecting everyone's bedsheets when it comes to cleaning times. although... when izumi is in the dorm, he makes you collect his on purpose almost every week. he's always making excuses as to why he doesn't need to take down his own bedding for a wash. mao once overheard this talk and decided that he'll take izumi's bedding instead of you.
- when it comes to doing homework or idol/producer stuff that you need to write about, you somehow always find yourself sitting next to mao on his bed, helping each other with each others needed subjects.
- sometimes, even kuro is away from the dorms, which gives you and mao the dorm room alone to do anything. you're both not as chaotic as most others in the building, so you guys end up making makeshift pillow forts in the middle of the room with any of the stuff possible around you. sometimes the fort fails in staying up, which causes you both to laugh about often, and other times it does stay up, which you both end up sleeping under together until the sun is rising.
- during the cold seasons, you'll find mao cuddling into your side under your duvet with you. the cold seasons are just not his thing half the time, and you're a far more comforting warmth than what the dorm buildings radiators let out. (plus, he likes the hugs you give him! ♡)
- because he sees you and mao hanging around a lot with one another in the dorm room, shu once made matching pyjamas for both you and mao. whenever you're the first one in pyjamas and he sees you wearing the set, mao purposefully wears his own set that same night.
- don't get mao wrong, he likes all of his dorm mates that he's surrounded by, he has great moments with them all, but you're his favourite to be about. that's a top secret biased thought of his.
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mao as a significant other!
when it first came to confessing to one another, it's you who did it, and it took mao quite the while to realise what you were saying/doing.
prefers holding hands over any form of touch for the most part.
he tries his best at flirting with you, but half the time, he fails. miserably. and gets embarrassed because of it. this makes him realise there is definitely a difference between flirting and complimenting, and one of them he was more so better at than the other.
when he gets the opportunity, he likes to rant about you to the rest of trickstar, the student council and/or his dorm mates.
some of the best moments with mao are when you lie in bed, huggling one another and listening to any form of music. nothing but a sweet sense of silence in a form that you're both comfortable with!
once the clock strikes past midnight, random rambles are spoken between you both. whether it's ranting or joking or just having a good chat in general.
he's asked for help from kuro and shu to help make him a jacket similar to his pink one that he can give to you as a gift once. he made sure to ask for it to be as soft as he'd imagined you would like it to be and the right colour.
can be hypocritical sometimes with stuff. overworking? not feeling well? anything of the sort will cause mao to go into protective boyfriend mode and tell you to stop what you're doing and learn to catch some breaks.
half the time, he has doubts about you loving him - not in a mean way, blame his negative thoughts.
he tends to get nightmares a lot about you leaving him for someone else because they're "less boring/plain". (you reassure him he's far from that!)
best way in keeping memories together between you both, in boths opinion, is by a polaroid camera.
if anyone hears mao saying "i love you" towards you, they'd give him a reaction that'll cause him to hide in his shell of embarrassment for the next five minutes or so.
when it comes to date plans, he secretly asks for help from arashi. he doesn't want the days to be bad after all. you deserve the best in his opinion!
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classic idea of mine, to start this acc off with ☆
having mao as an older brother!
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mao is overprotective of you. to the point that he wonders if he should wrap you in bubble wrap to keep you safe from any chaos!
whenever he's about, you're not afraid to show favouritism between your brother and your sister.
not gonna lie, mao tears up when he hears you greeting him first every time he comes home.
if for whatever reason the rest of trickstar are with mao and you, mao likes showing off in front of the others about you.
he loves you a lot! there's never a day where mao doesn't talk about you. whether he's with trickstar, club members, or even ritsu!
speaking of ritsu. ritsu loves encouraging bad influence into your mind. he finds it funny watching this 18 year old boy run after a young child every time for whatever needs.
"you need to stop listening to ritsu when he's visiting. he's bad to you." | "but you listen to everything that he says!" | "well-- that's different!" hypocrisy~♪
#1 trickstar fan. the fifth point to the unit's star. every time new merch is out from trickstar, or the music itself, mao likes to give you some of the items first hand. ("look y/n! we can match in jackets now, see!" | "does it have baru's signature?!" | "ah-- yeah! it's on the tags here, see...")
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gotta stop making new accounts... dedicated to mao, too. but i like being organised for different themed stuff...
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❝I heard there is a store nearby serving delicious strawberry sweets.
mao isara x gn!reader centric hc's!
romantic. platonic. familial.
fluff. angst. au's.
please, if you see this, whether you like mao or not, let me know your thoughts. people's words are incredibly encouraging! ♡
other accounts:
main: autisticmao
gifs: maoisaragifs
imagines: trickstar-imagines
screenshots: maoisara-screenshots
Let's go there together, Producer!❞
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