madmansan · 2 years
Hello! The next part of my most recent fic, '28 Days', is in the making! In the meantime, I wanted to welcome you all to talk to me about your thoughts on certain things in the ateez world or in kpop in general. I also don't mind answering questions about myself (that is if you have any, of course haha).
And, as always, feedback is always always appreciated. The more good quality writing I can produce for you, the better!
Thank you ever so much! I love you, and I hope you are doing well! ❤❤
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madmansan · 3 years
28 days
Fantasy au - Demon!San x Fem!Reader
Trigger Warnings
Blood, death, scars, gore, violence, swearing, kidnapping, enslavement, some suggestive references but nothing nsfw.
Day 3
I sit on the rug by the fire. The house has a familiar look to it. It feels like I've been here before. I'm happy, content, yet tears are gushing down my face. A young woman, that looks slightly like my mother, beckons me into the fire. I follow. I am outside the Labyrinth, the walls standing ten times taller than usual. I hear the cries of my mother and I am brought back to the house, sitting in front of the fire, my hands in hers. Apologies pour out of her as she pulls me in closer. I don't understand. What's wrong? Why am I upset?
I push away from the hug and am met with Hongjoong's bright smile and eyes. I take his hand. But someone else takes my other. San. He holds onto it tightly, pulling me away with a warning glare. No. Not warning. Caution. And he's looking at Hongjoong. I turn back and I see my dear friend Mingi dead on the floor, Hongjoong inspects it and then meets my horror-filled eyes. His skin is pale, his eyes darker, and his smile turns into a spine-tingling grin. San pulls on my hand once more, but it's too late. Hongjoong pounces and I watch my corpse and San move further and further away as I ascend.
You're eyes shoot open, as you jolt up in your bed. You quickly take in your surroundings, and find a surprising amount of relief in knowing you're still in the log cabin.
You take a deep breath, and hug yourself. It was only a dream. You're pulled out of your thoughts almost instantly as you hear bottles being moved about and heavy breathing.
San drags himself along the counter top and yanks out a bottle before putting it back in the shelf with a grunt.
Without hesitation, you're at his side placing your hands on his arms and easing him into the wooden chair by the window. It's only then that you see what had made him so weak.
Dozens of cuts cover his arms, chest and legs, tearing his clothes and covering the skin around them in a thin layer of the black blood that his kind possess.
"I-" he pauses to take in a harsh breath through his teeth. "The- The one that's blue."
You look back over to the part of the shelf he had been checking, you take the first blue liquid you see-
"No! Not that one! The other blue one!" His voice is hoarse and terribly breathless, but he still manages to get out his more than aggressive command.
You grab another bottle that's further back and bring it straight to him. He snatches it from you, pulls the cork out with his teeth and begins to chug the liquid. Some bits seep out the corner of his mouth, but he doesn't bother wiping them away.
His free hand clutches onto yours harshly, as the other drops the bottle to the floor. He lets out growls, grunts and screams, as his body starts to heal itself.
It's over before it began, and he let's go of your hand, falling limp against the chair, sighing, most likely in relief. "Thank you." He mutters, before pulling himself to sit up straight.
"You bastard!" You yelled. "You scared me half to death!" You knew he could heal himself, so the wounds must have been demon inflicted. And if he had died? You didn't want to think about what the King would do to you.
He lets out a small laugh, "Sorry, I was a bit scared myself."
You took a deep breath in an attempt to calm your panicking mind. "I bet. What happened to you?"
He sighs, adjusting himself once more, "I went to the castle to find out why the blood moon rose so quickly. He was," he clears his throat and mimicks the King's strong presence and gentle tone, "testing my resolve." He relaxs again, dropping the act. "I got mad. The result was a small brawl with a couple of his friends. And by friends, I mean his stronger, more mutated demons. The one's that only come out with the intention to kill. But that doesn't matter, he said he won't mess with you anymore."
You want to ask whether he had seen Roslyn, yet it seems too inappropriate. "It must have been terrifying."
He looks up at you, a hint of surprise in his expression. "I thought you were going to ask about Roslyn." His face contorts, making his confusion more apparent.
You place a hand on top of his, your sympathetic gaze meeting his puzzled one. "It would be wrong to ask when it clearly scared you."
He looks at your hand with his mouth slightly agape, before quickly correcting himself, closing it and pulling his hand away. "It's nothing too serious. It's happened before."
"A demon who doesn't follow the rules, are we?" You say, hoping to lighten the mood.
"More like a demon that doesn't share the same beliefs as others." He mutters to himself, unaware that you actually heard him.
You decide not to push it further as it seems like a sensitive subject. You sit back down on the bed and watch the way he basks in the early morning sun that pours in through the window.
You pull your eyes away, hoping he didn't catch you staring. The blood from the old lady has stained the floor, and it sends you flying back to the previous night, the fear, the sadness.
Another deep breath is taken as you gather your emotions. You pull out the parchments and a small lump of charcoal from your bag and begin scribbling down some of the things San had told you and some of the experiences you've had whilst in here. It's almost therapeutic writing them as it stops them from tormenting your mind as much. You soon relax as the words flow out onto the parchment with ease.
"Want to ask me more questions, ma'am?" San says from across the room.
You look up to him, charcoal at the ready, only taking a brief moment to think of a question to ask. "How many demons are in the Labyrinth?"
"How many stars are in the sky?" He retorts, angering you slightly.
"If you're not going to give me proper answers then don't offer." You say, sternly, grabbing the peice of parchment you are using to specifically write about him and adding 'cocky bastard' under 'personality'. You share a little laugh with yourself before looking back up to see San sparing a glance your way.
He sighs, "Okay, I'm sorry, I'll be serious." He turns in the chair to face you, "It's hard to keep count, is what I'm trying to say. They appear, they disappear, they die, they burrow underground - that's where the tunnels come from, by the way - and all the while the King hasn't thought of a single way to register how many there actually are. All he knows is that they are under his rule, and if they go against that, they die."
You take in the information whilst noting it down, but there was one thing that stood out to you. "Burrow? Like, like a rabbit?" You giggle. "That makes you a little less intimidating!"
"Aha hah, very funny, y/n." He stretchs, before getting up and joining you on the bed. You make sure the notes you had previously made about his good looks hidden from him.
He continues, "There are many different types of demons. Not all of them are as handsome as I am." You roll your eyes. "No, what I mean is that not all of them look, somewhat, human. They're larger, more beast-like. But not all of us human ones are the same. We feed differently."
You nod your head, your writing not stopping for a second. "And the different ways of feeding, what are they?"
San hummed in thought for a moment, "Well, there are some that are more vampiric, only feeding off human blood, that's most of us but the desire deviates depending on the position in the Labyrinth. Like me, I can feed that way but I've built up a sort of resilience to it. Some eat insides and there are others that take it in a more sexual way." He looks uncomfortable talking about that one and you couldn't deny that you felt it a bit too.
Would that mean that Seonghwa fed like that? Seemed like it.
You think about it for a second, before a horrid realization hits you.
"Ew! Was that why you kept trying to kiss me!?" You shout, shuffling away from him until you back hits the headboard.
"Woah! I- That's a very bold assumption!" He hastily defends himself.
"Bold?! You told me yourself that a kiss would only nourish you for a while! As opposed to what, going all the way and me dying!?"
He throws his hands up in defence, "Okay! Fine! That may or may not have been my intention, but I hadn't done it before and wanted to see if it was as nourishing as people say. You can't blame me! Besides, I thought you would be all up for it! That was before you told me you had no interest in me." He sulks at the end of the bed.
"Demon nature?" You ask.
"What?" He asks.
"To be so bloody arrogant all the time! You should stop assuming everyone likes you." You yell, throwing one of the pillows at him. He catches it effortlessly.
"They have all liked me! Every. Last. One. I had a right to assume that about you." He throws the pillow back at you. It misses, but nearly knocks the stuff out of your hands.
You let out a huff, "I highly doubt they liked you very much after you killed them." You say, making a quick readjustment to your notes. You look back up to San, rather sheepishly turned away from you.
You clear your throat, "You said it changes on position in the Labyrinth?"
He hurriedly splutters out some stuttered 'Huh?'s and 'What?'s as if his mind had been elsewhere. "Um, yes." He finally declares after gathering his words. "There tend to be more vampiric and insides feeders further in, but gatekeepers, what I am, we can pretty much feed exactly how we please. However, those in the royal guard can only feed through blood, it's just the will of the King." He obviously sees your face contort into one of disgust, "And, yes, that means that demon last night was breaking more than just the etiquette rule." You feel sick come up in your throat, "What can I say? He wasn't a gatekeeper for long - never got to try it out."
You swallow the bile back down and take a heavy breath, "So, if you hadn't come in and stopped him ... " San nods his head and you let out a shriek-like gasp.
What surprises you most is that San actually starts laughing, resulting in another pillow being thrown at his face, his arms too preoccupied, clutching his belly as he guffaws at what you could only assume to be your more innocent mind.
For some reason you feel the need to prove him wrong, but you knew he was right. You weren't interested in courting or anything else that comes with it. You were always too focused on the Labyrinth. You felt bound to it, but that dragged you away from the village, the only person that ever liked you was Mingi. Probably because he was just as much an outcast as you.
The image from your dream plagues you again and you grimace at its horror. I need to get back to my village, with Roslyn, and I will make sure no one has to enter this place, or face these demons, ever again.
You stand abruptly, and head straight for the door. There wasn't enough time for this. You had to go. Now.
When you reach the bottom of the staircase, you notice a dug up pile of dirt just off to the side. A hand is placed on your shoulder, making you jump, before you realise that it's San.
"I thought it would only be right for her to have a proper burial, don't you?" His words are soft and sincere.
You nod your head once, but quickly move on. You would be putting yourself through too much grief by staying.
It wasn't long before you reached the stream. San walked along the naturally formed stepping stones with perfect ease, holding his hand out for you to take.
As much as you want to believe he was doing it out of consideration for your less than adequate coordination, you knew he was most likely going to push you off balance 'as a joke'.
You pull your eyes away, in hopes you hadn't been staring for too long and take carefully planned steps along the wet rock. The first few steps aren't too hard, however the distance between the next few is increasing. You chance a leap, your foot slipping just short of the next step, sending you straight into San's open arms.
You pull your face off of his rather sculpted chest, failing to cover up your flustered state through your stronger than necessary grip on his biceps.
"Look at you! You were convinced you didn't need my help but you still fell into my arms. I think fate likes the idea of us together. How romantic!"
You're too focused on getting yourself out of the situation you are in to think of some clever retort. However, you unintentionally ignoring him makes you unable to stop him from throwing you into the water.
He laughs at the yelp you let out as the water splashs up and around you. It's not deep enough to submerge you, but your front is completely soaked, and matters only become worse when you turn yourself over and give your rear-end the same treatment.
A deep growl leaves your throat as you run your fingers through your wet hair, San's laughing not stopping for a breath.
"Very funny, San! Shame it was too bloody predictable!" You yell, finally finding your feet. His laughter waters down into smaller giggles as you trudge through the rushing stream.
You wring your shirt and spare a sharp glance towards San. Is it hateful? You can't quite tell. Spending more time with him is making him a lot more likable. Whether that was his demon nature or not.
He steps up next to you, sending you a wink before heading on without you. You shake at your still soaked shoes and speed up your walking to catch up with him.
Your eyes inevitably set upon the Labyrinth walls once more, and the exasperated, relief-filled laugh you let out gathers the right amount of energy to run to it and begin your climb up the thick, wild vines that find purchase on the worn-down brick.
Your head pokes over the wall and you finally get a glimpse at the sheer expanse of the Labyrinth. Walls intertwining, sections shifting and, most ominously, demons stalking the pathways. You pull yourself the rest of the way up until you're standing on top of the wall. Getting a better view of the area and the bodies demons are leaving behind. Some torn to shreds others dried up like raisins.
You look away opting to not put yourself through more emotional turmoil.
"Woah." You look to where the voice came from to find San had joined you. "Of course, I have seen the Labyrinth like this but ... never in person." He adds, as he gazes over the world infront of him.
You follow where his eyes are trained and see a faint silhouette of a turret. You rub your eyes thinking it might be just a tired brain trick, but it doesn't go away. In fact, more turrets appear, until you behold the entirety of, what you assume to be, the Demon King's castle. It's very far in the distance, but the fact you can see it is all the encouragement you need, and you feel the biggest smile pull at your cheeks.
You turn to San to see him looking at you, his usual unbothered or impatient demeanor now diminished as he smiles at you.
Tears brim in your eyes and you pull him into a hug that could shatter any regular person's bones. You pull away and point to the castle.
"Oh my Lord, San! It's there! The castle is right there! I might be able to save Roslyn afterall!" You calm yourself down as an irrational thought pops into your head. You place you hands on his shoulders and step closer to him. What on Earth am I doing? "And San, I want to thank you too. I would be a Demon's dinner by now if you hadn't helped me."
"W-well, I wasn't trying to save you! I just want to keep the deal is all." He interrupts, but you don't hear him. Your eyes are too focused on his lips.
You want to kiss him. You've never felt this with anyone before, but all of a sudden, all of the emotions, you feel every one.
You lean in closer. What am I doing? What am I doing? A kiss from him could lead to something else. And by something else, I mean your demise.
You stop just short of his lips.
"Are you trying to tease me? Really? In the Labyrinth? You do realise who has the ultimate power here, baby?" San asks, his hands rubbing up and down your waist. When they had got there you have no idea, you're experiencing quite the headrush with all these new feelings and sensations.
You take a deep breath and move your head to the side of his, placing a small peck on his sculpted cheek as you had done plenty of times as a greeting or a kind gesture to the people of the village. Even Mingi had experienced it. But no-one had such a severe reaction in comparison to what San looked like now. His face is bright red and his mouth opens and closes, occasional stutters coming out.
You pull away and place a hand to his forehead to check if he has a fever. He slaps your hand away almost instantly, a faint laugh coming right from his chest cools him down and his complexion becomes its usual pale colour again.
"God, you're a piece of work." He mumbles, his smile never fading. The sight makes your breath hitch and face heat up.
Good God, this man is so beautiful!
You fan at your warm face, hoping he didn't catch you clearly swooning over him. That's when you feel something tightly wrap around you waist ... and begin to pull.
You fall to the floor at the force of it, and you quickly roll onto your front to try and grab something. Anything. But it's too late, half your body is already of hanging off the top of the wall, dangling back into forest and threatening the fall to it's floor which all of a sudden seems a lot farther away.
In that moment, your flailing arms grasp hold of something and you look up to see San, who has wrapped his arms under yours and locked his fingers together.
You follow suit, throwing your arms around his neck and holding tight. He pulls against the force with all of his might but it doesn't seem to be enough.
You watch as vines crawl up his arms and wrap around his waist. He must stumble, because then you both are falling. All you see are the vines peeling off the wall, before everything goes black.
You wake up to the sound of a heavy water flow and the aggressive mumbles of who you only assume to be San.
"Shut up." You moan, his repetitive grumbles being painful on your already hurting head. He goes silent.
You raise your head, taking in your surroundings. There is a waterfall right by a small cottage. The stream powering the water wheel at the side. The most defining feature is the insane amount of vines that climb up the walls of the homely place and cascade from the roof.
You then look down and see yourself bound to a chair by the same vines. Looking to your right, you see San has received the same treatment. Across the small circular table in front of you is one more empty chair, rationally open for, assuming someone has, the person who kidnapped you.
"What's going on?" You finally say, trying but failing to pull yourself from the vines.
"Like hell I would know." San said, watching you with a bored expression as you try to pull yourself free once more. "Y/n. If I can't break free with my strength then you obviously can't with yours."
With a half growl, half sigh you slump in your restrictions, but perk up once more when you hear a gleeful, songlike humming coming from the entrance to the cottage.
Out from the door, comes a small cloaked creature holding a tray with a tea set on top of it. The table is the same height as them and so they have trouble placing it on top, but eventually manages.
They then climb on to the chair and pull down their hood to reveal a humanoid body made out of contorted vines. The face of the creature moves into a smile and their eyes, which appear to be fireflies, light up.
"Hello!" They say. You look at them in complete fascination. "Did I bang your head? I'm sorry about that. This should help."
The little creature uses their two single-vine hands to grab the teapot and pour a cup, sliding it across to you.
You look at it cautiously, and then at your bound arms.
"Oh dear! I'm sorry about that. I just didn't want you running away is all." The vines remove themselves from yours and San's bodies, and before you get a chance to speak, San has already got the creature in a chokehold.
"Run, Y/n! I'll deal with this knave!" You get up from your seat and go to escape but the childlike sobs from the creature stop you. You turn around and see that they are crying and using their small vine hands to try and slap San's away.
You grab San's arms and pull, "San! Stop! They're crying!" His grip loosens and you push him away.
You grab your chair and place it next to the creature's, taking them in your arms and gently petting the sides of their head.
"I'm sorry! I just wanted s-some company!" They choke out through their sobs. San gets up from the floor rubbing his forearms from where you grabbed on to him.
"I'm sorry." You say, pulling away from the hug and attempting to wipe away the tears from their face. "We've had a lot of trouble in here so we're normally on high defence." You send a stern look San's way as he throws his hands up in confusion. You let out a sigh and point to the seat opposite you two.
He reluctantly sits down, crossing his arms in protest.
You then look to the tea on the table and pick it up. "Did you make this for me?" The little vine child nods their head and you show them as comforting a smile you can produce. "Well, thank you very much!" You place the rim of the cup to your lips.
"Y/n-!" San holds a hand out to stop you but you have already taken a sip.
The taste was so sweet and earthy, it didn't take you long to pour the rest into your mouth. "Aah! That was good! Did you make that yourself?"
The small creature bounces excitedly, "I did! Do you feel the pain in your head anymore!?"
You place a hand to your head, and were shocked at the realisation. Your head didn't hurt. Neither did you feel dizzy, or confused.
The creature stands on the chair and wraps their arms around your neck. "Yeah! Now, you're feeling better we can have a proper tea party!" They clamber on to the table and start to reorganise the tea set, gathering the supplies on the tray and, with a lot of effort, dragging it down from the table and heading for the cottage door.
You move your chair back next to San's, and you are met with a very unwelcoming glare. "That child was crying."
He sighs deeply and gives up on trying to burn holes through you with his eyes. "That's not a child." He looks down, "Well, not anymore at least."
"San?" You said, sternly.
"It was nothing to do with me, if that's what your asking." He said in defence.
You hold back some tears, "Oh no! What did that bastard King do this time!?"
San fiddles with his fingers in his lap. "A couple weeks before you arrived, that boy gave one of the gatekeepers the slip. The King knew where he was, of course, but he was in other business so he just sent the others after him. He was found in this area trying to climb the vines. The bunch the King had sent were particularly spiteful, and instead of sending him to the castle to be enslaved, they cursed him. Quite awful when you think about it. Especially since he was probably the same age as your sister."
You can't hold them back anymore. The tears start to flow. To think such a small, innocent child had been left out here alone for weeks. And to be turned into a creature like that. It pained your heart and made you think of the torture that Roslyn could be going through.
A hand is placed on your back and gently rubs up and down. "Don't let him see your affected by it. I don't think he's realised just how far up shit's creek he is. And ... if it's any kind of consolation, Roslyn has been taken to the castle which means that she will not be cursed like him. That said, I can't promise she's not suffering."
You wipe your tears, "I appreciate that you're trying to help, San, but you're actually making me feel worse."
The cursed boy returns holding a new tea set on the same tray. You help him lift it on to the table and lift him on to his chair.
"I'll pour the tea!" He says cheerily. "Mother always told me to pour out everyone else's tea before you pour your own. It's good manners!"
"It sure is!" You reply, watching him struggle to lift the heavy teapot with his small vine hands.
"Psst." San pulled you closer, "He might get too excited if we stay. He'll be so distraught if we say we have to leave." He pulled you closer, his lips on your ear, "You need to tell him now, or you won't see Roslyn ever again."
You take a deep breath and contemplate the way you're going to go about doing this. By the time you snap back to reality, the boy has handed you your cup. You glance over and see San sipping from his.
"So ... What's your name, young man?" You smile, hoping he can't tell that it's fake.
"Kit." He pours some tea down his face but it doesn't enter his mouth. "What's your name?"
"Y/n." You look back to San, who's stare is obviously telling you to 'hurry up.' You take a deep breath in, "Look, Kit. As much as we would love to stay and drink more of this ... lovely tea. We really must be going."
His face falls into a frown and you quickly correct yourself. "We're not leaving for good! It's just ... well ... I have a younger sister who is in the castle and I promised myself and this man here that I would save her. She's around the same age as you. I'm sure you would be good friends!"
His vine lips start to tremble and his breaths become wobbly. "B-but ... I thought we were having a tea party. I thought we would become good friends." He says.
You can tell he is about to cry but you can't falter. "And we will!" You cheer, picking him up in your arms and spinning him round. "Once we save my sister, we will come back here and have the most extravagant, most fantastical tea party ever. We will all become the best of friends. Even grouchy, old San over there."
San sends you a sarcastic smile and you return your gaze to the boy in your arms. "I can assure you, Kit, we'll do all of that and more. I just need to save my sister first."
Kit nods with a slight reluctance and you place him down on his chair, bending down to his eye level. "You're so brave, Kit. May you find happiness." You place a gentle kiss on his cheek and stand up.
"Come along then, San. We have places to be."
"Finally!" He moans, dragging himself from his chair, finding his place next to you.
You give him a harsh look and turn back to Kit who seems to be giving San the same treatment as you. "Don't worry. I don't have to bring him back if you don't want me to." You say to him and he lets out a cheeky giggle. San's face shows that he could most definitely be more impressed.
A quick glance around the area and you discover an easy route up to the top of the wall a small distance from the cottage.
"There we are, San. Back to where we started." You say, heading in the direction of the vine-covered wall; San trialing swiftly behind.
"Wait!" A small yell stops you.
Registering Kit's voice instantly, you run back over to him much to the dismay of San, who produces an overly loud groan.
"Miss Y/n! Your dagger!" Kit holds up the blade. "Don't want to go forgetting that! Especially since the blood moon will be rising soon."
"What!?" You say, quickly looking to the sky to see that it has, in fact, got darker. You turn to San, filled with rage, "You didn't think to tell me that I'd been unconscious for half the day!?"
"I think you're forgetting that deal we made. Of course I'm not gonna tell you." He says, the smug look on his face doing everything to fuel your anger ... and your panic.
"That's two days! Two days we've spent here! We need to move quicker - No! I need to move quicker!" You try and control your breathing but your fear is getting the better of you.
"Don't worry, Miss Y/n. You can rest in my cottage and tomorrow, I'll help you get out of here." Kit places one of his vine hands on your arm in comfort. And it is surprisingly effective. You bend over and take his hand for him to lead you to the cottage.
You step through the doorway and see that it looks exactly like a cottage from your village. A dining table and chairs lay on a rug by the fireplace, just behind that a small kitchen with several herbs, spices, plants and tea sets. The most defining feature are the vines that have grown through the windows and all over the furniture.
"No!" You hear Kit's chirpy voice from outside.
"What do you mean 'no'!?" That's definitely San. "I'm with her. Remember?"
You walk up to see Kit standing his ground firmly, his arms grown into larger vines that hold San away from the entrance by his waist.
"I mean no! You scared Miss Y/n! Now, I don't know what deal you have with her, but if you're gonna make her panic again, then you can forget about coming in here."
You placed a hand on Kit's shoulder and he looks up to you with a big smile, which you gladly return.
He returns his gaze to San who is still suspended in the air, and retracts his arms, dropping San to the floor and slamming the door in his face.
"Come along, Miss Y/n! I'll lead you to your room."
You lay in bed with one last empty cup of tea on the table by your side. The bed is more comfortable than the your own at home and for the first time it feels like you are bathing in the red light that pours in from the window rather than dreading it.
That is until it is displaced by a dark shadow, causing you to spring up from your bed and look around the room. A chill runs down your spine. "W-who's there?" You call out into the darkness.
A snap of fingers and a candle is lit revealing San. "It's just me." He says dismissively, looking down at the flame.
You huff impatiently and drop back to your bed, pulling the blanket up to your face so that you don't have to look at him.
"Hey! Don't ignore me!" He barks, yanking the blanket off the bed, making you pull your legs up to your chest and a harsh shiver to run through you.
"Good God! Where have your clothes gone?" He exclaims and you immediately blush.
You had removed your clothes as they were still damp from San pushing you in the stream and you didn't want to get Kit's bed dirty. It was a good idea although it left you in just your underwear, and, in the presence of a perverted demon, could cause problems.
You get up quickly and snatch the blanket back from San, who is, much to your surprise, looking away. You lay back down on the bed and return his kind gesture by avoiding looking at him in anyway.
You choose to avoid his question too, focusing on making him leave instead.
"What are you doing in here? I'll call for Kit; he'll sort you out for sure."
A dry laugh erupts from him, "Him? The little vine kid? Oh, sure. I'm sure he'll 'sort me out'."
Your silence is enough to stop his laughter as you both know that Kit has become used to his powers very quickly and, even better, knows how to utilise them.
"Go away, San. I don't need you here anymore. I have Kit. Come find me and Roslyn at the gate when the twenty-eight days are over." You say between yawns.
San rushes over to the bedside, placing the candle on the table but is met by your back as you have already turned around in hopes you don't have to face him.
"If you don't like me, then why did you kiss me before?" He says, his patience wearing thin in his voice.
"You know what? I'm asking myself the exact same thing." You say, embarrassed by the memory.
That's when you're quickly thrust on to your back, San straddling your hips and pinning you down by your wrists.
"What's wrong with you?! Why don't you like me?! I don't understand what I'm doing wrong?! Everytime I think I might be getting somewhere with you! Are you just being polite?!" He yells right in your face.
You scream for Kit and it isn't long before San is off of you and out of the room. Your face drops into your hands, instantly being soaked by your tears.
Kit arrives quickly and thrusts himself onto the bed wrapping you in a hug with his vines.
"It's okay, Miss Y/n. I won't let him hurt you. Just get some rest."
To be continued
Author's note: OH MY GOD!!! It feels AMAZING to be back! Sorry this is so long but when I say I got back into the flow of writing, I. GOT. BACK. IN. Thank you so much for sticking with me as I got better. Even if just one person reads my writing, it's all worth it! Thank you so much for reading and look forward to my next update. I love you so so so much! ❤❤
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madmansan · 3 years
I think some of you would like to know that I'm back to writing! (woo 🎉)
I am currently finishing up the 5th part of my '28 Days' Demon!San x Reader, and I can assure you it will be up very soon!
I just want to say thank you so much to those who have stuck with me, whilst I get back to a healthy state. I hope to keep this fic regularly updated, as I am now feeling on top of the world!
Thank you so much, and I hope you keep reading. I love you all so much! You've been a big motivation for me! ❤❤
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madmansan · 3 years
Hey! I'm sorry I haven't been updating my works much recently. I've been in and out of the hospital a lot the past couple weeks and it's taking a bit of a toll on my ability to write anything of value. I will be back. But as of right now, I will take a little break and return when I am more confident and have more free time. I hope you all understand!
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madmansan · 3 years
28 days
Fantasy au - Demon!San x F!Reader
Trigger Warnings
Blades, scars, gore, violence, blood, swearing, death, murder, kidnapping, slight mentions of suicide.
Day 2
Your eyes slowly opened as the blazing sun rises above the walls of the Labyrinth. You shuffled slightly, trying to stretch out your limbs, when you heard voices behind you, and instantly retracted them, hoping it just seemed like you were moving in your sleep.
"The child you took yesterday. The one from Aldbarrow. That's her sister." That was San's voice, but the other was completely unfamiliar.
"You're going against your duty, San." The other voice belonged to someone more soft-spoken. It was cold, sinister and, despite the aggravation in their words, very calm.
"I'm aware of that, your majesty." San responded. Your majesty? You stayed completely still. You thanked the Gods that they hadn't realised you were awake. "She was so confident I almost felt bad for her, so I gave her a chance, but she most likely won't make it."
"I think it's a dumb idea." Another voice piped up. This one was slightly higher, and a lot closer to you. "You could have just stuck to your job, but you can't even do that, can you?" He let out a gentle laugh, his voice a lot closer than before. Slowly, you opened one of your eyes to see him leaning against the tree in front of you. He was just as beautiful as San, with a jawline so sharp you were sure it could do some lethal damage. "Although," he laughed to himself, "it's not like we haven't seen you do it before."
"Shut it, Wooyoung! Not everyone's job is as simple as kissing the ass of the king." San said, the more vicious tone he took completely paralleled his usual teasing one. The demon against the tree, the one you assumed was Wooyoung, laughed loudly at San, and flicked his longer black hair out of his face.
"That's enough." The Demon King took control of the two bickering boys, masterfully, yet his calm tone never strayed. "San. If she's yours and you want to play this little game with her then go ahead. But don't you dare let her step foot near the castle. Do everything you can to prevent it."
"I will, your majesty." San said, his voice a lot lower than before.
They weren't going to kill you. Not now anyway. You could only assume it was because of the demon's etiquette San had told you about. However, if he was going to start trying even harder to stop you from getting to the castle, you were going to have to be more resilient.
Footsteps moved towards you, and you watched as Wooyoung turned to join the Demon King. The two of them walked ahead of you, towards the wall and you could only catch a glimpse of the King's huge hooded robe before he disappeared in a cloud of dark smoke, followed swiftly by Wooyoung. It gently floated to the ground before fading away, leaving you and San alone in the clearing once more.
You lay "asleep" for a little while longer, making your act more believable.
After slowly opening your eyes, you stretched your limbs and sighed satisfactorily. San sat against the tree trunk by your legs, staring blankly at the wall. You wanted to tell him you heard everything, but you didn't know what he would do if you did. You decided not to risk it.
You sat up and shuffled next to him. "Encounter many demons last night?" You asked, leaning forward to face him. Of course you knew he had met the king and the other one, but he surely had to have seen more whilst you were asleep. You didn't ask this just out of curiosity, you may just find out what you're up against in here.
He didn't take his eyes off the wall, but he did respond. "No. There was a mob of humans at the entrance, so they were all gathered there. Being the main guard, I did have to leave you for a moment to go and see what was going on. I saw a huge crowd with torches, guns and daggers. One called out for you and Roslyn." Your eyes widened. It was stupid of you to think they wouldn't come for you.
You moved yourself across the floor so that you were now facing him. His gaze only drifted to you for a moment before returning to the wall. "She said she was your mother." He let out a muffled giggle that eventually turned into hysterical laughter. "And here I was thinking no one cared about you! Your whole village came out to find you!" His laughter continued when he noticed how quiet you had become.
The whole village had come out to look for you. The. Whole. Village.
The whole village that said you were the reason for Roslyn's disappearance. The friend that stopped you from saving her. The mother that blamed you, hated you, and didn't want to believe you even existed. They all came for you.
You couldn't help but wonder if Hongjoong had joined them.
"She was looking for Roslyn not me." You said, bluntly. You knew she wasn't looking for you. She may have tried to stop you from entering the Labyrinth before, but after her outburst you could hardly say she still cared about you.
His laughter began to fade being replaced with confusion. "You seem so sure of that? Do you not like her or something?"
You didn't know how to answer. You hated her for blaming you, for ripping up your work and ignoring your grief. But you didn't hate her, you couldn't hate her. She was still your mother.
"It's complicated." You mumbled, looking away from him.
"How so?" San's tone was less condescending. He sounded genuinely interested.
"She blamed me for Roslyn's disappearance. She blamed me for it when it wasn't my fault at all. I was just as heartbroken as her but she didn't care."
"Aha!" San cheered, a smirk crawling onto his face. "So that's why you're here! You're trying to prove her wrong! Die a hero and she'll respect you again." He sighed with a triumphant smile, "I knew no one in their right mind would enter here just to save someone they thought was dead."
"That's not true!" You said in protest. "I was going to enter the Labyrinth whether Roslyn had gone in or not! I always wanted to see what it was like. I'm writing a book, remember?" Fury bubbled inside you at his cockiness. "And, by the way, if I was so keen to die, do you think I would have made this deal?! Do you think I would have come this far?!" San nodded his head in thought, contemplating your argument. You took a deep breath in an attempt to calm your rage, "I know no one in their right mind would do this. But I'm not in my right mind, I never have been. I was desperate to enter the Labyrinth, my mother called me crazy. I wanted to save Roslyn and my best friend told me to give up; to stop being an idiot." You sighed, "I'm here because I felt guilty and I was confident enough in myself to save Roslyn. I'm not giving up. Not now. Not ever. It's all for her sake."
Your shoulders slumped, your eyes suddenly finding the floor the most interesting thing to stare at as they filled with tears. A gentle hand was placed on top of yours and you looked up to be met with the softened gaze of San.
"Wow.", he said, "You really are bat-shit crazy." He smiled at you, but it wasn't teasing or evil, it was tender and comforting.
He stood up abruptly and pulled you up at the same time with complete ease. "Alright then, my lovely heroine, you lead the way."
His grin had returned to his usual flirty one, but the memory of that moment you shared didn't fade. His gentle hand on yours, the sympathy in his dark eyes and the welcoming smile all remained inside your head as a symbol of hope in the death trap that you had found yourself in.
You prepared yourself for the next leg of your journey, the image of San smiling genuinely through your tear-blurred vision not leaving your head for a second.
He stood at the entrance to the clearing, as you searched through your bag, making sure he hadn't stolen anything from you. Especially your dagger.
Several impatient huffs left him. "Oh look! Is that the blood moon rising!"
You rolled your eyes at his petty sarcasm. "You can't be too sure." You smiled to yourself, "Especially when it comes to you." You lifted your gaze to see his sharp glare before returning it to your bag, a proud smirk on your face.
That's when you spotted the food you gathered before leaving for the Labyrinth. "Huh?" Eating hadn't crossed your mind since you entered, you hadn't even felt hungry. "San." he looked over at you, "Why don't I feel hungry?"
He closed his eyes with a sigh, resting his head against the wall, "Haven't I told you enough about demons? Are you not satisfied?"
You shook your head with a wide smile, "A few random facts aren't going to make a very informative book."
He sighed again, "Without your knowledge, and without even sensing it, you are already under my control." You raised a brow and cocked your head, prompting him to explain further. "No matter how much you say you're not interested in me or how much you think you're in control, you're lying. It's human nature to be completely and utterly submissive to us, to the point where we are the only thing that can nourish you." Your cheeks started to heat up with embarrassment, which, much to your disdain, made San grin from ear-to-ear. "I take away your hunger, I take away your thirst, I stop you from getting ill. I stop you from dying from anything that isn't me. Remarkable, don't you think?" It was his turn to cock his head, waiting for your answer.
"Remarkable indeed, if not slightly disturbing." You said, suddenly very uncomfortable with not being able to feel normal human feelings.
San gently laughed, "I think it's rather romantic."
You looked at him like he was crazy, but he only smirked, his eyes half-open and still managing to stare right into your soul.
You sighed heavily, turning around to find the tree gone and in its place two doors. You walked up to them to inspect their intricate details. One was a deep red, with spirals that curved around the golden door handle and around the edges. The other was made out of a rotting wood, the mossy green paint hardly there as most of it had chipped off.
You tried the handle of the red door but it wouldn't open. You tried again with the green door but it had the same result. "What?! They must be here for a reason? Why can't I open them?" You tried to use the handles of both doors again but neither of them opened.
"Aaah! Those doors? You have to knock to open them." San said over your shoulder. You whipped you head around at him with a questioning glance before returning your focus to the doors. You knocked gently on the red one but it didn't open. You turned back to San as you gestured to the door with a face that said 'See? Didn't work.' "Well, you have to knock harder than that! You think demons are that polite? No. We command doors open with our knocks."
You huffed, turning back to the doors once more. You made a tight fist and slammed it down on the door three times, before it flung up, a freezing cold wind rushing from behind you and down the long, dark corridor in front of you. You placed your hands up to the door frame to stop yourself from being pulled into its depths.
The wind faded as it wailed further down the hall, leaving you breathless and shivering. You swallowed hard and turned to the other door, knocking harshly and then leaping to the side to avoid another onslaught of wind. However, you were surprisingly met by welcoming birdsong.
You looked up to San who looked at you slightly bored and you cleared your throat, moving back in front of the doors.
On the other side of the red door was a dark, thin hallway, with a leaking roof. The small broken windows on the one side reflected a white light onto the wooden floorboards below. The cold chill returned as you stared into its unending passageway.
You slowly pulled your eyes away and looked into the other door. It opened to a beautiful forest, the trees taller than the Labyrinth walls, a stream gently running through them, the calming birdsong. It all felt too inviting. Far too inviting.
You looked back to San, "It's a trick, isn't it?" You asked.
He shrugged, "All I know is that if you enter through one of the door ways, you won't be able to come out again."
You looked back to the doors, eyeing each one cautiously. "But, I'm guessing both lead to the castle, right?"
San was silent for a moment before he piped up. "Depends on how you look at it. For example, one way could lead you straight to the castle and the other could throw you off track for a bit but then it's up to you to get to the castle. But if what you're trying to say is that they both lead somewhere in the Labyrinth then, yes, they're both still within the Labyrinth walls, and will most likely, I suppose, lead you to the castle."
You sighed, "You made that far more complicated then it needed to be." You didn't have to look at him to know he wore a prideful smirk. "Okay, so it's a battle of wits. That's fine. I can do that."
San scoffed, but you paid him no mind. "Okay. The spooky corridor seems to be the one that people would most likely avoid, but then that would surely seem too obvious, so that means that the spooky corridor would be the right choice, but then again that could be a double bluff....ugh!!! This is so irritating!" You groaned, giving up quicker than you had hoped.
San started laughing at you as you slumped to the floor. "Y/n, you're overthinking it."
You stood up again and looked at both doors, "Can you give me a hint?"
San rubbed his chin, humming in thought. He walked up to you and placed an arm over your shoulder, "What will I get from helping you?"
Now, it was your turn to think. "Nothing."
San laughed, taking his arm off your shoulder and walking up to the doors. He leaned against the wall inbetween, "Take a look at them, and decide which one you think is safer. As simple as that."
"As simple as that?"
"As simple as that."
You thought for a moment. If he was trying to stop you from getting to the castle before, he would be trying a lot harder now. After his run in with the king he is going to try and throw you off track at every chance he can get. You were sure of it.
Nevertheless, he did say that both ways would inevitably lead to the castle, one taking a lot longer than the other, but that wasn't really that big of a concern. You were only on day two after all.
"Very well." You strode up to the green door, looking into the gentle forest environment that lay beyond it. "I'm going in here."
Before you could step inside, San grabbed your wrist. "Are you sure you want to choose this one?" He leaned in closer to your ear and whispered, "You might just regret it."
You shoved him away with your free arm, "I'm going. This is the door I have chosen. Feel free to follow me. I won't be bothered if you don't."
He let out a small frustrated huff, as he followed in behind you.
You admired your surroundings, it was just as beautiful as it seemed from the other side of the door. Your happiness soon faded when you turned around to see that the door had disappeared. Leaving San laughing to himself so hard it echoed through the surrounding trees and off into the wilderness that lay ahead.
"I can't believe you actually chose this door!" His statement was followed by more laughing, "The other way would have taken you straight to the castle in under two hours! Now look who's the idiot!"
Were you annoyed? Yes. Extremely so. Were you going to let him know that? Not a chance.
You smiled, "Oh well, we'll have to go this way then. Come on." You started to walk away, humming to yourself, but it was soon interrupted.
"What?!" San roared from behind you. You let out a small laugh to yourself. "Are you seriously not annoyed?!" He yelled at your back.
"Should I be?" You shouted back over your shoulder.
"Of course you should be!" He stomped up next you and stared you right in the eyes. "I tricked you! Outsmarted you! Why are you not angry?"
"You didn't trick me. I made the decision. That was my bad. I'm not gonna be angry at you. Besides, I'll still get to the castle. Might take me a bit longer, but it's best not to dwell on it." His jaw dropped in utter disbelief, and, with a slight surge of confidence, you placed your finger under his chin and closed his mouth for him.
You walked away giggling to yourself, as he swiftly followed behind you, mumbling curses and mimicking your previous comments.
You had been walking in the forest for a couple hours, whenever you tried to ask San something he just ignored you. Which wasn't necessarily a bad thing. If anything it was quite relaxing.
The stream rushed passed as a gentle breeze rustled the branches above. Little balls of light with lacy wings darted passed you, and inbetween the trees. You longed to know what they were, but you knew San wouldn't tell you in his tantrum state.
You looked over your shoulder at him, and he quickly looked away from you, rather flustered. You smirked and looked back in front of you, catching the shimmering stream in the corner of your eye. You knew it would be best if you didn't irritate him further, but there was something so entertaining about it.
You placed your bag down on the ground by the stream and sat against a tree close by. You reached into your bag and grabbed some of the food, unwrapping the cloth and taking a bite. You weren't hungry, you actually felt very full, but you still forced yourself to eat it. You were rejecting San's power over you.
"What the hell are you doing?" San finally said, glaring down at you with deadly eyes. You only saw it through the corner of yours, refusing to give the attention he seeks.
"Finally talking, are we?" You replied calmly.
San sat down in front of you and you further craned your neck to watch the stream instead of him. "I'm eating whilst admiring the stream. Is that such a problem?"
"No. But why are you eating?" He muttered, trying to cover the rage that was building up inside.
"A girl has to eat, has she not?"
Suddenly your eyes were pulled away from the stream by San's forceful grip on your jaw.
"Spit it out." He said, punctuating every word. His eyes were darker than you had ever seen them, "Spit it out!" He yelled, but you unconsciously swallowed it, no one had ever yelled at you like that and your heart beat started to race.
He threw you to the floor, leaving you a shaking, spluttering mess. He breathed deeply, "How dare you mock my power?" He crouched down by your head, before grabbing a fistful of hair and pulling your face up to meet his. "Why won't you just submit to me?!" He moved closer, "Huh?!"
You had to get to the castle, that's why you couldn't submit. Wait, why am I going to the castle again? Your eyes widened, and you only managed to slip out a small 'Roslyn' before he dropped you to the floor again. You clutched at the grass underneath your palms at the thought of her. She was slaving away to a powerful demon, whilst you were just messing with one. You hated to admit it but you were having fun and getting him angry was making you feel certain feelings for him that you had only felt briefly with Hongjoong, except this time it was in overdrive. You had submitted to San but not in the way he expected. It had happened again. You had forgotten about Roslyn, but you weren't even in a trance this time.
No more games. Roslyn was all that mattered, and you had forgotten about her all because you wanted to tease a demon. You should have been at the castle straight away. You shouldn't have played San's pathetic games. You shouldn't have forgotten that all he sees you as is food, and not a potential love interest. You were appalled, but only with yourself. Fighting against his demon nature and his starvation must be so hard. Where has your compassion gone, you fool.
"I'm sorry, San." You whimpered from the floor, as tears started to roll down your cheeks. "I'm really sorry. I forgot all about Roslyn. I just wanted to mess with you since it was so fun seeing you get worked up. Yet, you still held back from eating me even when you could have." You clutched your hair desperately trying to cope with your realisation. "I never even thanked you for making this deal! I'm just as weak as all the other humans. I'm sorry for thinking I was better than you. I'm really not. Not at all."
"No. You're not." San replied calmly. You unclenched your hands and steadied your sobbing slightly, looking up at him the same time he looked down at you. He sat on the grass next to you and motioned for you to get up with his head. Your arms pushed you enough to sit up without the support of the them, but your shame made it hard to look at him. "However, you're not like other humans. Not at all." Your eyes widened and you cautiously raised them to his. "The amount of people that come to the gates from other villages and instantly submit to me is practically uncountable. They don't try to strike up a deal or fight back. Sure, it's nice, but it does get boring. Y/n," he placed a hand on your jaw and gently caressed the new bruises with his thumb, "I haven't met anyone who has made me feel so angry and threatened before. You were so determined, and no matter how much it pissed me off that you stabbed me, I couldn't deny that I was impressed." He took his hand from your face. "That's why I made this deal. I gave you this chance and best be sure that I'm gonna keep my end of it, having been starved and all. So, don't you dare give up now."
"Thank you, San. And, once again, I'm sorry." He nodded his head, but he wasn't being rude. It was more of a "no problem" nod than an "as you should" nod.
You sat in a heavy silence for a moment, the air so tense, it was almost suffocating. You felt the need to break it, but San's hand flying up into the air stopped you. He caught one of the little flying orbs by the wings.
"Heal her." He commanded, letting go of the wings and letting it flutter around your head. The pain in your jaw eased as you watched it zoom off into the woods once more. "Don't think I did that because I like you. I just knew you wouldn't stop complaining about it if I didn't heal it."
"What was that?" You ignored him, eyes trained on the pathway it left on, and mouth wide open.
San followed where you looked before returning his gaze to you. "One of the many types of forest sprites. Those ones heal." He laughed gently, "Let me guess? Remarkable?"
"Quite so." You said, in awe of the lack of pain you felt.
In the reflection of the stream, you saw a red blob surfacing. You looked up to see that the moon was entering the sky.
You stood up immediately, "What?! How can that be possible?!"
San joined you, squinting at the new blood moon growing larger over the tree line. "Huh. Looks like it's becoming night."
How could the day have gone by so fast? You looked at him completely perplexed but your face soon dropped when you saw how scared San looked like he had just seen some sort of untold horror. You grabbed his shoulders and made him face you. "San. Why is it night?"
He looked up at you, "I-I think we should find you somewhere to stay." He started heading off and you quickly caught up.
"San, you can't just say that. You have to tell me why the day has just vanished." You yelled, but it didn't seize his walking. "San!"
"The Demon King knows you're here. Of course he does. But he doesn't want that. So he's pushing forward the days so that you have less time to get to the castle. Or ... at least that's what I think."
You sighed, still pushing your legs to their limit to catch up with his pace. "Surely that would be a good thing for you?-"
"No." He sharply cut you off, stopping in his tracks. "If the King knows where you are then all the other demons are going to know where you are, and that means that we're gonna have quite a few guests tonight and I'm not dealing with that. So you better start moving your ass or I'm gonna start dragging you."
You quickened your pace rushing after him.
It wasn't long before you stumbled upon a small wooden cabin in the middle of some larger trees. The sun was setting fast and you instinctively ran up the creaky staircase to get to the door.
San almost materialized in front of you. "No. Not this one." He whispered.
You stared at him in utter bewilderment, "You have to be the most confusing person I have ever met!" He shushed you with a finger on your lips.
"Quiet. She'll hear you." He said quietly, but this time with more emphasis.
You slapped his hand away, "So first you wanted me to find a place to stay. No. To hide. And now you're telling me I can't when there is a perfectly good place right here."
"No, y/n, you can't go in there! I won't be able to protect you!"
"That's enough. This my best shot at surviving right now. So, I'm entering!" You gestured to the right with your head, "Move." He did.
You knocked on the door, the shrill of the night time bugs echoing through the trees. It was darker than the first night, only a few beams of deep red penetrating the canopy.
You looked out in to the black wilderness. Demons could be watching you right now and you would have no idea.
The door opened gently. On the other side stood a small old woman, her long messy hair was tied in a loose ponytail that draped down her back, which was clad in a tattered knitted cloak.
"Good evening, ma'am. I'm ever so sorry to intrude, but me and my fri-" you looked over to see that San had gone and you quickly looked back to the old woman, "uh ... I need somewhere to stay for the night." She eyed you with caution and you knew you would have to find a way to convince her. "I have demons after me and need to escape."
She opened the door a bit more and stood slightly taller, "And how do you know that I am not a demon?"
"Hope, ma'am." you said, "Only hope."
"Very well," she said, "And how am I to trust you?"
"You are just going to have to, ma'am. I have no way to prove myself, so if you don't trust me I won't force you."
She smiled, and opened the door fully allowing you to enter.
Inside the room was a bed with ragged sheets, a wooden table with a single chair, and a large expanse of cupboards hanging open on broken hinges.
Inside them were varying bottles full of different coloured liquids and other types of herbs and spices. There was no sign of real food, which meant that she was still affected by the demons within the forest. That, or she fed off humans. No. She wouldn't have questioned me intensely if she was. She's obviously scared. Best make a good impression.
"So, how long have you been in the Labyrinth." You asked her as she fumbled with some of the things in her cupboards.
"About seventy years." She said, quickly turning around to face you. "What about you?"
"Two days. How on Earth did you survive all that time here?" She looked worried, and she went back to fixing the jars and bottles. "Why did the demons not kill you?"
She was silent, you thought you had pried too far, when she slowly looked over her left shoulder. The shoulder that held a bite mark that you hadn't noticed before.
"There are many weird wonders in this world, and I have been subject to many. But the worst has been that boy."
Your interest was definitely peaked, but you tried hard to suppress it, and covered it with a more sympathetic look.
She continued, "I entered the Labyrinth in hopes of dying. I had no friends, and my family hated me. There was more to it than just that, but I'll keep it short. I wanted nothing more than to get rid of that suffering. But that boy ... he knew. He knew I wanted to die and so he ... "
You placed a hand on top of hers, "Take your time. You don't have to tell me if you don't wan-"
"No!" She yelled, slapping your hand off of hers. "That boy took a bite out of my soul that I will never retrieve. He took my humanity and my small chance of happiness. This-" she pointed to the bite mark, "This converted me into one of them. However, I did not obtain their abilities, only their thirst. He banished me to the woods, knowing that no human would ever get this far, for me to quench that thirst, or-" she pulled the dagger from your bag, "to end my suffering."
She placed the handle of the dagger in your hand and the blade to her neck. You looked at her horrified. You couldn't kill someone, not even if they were begging for it.
"No way! I can't just kill you!" You yelled, trying to pull the blade away.
She held your arm firmly, causing you to stumble back into the cupboards and a jar to fall down and smash on top of your hand that lay on the desk below. You pulled your hand away and fell to the floor. There were shards of glass sticking out at jagged angles from your skin, your blood covering the rest of it.
You looked up at the old woman to see her staring at your hand, her eyes turning from her warm hazel to a bright red.
She pounced on to you, pinning you to the floor. Panic rushed through you body as she tried to reach for your bleeding hand, her jaw dislocating so she could gape her mouth even wider.
You stared into her eyes and saw her plee, her desire to die, and the pain she was going through by not having control over her actions. It was unbearable.
You grabbed the dagger and stabbed it right into her neck, watching as she fell backward choking and spluttering on the blood that gargled in her throat. Tears fell from her eyes as a peacful smile graced her face. She dropped to the floor, completely lifeless, but the joy she felt was still present in her eyes.
"What have I done?" You whispered, completely horrified. "Please, forgive me."
A slow clap sounded from behind you, and you swiftly turned to see the demon from the clearing. Wooyoung.
"What a spectacle! I think I might just shed a tear." His laugh echoed around the small cabin and you stiffened with fear.
Your breaths quickened as he took slow steps towards you, crouching down and taking a good look at your face.
"You're such a pretty thing, I'm so annoyed San got to you first."
San. Where was he?
You swallowed, "Where is he?" You asked, pulling your face away from Wooyoung's as he inched closer.
"He ran away as soon as you entered the cabin. Couldn't bare to face her again." Your heart started racing. Was San the boy that made her suffer like this? "Or should I say isn't allowed to."
You took a heavy breath, the whole situation hurtling you into an almost unbearable state of fear.
"You know, if I knew any better, I'd say you actually like him." He teased, his body never stopping from following you along the floor, trying to get as close as possible, only to have you shuffle away.
"Well, do you?" You asked, feeling quite perturbed by his baseless assumption.
"Do I what, baby?"
"Know better?" He laughed at that, moving in closer and smirking when you tried to move back and were met with the wall.
"I sometimes wonder what it would be like to have a human attracted to me by my demon charm. However, since I hardly ever get to see any, save the children the Demon King enslaves, I've never got to experience it."
He moved in closer to your face, his lips grazing yours. You looked away, "Why don't you see them often? Don't you work at the gates?" You knew he didn't from the conversation he had with San in the clearing, but he couldn't know that.
"I did, but the King was so impressed by the state I put that old hag in that he invited me to join his royal guard." He said, grabbing your chin, making him face you again. You were oddly relieved that San wasn't the one that ruined the lady's life. "Come on, baby. San is a weak guy. I'm so much better than him."
His lips came in contact with yours for only a second before a familar voice, and one you have been waiting for, piped up from the doorway.
"Wooyoung." His head whipped around and you could only move your eyes to see San as your jaw was still in his grip. "I don't remember giving you permission to have a taste of my girl." Wooyoung laughed, standing up and walking over to him.
San stood only slightly taller than Wooyoung, his demeanour powerful and raging. "I'm glad you could join us, Sannie!" He grabbed his cheek and San quickly slapped it away.
"I'm sure you wouldn't like the King to find out that you forgot about our little demon rule?" San said, his eyes narrowing with a sharpness you hadn't seen before.
"The etiquette? It's more of a guideline, don't you think?"
"No, I don't. I don't think the King does either." San's voice lowered, "I also don't think he'd like the fact that you said that."
Wooyoung laughed again but it soon faded when he noticed that San's seriousness was unchanging. "He wouldn't believe you, San." He teased him, but he remained unphased.
"Of course. Why would the King believe the all seeing guardian of the gates, hmm?" Wooyoung's confidence started to falter and San's teasing smirk disappeared, "Get out."
He didn't need to be told twice, as he barged past San's broad shoulder to leave the cabin.
You sat in silence, watching as San crouched down to the old lady's body. He placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled, "May you rest in peace, you will suffer no more."
You moved your body up next to his, "Wooyoung said you knew her." San didn't take his eyes off of the body.
"I lost my job in the royal guard because of her. I said that Wooyoung should have just eaten her, and let her die. I suppose I thought it was too cruel. But my opinion went against the King's and I was forced into Wooyoung's previous job. I'm sorry I left you, there was a charm placed on this cabin that made sure I couldn't enter. They knew I would go and kill her. Didn't mean that I couldn't see her, of course. All the pain, the teasing of other demons. I even tried to bring her parts of my kills to try and nourish her, but they always faded to nothing outside. But, hey I tried, right?" He let out a sad laugh, before looking at you. "You probably think I'm soft now, and you would be right." He looked at the ground shamefully.
"Don't say it like it's a bad thing. I think that's a beautiful trait. I love people like that."
You took his hand and placed it in yours. You didn't know what you were doing, but comforting him just felt right in that moment. "You did the right thing, San."
"So did you. Thank you, y/n."
He looked down and noticed the blood still dripping from your hands. "I'll heal that. Then, I'll clean this up and you should rest."
Your eyes followed him as he went into the cupboard and grabbed one of the bottles, opening it and pouring it onto your hand. The blood cleared up and the glass came loose falling to the floor. The scars, however, still remained.
San took your hands in his and lifted you from the ground. Your legs felt slightly weak and you took hold of his arms firmly.
He placed you gently down on the bed before heading to the lady on the floor. He picked her up and left the room, only to return later without her. He looked different though, his skin wasn't as pale, his eyes less dark. He looked almost human.
When he went to go and clean the blood and glass off the floor, he had returned back to his normal look.
Whether it was just your mind tricking you or not. San definitely wasn't as evil as you thought. His personality shifts so drastically, yet his softer side seems more genuine. You couldn't wrap your head around it.
"Let's not make it a habit to stare at me before you go to sleep. It makes me feel too exposed." He said, stoically, turning back to his work.
You managed a small apology, relaxing back into the bed more.
You let your eyelids fall closed, but sleep didn't seem to take you as quickly this time. There was far too much to recover from. Physically and mentally. You don't understand anything well enough to overcome it. However, there is one thing you know for certain.
This Labyrinth is going to make you lose your mind.
To be continued
Author's note: HOLY LORD! This chapter is very long, so thanks for sticking with it to get here! Thank you very much for reading! ❤❤
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madmansan · 3 years
28 days
Fantasy au - Demon!San x F!Reader
Trigger Warnings
Blades, gore, blood, swearing, violence, kidnapping, slightly nsfw? Kind of? Like, if you squint, maybe?
Day 1
You had been walking for a few hours, your feet were sore and your back was aching, but you weren't giving up. San hadn't spoken much apart from clarifying that today counts as day one.
You looked back down at your compass and turned the corner that leads north. Leads to the castle.
"You know, if you keep walking this way then you're not going to get any closer." San said, a grin on his face.
You groaned, your tired eyes barely staying open to glare at him. "Thank you for the input, but it would have been more useful FOUR FUCKING HOURS AGO!"
He started laughing, "Damn, baby! You're not as ladylike as I thought."
"I thought I made that clear when I stabbed you." You remarked, making him nod his head.
"I suppose."
You sighed turning your back to him, but what you faced was even worse. The Labyrinth had changed again, and you were stuck, staring at a dead end.
You let out an even deeper sigh, resting your head against the cold stone. Two hands found purchase on your shoulders and started to rub the muscles. You leaned back into the touch, relishing in the easing of your tense body.
"Oh no! My baby's getting tired. What are we going to do?" You shrugged off the hands after realizing that they belonged to San.
"Nothing. We're gonna keep going until I drop." You pushed him away and started to feel the wall in front of you, looking for some sort of hidden lever or button.
San leaned against the wall, casually, and stared at you. "Whatchya doin'?"
"Trying to find a secret hole or something." You kept feeling the walls until you felt one of the stones give. "Aha!" You cheered, at your success.
You turned to San, a triumphant smile on your face. His not so much. He took your wrists, holding them to his chest, and stood between you and the wall. "Look, angel-"
"What's with all the pet names? My name is Y/n." You cut him off, tired of his weak attempt at flirting with you.
"Fine ... y/n," he said your name so reluctantly, yet the way it rolled off his tongue had your cheeks heating up slightly, "You don't want to push that rock. It'll just lead you even further away than you are right now."
Oh, yes. Of course, the demon that's going to kill you if you don't get to the castle is helping you get to the castle. That makes perfect sense.
"Move. I know you're just trying to trick me." You tried to pull your wrists out of his grip and push him away but it came to no avail.
"Oh, please!" He cackled, "You really think you can tell me what to do?" He pulled you in closer by the wrists until your noses were almost touching and he whispered, "I'm just trying to help you, y/n." Your name came out as more of a purr, making your cheeks heat up even more, and he made sure to note the effect it had on you.
You laughed at him, "You're not helping. If anything you're making things worse."
You couldn't be distracted. You had to keep moving. You swiftly kicked your knee inbetween his legs and watched his eyes widen, as he slowly fell to the floor.
Your wrists were free from his grip as his hands grabbed onto his crotch, a strangled groan leaving his throat at the pain.
Your hand reached out and pressed the stone into the wall, and then you were falling. You landed on a dirt floor, looking up to see the daylight quickly dissipate behind the trap door. You sighed, pushing yourself to your feet which then keeled over, leaving you on the the floor again.
"I told you so." San said, his voice songlike and unbelievably irritating.
Never before had you been more determined to smack a demon in the face.
You took a deep breath and pushed yourself up again, spreading you legs so that you could balance on your weak feet.
An endless-looking tunnel lead both to your left and to your right. The walls had the occasional torch just barely lighting up the area.
You pat yourself down, looking for your compass which you eventually found in tatters on the floor behind you. You let out a heavy sigh and slumped to the floor again.
"Giving up that easily, are we? Well, that's not my problem. I'll just kill you now and then I'll get back to my duties and-"
He stopped when he noticed how intensely you were glaring at him, an arrogant grin on his face.
"I'm not giving up. I can't. So tell me where these tunnels lead or so help me-" you paused, realizing that you couldn't exactly threaten an immortal being. "You know what? Forget it. Just tell me where the tunnels lead. Please!"
He seemed slightly taken back by your response and his grin fades as he joins you on the floor. "You know we could just stay down here. You and me. Alone, but together." He ran one of his hands along your collarbone and up to your jaw, pulling your face towards him so that you were mere centimetres away.
You took his wrist in your hand and pulled it away from you. "Stop that." You said, bluntly, turning your face away from him.
He huffed, "Fine! One way leads further into the Labyrinth the other way leads to the beginning. Happy? Good. Now, kiss me."
"Well, which way leads to the - wait, did you just tell me to kiss you?!"
"Yes!" He groaned out. "I would normally have eaten dozens of people by now if it wasn't for you. I'm hungry. If I could just get the smallest taste from you lips it would ease my hunger! So, let me kiss you and stop rejecting me, it's annoying."
You never thought you would see a demon in such a vulnerable state, but alas. "W-what?! First off, you're the one that decided to follow me. You know this Labyrinth, you could have just come to get me when the twenty eight days were over. You could have been dining happily at the entrance, but your not. You chose to be here and now you're complaining. Sounds pretty weak for a demon." You said, your annoyance clearly showing on your face. He growled, but you continued, "Second, I'm not interested in you, or your kiss, and I don't care if it will ease your hunger. Why else would I keep rejecting you?"
He glared at you, and you felt your heart sink. Maybe you went too far?
"Are you sure your not interested in me?" Despite the fact his voice sounded the same, there was a hint of shock and sadness in his tone. You nodded your head, making sure he knew not to try his little kissing stunts again. He sighed, heavily, "Fine." he sounded defeated.
You clapped your hands together, "Brilliant! Now, I'm pretty sure you won't tell me which way is which, but we can figure it out together. I'll go down this way to the right and you go that way to the left. Sound good? Good. Let's get going."
You started off down the tunnel, but your arm was grabbed and you were harshly pulled into San's chest. You pushed away from him, wiping your shirt down, "Something wrong?" You said, as calmly as possible. You had a plan to outsmart him, but you needed to stay calm.
"I have to follow you, there might be demons down there." He was lying. A desperate excuse. His hand still held your arm in a vice-like grip, one that you knew was going to leave a serious bruise.
You looked to your bag and pulled out your dagger. "I should be alright. I fought you off, remember?" He let go of your arm, his eyes not leaving the dagger as he placed a hand to his thigh. Right where you stabbed him. "If you have a problem with me going this way then I can always go the other way?"
"No!" He yelled and your body stiffened. Relax, y/n. You're in control here.
"Then why do you so desperately want to follow me down this way." You asked, looking at him with a straight face and an eyebrow raised.
He let out a laugh, "Because I wanna see the look on your face when you end up at the start of the Labyrinth again!" He stared at you with a smirk on his face, until he realized what he had just said. Then it was your turn to laugh.
"Did you really just say that?! Are you trying to trick me, or are you really just that stupid?" Your laughter howled through the tunnel even louder after seeing him look away from you, his fists clenched and shoulders slumped.
He could still be tricking you but you decided to just go with it. You had a fifty-fifty chance of going the right way, and if you were, you had full rein to gloat about outsmarting a demon. Besides, it was better then just waiting for San to kill you down in some dirty pit.
Your victory over him had given you energy that resurrected your tired body, and you powered down the left-leading tunnel, San tailing you, impatiently.
It was quiet for quite some time before he jogged up to your side staring at your determined expression. "What are you interested in then?" His question made you stop and look at him to see that he was fully serious.
"Uh ... " you had to think for a moment, you were never really interested in someone before; not overwhelmingly so, anyway. He seemed so hurt by the fact you didn't find him attractive, that you couldn't help but mess with him. Just a little bit.
You continued your walk, feigning a slightly flustered appearance, "Well, there is this one boy." You watched as his fists clenched in a polar opposite reaction to his gentle hum, used as his response. "He's wonderful! He's always so polite and his smile just gives me butterflies." Your thoughts trailed slightly to Hongjoong. WOAH! What am I doing? I don't like him. Or maybe I do? No.
San glared at you and you quickly looked away. Maybe it would be more believable if you actually had someone to describe. "He actually encouraged me to come to the Labyrinth and save Roslyn. He didn't push me away like others did." Your heart melted thinking about the way he helped you, how he wished you good luck and - the perfect thing to get on San's nerves. "He also asks for permission to touch me, before he does."
"Oh, how dreamy!" He made sure to lace his words with a sarcastic bitterness.
You sighed, "You're the one that asked! What's wrong? Did you want me to say something like, 'Oh no, San, I'm actually infatuated with you. My type is most definitely perverted demons that try to kill me!' You really are stupid, aren't you?" You laughed, having far too much fun messing with him.
He huffed aggressively and started walking faster.
The tunnel eventually came to a dead-end and you felt your stomach flip. You hadn't encountered any demons on the way through, but if you were about to head back into the Labyrinth, even further in this time, you were probably going to face a lot more.
You looked to San, who's jaw was clenched and eyes focused on the dead-end that was protruding some jagged rocks, similar to steps. He didn't speak to you at all after you mentioned Hongjoong. He didn't even look at you.
He pulled up his sleeves and climbed up the rocks, and you quickly looked away when you saw him lift the roof of the tunnel with ease, moving it to the side. You couldn't help the heat you felt in your cheeks at his display of strength. You also didn't understand it, considering you had never felt this way when watching Mingi at his forge. Either way, you couldn't let him think he had an effect on you, especially since you had just said how you had no interest in him.
"Oi!" His yell pulled you out of your thoughts and you looked up to see him out of the tunnel, holding his hand down to you. You stepped on the unstable rocks, and made your way up to his waiting arm.
As much as you wanted to take his hand, you knew that you may just be perceived as weak by him, and that was the last thing you wanted.
You grabbed onto the ledge and pulled yourself up. You stood up to stare at him as he glared at you, and you felt a shiver run down your spine. Quickly, you unlocked your eyes from his and took in your surroundings.
You were in a small plaza with a couple pathways leading out of it. The walls were shorter and made out of hedgerows, delicate white flowers scattered across them. You used the last time you saw your compass, and the different directions you had gone in since then, to figure out where the castle would most likely be. You looked to your right and saw the tip of a tower poking over one of the walls.
You whipped your head around to San, who had just replaced the floor over the tunnel. "I need you to lift me up over the wall."
He looked at you with a slight annoyance and bluntly said, "No, just walk around." You huffed at him and turned back to the wall. You tried to jump and see over the hedgerow but you soon realized that your attempt was futile. Especially because all you could hear was San's condescending giggles from behind you. "Oh, please, y/n, this is just pitiful."
You sighed, but tried not to play to him. "At least your smiling again. You're even uglier when you scowl." That was a lie. He was good looking all the time. And it genuinely irritated you. Nevertheless, you weren't going to let him keep control over you. You might just forget your purpose otherwise.
You looked to the pathway nearest to the tower and decided that it was the one that you would head down. With or without the help of San.
However, you quickly heard the tampering of feet behind you, and you didn't have to turn to know that it was him.
That was until you were slammed against the wall by a pair of strong arms. Your eyes met with a pair of deep green ones, that inched closer and closer every second.
"Hello, beautiful." Your heart was racing, your body frozen. Where was San? Did he not follow you?
His hand grabbed your jaw and pulled you closer to his lips, you reached for you dagger but it wasn't there. You felt tears prickle at your eyes. "What are you doing this far in? Hmm?" You regained some strength and used it in a futile attempt at pushing him away. "Oh no, baby! I'm not done with you yet! We're gonna have some fun before I kill you. Don't be scared." His tone made you feel less scared, you felt completely calm in his presence. Your body became weak and his lips melted on to yours, his body pressed against you, pinning you to the wall. You had never kissed anyone before but the whole sensation, sent your brain into overdrive. You thought kisses were supposed to be full of love and kindness, but what you were feeling was pure passion.
You didn't even stop him when his tongue slipped passed your lips and he started to grope your body in places that had only ever been touched by you. You felt filthy, and you couldn't help but wonder what your mother would think of you if she saw you in the position you were in.
Mother. Roslyn. Roslyn!
You bit down on the demon's tongue and he pulled away from you with a yelp. You spat out a lump of muscle and some black liquid and you realized that you had just bitten of his tongue. You looked back up to him and he stared at you, his shocked expression quickly being replaced by a smirk as he flicked out the tongue that he had regrown.
You felt your heart pound against your chest, every breath you took raked into your lungs, as you tried to comprehend what had just happened.
"Seonghwa!" A familiar voice called and you looked over to see San walking up to the two of you. "I'm glad you found her. I'm surprised you got away so quickly, missy. You'll definitely pay for that."
The demon, you assumed was called Seonghwa, looked to San then back to you, "I'd watch her, San. She's a brave one." His gentle, seductive tone had your knees weak once more, your whole body heating up
"I'm aware. She gave me the slip at the entrance this morning and I've been looking for her ever since. I haven't so much as a taste of her yet. You don't mind if I keep her, do you?" San looked you right in your eyes and you happened to notice that his ever so slightly said 'trust me.'
"As much as I wish to have some more fun with her, I can't help but feel sorry for you, San. She's all yours." Seonghwa nodded to San and dismissed himself, walking straight through the wall of the Labyrinth.
"You had such high hopes for yourself." You looked back to San, who stood closer to you. "Should've just used the dagger you used on me." Your eyes widened and you looked down to your bag, to see it still there.
"Seonghwa has a very unique ability to put those humans around him in a trance. It wasn't a fault of your own." You looked at San quizzically. Why was he comforting you? Why did he save you?
"I don't want you to think I care about you or anything but ... ", he paused and looked away from you, "I'm glad you're okay. I should've just followed you. Instead, I sat having a tantrum back in the plaza. I don't like the fact you outsmarted me, and it won't happen again." He turned to you, "So, now my meal is back to being only mine. I'll-"
You didn't know when you had started crying but your body fell limp and you collapsed on to the floor. He looked down at you slightly annoyed at the fact you interrupted him. "That felt horrible. He ... and I wanted him to!" You were horrified by the realization. You weren't necessarily old-fashioned, but you didn't want your innocence taken away from you by a demon that had taken advantage of you.
"Why? It's not your fault? He had you in a trance." San went to grab you arm and pull you up, but you slapped it away.
"It doesn't take away from the fact that he did it. And I wanted it. What would mother think of me? She would probably call me a whore. She probably already thinks I am one, since I'm always hanging out with my bestfriend at his forge. Nevermind, I don't want to think about it. Let's just go."
San looked at you, his expression was a mixture of confusion and annoyance. You pulled yourself up on the wall, and stood holding onto it until you were confident to walk on your weak feet once more.
San waited patiently at your side. You took a deep breath and pushed off the wall, instantly losing balance and falling into his arms. "You idiot. You're exhausted." You huffed, looking up to see a deep scarlet moon, the pink clouds floating gently across the dark sand-coloured sky. He must have noticed your confusion; "Only blood moons in the Labyrinth. They wake up all demons in the entirety of it, and they can sense the presence of any human within the walls. We should get you somewhere to sleep. Otherwise you'll be fighting off demons in this state. And before you ask, we do have some sort of etiquette and demons can have a claimed human. Therefore, no one will be able to touch you."
He swiftly put an arm under your legs and picked you up, a yelp leaving your lips as your face pressed against his cold chest. Your whole body shivered at the feeling. "Demons don't have any insides or regulated body temperature, so we're always freezing cold. That black sludge is what makes us up." You looked up at him, confused as to why he was telling you more about them. He looked down to you before returning his gaze to the path in front of him, "You wanted to write a book about us, didn't you? I'm just helping you." You looked back down at his chest, slightly sheepish.
After a moment's silence, San shifted you up his chest a bit more, "Y/n. Did Seonghwa ... ask ... before he, " he cleared his throat "did what he did?"
You looked up at him shocked by his question, "Would he need to ask if he knew I was in his trance?"
"W-well ... " Did he just stutter? "I thought that. I just ... uh, nevermind. It doesn't matter."
You looked at him, extremely confused, before you were dropped to the floor. You rubbed your back to try and ease the pain. "Well, here we are. You can sleep over by that tree."
You hadn't noticed, but you had entered a small clearing, with a large tree in the center. Two sides of the walls, were made of the familiar stone you had seen outside the Labyrinth, and the other two were still hedgerows. You pulled yourself along the floor and lay down next to the tree. San stood at the entrance to the clearing, most likely to keep watch.
From your angle on the floor, you started to notice the real beauty of his body. His sharp, sculpted face was beautiful, you couldn't deny that. But his broad shoulders paired with his tiny waist made his stance so much more powerful. He was unlike anything you had ever seen. He was perfect.
"If your done staring at me, I would appreciate it if you got some sleep. If a demon sees you awake they might try and convince me to share you." He smirked, "And I might just let them."
You quickly pulled your eyes away and turned around to face the tree trunk. Closing your eyes, you felt much needed sleep creep up on you until you were out.
To be continued
Author's note: Hi! Thanks for reading this new update! Sorry it took so long to come out, I was having a bit of trouble with my mental health. I'm back on track now though! So, I hope you enjoyed this. ❤❤
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madmansan · 3 years
I just woke up to see that I have 50 followers now! I genuinely thought I would only get like 10 so this really means a lot! Thank you so much! ❤❤
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madmansan · 3 years
I'm in love with the demon San you have a lot of creativity 🙂💞
Omg literally thank you so much! You're too sweet! 🥺❤
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madmansan · 3 years
28 days
Fantasy au - Demon!San x F!Reader
Trigger Warnings
Mentions of blades, death, kidnapping, enslavement, violence, gore and just pretty gross stuff. San is a little bit violent and pervy, but that's obviously not what I think of him. He's just a demon in this.
Labyrinth - part 2
You walked along the wall to try and find the entrance, running your fingers along the old crumbling rocks, just as you had done everytime you travelled there, but, this time, it was different.
The birds were silent. The village wasn't settling down to bed. You weren't sneaking passed hunters that were making their way back from a long day's work in the woods. It was quiet, and terribly eerie.
Eventually, you came along a doorway. You didn't think the entrance would be too hidden, considering a six year old was able to find it, but it seemed too obvious. As if it was beckoning the simple-minded villagers into it's endless pathways and inevitable death. No. Not death. Roslyn was alive. You knew she was.
It took all your might to push open the two large stone doors. Once you pushed them halfway, they started to move by themselves, making you fall forward on to the Labyrinth floor.
You quickly scrambled to your feet, spinning around to see the doors close, but you were mysteriously met with a wall. It was already starting to mess with you. You turned your back to the door-wall and faced various different pathways. You took a deep breath. There really was no turning back.
A small chain of slurred words came from the path closest to your left, and you jumped back, hand reaching for your dagger. A large grotesque man stumbled down the hall, pressing his weight on the side of the wall. As he got closer, you realized that his giant gut had been gashed open, a thick black liquid gushing from it as he walked. His face and body deflating, hence his grotesque appearance. His body finally flopped to the floor, a pool of the black goop surrounding him.
You placed your dagger back in its sheath and knelt down next to the man.
"Is this what the demons look like?" You said to yourself, poking the black liquid and quickly wiping it off on your shirt with a sound of digust.
"Not all demons." You froze at the sinister sounding voice that trailed from behind you. You turned around so fast you fell back into the puddle of foul smelling slop.
Before you could register where the voice came from, you were pulled up by the collar of your shirt, an arm wrapping around your waist. You looked up and locked eyes with a man. His pitch black hair fell gently in front of his eyes, but didn't hide the evil within them. He took the hand from your collar and pushed his hair back, looking you up and down with a mischievous smirk. The arm around your waist, pressed you into his body and your breath became shaky.
"Hello, beautiful." His fingers ran down your cheek. Your mind was screaming for you to pull away but you were frozen in place. "How did a lovely little thing like you end up in here?" You didn't respond. He sighed looking down at your neck, his smile soon returning. His fingers ran along the chain on your neck, fiddling with the pendant, "Do you have yourself a boy back home?"
You swallowed deeply, finally willing yourself to speak, "So what if I did? I don't think it concerns you."
He laughed at your statement, "It would just make killing you that much more exciting. Knowing that some boy would be longing for his love to return, I mean."
You shook your head, "I have friends that love me, but no romantic partner." You kept your eyes focused on him, you weren't scared of him. You couldn't be.
He hummed, attention drawn back to your necklace. "Silver?" He cocked his head, a grin spreading across his face.
"I take it you're not allergic?" You asked, genuinely quite curious.
"A cunning little trick of his majesty; writing a book about demons packed full of lies and thrusting it into the human world to confuse them." He moved closer to your ear, whispering, "This necklace won't help you here." You flinched as he ripped it from your neck, carelessly discarding it. "Let's just hope your strong enough to beat me." He let out a sadistic giggle and you quickly tried to push out of his grasp.
"You can't kill me!" You screamed, as he held you firmly in place.
He laughed at your futile attempt, "Woah there, baby. I'm not gonna kill you yet! I like to play with my food before I eat it." His hand travelled down from your waist, freeing one of your hands and allowing you to deliver a harsh slap to his sculpted cheek.
You backed away, nearly falling back over the corpse on the floor. The demon stood still, his face stoic. You breathed heavily, trying to make up for what you lost in his tight grasp. You looked back to him and watched as his face contorted into one of pure rage.
He slammed you against the wall, a hand going straight for you throat. The cackle he produced was maniacal as you clawed at his wrist for him to release you.
"You're brave for a pathetic, little human, aren't you?" He yelled, his hand squeezing tighter. "Answer me!" He ordered.
You needed to stop him. You needed something to fight back. You needed ... your dagger.
You reached for the handle, quickly pulling it out of the sheath and stabbing him in his thigh. He growled in pain, tumbling back onto the floor, the same black sludge pouring out of the wound.
You fell to your knees, dragging the oxygen into your lungs. You looked over to the demon, who held his leg, face scrunched as seething breaths were pulled through his teeth. His jaw dropped, groaning, as the wound started to heal itself.
"Remarkable." You whispered, wonder apparent in your eyes.
"What did you just say, you rat!" He yelled at you and you quickly repeated yourself, louder this time.
"W-what?" He stuttered out, taken back.
"You can heal yourself, it's remarkable!" Despite the fact that he had just tried to kill you, you couldn't hide your fascination with the demon species.
"Well, yeah? Demons are immortal, unless the damage is inflicted by another demon." He looked over at the gutted, dead blob that lay next to him before looking back to you. "That one was coming to meet you, but I thought I would be more pleasant company, don't you think so?" He sent you a smirk, but you scoffed at it.
"Your ego is rather large, isn't it? Did that book say anything about demons being attractive, 'cause I'm sure that fits with the theme of lies." He scowled at your comment and you swallowed thickly. You weren't letting him win, not when Roslyn still needed saving.
"You're a terrible liar. You're far too interested in me." He smirked again, but you were too busy thinking about Roslyn to make another remark.
You pulled your knees up to your chest, "A little girl ... did she come in here?"
He raised a brow at you, "Yeah, why? You know her?"
Your fear dissipated as you crawled up to him, grabbing his shoulders, "Is she alive?!" You asked, desperately. The demon stared at you in shock. "Please!" You screamed.
"What's your deal?!"
"I need you to tell me! Please! She's my sister! I was researching the Labyrinth and planned on writing a book. She was just trying to help me. She's innocent. Please tell me if she's alive!" You didn't think you would ever see a demon's eyes soften, but his did.
"His majesty likes the younger ones. So we take those one's to the castle. He uses them as slaves until they die." Your face dropped. Your body felt weak and you let go of the demon.
"I- ... I need to save her. I'll do anything." You said, tensing your muscles to force some strength into them.
"I need to kill you. I'm hungry." He laughed and you glared at him. He stopped, rubbing his chin in thought. "Well ... maybe we could come to an agreement?" You raise one brow, showing your interest. "You want your sister. I want you dead, and we can't really have both. So, I'll make you a deal. I'll give you 28 days to get through the Labyrinth and to the castle and if you don't do it within that time, I get to kill you. Sound fair?"
You watched as he held out his hand, waiting for you to shake it. You reached out and took it, "Very well, ... "
"San." He responded.
"San. I'll do anything to save my sister, so don't get too excited about your meal."
He laughed at you, "We'll see about that."
You pulled your hand away from his and stood up, surveying the area and deciding to go down the path he had just come through.
You had only moved a couple feet into the hall when you heard the scrambling of feet behind and turned to see that he had followed after you.
"Why are you coming with me?" You asked, making some distance between the two of you so he couldn't pull you into him again.
"I have to make sure no other demons try and kill you. You're mine." He said, with a sardonic smile
You quickly turned your back to him. You were not losing to him. You had to stay strong. No more nonsense. "A deal's a deal." You called back to him, continuing to make your way down the hall.
Though you couldn't see him, you knew he was taken back by your statement as his footsteps stuttered before speeding up to catch up with you.
A deal is a deal.
To be continued
Author's note: Introducing ... SANNIE!!! Sorry this took so long to come out! I was really not confident with it for some reason, but here we are. Thank you for reading! ❤❤
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madmansan · 3 years
28 Days
Fantasy au - Demon!San x F!Reader
Trigger Warnings
Mentions of death and blades.
Labyrinth - part 1
Aldbarrow. A village known for it's hunters, jewellers, bakers and smiths. But most famous of all, was the Labyrinth that lay just outside the village.
From the outside, all one could see was a large stone wall, that would tower above even the tallest man's head. However, lurking inside was the castle of the Demon King.
Guarding the castle were his loyal demon subjects, that skulked around the Labyrinth to feed on the souls of any human that dares to enter. Or so it was believed. You see, no one had ever entered the Labyrinth and returned. It was a mystery that people were terrified to discover. But not me.
You paused, the ink from your quill blotching on to the page. You bit your lip in frustration, grabbing a bit of cloth and gently dabbing up the small puddle. You placed the quill back into the ink pot, shuffled the parchments into a neat pile and placed them under the false bottom of one of the drawers in your desk.
You were planning on observing the Labyrinth, maybe even entering, so that you could write a book about it. It was a good idea at first but you soon realized that your parents would kill you if they found out.
'Your Auntie entered that Labyrinth and never came back! Don't even think for a second that I would let you anywhere near it. I don't care if it would help the village! You're. Not. Going.' Your Mother would always say. That's why you had to hide it.
Every night, once your parents had gone to sleep, you would sneak out and examine the wall. Running your fingers along the rocks, comparing plants that grew between the cracks to the ones in the village, you even scaled the wall once to try and see over but it was far too dark to see anything.
You heard the door creak open and turned around to see your little sister swinging from the door handle.
"Good morning, Roslyn." You smiled at her, closing the drawer.
She hummed in response, slowly plodding her way over, carelessly swinging her teddy bear back and forth. "Whatchya doin'?" She said, running one of her little fingers along your drawer.
"Why are you asking?" You replied, giving her a playful smirk.
She looked up at you with a hint of mischief in her eyes, "There's a question already on the table, y/n!" She's surprisingly cheeky for a six year old.
You threw your hands up in defence, "Alright, you got me. I'm starting to write my book about the Labyrinth. I plan on sneaking out tonight to see if I can find out anything about the demons inside." The little girl's eyes widened with excitement.
"Really!" She yelled, quickly cupping her mouth, as to not alert your mother and leaned in closer. "You're really gonna go? What if something bad happens? No, nothing bad will happen. I'm sure it will be great. Can I come?!"
You placed your hands on her shoulders trying to cool her excitement, "Nothing bad will happen because I would be cautious. I can't say that much for you." She sulked and you laughed, picking her up and spinning her around. "It'll be okay. I'll report back to you every detail of my observations." You placed a hard kiss on her cheek and watched as she wiped it off, squirming out of your grip. You giggled as you watched her run off down the stairs.
You grabbed your bag, flinging it over your shoulder and heading out the front door. Roslyn came tumbling out behind you, chasing after her friends whilst still putting on her shoes. You sighed as she stumbled and you bent down to tie her laces properly before letting her run off again.
You had a burst of energy as you marched to the forge. You had commissioned a dagger from the village blacksmith, and one of your best friends, Mingi. If you wanted to enter the Labyrinth, you knew you would need something to defend yourself with.
You clutched the metal handle, swinging the wooden door open with a hearty 'Good morning!' You heard the joyful-sounding greetings of more than one voice down the hall and you could only assume, Mingi's jeweller friend Hongjoong had come round to visit.
You entered the small forge, Mingi hammered a glowing red metal rod against his anvil whilst Hongjoong sat in the corner gently fiddling with some wire and gems.
"Is it ready?" You asked, barely masking your excitement.
"Ah! The dagger!" Mingi exclaimed, placing the rod back in the hearth and removing his thick, tattered gloves. He walked to a desk behind Hongjoong's seat, who's eyes followed him before spinning back round to you.
"Why are you in need of a dagger?" He asked, a bright smile painting his face. You hadn't really spoken to him before, apart from the occasional 'good morning' when seeing him on the street or in Mingi's forge.
Before you could respond Mingi cut in. "She's being an idiot. As per usual." He walked up to you and you gave him a slap on his arm. He laughs at your weak attempt to hurt him and you huff, knowing that you couldn't win.
You turned your attention back to Hongjoong, who sat patiently, his smile not faultering at all. "I'm going to the Labyrinth!" You said, your pride filling the room as you pushed out your chest.
Hongjoong started to laugh but it soon faded when he realized you were being serious. "Wait, seriously?!" He yelled, his smile dropping to gape his mouth in shock.
"Don't worry, Hongjoong. I thought she was crazy when she first told me as well." Mingi laughed, handing you the blade like he was giving you some sort of award. You snatched it from his hands and stuck your tongue out at him.
"I've been studying it for a while. I want to write a book about it. It would most likely be less of a threat if we knew more about it." Hongjoong's eyes lit up, mouthing a small 'wow'. You proudly looked back to Mingi, who huffed at his friend taking your side. He still held out one of his hands, expecting his payment. You reached into your bag and pulled out a paper envelope that contained the money for his work.
He opened it, inspecting the amount inside. You sighed, "Come on, Mingi! You really think I would swindle you? He closed the envelope and looked back up at you.
"You can never be too sure." He said, eyeing you suspiciously, a playful grin appearing at the corner of his lips.
Suddenly, loud yells came from outside and all of you bolted to the door to see what was going on.
People were running wild, shouting out various things but one stood out to you the most. The yell of your little sister's name.
Panicked, you grabbed a person on the street and asked them what was going on.
"Y/n! Two of Roslyn's friends came running to us saying that her and Erina went missing whilst in they were playing in the woods."
Your heart sunk. A cold shiver ran up your spine and left you with an overwhelming sense of dread. You pushed through the crowd, desperately screaming out the names of the two missing girls, whilst Mingi and Hongjoong followed swiftly after.
The crowd went silent, curved around the base of the hill that lead up to the woods and - you felt your throat tighten at the thought. The Labyrinth.
You pushed your way through the people, with gentle apologies coming from the two boys tailing you. In front of everyone you saw Erina, Roslyn's friend and only one of the two missing girls.
You knelt down in front of her and made sure she was alright before you asked her what happened.
"Me and Roslyn went further into woods."
"How far?!" You quickly responded.
"To the Labyrinth."
"You went to the Labyrinth?!"
"She wanted to observe it to help you!" She exclaimed, starting to panic.
"Where is she?!" You asked. She didn't respond. "Erina!" You clutched on to her shoulders.
Her face dropped, "It's all my fault."
You froze for a moment, each breath you took being less controlled than the last. You started to run towards the woods, tears pouring down your cheeks, screaming out your little sister's name again and again.
Some of the large men in the village grabbed you and pulled you back as you fought against them. You shoved out of their grip for just a couple seconds before being grabbed again.
Eventually, your muscles weakened and you fell to the floor in defeat. A strong hand squeezed your shoulder and you looked over to see Mingi, who sat on his knees next to you.
"I know it hurts, y/n, but ... ' he trailed off, watching your tear stained face stare at him, lip quivering, "there's nothing you can do." You started to sob once more, falling into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you in a tight hug.
You couldn't bring yourself to tell your mother, but it inevitably came to her attention.
You sat at your desk and stared at the ripped up pile of parchments that lay on the floor. She had asked to see them after finding out Roslyn's motive. She blamed you, screamed at you, ripped your work to shreds, she didn't care that you were hurting too.
You finally got out of your chair and started to pick up the pieces, when one of them caught your eye.
'It was a mystery'
The Labyrinth was a mystery. Nobody actually knew if Roslyn was dead. Your body burned with anger, fists clenching around the pieces of parchment before slamming them to the floor and striding towards your bed. You reached under, grabbing your bag and starting to pack some necessities.
The village thought she was dead, but you were going to find out for sure.
After getting a couple hours sleep to see you through the day, you climbed out of you window and started to head in the direction of the mountain.
It wasn't a long walk to the Labyrinth, but your dedication to save Roslyn was so strong, you ended up there in under ten minutes.
You had been up there dozens of times before, but this time was the only time you felt absolutely terrified. The wall seemed ten times higher, ten times longer, but knowing Roslyn was there just the day before, you knew that you couldn't turn back.
You were entering that Labyrinth, and you didn't care if you weren't going to come back out.
You heard some twigs crack behind you, followed by a small rock landing at your feet.
You turned to see Hongjoong poking his head around one of the trees, "Oh, hi." You said, awkwardly. He cautiously looked around him before stepping out into the clearing, joining you by the Labyrinth wall. You bent down and picked up the rock he threw, "Was this really necessary? No one's around." He scratched the back of his neck and looked at the ground awkwardly. "Let me guess, Mingi sent you to convince me not to go in. Well, I'm not going to listen so-"
"Mingi didn't send me." He cut you off, bluntly.
You looked at him quizzically as he reached into his pocket. "I'm not here to stop you either. I just want you to have this." He held up a thin silver chain, with a small heart pendant in the middle. "I remember reading somewhere that demons are deadly allergic to silver. I can't be too sure if it's actually true, but it's best to be safe anyway. May I?" He moved his hands towards your neck and you leaned forward, nodding your head. Your heart warmed knowing that he was trying to help you and not drag you back to the village.
He clipped it around your neck and leaned back, running his fingers along the chain, admiring the small heart before his cheeks flushed bright red. "I-I didn't mean to make the pendant a heart! It was one I made a while back. It's the first one I pulled out when looking through my silver necklaces for one to give you." He trailed off still mumbling to himself.
You placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, "Thank you, it's extremely kind of you to do this for me. May you find happiness, Hongjoong." You smiled at him and he quickly returned it. He awkwardly stepped away and waved you goodbye, wishing you luck.
Once his figure had vanished into the woods you turned your attention back to the wall. You had to go. No turning back.
To be continued
Author's note: Ahhhh the new story!! I've been really nervous to post this but here we are! This is only the first chapter and the others probably won't be out for a while, but it'll be nice to see what people think! Thank you so much for reading this and I hope you have a great morning/night, wherever you are in the world! ❤❤
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madmansan · 3 years
Sorry I haven't been active recently! I've been planning a new series, which I can confirm is a Demon!San x F!Reader. I'm really excited for this one as I took inspiration from various different things I absolutely love! The film 'Labyrinth' starring my childhood crush David Bowie, the TV show 'Over the Garden Wall' (Literally such an incredible show. If you haven't seen it, please go watch it!) and many others.
I am putting a lot into this one so I'll be spending a lot of time planning, but I hope to get the first chapter out soon!!
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madmansan · 3 years
I really love how you wrote! I think you're a really great writer <3 what does my class have to do... The title is too long but your story was really good and I'm glad you're doing okay now! If you published more in the future I'm sure they would be great! Ahsjfkfjdkandnd
Thank you so much! I'm really glad you enjoyed it! I was actually thinking that it was a bit long. I'll make sure to improve in the future! Thank you so much for you feedback though! It's greatly appreciated!
I will be writing more in the future as well...so keep an eye out! 👀
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madmansan · 3 years
What does class have to do with my love for you?
Royal au - Seonghwa x F!Reader
Trigger Warnings
Epilogue - My Love
It was 2 months after your run in with Ashford, the ball and your engagement to the prince. There was a royal wedding, which you couldn't quite believe was actually your's.
You looked out the carriage window to see the streets full of stalls and banners, crowds of people squinting their eyes to get even the smallest glimpse of you. Not only was this wedding a big step for you, but it was also a big step for those on the streets. A bond was being formed between the upper and lower class, it would change everything for them.
A hand rested on your shoulder, making your tense muscles ease. "Don't be nervous, my dear. You're marrying a fine gentlman." Winnie sat next to you, wearing a beautiful dress, her hair had been styled and her face made up by maids at the manor. She looked incredible.
"I know, but I can't help but worry about how extravagant this all is." You sighed, shoulders slumping, "If only the King had agreed to let us have a private wedding."
"'If only this. If only that.' You keep saying those things and you'll never be content with your life." You looked up to Giselle, who was staring at you with the brighest smile you had seen her produce. "There is no need to worry, y/n. Just be happy your getting married. I'll probably be doing this job until I die." She sulked.
"I don't know Giselle, you seem to be fond of serving the King." A bright blush rose to her cheeks, making you throw head back and laugh at her not so inconspicuous feelings for the King.
The carriage slowly came to a halt a guard opening the door and holding his hand to help you, Winnie and Giselle down the steps. You looked up at the crowd of people surrounding the entrance, they were all people you recognized from the streets. They were cheering loudly, the occasional 'Thank you, y/n!', 'You saved me, y/n!' or other heartwarming praises, rising above the roar of the sea of survivors.
You couldn't hold back your smile. These people had suffered for generations, and your wedding was going to solve that problem. More support, less crime and most importantly more lives saved from poverty.
You stood patiently in the hallway. Waiting for your que to enter the hall that had been so excessively decorated you hardly recognised it as the place you first met the prince.
The music started flowing out into the hallway, your heart starting to rapidly beat. Winnie took your arm and lead you into the grand hall.
All of the audience was stood up watching you intently. You looked up and locked eyes with Seonghwa, who stared at you with one of his gentle smiles. He used a single finger to wipe under his eyes, in an attempt to hide his tears.
As you walked down the aisle, you started to spot some familiar faces. Bunny watched in awe as you made your way passed him. San smiled widely, sending you a little wave. Yeosang and Sir Hughes gave you polite nods, with Yeosang's looking slightly more pained. Finally you walked passed James, who stared at you with a proud look in his eyes.
Winnie gently let go of your arm, letting you take a hold of Seonghwa's before sitting down next to the children in the front row.
"You look incredible." Seonghwa whispered to you, the tears in his eyes looking more obvious. You felt your own eyes start to brim with tears. "This is it, now. We are finally going to be together."
"Forever." You whispered back.
After the ceremony, the guests returned with you back to Seonghwa's manor for the reception.
Unsurprisingly, your dance skills had not improved since the ball. However, the endearing, giggly first dance you shared with Seonghwa eased everyone's minds, allowing them to just enjoy themselves. Your husband was indeed very popular amongst the people, especially since Winnie and all of your little siblings were desperate to dance with him.
San slid next to you, holding out his hand. "Would you do me the honor of sharing a dance with me, your highness?" He bowed in an overly dramatic way.
You laughed, pushing his hand away, "Really, San? Trying to flirt with me at my own wedding? You really can't help yourself, can you?"
He blushed, playfully shoving your arm, "I am not flirting with you! I just wanted to see if I could get that Yeosang guy angry, you should have seen him when you were dancing with Seonghwa!" He started to laugh loudly, making you hit him and tell him to quiet down.
"Speak of the devil." San muttered before leaving. You looked back to the dance floor, Seonghwa stood right in front of you.
He pulled you into a warm embrace, "I'm so happy, y/n, I can't even explain it." You kissed him softly before nuzzling your face into his neck.
"Who would of thought a street-rat like me would ever get the chance to marry a prince like you."
He pulled away, taking the two of your hands in his. "You shouldn't be surprised." He placed a gentle kiss to your hands, "Besides, what does class have to do with my love for you?"
The End
Author's note: Yo, he did it. He said the title of the thing. Woah, that's so cool!!
But in all seriousness, thank you so much for your support. I really appreciate every last one of you! I was actually going through a really rough time with my mental health, and writing this ended up being a form of escapism for me. Luckily, I'm making a recovery now and I just wanted to thank all of my followers that stuck with me through this series! I love you so so much!! ❤❤
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madmansan · 3 years
What does class have to do with my love for you?
Royal au - Seonghwa x F!Reader
Trigger Warnings
Death, blood, violence, guns, scars, blades.
Chapter 15 - Sacrifice
You're eyes slowly opened, your back stiff and your body cramped up from sleeping on the floor. The small light from a window near the roof highlighted the rhythmic dripping of the pipe as it pooled in front of you. It was still dark out. You hadn't been asleep for long.
You groaned, stretching your muscles, looking around, taking in your surroundings. The cell you were in and the ones around you were quite big, compared to one's further down the hall. A guard lay on the floor, the occasional loud snore leaving his throat.
"Y/n?" You turned to your left, seeing a figure in the cell next to you. You pulled yourself along the floor to the bars, since your leg was still sore. The shadow came closer revealing that it was San. You clutched the bars separating the two of you.
"San!" You gasped, quickly covering your mouth and looking to the guard that was, luckily, still asleep.
"Y/n! W-what are doing here?" He interlocked your fingers through the bars, shaking his head in disbelief.
"I came to kill Ashford. The hell are you doing here?" You asked, completely confused.
"I've been here for two days. We came to kill Ashford too! We didn't want him using you anymore!" He sighed, "I didn't realise James was so caring. I mean, we would have starved to death if he didn't sneak us food and water."
"Hold on," you placed a hand to his lips to stop him talking, "what do you mean by 'we'?" He looked down to the floor, removing your hand, and looking to the cells opposite the two of you. In the one, stood Bunny and the in the other was someone you did not want to see there.
"Winnie?!" You exclaimed. She shuffled closer to her cell door, looking ashamed.
"I'm sorry, y/n. I couldn't just sit back and relax knowing that you were in danger." She sighed heavily and you turned away, slamming the bars between you and San.
"Why didn't you try and stop her!?" San kept his eyes fixed to the floor.
Bunny sighed, "It wasn't his fault, y/n. Me and Winnie forced him to bring us along, 'cus if something happened to him as well as you I wouldn't be able to live with knowing I could have saved you both." He looked upset, they all did.
You used the bars to pull yourself up, "You guys need to get out of here. I'll call down James and tell him to give me your punishment in exchange for your freedom."
"NO, Y/N!" San yelled, causing you to flinch. "I can't believe you! You always look out for everyone, except yourself! It's like you're some kind of suicidal maniac!" You turned your face away from him, but he grabbed your chin and pulled you back. "We came here knowing that we could die, y/n. The same way you joined this ridiculous plan, knowing full well that you could be killed. We will face our consequence and you will face your's. But if we miraculously get out of here, you have to promise me to start living for yourself."
A slow clap came from behind you and you whipped your head around to see Ashford, James and some guards making there way down the stairs to your cells.
"Oh, how heroic for such a pathetic boy!" He jeered. San pulled away from you. He looked terrified.
You moved to the door of your cell, "You lay a finger on him and, so help me, I'll-"
"You'll what, y/n? This boy faced plenty of beatings whilst being in this cell. I'm sure he would be alright with another one. Besides, you can't do much from within that cell." Ashford smirked at you, as you looked to San. You realised that he had red marks, bruises and cuts all over his body. He backed away from the door, shaking his head in a weak attempt of begging for them to not attack him again.
"You're the pathetic one! Not the boy!" Winnie called out, bitterly. Ashford's face dropped, holding up his hand and signalling some guards to her cell. They opened the door and pulled her out, she tried to fight back, but her effort was futile. You tried to get to Ashford through bars, but your wounded leg caused you to fall to the ground.
Ashford looked down to you, amused by your lack of strength. "I suppose your dear Winnie will be the first to go. Take her away."
At that moment, the end of a pistol was placed to the side of Ashford's head. He tensed up. You looked over to see a hooded man at the other end.
"Let the woman go. That's an order." The man pulled down his hood. "From the prince." Seonghwa masterfully held Ashford at gun point, as James stood weak behind him.
Ashford locked eyes with him and they burned with anger. "James! What are you up to?"
Seonghwa spared a small glance over at James and then back to Ashford. "He saw me out front and showed me the way to this basement." James turned to you and gave you a gentle smile. He finally broke free of his grasp, and you were about to as well.
"James, you little brat!" Ashford screamed, reaching for his knife. He only had the chance to take one small step before he was face to face with the prince's gun. Seonghwa cocked the pistol with his thumb, pressing the barrel right inbetween his eyes.
"You have a very large manor, it would be a shame if all of it was taken away from you by the dozens of palace guards that are outside." He laughed, pushing the gun closer to his head. "But you have no control over that. So, you're are going to let Winnie and everyone else free and come with me up top, or I shoot you. Your choice, Ashford."
Ashford held up his hand, "Let them go. Now."
Without any hesitation, the guards went to the cells, unlocking each one. San went straight to your cell, helping you up and placing your arm over his shoulder. Seonghwa slowly stalked around Ashford. He pushed the barrel into his back, making him stumble forward.
"Lead the way, you filthy rat."
Guards stood in a circular formation around the entrance to the manor, each one holding a shotgun at the ready.
A few from the crowd made there way towards Ashford, pushing him to the floor and putting him in cuffs. They dragged him away and threw him into a carriage.
Seonghwa handed his gun to one of the other men and turned to you.
"Y/n, forgive me for not coming sooner, I-" he stopped, looking to San, who's cheeks flushed bright red. "You're that boy from the pub, are you not?"
San grabbed your wrist, pulling your arm off of his shoulder, and practically passing you to Seonghwa. "Forgive me, your highness. I-it's just she couldn't walk and I didn't want to her to hurt herself trying and-"
"It's alright." He placed a hand on his shoulder, smiling at him. "You were very brave to come here by your own discretion just for y/n. I'm very grateful."
"It was nothing really. I just wanted to help, we all did." San gestured to Winnie and Bunny, who stood nearby.
Seonghwa nodded his head, "I'm still thankful. Especially since you took those beatings for her and the others. I'll get medic to check you out straight away." He waved his hand at the crowd, taking a few steps towards them.
You limped closer to San, who let out a proud huff. "Putting myself out to save other people? I'm starting to act like you, y/n!"
You smiled, "Yes, well, not anymore." He quirked an eyebrow at you, causing you to let out a laugh. "Already forgotten our promise? You really are an idiot, San!" He scowled, giving you a playful shove which only resulted in more laughter. "We've miraculously escaped, San. It's time to start living for ourselves first."
He smiled, holding out his hand, "Shake on it." You gladly took it, giving it one firm shake before he was lead away by medics.
"Who was it!? I'll kill him?!" You whipped your head around to see Yeosang running around with his sword drawn.
"Yeosang, calm yourself!" Sir Hughes yelled from his spot next to Winnie, you could only assume he had shown up by choice, since there wouldn't have been time to send a letter. He held on to Winnie's hand as she weeped. She had, presumably, been told about the orphanage, as she flung her arms around Sir Hughes.
Yeosang ran towards you, his expression was one of relief. "I heard an Ashford was the one that vandalised your beauty."
You held back a snicker, "Yes. It was an Ashford."
Yeosang's eyes scanned the people stood at the doorway, narrowing in on James, who was making his way towards you.
He grabbed James by the collar, placing his sword to his neck, "What's your name, boy?" His face was cold and stoic. He was fully serious.
"J-james!" He yelped, flinching away from the pressure of the blade on his neck.
"James what?" Yeosang snapped, causing James to whimper.
"Yeo..." you placed a hand on his shoulder, "Ashford has been arrested, there's nothing to worry about. But..." you stepped closer to him, making him blush, "I really appreciate your valiant effort!" His blush grew, putting away his sword.
"W-well, that's quite alright, y/n. One would only dream of serving someone as beautiful as you." He bowed, placing a kiss to your hand before striding away to his father.
You looked back to James who was fixing his clothes. "You really do attract peculiar people, don't you, y/n?" You looked over to Yeosang who was still staring daggers into James
"I suppose." You looked back to him, "I'm glad you betrayed him. You're free from his over powering reins." You gave him a warm smile, his eyes lighting up a little bit.
"So are you, y/n. He won't be able to bother you again. You're free to marry the prince and he's free to become King. Oh and..." he paused, as if contemplating whether or not he should say what he wanted to, "don't worry about what my father said about war. The other kingdom's aren't even interested in us unless it's for trading. He only made that stuff up so it seemed like he had a reason to become King." He laughed to himself, "Not that the King would have chosen him for a successor anyway. They absolutely hate each other! The plan was completely flawed right from the start, but at least he was confident." You tried to hold back your laugh, but he started to giggle, so you felt like you could join in.
A gentle hand rested on your shoulder and you looked back to see Seonghwa smiling at you. He looked up to James, who nodded and dismissed himself.
You turned around and quickly wrapped your arms around him. Your body was weak, tired and scarred, but standing there, held tight in Seonghwa's arms, you felt painless. You felt calm. You felt warm.
To be continued
Author's note: Aaah! One more chapter left and this series will be over! I kind of don't want it to end! Maybe finishing it will do me some good. Thank you very much for reading! I love you. I mean it. ❤❤
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madmansan · 3 years
Ashfjfkgl I really love your Seonghwa fanfic! It's really goodddddd ahdb3idbejsj
All seriousness, thank you so much, it really means a lot to know people are enjoying my fics. Really really thank you! ❤
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madmansan · 3 years
What does class have to do with my love for you?
Royal au - Seonghwa x F!Reader
Trigger Warnings
Death, scars, classism, blades, blood, violence.
NOTICE: Seonghwa does get a bit rough with y/n in this chapter. I am, in no way, implying that this is what he would do in real life. But I do think that this behaviour develops his character ready for the finale, as this series is coming to a close very soon. I hope this is taken into consideration.
Chapter 14 - Survival
"W-what?" You asked, your voice shaky and body weakening. He knew. You didn't know how, but he knew.
He made his way towards you, "Oh, you don't seem to understand, let me spell it out for you, y/n. A young criminal, looking to get a bit of money, decides to join forces with Sir Ashford. She goes to a ball, makes the prince fall for her, tells him about her sob story and makes him work ten times harder to support her and her 'family' just to completely betray him." His eyes were fierce, he was enraged and you couldn't do anything.
"You don't underst-"
"WHAT IS THERE NOT TO UNDERSTAND?!" He yelled at you, and left you lost for words. "I thought you were different, y/n! I thought I could trust you! But you're just like the rest of them."
You couldn't hold back your tears anymore and you started to sob through your shaky breaths. "Who do you mean by 'them', Seonghwa?" You said bitterly, wiping your face in a futile effort to stop the tears.
He let out a pained laugh, pushing you down on to the bed and crawling on top of you. "You know exactly what I mean by 'them', y/n."
You tried to push him away but your body was too weak. You were scared and couldn't do anything about it, except effortlessly weep under him.
"Why are you crying? Is it guilt? Regret? No. That would be giving you too much credit. You're just upset you got caught. Aren't you?!" He practically screamed. You were so close your noses were almost touching.
You shook your head, and through a shaky breath you tried to justify yourself. "S-seonghwa, you don't understand. Please stop!"
"No, y/n! You don't understand! I spent my whole life trying to find you! I was so happy that we were finally together! But you!" You noticed the tears streaming down his face, as he tried to gather himself. His eyes were wild, but they were full of pain. "You betrayed me." He said, barely above a whisper. "I tried to justify your actions! I tried to make sense of your nature! But you never cared! You don't care about my position. You don't care about my help. You don't even care about me!" He clenched his fist and slammed the pillow next to your head, making you flinch. "You're just a greedy thief! That's all you are!"
This wasn't Seonghwa. This wasn't the man you loved. He was corrupt and upset, to the point where he had forgotten all of his beliefs and couldn't restrain his anger.
He looked you up and down, before giving you an evil smirk. "Look at you! You're even dressed like one of us!" He grabbed your collar and ripped open your shirt. You shrieked, covering up your body with your one arm and covering your face with your scarred one.
"Stop, Seonghwa! Please! Just let me explain!" You begged, your never-ending flow of tears drenching the sheets underneath you.
You felt his weight push off of you and you raised your arm to see him hugging his knees at the bottom of the bed. Staring at nothing. He looked scared.
You got up off the bed and sat, facing away from him, on the floor. You wrapped your ripped shirt around you, and wiped your remaining tears.
"I didn't do this to make some easy money." You said, you voice still slightly shaky. "I didn't do it by choice either." You looked over to the bed and you saw Seonghwa looking back at you, shocked or confused. You couldn't tell which one.
You turned away again, "Ashford sent around fifty guards after me. He finally captured me after years of trying. I knew that he wanted me dead. When I woke up in his manor, I knew I was most likely just waiting to be taken to the noose. That's when he proposed his idea to me. He wanted to be King, said that the other kingdoms will be at war with us and he will protect us. He said that if I convinced the King to make him his successor, that he would give me one hundred thousand. He knew I wouldn't do it for that, so he offered to give it to Winnie instead. I knew that if I refused he would just have me killed, and then she would have no-one to help her." You turned around again to see that Seonghwa had moved to the edge of the bed. You stood up, keeping your front covered, and walked over to him. "I didn't expect to actually fall for you, but I did. I was going to drop the plan when I found out abouf Sir Hughes'. I was just going to continue living happily with you, and try to rectify what I told the King." He looked up at you and you sighed. "I just wanted to be with you. I'm sorry. I understand if you don't forgive me."
He stood up and looked down on you. You could feel your body going weak again.
"Is that true? What you just said, it's true?" He said, his hand cupping your jaw and pulling you up to him.
"I swear on Winnie's life." His eyes widened at your comment. Your face stayed serious, hoping that he would believe you, because everything you said was true and you couldn't have him believing otherwise.
"I'm sorry, y/n. I jumped to conclusions and I was angry and I was sad and -" he looked down to your open shirt, "oh my god!" He crumbled catching himself on the edge of the bed. "I'm sorry, y/n. I'm so sorry."
You took a deep breath, your body moved on it's own. Straddling him, cupping his face and kissing his lips. He wrapped his arms tightly around your waist and pulled you in closer. Your lips separated, your foreheads pressed against eachother, and together you said, "I forgive you."
He picked you up and lay you down on the bed, his lips moved from your's and trailed down your neck.
"Seonghwa, how did you find out?" You asked, suddenly curious. His lips came to a halt, propping himself up on his elbows so he could look into your eyes.
"My father sent me a letter. He noticed that the scar on your arm was the one that Sir Ashford gives to all of the people he hires from the streets. Was he desperate for you not to show anyone?" Your mind flashed back to James at the ball when your bandage came loose.
"Yes, James was adamant that I didn't show anyone."
Seonghwa sighed, moving some hair out of your face. "Then it all adds up. My father will meet with Sir Ashford and most likely punish him. Severely." He looked down at you, doe-eyed. He leaned in again, but this time just placed a gentle peck on your lips. "I'm sorry, about what I said. I didn't mean a single word of it." Your heart beat calmed. The hard part was over. You could live with him happily and Winnie will be safe.
"It's okay, Seonghwa. I believe you." You ran your fingers threw his hair and down the back of his neck. He let out a gentle sigh and melted under your soothing touch.
You looked over to Seonghwa, who had fallen asleep in his chair, whilst writing some letters, one of them being sent to the King. It shared more information about your deal with Ashford and that he had chosen to stay with you. Giselle said that she had known all along, but couldn't bring herself to tell the prince because it was just nice to see him happy.
You were tired, but you knew that you couldn't rest until your job was done. Ashford ruined your life, hunted you down for years, used you for his own selfish gain and permanently scarred you. You were going to get him back, by any means possible.
You creeped your way passed Seonghwa, opening and closing the door without making a sound.
You grabbed the knife that you took to the streets a couple nights before. You had hidden it under one of the water troughs in the stables, and you were glad it was still there.
You found a horse that was willing to let you mount it and took it out of the stable.
"Where you off to then?" You froze, recognizing the voice of Giselle, instantly.
You decided not to try and hide what you were doing, since she would probably agree with what you were doing.
You held up your knife, "I'm going to kill Ashford." You said, bluntly. She raised her eyebrow at you, "I have no reason to lie, Giselle. If I am, you have full right to kill me." She stood in shock as you mounted your horse. "I would tell you not to bother the prince about this, but I doubt you'll listen to me." She shook her head and you laughed. "You're a sharp woman, Giselle. If we were on the streets together, we would have been unstoppable."
"Thank you, y/n." She turned away from you. "And good luck. I've been wanting that man dead for a long time."
You exchanged smiles before you rode off to his manor.
You knock on the door of the manor, patiently waiting for a guard to welcome you in.
"Oh, the street-rat." You swiftly punched him in the gut and he crumbled to the floor. You grabbed his wrist and lifted his sleeve, seeing the same scar on his arm.
"Hmph, figures." You threw his hand to the floor, before knocking him out with a harsh knee to the face.
You walked through the halls, for awhile before stumbling on Ashford's room. You walked over to his bed, spotting his wife lying next to him. She was a beautiful woman, she deserved better than him.
You pulled the knife out from the hilt holding it up, above his chest. Your head rushed with all the things that he had done to you. You looked to your wrist, the scar being the one thing that made you drive the knife down.
"Y/n." You heard a whisper to your side, swinging your knife in that direction. Your arm was caught and you saw who the voice belonged to. James.
"Let go of me!"
"Please, y/n! Don't do this!" He whispered, desperately. He was nearly crying and you weakened the grip on your knife.
"James, don't act so oblivious. I have full reason to do this, and, personally, I would like to be the one that kills him over the King."
He shivered, "Huh?" His voice was shaky.
"The King knows about the plan. Your father is dead or imprisoned. There's no point in saving him."
James let go of your arm, clenching his fists in his hair. "No. It can't be!" He grabbed your shoulders tightly, making you wince. "He'll blame me. He'll make me suffer. Please, y/n. Don't do this! I'm scared!" He was crying, begging you. His eyes darted down to the bed, before he gasped.
A sharp pain in your thigh overwhelmed you as you collapsed into James' arms. Ashford had awoken and slashed your leg with his own knife.
He locked eyes with you, sneering, "Take her to the cells!" You tried to fight back but your injured leg failed you. James dragged you away with ease.
He dropped you on the dirty floor of a cell. Only Ashford would turn his basement into a prison.
He walked off, locking the cell door behind him. You sighed resting your head against the bars, staring at the stairs that lead to your freedom.
James returned with some cloth and a bowl of water, entering the cell and steadily sitting next to you.
"May I?" He pointed at you injured leg. You looked away from him.
"No, why not just let me bleed out. You want me dead anyway." You said.
"I don't, as a matter of fact." He retorted, making you look at him in question. "I realize now something I should of realized then." He sighed, placing some of the cloth in the water. "You're braver than I will ever be. You risked your life thousands of times just to save someone else. You stood up to my father, when even I, his son, can't do that. You went along with an unfinished messy plan just to make someone else's life better. You're braver than me. You're stronger than me. I have so much respect for you, y/n! So, please let clean your wound. It's the least I could do." He was almost begging you at this point.
You moved your leg closer to him with a wince. He pulled the cloth from the water and gently wiped down the slash in your thigh. He did this a couple more times before taking some dry cloth and wrapping it tightly around your leg.
Once you were separated by the locked cell door once more, you turned to him, "Betray him, James. You'd be better off without him."
He sighed, "Y/n, my father is a ruthless man. He kills anyone that betrays him. So if I was to do so, I would not be in a good position." He ran his fingers along his neck and your blood ran cold. "Standing by his side is the coward's way out and being the coward that I am, I am fine with doing that. It's survival, y/n, you, of all people, should understand that the most." With that we went back up the stairs and left you in your cell. Alone, cold, but overwhelmed with anger.
To be continued
Author's note: Yes, you did read the start correctly! There are two more chapters left to write, and I'm really excited to see your reaction to them! I really hope you enjoyed this, and thank you very much for reading this new chapter. ❤❤
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madmansan · 3 years
What does class have to do with my love for you?
Royal au - Seonghwa x F!Reader
Trigger Warnings
Death, scars, violence, blades.
Chapter 13 - Jealousy
You lay awake in bed, still wiping away the tears from your sore eyes.
The whole night was agonising. The King was convinced, it was easier than you had expected, but Seonghwa wanted to be King. He wanted to be the King's successor, he wanted to rule the kingdom alongside you, and you just stripped that away.
You heard him groaning behind you, turning you around in the bed and pulling you into his chest.
"Good morning, princess." His morning voice and his pet name made your heart flip and your face heat up.
"G-good morning, uh, prince?" He let out a low chuckle and you mentally slapped yourself.
"You're so cute." He looked down at you, running a hand through your hair. "Are you excited for today?" You looked up at him, quirking your brow. "Sir Hughes showed up here yesterday. When I told him you were busy, he said that we could go and see him today. How does that sound?" His face was beaming, he was obviously excited.
"That sounds fine." You pushed off his chest and got out of bed. He quickly sat up and whined. You looked back, before being yanked back onto his lap, leaving you a giggling mess as he pecked his lips all over your face.
You looked up at him, your laughter fading and your mind being overwhelmed with the thought of his lips on your's. At that moment, your body moved before you could even think and your lips connected. He cupped your jaw, pulling you closer, the kiss becoming more passionate and heated.
"Your highness!" A maid came bursting into the room, causing you to pull away and bury your head into Seonghwa's chest.
"Knock." He bluntly ordered, and you would be lying if you said it didn't have an effect on you.
The maid quickly closed the door, knocked and re-entered after getting Seonghwa's permission.
"S-sorry, your highness! We came for your fiance. It would be best to get her ready now so you can set off for Sir Hughes' manor as soon as possible!" She stuttered out. You caught a glimpse of the other maids outside the doorway, holding clothes and your mind instantly went to the outfit you were forced into the previous day.
You shot up from the bed, "I'm not wearing that corset again!" Your outburst made the maids laugh.
Seonghwa pulled you in and whispered in your ear, "I don't mind seeing you in it again." He ran his fingers up your sides, and you knocked them away, your cheeks heating up. He let out a laugh, turning to the maids. "You heard her loud and clear. No corsets." He smiled at you and let you get out of the bed.
"Thank you!" You called to the maids as they left the room. You looked into the mirror and admired your outfit. "Well, y/n, I must say you look positively stunning in this outfit."
"I couldn't agree more." You spun around, quickly, to see James standing in the doorway. He looked smug, confident, meaning his father wasn't there.
"Can I help you?" You said, bitterly. He stepped closer, causing you to step back.
"I heard you met with the King yesterday." You nodded your head, eyeing him intensely. "You did. How was it?" You stared at him for a bit longer before deciding to speak.
"Easy. The King's already looking for a new successor. I'd tell your father to get in there as soon as possible." James stared at you eyes wide, mouth agape.
"Y-you've really done it?" He stumbled over his words. You nodded your head again. He ran over to you and picked you up in the air, spinning you around. "Oh thank you, y/n! My father will be so proud of you!" You pushed him off you and stumbled backwards, landing in the arms of the prince. James quickly bowed, "Your highness. The upmost apologies for my behaviour. I was simply impressed by something y/n had told me."
You looked up at Seonghwa, who stared at James with fury in his eyes.
"I don't care for your apologies. Leave." His demanding tone made you terrified. Had he heard what you two were talking about?
James excused himself, leaving you and Seonghwa alone. He stood you up straight and turned you to face him. You were shaking but you didn't know why. You had faced scarier men - bigger men. Why were you so scared now? For the first time, in a long time, you were actually scared.
"I-" he stopped himself, his cheeks heating up and making him look away. "I know he's a friend and everything, y/n, but ... " he trailed off, his blush deepening, "I didn't like it when he hugged you. Is that bad? That's bad, isn't it?" Your nerves eased and your heart became mush. That's why he was angry.
You started to laugh, despite his protests of it being 'not funny'.
"I'm sorry, Seonghwa, but that was adorable!" You pinched his cheeks, and somehow made him blush even more. He looked away from you, embarrassed, and you took this as an invite to tease him a bit more. You ran your fingers along his jaw and turned his head to face you. "I don't mind. You're actually very attractive when you're jealous." He swallowed thickly as you moved closer to him, your lips almost touching. You then quickly moved your lips away from his and towards his ear, and you whispered, "but you are far too cute when you admit it."
He playfully shoved you, but you just giggled, and walked off without him, causing him to chase after you, looking flustered and beet red.
You waited in the carriage for Seonghwa to join you for about half an hour, and when he did arrive he didn't really talk to you. He would only nod his head, or hum in agreement to your words. It made you worried.
When you arrived at the manor you were starstruck by it's glamour. It was similar to Seonghwa's, but the gardens were a lot more extravagant, and the buliding itself was very avant garde.
You stepped out of the carriage, Seonghwa briskly taking your arm and walking you to the entrance, where you were met by the man you could only assume was Sir Hughes.
"Seonghwa, my boy! It's always a pleasure to see you!" He pulled him into a hug and gently tapped his cheek before turning to you. "And this must be your lovely fiance!"
"Indeed." Seonghwa replied, bluntly. You didn't understand why he was acting so dismissive but it was really annoying you.
"What a pretty little thing you are! A pleasure!" He bowed to you and you blushed slightly, not really knowing how to react.
He cleared his throat and smiled wider than one would think was possible, "Come! Come! We have lots to discuss!" You smiled at his enthusiasm, but that vanished when Seonghwa roughly took your arm once more and pulled you inside.
"Ah, y/n, I don't believe you've met my son, have you?" Sir Hughes asked, as you swallowed the last bit of food of the meal he had made for you. You felt Seonghwa gently tap your leg under the table, making you look up into his eyes, as he slowly shook his head. He was acting so strange, it made you angry. So you took it upon yourself to ignore him.
"I don't believe I have!" You replied with a bright smile. You looked over to Seonghwa who glared you with dark eyes. You had never seen him like this, and you didn't like it.
"Well, he has a very similar story to you." Your ears pricked up at his statement. He continued, "You see, he was born in the streets and one day he tried to break into my manor looking for some stuff to steal. A young boy. No more than eight. I felt bad. Terrible. So, I took him in; raised him as my own, and now he's a fine young man!" Your heart skipped a beat, knowing that he really did care for the people on the streets. Unlike, the man that 'took you in'.
"Oh, that's wonderful, good sir! Can we go and see him! Oh, pretty please!" You grabbed his hand, and played up the innocent, doe-eyed, girl from the streets character.
"Well, I don't see why not!" He stood up from the table and gently took your arm, unlike the man that was supposed to be madly in love with you. Seonghwa dragged himself up from the table, his evil stare not leaving you for a second. "I believe he's outside, practicing with his trainer, you know sword fighting, fist fighting, that sort of thing." You were already starting to like the sound of this boy, and, maybe, if you did, Seonghwa would go back to his usual self. Even if you have to make him a bit jealous.
As you walked closer to the gardens, you heard some grunting, followed by the clashing of two swords, and then the exasperated wail of a man. You turned the corner and came eye to eye with two men, one older sweaty man lying on the floor with his hands up in surrender, and the other was holding the point of his sword to the surrendering man's neck. After a couple more pleas, the man took his sword away and placed it back in his hilt. His face was completely stoic the whole time. It was as if he wasn't afraid to kill the man. You could feel a small blush rise to your cheeks.
"Oh good job, Yeosang!" You flinched at Sir Hughes' sudden outburst. "You've taken out your trainer again! No one can beat my boy!" He chortled, the pride for this man gleaming in his eyes. You looked over to the two men and caught eyes with the man that he was so proud of. He looked at you with wide eyes and a slight blush dusting his cheeks. He made his way towards you, and knelt down on one knee, bowing his head.
"Forgive me, for being so violent in front of such a beautiful woman!" He declared, masterfully.
"You don't have to worry about that, Yeosang! She's from the streets too!" He looked up at you after Sir Hughes' announcement. He stood up and shook his head in disbelief.
"But how? How could someone like you? Someone with the face of such elegance and natural beauty be ... " Yeosang's eyes travelled down to your wrist, his breath becoming shaky when they locked on to your scar. "A street-rat?" You roughly pulled down your sleeve to cover the mark, his eyes darting up to your's, as your's dart away.
He reached out and took hold of your wrist, bringing it up to his face and placing a kiss on the carved skin. "How could a man do this to such a woman. I don't understand." He looked up at Seonghwa, his fist clenching and eyes narrowing. "You!"
Seonghwa finally took his eyes off of you, before being slammed into the garden wall by Yeosang. Your instinct kicked in, and you pulled him off of Seonghwa with perfect ease. You couldn't hold him and so you clutched his collar, kicked the back of his knees and threw him to the floor. He looked up at you in shock, and you quickly cleared your throat, fixing your hair and straightening out your clothes.
"I'm sorry, Yeosang. I panicked." You reached out your hand and he took it. "It wasn't him that gave me the scar. He would be the last person to ever do it to me." You looked to Seonghwa who was still stood against the wall, catching his breath and staring at you in shock. "I don't really like to talk about it that much. So, if you don't mind, could we just drop this." Yeosang nodded, still speechless from your attack.
"Um ... " Sir Hughes interjected, nervously. "Y/n, there was actually something I wanted to tell you. Perhaps, we should leave these two, we don't want anymore unnecessary fighting." He looked dissappointed and Yeosang dropped his head in shame.
"Seonghwa told me about this Winnie. She's important to you, isn't she?" You nodded, taking the cup of tea that he had made you. "Well, I had an idea when thinking about the orphanage, and I really think you'll like it!" You nodded your head again, but this time with a bit more interest. "Y/n. I want Winnie to live at the orphanage, look after the kids." Your whole body went stiff. "She would be fully provided for, you know, chefs, maids, fellow caretakers, all that. She would be a lot better off there." You couldn't believe it. Not only, was he providing a place for Winnie and the children, but also food, clean water, clean sheets. She would have everything she needs. If he was serious that would mean that there would be no point in your plan. Winnie would have ten times more than what she would of had with Sir Ashford's job.
"A-are you serious?!" You beamed, feeling overwhelmed with the fact that you could give up on the plan and Winnie would be still be rewarded.
"Deadly serious, y/n! That woman derserves it. I also know that she would be an excellent caretaker. She did raise a wonderful lady after all." He smiled at you, and you couldn't stop the tears of joy from pouring down your face. You fell off the chair and on to your knees, thanking him and praising his generosity.
You didn't care that Seonghwa didn't talk to you on the way back, your uncontrollable smile making your face hurt.
When you entered your shared bedroom, you flung your shoes off and threw yourself on to the bed.
Seonghwa stood by the window, not giving you a second glance.
"Hey!" You yelled at him. He still didn't look at you. "Seonghwa! What's wrong with you? It's getting annoying." He didn't respond. "Oh whatever. You know, you kept that very well hidden. To think you didn't tell me straight away!"
"Well, I guess I could say the same thing to you." He finally said something, but you didn't understand what he meant.
"Seonghwa, if this is about Yeosang or some other guy, I want you to know I have no interest in them-"
"Oh really!?" He turned and looked at you. His comment was sarcastic, and it hurt you.
"Seonghwa! Stop this! You're making me upset!" You said, feeling the tears well up in your eyes.
He laughed, "Well, why don't you go and tell your best friend Sir Ashford that, because I, mostly definitely, do not care."
Your heart sunk, "W-what?"
To be continued
Author's note: Oh shit! Y/n's in for it now! Hehehe! But thank you very much for reading this super long chapter, and I hope you look forward to the next one! ❤❤
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