manicwax · 1 month
All my homies love chremetismomancy.
You tellin me I'm winning that contest because Mary neighed a certain way???
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manicwax · 2 months
I got robbed on a dime, call that shit financial crime.
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manicwax · 2 months
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manicwax · 2 months
Banana bread
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manicwax · 2 months
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manicwax · 2 months
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manicwax · 2 months
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Art by Clément Blum
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manicwax · 2 months
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manicwax · 2 months
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la creatura
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manicwax · 2 months
Can we get a gang styled roblox world called
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manicwax · 1 year
Idk... causation does not equal correlation. This is like the idea that if you use a certain forum and have commented without blatantly disagreeing or something and being told you must actually support it when you just interacted, sometimes people are indifferent. Also the bitchute thing.. so because he has access to a website anyone can access and has an account (that you didnt show or cover) hes.. what.. a fascist? A nazi? People should be able to come to their own conclusions, figure out themselves if he's like that. Just cause he knows or has access to something doesnt mean he's like.. a nazi bro.. like i get what you mean but i dont see the follow up logic.. like intuitively i can see how it feels right but im gonna need more proof than he uses this website and knows people that i disagree with so therefore he's a bad person.
I personally believe you just dont like thr dude and wanted a reasom to say he's a bad dude.. in my opinion this was a nothing burger, but hey you could do a more informative follow up post with more info and proof yknow.. and i'm reposting like this cause your comments were off- gee i wonder why.
Telling people to stay away is honestly gonna make them want to see them more btw..
Please, stay away from LioConvoy
    I know LioConvoy has done some good things in the past, such as donating to charities and protecting SA victims from their abusers, but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s a terrible person.
   I first knew of Lio when I heard he was one of the many fanboys who threw a fit over “ThunderCats Roar” and how it was ruining his childhood and the world of animation (It wasn’t). I decide to look at his Youtube page and found some interesting stuff:
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Wait a second…!
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BitChute!? I know what you are thinking: “Just because he posts on BitChute, doesn’t mean he’s a Nazi.” The ADL say otherwise: https://www.adl.org/blog/bitchute-a-hotbed-of-hate
   “Under the guise of anti-censorship and free speech, video-hosting service BitChute has become a hotbed for violent, conspiratorial and hate-filled video propaganda, and a recruiting ground for extremists.    BitChute founder Ray Vahey’s concept for the platform came from, in his words, “seeing the increased levels of censorship by the large social media platforms in the last couple of years. Bannings, demonetization, and tweaking algorithms to send certain content into obscurity and, wanting to do something about it.” Vahey’s vision has become a reality, and today, many of the YouTube accounts demonetized or banned due to community standards violations are migrating to his platform to disseminate their vitriolic content. While Bitchute’s community guidelines specify that incitement to violence “will not be tolerated,” videos and comments calling for the extermination of Jews, glorifying violent beatings by police and anti-government militias, vilifying Black people and demonizing immigrants, the LGBTQ+ community and Muslims, proliferate freely across the platform.      For white supremacists, BitChute is a safe haven where they can spread vitriol and recruit members. Swastikas and SS symbols are commonplace on the site, alongside videos praising Hitler.     Vile content exists just a few clicks away from BitChute’s homepage. Channels espousing racism, antisemitism and white supremacy are often trending, designated “popular,” or otherwise suggested to site visitors.    BitChute has positioned itself as the anti-censorship alternative to other social media platforms; today, violent extremism and hate speech is rampant on the site, delivering white supremacist propaganda, overt racism and antisemitism and dangerous conspiracy theories to a wide and growing audience.    Given the various kinds of clearly hateful, extremist and violent content cataloged here, and Bitchute’s largely hands-off policy to content moderation, it’s reasonable to ask how a service like this remains active – and which companies support its platform.”
Or as reported by The Daily Dot:https://www.dailydot.com/upstream/bitchute-decentralization-claims/
“…BitChute isn’t just another centralized video platform which will jettison its Nazis once it becomes popular. No. This platform is decentralized and a member of #AltTech (along with Gab, Minds, and others)—impervious to attacks by those fascists who hate free expression: as its Twitter bio tells us, it’s a “revolutionary [peer-to-peer] video platform that puts respect for the individual and #freedomofexpression first. #BitChute – Decentralize FTW.”
As such, BitChute has become a favorite platform of far-right-adjacent YouTubers and many other members of the self-styled “independent media” in an attempt to escape what they see as censorship.
Ray Vahey…is its CEO, and one of the directors of the corporation which owns it and its IP blocks, Bit Chute Limited. In an interview he gave Dave Cullen, who…has “ultra-nationalistic, xenophobic views…”
Remember, BitChute was founded by fascists, for fascists. Also remember the German expression: if there’s a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you got a table with 11 Nazis.
I looked at the other channels he was following:
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Patchwork Heart is a nice channel with several videos dedicated to abortion rights, trauma and healing, Black Lives Matter. ect.
RetroBlasting, however, is sympathetic to hate groups like The Fandom Menace.
#1 Marmaduke Fan and ArtisticLayman follow white supremacists on their Youtube channels:
    He will claim to be against toxic fandom, fan entitlement and hate movements yet he will display the same toxic fan backlash towards new cartoons, especially those aimed at a younger, diverse generation.  Lio has every right to dislike and criticize something. However, these videos along with their content are deeply reactionary, driven by toxic nostalgia. Not only does he call for parents to heavily police what their kids watch but he will outright spread lies/out-of-context misinformation about showrunners who work on shows he hates.
Screenshots from his videos:
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If I didn’t know any better, I would easily believe Lio to be sympathizer/closeted member of The Fandom Menace yet he still loves playing “The innocent, well-meaning centrist” because he is a coward who lacks the courage of his own convictions.
To Lio:
You cannot oppose The Fandom Menace while engaging in their style of toxic nostalgia.
You cannot oppose gatekeeping whilst being a gatekeeper yourself.
You cannot oppose racism when you and your friends have links to literal white supremacists.
You cannot play “Both sides.” 
TL;DR: Stay away from LioConvoy. He is a toxic, reactionary gatekeeper who has ties with Fandom Menace member and white supremacists.
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