maeri-ell · 10 months
Unbound Longing || unrequited love || Fyodor x gn! reader
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In the heart of Yokohama, a city steeped in mystery and intrigue, an unlikely connection was about to unfold. Fyodor Dostoevsky, a brooding and complex soul, found himself drawn to the city's enigmatic energy. Little did he know that his path would cross with that of Y/N, a young and vibrant individual whose world was about to be turned upside down.
One evening, as Y/N wandered through the dimly lit streets, lost in the world of their own thoughts, they caught a glimpse of a figure lurking in the shadows. Fyodor, with his melancholic aura, observed Y/N from afar, his penetrating gaze filled with a mixture of curiosity and detachment.
As fate would have it, their paths crossed at a desolate park, where Fyodor often sought solace in solitude. Y/N, captivated by the enigmatic air surrounding Fyodor, approached cautiously, their heart pounding with anticipation.
"Excuse me," Y/N uttered, their voice barely above a whisper. Fyodor turned, his expression cold and distant, yet something about Y/N's presence intrigued him.
Their conversations began hesitantly, with Y/N attempting to unravel the depths of Fyodor's mind. But as the days turned into weeks, Y/N's affection for Fyodor grew deeper, while Fyodor's detachment remained unchanged.
Y/N shared their dreams and aspirations, their love for literature, and their yearning for a connection that could transcend the ordinary. They saw in Fyodor a kindred spirit, an enigma waiting to be understood. But despite their efforts, Fyodor remained closed off, unwilling to reciprocate the affection that grew within Y/N's heart.
Y/N's love became a one-sided symphony, with each note echoing into an abyss of unrequited emotions. Fyodor, torn between his own demons and his inability to grasp the concept of love, withdrew further into his fortress of detachment.
In the depths of their despair, Y/N clung to the flickering hope that someday Fyodor would open his heart. They found solace in the fragments of Fyodor's words, searching for hidden meanings and glimpses of affection. But as time passed, Y/N began to realize that love, in its purest form, cannot be forced or coerced.
Their encounters became less frequent, their conversations dwindled, and Y/N found themselves walking alone through the streets of Yokohama, the weight of unrequited love heavy upon their shoulders. Yet, the experience had changed Y/N in profound ways. They had learned the bittersweet lessons of love's difficulties and the strength that can be found in vulnerability.
Fyodor, forever locked in his self-imposed isolation, remained a distant figure in Y/N's memory. They carried the scars of unreciprocated affection, but they also carried the resilience to grow and heal.
In the end, their love story remained an unfinished chapter, a reminder that sometimes the heart yearns for what it cannot have. Y/N emerged from the depths of unrequited love with a newfound understanding of the intricacies of human connections, forever carrying a piece of Fyodor's enigmatic soul within them.
As the years passed, Y/N's heart would heal, finding love and solace in the arms of those who could reciprocate their affection. And while Fyodor Dostoevsky remained a haunting memory, forever etched in the annals of their past, Y/N moved forward, embracing the beauty of a love that could be fully realized and cherished.
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maeri-ell · 10 months
Bungou stray dogs || hcs - They caught you smoking || BSD x SMOKER READER
Yosano, Ranpo, Fyodor, Dazai, and Chuuya 
ENJOY!!   (✯◡✯)  
Akiko Yosano
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She is a skilled doctor with a unique ability to heal wounds and inflict pain. 
When it comes to her interactions with others, she can be both caring and blunt, always prioritizing the well-being of those around her.
If Yosano were to catch the Reader smoking, her initial reaction would likely be a mix of surprise and disapproval. 
She would approach the situation with her characteristic straightforwardness, not hesitating to voice her concerns.
Firstly, Yosano would express her worry about the health risks associated with smoking. 
Being a medical professional, she is well aware of the detrimental effects that smoking can have on one's body. 
She would emphasize the importance of taking care of one's health and urge the Reader to consider quitting.
Yosano's disapproval would stem not only from the health aspect but also from her belief in personal discipline. 
She values self-control and would see smoking as a form of weakness or dependency. 
She would likely question the Reader's reasons for starting and encourage them to find healthier alternatives to cope with stress or other triggers.
However, Yosano's reaction wouldn't be solely scolding and lecturing. 
Beneath her stern exterior, she genuinely cares about the well-being of others and would offer her support in helping the Reader quit smoking. 
She would share her knowledge of the harmful effects of smoking and possibly even suggest various resources or strategies to aid in the process of quitting.
Yosano would be there as a steadfast source of encouragement and accountability. 
She would check in on the Reader's progress, celebrating each milestone and reminding them of the positive impact their decision to quit has on their health.
Overall, Yosano's reaction to catching the Reader smoking would showcase her concern for their well-being and her determination to help them make healthier choices. 
Her headcanon portrayal would highlight her role not only as a skilled doctor but also as a caring and supportive friend, guiding the Reader toward a healthier lifestyle.
Ranpo Edogawa
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The brilliant detective of the Armed Detective Agency, possesses an uncanny ability to solve mysteries with his unparalleled deductive skills. 
Despite his childish and carefree demeanor, Ranpo is incredibly perceptive and observant, always seeking the truth behind every situation.
If Ranpo were to catch Reader smoking, his initial reaction would likely be a mix of curiosity and nonchalance. 
He would approach the situation with a nonchalant attitude as if he had expected such behavior from them.
Ranpo: casually leaning against a nearby wall "Well, well, what do we have here? Caught in the act, huh?"
Reader: surprised and flustered, quickly putting out the cigarette "Ranpo-san! I... I can explain."
Ranpo: raising an eyebrow, a mischievous smile forming on his lips "Oh, no need to explain. I'm not really interested in your reasons. Smoking is a personal choice, after all.”
Reader: relieved but still feeling a hint of guilt "I didn't expect you to react this way, Ranpo-san."
Ranpo: shrugs nonchalantly "Why would I? As long as it doesn't affect my mysteries or the agency's cases, you're free to do as you please."
Although Ranpo may appear dismissive at first, his inquisitive nature would likely kick in soon enough. 
He would be curious to understand the reasons behind Reader's smoking habit, purely out of a desire to comprehend human behavior and motivations.
Ranpo: tilting his head, a spark of curiosity in his eyes "So, what led you to pick up this habit? Is it the thrill of rebellion or something else entirely?"
Reader: opening up, feeling a sense of comfort in Ranpo's presence "It's mostly stress relief, I guess. Helps me relax in challenging times."
Ranpo: nodding, his expression thoughtful "Interesting. I suppose everyone has their own way of coping. Just remember, there are healthier alternatives out there."
While Ranpo may not actively push Reader to quit smoking, he would subtly plant the seed of considering alternative stress-relief methods. He may even suggest engaging in activities that stimulate their mind or spark their curiosity, redirecting their focus to more constructive outlets.
In the end, Ranpo's headcanon portrayal would reveal his acceptance of personal choices while still subtly encouraging self-improvement. He would maintain his carefree demeanor, leaving it up to Reader to make their own decisions, but with a subtle reminder that there are always better options available.
Fyodor Dostoevsky  
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He is known for his cunning intellect and manipulation skills, always strategizing and planning ahead.
If Fyodor were to catch Reader smoking, his initial reaction would be one of mild interest rather than surprise. He would observe them with his piercing gaze, analyzing their behavior and motives.
Fyodor: a subtle smirk playing on his lips "Ah, indulging in the vices of life, are we?"
Reader: taken aback, hastily putting out the cigarette "Fyodor-san... I didn't expect you to be here."
Fyodor: calmly stepping closer, his eyes fixated on Reader "There is a certain allure in watching someone partake in self-destructive habits. Do enlighten me, why do you choose to poison yourself in such a manner?"
Reader: feeling a mix of unease and curiosity "I suppose it's a way for me to escape, even if temporarily. A moment of comfort."
Fyodor: nodding slowly, his expression thoughtful "Escaping reality, I see. An understandable desire, but is smoking truly the most effective means?"
Fyodor would approach the situation with a philosophical perspective, engaging Reader in a discussion about their motivations and the potential consequences of their actions. He would delve into the psychological aspects of smoking, exploring the underlying desires and emotions that drive such behavior.
Fyodor: his voice carrying a hint of intrigue "Tell me, does smoking provide you with the solace you seek? Or is it merely a fleeting illusion, a temporary distraction from the inevitable?"
Reader: reflecting on Fyodor's words, a hint of contemplation in their eyes "Perhaps you're right. There may be healthier ways to find comfort without compromising my well-being."
Fyodor: a ghost of a smile crossing his face "Indeed, there are always alternatives. Embracing the darkness within oneself can be both liberating and destructive. The choice, my dear, is yours to make."
While Fyodor may not actively discourage Reader from smoking, his philosophical insights would leave a lasting impact, planting the seeds of introspection and self-reflection. He would challenge Reader to question their motives and seek healthier means of finding solace and escape.
In the end, Fyodor's headcanon portrayal would embody his complex and contemplative nature, leaving Reader to ponder their choices while subtly guiding them toward self-discovery and personal growth.
Dazai Osamu
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Known for his carefree and unpredictable nature. He possesses a dark past and a twisted sense of humor.
If Dazai were to catch Reader smoking, his initial reaction would likely be a mischievous grin, amusement dancing in his eyes. He would approach the situation with a nonchalant demeanor, as if he had stumbled upon a source of entertainment.
Dazai: leaning casually against a nearby wall "Well, well, what do we have here? Our dear Reader indulging in the forbidden pleasures of smoking, I see."
Reader: caught off guard, hastily hiding the cigarette "Dazai-san, I didn't expect to run into you."
Dazai: chuckling softly, his gaze lingering on the hidden cigarette "Why, my dear Reader, are you drawn to such a? The temptation of rebellion, perhaps? The taste of freedom in each puff?"
Reader: feeling a mix of embarrassment and curiosity "Sometimes, it helps me calm my nerves or unwind after a long day. But I know it's not the healthiest habit."
Dazai: raising an eyebrow playfully "Ah, seeking comfort in the moment. I can empathize with that. Life is undoubtedly chaotic. However, have you pondered the consequences?"
Dazai's reaction would be characterized by a combination of teasing and genuine concern. He would playfully prod Reader, using his dark sense of humor to highlight the risks and potential dangers of smoking.
Dazai: smirking mischievously "You know, my dear Reader, smoking may not be the most effective way to confront the chaos. But who am I to judge? After all, we all have our vices, don't we?"
Reader: a mix of amusement and resignation "I suppose you're right, Dazai-san. Maybe I should find healthier ways to cope with stress."
Dazai: feigning surprise, placing a hand on his chest dramatically "My, my, Reader, you're suggesting we abandon our sinful delights? How scandalous! But perhaps it wouldn't hurt to explore new approach of self-care."
While Dazai wouldn't explicitly discourage Reader from smoking, his lighthearted banter and subtle guidance would encourage them to consider healthier alternatives. He would emphasize the importance of self-care and finding constructive ways to cope with stress and chaos.
In the end, Dazai's headcanon portrayal would reflect his complex persona, blending humor and concern to nudge Reader towards self-improvement while reminding them that life's struggles can be faced with a touch of irreverence.
Chuuya Nakahara
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Known for his short temper and quick wit. When it comes to his reaction if he were to catch the Reader smoking, it would be no different.
Upon catching sight of the Reader with a cigarette in hand, Chuuya's eyes would narrow and his expression would harden. He would approach them with a mixture of irritation and concern evident in his voice.
Chuuya: "What the hell do you think you're doing?"
Reader: startled, quickly extinguishing the cigarette "Chuuya-san, I..."
Chuuya: cutting them off, voice filled with annoyance "Smoking? Are you kidding me? Do you have any idea how bad that is for you?"
Reader: feeling guilty, stammering for an explanation "I... I'm sorry. It's just... I needed something to help me relax."
Chuuya: scoffs, crossing his arms "And you think smoking is the answer? You're only making things worse for yourself."
Chuuya's initial reaction would be fueled by his strong dislike for unhealthy habits and self-destructive behaviors. He would be genuinely concerned about the Reader's well-being, though his way of expressing it might come off as harsh.
Chuuya: softer tone, but still firm "Look, I get it. Life can be tough. But there are better ways to cope with stress. Smoking will only ruin your health and make things worse in the long run."
Reader: nodding, remorseful "I understand, Chuuya-san. I'll try to quit."
Chuuya: sighs, his expression softening slightly "Good. It's for your own sake. If you need support or someone to talk to, don't hesitate to reach out."
Chuuya's headcanon portrayal would show that beneath his tough exterior, he genuinely cares about the well-being of those around him, including the Reader. He may not always express it in the most gentle way, but his intentions are rooted in wanting the best for them.
Chuuya would keep an eye on the Reader's progress, offering occasional reminders and words of encouragement. He would be there as a source of support, showing that he believes in their ability to overcome their smoking habit and make healthier choices.
In the end, Chuuya's headcanon reaction to catching the Reader smoking would reflect his concern and determination to help them break free from harmful habits, even if it means being blunt and demanding in his approach.
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maeri-ell · 2 years
Bungou stray Dogs || They find out your secretly an assassin || BSD X ASSASSIN READER
Dazai, Atsushi, Chuuya, Mori, and Akutagawa
(Note: I deleted the other post and just combined it into this post.) 
ENJOY!!   (✯◡✯)
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Despite his playful and childlike behavior, he quickly grasps things and pays close attention, making it hard to hide anything from him. He already had suspicions during the first few weeks of your relationship.
He noticed how swiftly you react when something comes flying towards you, effortlessly dodging it. He also marveled at your incredible physical strength.
At one point, he questioned whether you possessed special abilities like Kenji, someone known for their exceptional strength and agility. It crossed his mind that your remarkable qualities might be connected to such abilities.
Curiosity got the better of him, leading him to test this theory. He intentionally brought you along on a dangerous mission, which left you feeling confused and apprehensive.
"Isn't this too dangerous for me, Dazai...?" you asked nervously.
"Don't worry, Belladonna! I will protect you," he replied with enthusiasm.
Together, you entered an abandoned building that served as a hideout for a small criminal organization. Dazai knew about it and had prepared a backup plan in case things went wrong.
As you walked down the hallway, gunmen suddenly appeared, aiming their weapons at both of you.
"You're detectives, aren't you?!" one of them exclaimed. "We won't let you leave here alive!"
This was the moment Dazai had been waiting for. Now, the question remained: would you reveal your true nature behind the innocent facade you presented, or had he been completely mistaken?
Your face turned pale as you hesitantly moved your fingers, desperately searching for a solution. The problem was clear—you could easily eliminate the gunmen in an instant, but your boyfriend was standing right beside you.
1, 2, 3.
Forget it.
You swiftly took off your coat and wrapped it around Dazai's face, spinning him around to shield him.
With a butterfly knife hidden under your sleeve, you proceeded to mercilessly slit the gunmen's throats.
Dazai had been right all along—you were not an ordinary civilian. The scene unfolding before him revealed your true and extraordinary nature. After eliminating all the gunmen, you turned away, unable to face him.
"Dazai!" you called out, feeling his arms embrace you.
"That was incredible, Belladonna," Dazai said breathlessly.
"I knew I was right about you," he added, planting a gentle kiss on your cheek, paying no mind to the blood staining his hands.
You both agreed to keep this a secret between yourselves. Surprisingly, you shared everything about your main job as an assassin, and it only strengthened your relationship. Life returned to your usual romantic and chaotic days as a couple.
During your intimate moments, he became more passionate and assertive. It made sense since you were an assassin, and your exceptional stamina added to the excitement.
You often sought his advice on weapons and related matters, benefiting from his past as a former mafia executive. However, he remained watchful, as his detective instincts never faded away.
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During an unfortunate encounter, you and Atsushi found yourselves cornered by a group of thugs. The odds were against you, and Atsushi's mind raced, wondering if he had any unresolved debts.
Meanwhile, positioned behind your boyfriend, you prepared yourself for an impending attack.
And it came.
Reacting swiftly, you pushed Atsushi out of harm's way, swiftly incapacitating the assailants by breaking their necks and bones.
Atsushi was left horrified, witnessing a side of you he had never imagined. Your eyes devoid of any remorse as you took their lives.
After the gruesome scene, you hesitated to look back, knowing that he had seen everything.
"I'm sorry... I lied..." you whispered, meant only for him to hear.
... Silence followed.
Suddenly, you felt a firm grip on your hand as Atsushi compelled you to face him. Pain etched across his entire face.
"You better have a good explanation for this!" he exclaimed, filled with denial.
You proceeded to explain to him about your life as an assassin.
Atsushi remained in a state of denial, and you both didn't speak that night.
You understood that he needed time to process everything. After all, your boyfriend was deeply sensitive when it came to being lied to, especially by the person he loved and trusted.
Before long, things gradually returned to normal, but Atsushi kept a watchful eye on you. He preferred not to dwell on the thought of you killing others.
If ever you needed to shop for weapons, he would accompany you, providing support despite his reservations.
Chuuya Nakahara
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Chuuya discovered your secret shortly after you two were at his place, enjoying dinner and wine. As he ranted about his day, he accidentally knocked over the wine bottle while reaching for something.
Without thinking, your assassin instincts kicked in, and you caught the falling bottle with one arm just before it hit the ground. The room fell silent as he stared at you, and you found yourself sweating nervously.
"A-Ah, Chuuya, you should be more careful next time!" you exclaimed, placing the wine bottle back on the counter.
"Sure..." he responded, clearly suspicious of the situation.
You were relieved that he didn't press further and decided to continue with your mini-date, hoping to divert his attention.
The following day, Chuuya was at his office, preoccupied with paperwork, when he paused, his mind wandering back to the events of the previous night. It was evident that your face had turned pale, and you had avoided making eye contact.
His suspicion grew. It was not normal to possess such lightning-fast reflexes to catch a wine bottle in mid-air, and your reaction afterwards only added to his doubts.
As soon as the day was over, Chuuya returned home earlier than expected. As he stood at the doorstep, taking off his shoes, coat, and hat, a sudden crash echoed from inside.
He swiftly opened the door to find you unconscious on the floor, covered in blood and with minor cuts, holding a combat knife in your hand.
He froze, but quickly snapped into action, rushing to pick you up and tending to your wounds, cleaning away the blood.
Hours later, you regained consciousness and glanced to your side, finding an angry and worried Chuuya by your bedside.
There was no escaping this one. "Explain why the hell you're covered in blood and wounds!" he yelled, impatiently waiting for your response.
"There's something I need to tell you..." you replied.
Both of you sat there as you explained your life as a professional killer, describing how you had encountered a gifted ability user who was part of a specialized division.
Chuuya was astonished. He had never imagined you to be that kind of person, but he didn't hold it against you. After all, he himself was part of the mafia and understood the necessity of taking lives. Although you had managed to defeat your opponent, you were left exhausted and injured.
You still wondered how you managed to make it to his apartment without collapsing along the way.
The conversation ended with Chuuya overwhelming you with a tight embrace. He didn't truly care, to be honest. After all, he knew the nature of his own work. It was comforting for him to know that you could protect yourself in times of danger.
During intimate moments in bed, Chuuya would kiss your wounds and cuts, whispering how beautiful they are.
He spoils you when it comes to buying weapons and outfits, replacing any torn ones. He becomes your sugar daddy, in a sense.
In the event that he sees you as a threat to the Port Mafia, it's possible that he may become frustrated and angry, torn between his love for you and his loyalty to the mafia. He might even consider leaving you.
But, with some hope, you both might find a way to talk it out and come to a resolution.
Chuuya struggles with expressing his emotions, so please be patient with him. He's going through a lot internally.
Mori Ougai
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You were both sitting in his office, enjoying the view, with you comfortably seated on his lap, your arms wrapped around his neck. These moments together, in your own little world, were cherished by both of you. He was a clingy and affectionate person, always wanting to be close to you.
One day, he noticed a sudden change in your expression whenever he tried to embrace you. It raised a huge red flag for him. But what truly alarmed him was when he caught a faint scent of blood coming from you.
Looking up at you, he saw your face go pale and then you passed out. He quickly caught you, filled with worry, and carried you to his room. To his shock, he discovered a stab wound on the lower left part of your body, along with various cuts on your dress, from which blood was flowing.
Once he ensured you were safe and out of immediate danger, he sat by your side, tightly holding your hand. The only sound in the room was the beeping of the monitoring machine, keeping track of your condition.
In the midst of that dreadful silence, your eyes slowly opened, heavily, and you found yourself staring at a plain white ceiling. You felt something touching your hand, and weakly called out, "M-Mori...?" His head immediately turned towards you as he exclaimed, "You're awake, thank goodness! How are you feeling? Is there something you need? I'll get it for you!" His worry was evident in his voice.
"Aren't you going to ask me how I ended up in such a state?" you chuckled weakly, squeezing his sweaty hand.
"Let's talk about that after you've fully recovered. Do you know how worried I was when you suddenly appeared in a near-death state?" he replied, his concern evident. "Sit down, let's talk before you do something unimaginably horrid."
You proceeded to tell him everything about your life as an assassin and how you ended up in the condition he found you in. He listened attentively, staying calm throughout your explanation, taking in every detail.
"I'm sorry," you whispered after a while, mustering a small smile.
"There's no need to apologize, my love. I understand why you kept it a secret," he responded, leaning in to place a gentle kiss on your forehead.
In the days that followed, life returned to your normal routine, but he became even more clingy than before.
He would offer you the opportunity to join the Port Mafia as an assassin, and who knows, you might even rise to the position of a mafia executive in the future, if you agreed.
If you wished to keep it a secret between the two of you, he would remain silent and take care of anyone who found out, making sure they wouldn't speak a word.
Sometimes, he would ask for favors related to his work as a mafia boss.
Just like Chuuya, he spoiled you with the best gear and weapons you needed, particularly when it came to clothes. You felt like you had visited every clothing store in Yokohama with him and Elise.
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke
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He discovered the truth when he was sent on a mission to eliminate an entire abandoned building. As he made his way inside, he noticed that all the gunmen were already dead. Curiosity led him deeper into the building until he came face to face with a figure, unable to see their face clearly but recognizing the familiar color of your hair. Just as you were about to turn around, Akutagawa's Rashomon stopped midway, right in front of your neck.
His eyes widened as he realized it was you, and you had the same reaction upon seeing him. There was a long moment of silence, both of you processing the situation.
"Ryu..." your voice trembled slightly.
He grabbed your hand and swiftly led you out of the building. Once you were outside, he demanded an explanation, his voice laced with venom.
"Alright..." you began to explain how you had been sent on a job to kill the people in that building, revealing your true identity as an assassin.
After you finished explaining, the two of you stood there in stunned silence. Finally, he broke the silence, saying, "Tell me next time, so you won't get in my way." He gently took your hand and led you back home.
"Okay..." you replied, relieved that he didn't react more violently.
Life seemed to return to normal after that incident. Akutagawa didn't seem to care about the fact that you were an assassin. If he ever caught you cleaning your blades and weapons in the middle of the night, he would simply watch you silently, seemingly intrigued by your actions.
He would accompany you when buying weapons and offer his opinions based on his knowledge and experience. He was always willing to share what he had learned.
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