luciferiswriting · 6 years
I love your storys so much. Can you add me to the taglist of "Raising a child in a Hunter's world", please?
Added, I know its been like a year since I’ve added to this series but I am working on something for it.
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luciferiswriting · 6 years
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Title: Another Secret Author: luciferiswriting Characters: Reader x abusive!boyfriend, Father!Lucifer, Dean, Sam, Cas, Jack Words: 1716 Warnings: violence, abuse, swearing, smiting, possible triggering. Tags: @evyiione  @unicornpieprincess
Summary: (Requested) Your Lucifer’s Daughter and you start dating but your boyfriend begins to abuse you and Lucifer goes into extreme overprotective mode – Anon.
Please write a supernatural x reader about Lucifer telling the boys (Dean, Sam, Cas, Jack) that he has a daughter from different mom than Jack’s. The boys go to look for her and the whole time in the car Jack keeps saying how excited he is to see his half-sister. @bartallenisbae
 Lucifer had started to become worried, and the more worried he got he became restless. He had first started to pace in the bedroom the Winchesters had reluctantly given him in the bunker, whilst his grace restored. But his restless antics had soon grown out of his private room, and he took to having walks around the halls of the bunker, lost in thought. He would hardly be aware of what was said around him, meaning that the Winchesters were nearly never having to deal with Lucifer’s lousy attitude or his usual annoying self, but slowly everyone started to become concerned of the Devil.
It was when they were all sitting at the library table doing research that Dean had finally spoken up. Satan had made a mistake, pulling out the old small phone he sighed when he noticed there still wasn’t anything, causing him to start flipping the phone unconsciously in his hand as he stared back at the book in his lap, not really reading what the words said on the page.
“Do you know how to actually use that thing?” Dean questioned, when he looked at Lucifer after becoming frustrated with the small huffs he was making. Of course, this had caught the attention of everyone at the table and only caused Lucifer to scowl at the elder Winchester.
“I wasn’t aware you owned a mobile device.” Castiel had voiced, looking at Lucifer with concern. Lucifer was about to give them all a sarcastic remark in his foul mood until the device rung, and he immediately answered it.
“Y/N?” His eyes wide as he listened for the reply, but slowly his expression changed into a confused and worried one, getting up from his chair he started to walk back and forth. “Sweetheart? What’s wrong?” He soon replied after a while, continuing to pace. The brothers shared a look of confusion as all they could hear were quiet murmurs of someone answering Satan on the other side of the phone. “Darling, where are you? I can help…” Jack leaned towards Castiel and the boys, quietly sharing his thoughts.
“Something is wrong, really wrong…”
“Y/N… Y/N?” Lucifer started to call frantically, realising that the phone call had ended, in frustration he threw the small device across the room as he let out a scream of anger. Fisting his hands into his hair and leaning against the wall, he slowly slid down the wall muttering words that couldn’t be understood.
“I need to find her.” He muttered louder.
“Who’s Y/N?” Jack asked, causing Lucifer to look up at him. He noticed Jack wasn’t the only one looking at him awaiting answers. There was only ever one reason Lucifer never talked about Y/N and it was to keep her safe, but Lucifer knew she wasn’t and he couldn’t help not with his grace so low.
“Y/N…” Lucifer paused, mulling over his options but there was only one if he was going to be able to save her. “She’s my daughter.” Shock covered their faces.
“Your daughter? You have a daughter?” Dean asked, trying to take in the information Satan was giving him.
“Yes. She’s a Nephilim too.” Lucifer sighed defeated.
“But… Jack-” Sam began to speak
“Different mother idiot.” Lucifer snapped not allowing Sam to finish his sentence, causing everyone to go silent. “It was a few years ago. I won’t go into all the details but… somethings not right.”
“That’s just great, another Nephilim. How long have you had your claws into that one?” Dean spits clearly pissed at finding out this information. “If she’s in trouble I’m pretty sure she’ll get herself out of it, that’s if she’s anything like you.”
“If it’s of any comfort.” Lucifer hisses, as he stands up to have a better stance at glaring at the older Winchester. “She’s nothing like me. And if you really must know, she hates me for her mother’s death!” he yells, clearly pissed off.
“Do you know where she is Lucifer?” Jack asks warily, not wanting to have his wrath turned on him but curious about this person who is just like him.
“No. I don’t and that’s the main problem.” He says running a hand through his hair. “I don’t know how to find her and if that dipshit of a boyfriend has laid one hand on her I swear I’ll torture him myself.” Lucifer growled mainly to himself.
“Do you know the number she phoned you from?” Sam asked sitting down at his laptop, noticing the confused look from Lucifer that seem to grow in anger with being asked what seemed to be pointless questions to him. “We can track her phone, finding her location. The phone just needs to be switched on and the results should be more accurate.”
Lucifer’s eyebrows shot up and he immediately started looking for the device he had thrown earlier. Eventually finding the mobile lying in the corner, he thrust it forward to Sam, eager on finding his daughter. Standing behind Sam to watch his every movement on the laptop, Lucifer was extremely quiet, not wanting to distract any of them in hopes of finding his daughter. Not many minutes later Sam had managed to get coordinates of the phones location and luckily for them the phone was still active, showing that it was only an hour drive at most from the bunker.
“Can I come?” Jack asked once Sam had sat back. “I want to meet her.”
“No, we don’t know what to expect with her. She could be just like him or-” Dean stated.
“If she was like me, do you think I would be looking for her?! Do you think, I would actually be worried about her wellbeing if she was anything like me?!” He roared, hitting the desk, trying to keep himself from flipping the entire bunker upside down. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath and regained his composure.
With no arguing, everyone bar from Cas got into the impala, and headed towards the co-ordinates of the said phone. Dean drove whilst constantly watching the two other beings in the back of the impala, however there wasn’t much to watch, as Lucifer’s anxious focus was out the window and Jack wouldn’t stop talking.
“This is exciting.” He piped up, causing Sam to look back at him. “I’m going to meet someone who is exactly like me.” He looked to Sam with what would seem as hope in his eyes. “Do you think she’ll help me with my powers?” Dean had let out a huff and gave Sam a quick side glance.
“Maybe, but let’s see what we’re dealing with first.” Sam replied to the young Nephilim before turning back around. Jack gave a small nod and looked to Lucifer debating whether or not to ask questions about Y/N. Choosing not to bother the archangel, Jack relaxed into the seat and faced his window.
“After whatever this mess is, I’m sure she’ll take you under her wing.” Lucifer spoke quietly out of nowhere, just before they pulled up to a small house that was clearly occupied. Lucifer sat forward stating that Y/N’s energy was strongest here, but before the Winchester’s could mention the idea of a plan, Lucifer was out of the car and racing up the steps to the front door.
As soon as the door opened, Lucifer pushed his way in, demanding for his daughter’s presence. The man that answered the door wasn’t too happy at this and started demanding answers as to how they knew Y/N and who they were. Lucifer not in the mood to play this pathetic human’s game, he started to take menacing steps towards him, but was stopped in his tracks as he saw Y/N step out of the kitchen. In the doorway she stood with a black eye and a bloody nose, her top ripped at the left shoulder. Lucifer took in the appearance of his daughter who stood there in silence, shaking with fear.
“I told you to stay in the kitchen you bloody whore!” the man took notice of Y/N standing there and went to make a move to her, but Lucifer snapped quicker and had the man by the throat.
“You dare. Lay a hand. On my Daughter.” He seethed, eyes flashing red and then proceeded to throw him across the room. As the devil threw punches to the man, who was now consumed by fear, the Winchester’s had taken in the entire situation and it was a silent agreement that Dean would remove the girl from the situation whilst Sam quickly got a bag of her things together.
“Y/N?” Dean approached her cautiously, gaining her attention. “My name’s Dean, why don’t you come with me. We’ll keep you safe.” He spoke, reaching out a hand, offering it to her. Gingerly she took his hand and let him lead her out of the house, leaving Lucifer to beat the crap out of the man. Though as Sam came down the stairs with a bag in hand, he called on the archangel, telling him that they needed to leave. Lucifer pulled the man up by the shirt.
“You were never good enough for my daughter. Your nothing but a worthless ape at the bottom of my shoe.” He hissed before smiting him and letting him drop to the ground. As he left the house he saw Y/N sitting in the back of the impala and made his way to her, pushing past Dean.
“Why didn’t you tell me? Why didn’t you smite him as soon as he laid a hand on you?” Words rushed out of Lucifer’s mouth.
“I was scared” she whispered, as she looked to her Dad with tears in her eyes. Lucifer pulled her into a hug of sorts promising her she was now safe and that the guy would no longer be a problem. “Thank you.” She whispered as a tear slipped out. After Lucifer and Y/N had pulled away from their hug, Lucifer finally introduced her to the Winchester’s and Jack before they all got into the impala to make their way back.
“So, we’re siblings huh.” Y/N nudged Jack
“Yeah, it would seem.” Jack smiled.
“Well I’ve got a lot of big sister stuff to catch up on it would seem.” She smiled back.
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luciferiswriting · 6 years
Please write a supernatural x reader about lucifer telling the boys(Dean,Sam,Castiel, and Jack) that he has a daughter from a different mom then jack’s. The boys go to look for her and the whole time in the car Jack keeps saying how excited he is to see his half sister and when they meet...well you can choose the readers reaction
I know you requested this like eons ago, but it’s coming soon I promise you!
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luciferiswriting · 6 years
Your luicifers daughter and you start dating but your boyfriend begins to abuse you and Luicifer goes into extreme overprotective mode
Thanks for the request Anon, I know its been a while but I’ll have it out very soon 
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luciferiswriting · 6 years
Um if possible if like to be tagged in the series Raising a kid in a hunters world. Please, and thank you!
Hey!! that’s you added to the list, may be a while till I get the next part out though, kinda swamped lately. 
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luciferiswriting · 6 years
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Title: Christmas Introductions
Author: luciferiswriting
Characters: Adam!Winchester x Reader, Dean, Sam, Mary, John
Words: 1,756
Tags: @bartallenisbae  @evyiione  @unicornpieprincess
Summary: (request) - Please write an Adam Winchester x reader in a world where hunters aren’t real, and everyone is normal, and Adam is Mary’s (didn’t die) 3rd son about Adam acting different and on Christmas he introduces his first real serious girlfriend to his family
“Adam, you home babe?” Y/N shouted as she entered their shared apartment, to which she had no reply. “Adam?” She questioned slightly worried as she made her way further into the apartment. It was late at night and as far as she was aware, Adam should’ve arrived home before her. Making her way into their kitchen she found Adam sitting at the table with his laptop and headphones in. Letting out a sigh she made her way over to him and wrapped her arms around him.
“Y/N? you scared the shit outta me.” He laughed as he turned around in the chair taking his headphones off and reached up to steal a kiss. “How was your day?” He asked. Y/N’s shoulder slumped, and she let out a huff of air, trying to calm her nerves as she moved to take the seat beside him. “That bad?” He asked with a small supportive smile as he closed the laptop.
“Um… I need to talk to you about something…” she trailed off, looking at the table the entire time.
“What’s wrong?” Adam asked taking both her hands in his, causing her to look at him, worry evident in her eyes.
“We’re good, aren’t we?” This caused Adam to furrow his brows
“Of course, we are, Y/N what’s happened?”
“Ah if it isn’t our little brother… and he’s-”
“What are you doing?” Dean asked straight to the point, looking over Adams shoulder. Immediately Adam slammed his laptop shut, turning to face his two older brothers.
“Hey, what you two doing here?” He tried to beat around Dean’s question and their quizzing eyes.
“Dude… I live here.” Dean said giving him a bitch face.
“Right, but shouldn’t you be at the garage?” Adam tried again.
“… It’s Sunday.” Dean paused.
“Adam, you alright?” Sam asked more gently.
“Uh… yeah. I gotta go do some stuff, I’ll catch you guys later.” Adam spoke in a hurry, as he moved quickly to pick up his laptop and bag.
“What about dinner? Mum’s expecting us to be there in less than an hour.” Dean pressed, getting annoyed at Adam’s behaviour.
“Tell her I’m sorry.” He shouted as he literally ran out the door, leaving Dean and Sam to look at each other in confusion.
“This is the second week. Does anybody know what’s wrong with Adam?” Mary spoke as she came through with a tray of biscuits and cups of tea and coffee.
“Don’t know, kids acting weird. He ran out last Sunday saying he had stuff to do.” Dean told his mother as he reached for his coffee and three biscuits, causing Mary to smack the back of his hand in a silent scolding for him to drop two of them.
“What stuff?” John enquired, watching Dean share a look with his brother. “Boy, I asked you a question. What stuff did Adam have to do?”
“We don’t know. He was looking at an expensive site when we arrived, and not long after quizzing him about it… he just left.” Sam seemed worried as he thought back over the last Sunday. Everyone shared a look of concern.
“What would Adam be doing looking at an expensive site? He can barely afford to get to college, on a daily basis.” John muttered mainly to himself, but everyone heard him.
A knock at the door, caused Y/N to groan, meaning she would have to leave her comfortable blanket nest that she made on the sofa. Muttering profanities to herself, cursing the person on the other side of the door to high heaven and hell. Swinging the door open, she came face to face with a man with emerald eyes, clearly, he was a bit older than her.
“Can I help you?” She asked, as the man only seemed to stare at her.
“Yeah, sorry. Is Adam in?” He hesitated, seeming unsure of himself as he looked Y/N up and down.
“Yeah, he’s in the kitchen.” Following the man through to the kitchen, she went to put the kettle on as the man pushed Adams laptop shut.
“Is there a time you aren’t on that damn thing.” He asked.
“Dean? Is everything alright?” Adam asked worried.
“You tell me kiddo. What’s going on.” Dean left no room for argument, letting Adam know he wasn’t wasting his time. Adam only stared at his brother shocked, causing Dean to continue. “You’ve missed the past two Sunday dinners, you ran out on me and Sam the first Sunday you missed. Mum’s worried about you.”
“So, the family decided they send round big brother detective Deano?” Adam tried to laugh off. “I’ll be round for dinner this week I promise.” Adam sighed as he saw Dean wasn’t impressed with his crack at a joke.
“You better be it’s Christmas this Sunday, and if you don’t show up, it won’t be me at the door to drag your ass back home.” At the mention of Christmas, Adam’s eyes widened and looked behind him in search of Y/N, but to his surprise she wasn’t there. He hadn’t notice her leave the kitchen. Dean watched him scan the area quickly until his eyes softened and he visibly relaxed. Following Adam’s line of sight, he saw he was looking at the girl who was nestled amongst blankets. “Who’s she?” Dean asked.
“You stay away from her.” Adam growled lowly enough so Dean would hear him, but Y/N wouldn’t, causing Dean to raise his hands in surrender.
“Chill, was only asking. I’d say invite her for Christmas, but we both know the outcome of you and girls.” Dean chuckled lightly as he made his leave. Adam only scowled at Dean’s remark, but as he watched him leave, Adam had an idea start to form in his head.
“Are you sure about this?” Adam asked Y/N as they stood outside his family home, looking extremely nervous.
“I think the question is are you sure about this?” Y/N took hold of both Adams hands. “We don’t need to do anything if you don’t want to.”
“No, that’s not fair on you. We’ve been together for a year now and…” Adam sighed leaning his forehead against Y/N’s as he closed his eyes, trying to control his nerves. “I’m just nervous. Which is stupid, it should be you that’s nervous and I just don’t want to fuck anything up and I’m rambling now.” He laughed off, eliciting a chuckle from Y/N causing him to take a deep breath and relax a bit more.
“If you want, we don’t have to tell them everything just yet. Leave some things for the new year.” Y/N offered, trying to make it seem easier. “Now I don’t mean to be pushy, but I’m freezing out here.” She continued, gaining another chuckle from Adam and it seemed to do the trick as he finally made the effort to knock on the door, grasping Y/N’s hand. An older man with a few days grown stubble answered the door, his dark eyes seemed to light up as soon as he saw Adam, but a surprised look took over his face as he saw the extra body standing beside his son.
“And who’s this?” He asked with a curious but narrowed look at Adam.
“Uh, Dad. This is Y/N. Y/N, my father John.” Adam introduced them to each other, Y/N reached forward in offer to shake his hand, with a small ‘Hello’. “Y/N is my girlfriend.” Adam said after a small pause and hooked his arm around her shoulder, trying to appear a bit more confident.
“Girlfriend?!” John nearly spluttered, shocked at Adam’s confession. “Come in, come in. Wait till your mother hears this. Mary! Adam’s here and he’s brought a guest.” John shouted into the house as the two made their way into the house. However, Mary didn’t waste a minute upon hearing her youngest son had arrived with a guest.
“Mom.” Adam spoke as he gave his mother a hug, only to pull away to introduce Y/N another time, causing Mary to pull Y/N into a tight hug.
“Oh, this makes sense now. Why you’ve been so distant these past few weeks. Come, I need to find out all the details before your brothers get here.” She spoke turning to go back to the kitchen, Adam grasped Y/N’s hand giving her a smile before tugging her through to the kitchen. “So, come on when, where, how.” His mother insisted, not giving them a moment to sit down.
“Uh, well I originally met her over a year ago… in the coffee shop near the college.” Adam spoke giving as little detail as possible. “Kept seeing her in her usual spot and got chatting and about a year ago I asked her out for dinner.” Adam trailed off, Mary’s expression was nothing near impressed.
“You’ve been dating this girl for a year?” Mary asked, waving a knife between the two of you. “You didn’t say anything for an entire year?” She asked, looking a little hurt.
“I didn’t want to introduce her too early, I wasn’t sure how serious we were, but… I think we’re pretty serious.” Adam stated, rubbing Y/N’s softly. Mary nodded in understanding, adoration showing in her eyes as she watched the small interaction.
“How bout I tell you our first meeting. Since Adam isn’t too good at remembering details.” Y/N offered, having not said anything for a while.
“I can remember detail just fine.” Adam protested.
“You failed to tell that you spilt your scolding coffee over me and my handwritten assignment I was finishing off at 6 in the morning.” She spoke with a raised eyebrow, that soon turned into a smirk as she watched Adam’s cheeks turn a shade of pink.
“It was an accident, and I typed up everything you had written and handed it into your lecturer, during your class and practically gave you an apology publicly.” He defended.
“To which I took you out for coffee.” Y/N smiled at Adam, reminiscing over their first meeting.
“Sammy, you ain’t gonna believe this. Adam actually invited the chick he flat shares with.” Dean said upon entering the kitchen and gave his mother a kiss on the head before he reached into the fridge.
“Flat share? You two live together?” Mary asked, giving a look to Adam, to which he gave a sheepish smile. Shaking her head, she went back to chopping vegetables and said, “Next it’ll be that she’s pregnant.” Mary joked softly, but she didn’t miss the widening of Adam’s eyes as he turned to look at Y/N.
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luciferiswriting · 6 years
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Title: Escape to Family (Oneshot)
Author: luciferiswriting
Characters: halfsister!reader, abusive!mother, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester
Words: 2,685
Warnings: Physical Abuse, Language, Angst, Violent, throwing of items, Inflicted pain, this whole oneshot is probably a Trigger – Please don’t read if easily triggered.
Tags: @bartallenisbae  @evyiione  @unicornprincess
Summary: (Request) – Reader runs away from abusive mother to meet half-brothers Sam and Dean.
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You shouldn’t have answered the door. That’s all you could hear going through your head, but if you were to be honest with yourself, it would have ended the same way whichever you did. Locked in the basement.
It happened two days ago, when the two FBI agents showed up at your door to question you about the recent kidnappings. Of course, you had tried to just answer their questions at the door, but that only seemed to raise suspicion with the agents. They had promised that they wouldn’t stay long, but their short stay ended up being long enough for your Mother to return home, to see you sat in the main room with two men.
You saw the anger pass through her eyes, but she had covered it with concern just as quick as you had noticed, answering any further questions the two young men had about their case, making it as short as she could, the two left not long after. That’s when she turned from her calm motherly state to the monster you know behind closed doors.
However, this time it was a lot worse.
As soon as she had latched the door, the two vases that sat on the table behind the door were thrown straight at you. Just managing to duck in enough time to miss the hit of the first vase, but the second she had managed to get a hit to the back right of your head. Finding anything heavy, breakable or even sharp to throw at you in her path, screaming at you as she done so.
“How did you find out about them! You went out looking for them didn’t you, you little whore!” She shouted throwing her house keys at you, which had clipped the edge of your lip. Leaving a cut that felt like it needed stitches. Crawling backwards trying to avoid the oncoming objects, begging her to stop, to let you explain, but she wasn’t having any of it as she then threw the few candles that were kept on the table by the stairs, winding you with her hard throws as you tried to get up from the floor.
“How else would they find us! You went out and you enticed them in. You let them come into my home!” she screamed in your face as she grabbed your head and threw it down towards the foot of the stairs. You swore you didn’t know them, they were just agents. As much as you begged with her, trying to convince her to listen, you knew deep down that there was no hope. She had gone farther than you had ever experienced before. But the facts didn’t stop the tears. Taking a tight hold of your hair and yanking it hard, she started to drag you along the floor into the kitchen.
“How dare you snoop through my personal belongings!” She growled through her teeth. “What did you think would happen. That they would take you away!” Eventually she stopped and pulled you up and took her hold on your throat and slapped you. Demanding you to stop crying as she opened the cellar door.
“John Winchester didn’t want anything to do with you when you were born. And I. Will not. Let them boys of his. Try to take you away from ME!” She screamed in your face before she pushed you down the cold dark stairs into the darkness of the basement. As soon as the sound of the bolt snapped shut, you knew you were down here for a long time.
That was two days ago. Yesterday, the tears just wouldn’t stop. You had experienced your mother’s wrath before but this time she was more violent than you had ever seen her. The strength that she came at you with you had never experienced, and it scared you. She had hidden that from you, and the 19 years you had grown up with her, learning where to tread and how far her temper would go, this was different, and you no longer new what to expect. Being in the unknown and dark like this, scared you deeply. It wasn’t until you thought about what had really made her mad that the words she spoke hit you.
They weren’t agents… they were John Winchester’s kids. John Winchester your father. It couldn’t be. They were agents Cooper and Sting, not Winchester. The longer you thought about it, the more you were curious. The more you wanted to take a risk. You could either stay locked in the basement and deal with your mother’s wrath for the rest of your life or try to escape. You couldn’t take much more of this, and the possibility of having brothers that she was trying to keep you away from, made an anger you never felt spark inside you.
Finally, you snapped, with anger, fear and hope. You took to your feet and climbed the stack of untouched, dust covered boxes and with as much strength as you could muster you pushed the small window that sat level with the garden, managing to get it open enough to squeeze through. Ignoring the pain that your body screamed at you, you pulled yourself up and through the small window. Carefully going around the house, you noticed your mother’s car pull up in front of the house and paused making sure you couldn’t be seen by her.
But during the time she parked the car and made it inside the house, you realised you had no idea where to go. Where would agents stay if they were only in town for business. The Motel. But there’s two, one on either side of town. There was no way you could make it to both Motels, without someone noticing your state and alerting your mother to your whereabouts, forcing yourself to take deep breaths and calm yourself down before you took a panic attack, you tried to think.
If they were your brothers, and were here on business, they’d have to be local. Maybe the Motel closest to you. The slam of the front door brought you out of your thought process, noticing that your mother had finally went inside you made a run for it down the street. Not caring who saw you, just running down many streets, heading for one destination. You were sure to pass by many of your mother’s friends, but you still didn’t care. You saw the Motel come into view and with as much energy as you could find you pushed yourself to run faster, only stopping when you were standing outside many a door, and the second question arose.
Which door? Walking up to the door that was furthest away from the office, you tried to get a look in the window, to see if maybe they were in the room. Finding the room empty and what seemed to be unoccupied you pulled away to make your way to the next window, but a black shiny car pulled into the motel which caught your attention. Watching it park in front of a door that was close to the middle and then the two familiar faces of the agents get out made your heart rate pick up.
They were casually talking with one another and made their way to what you assumed was their current room, but it was the taller one, with brown hair nearly long enough to touch his shoulder, that looked down the path of doors to you. Upon seeing you his brows furrowed and tentatively he asked if you were alright, causing to gain the attention of his partner. Swallowing your fear, you forced yourself to speak.
“Winchester?” It nearly came out as a whisper.
“What?” The smaller one of the two asked taking a few slow steps towards you, his hand cautiously on his belt.
“Winchester” You spoke clearer, taking a small pause. “John Winchester?” you asked further, cautiously. The tall brunette’s eyes widened slightly and looked to his partner, watching him carefully.
“John Winchester is dead.” The blonde said, his face stoic. Hearing those words, caused a pain to hit your stomach and the hope you once had, slightly faltered. Whispering ‘dead’ over multiple times, you looked back to the direction you originally came from and staggered back a bit. “Are you alright?” He asked, ignoring his question, you felt tears fall again. The fear of having to return to the monster that resided in the house you shared, taking over you. You felt hands at your shoulder guiding you into a room, a voice telling you to breathe and calm down, that everything was alright.
“No. No. No, it’s not alright… nothings alright. I can’t… I-I Can’t go back. I can’t… he’s dead… He-he’s really dead?” You stumbled and rambled over your words, shaking your head. You were given water and sat down on a bed, again told to breathe and tell them what happened. Your body began to shake as thoughts ran through your head, thinking the worst until you heard a knock at the door. Freezing as you stared at the door. Nobody moved, and harder bangs started to pound the door, followed by the voice you recognised as your mother.
“Give me my daughter back! I know she’s in there! I will not let her be corrupted by you Winchester’s!” She yelled. The brunette went to answer the door, but you stood up and begged him not to answer. A fresh set of tears leaving trails on your cheeks as your shaking began again. The two men looked at each other with concern, the pounding on the door and yelling continuing.
Strong hands took a hold of your shoulders and pushed you into the bathroom, telling you to keep quiet and not to leave the room. They closed the door, but only half way, looking around the room for a small space to fit yourself into, you slotted yourself in between the toilet and the wall, trying to make yourself as small as possible and stay quiet. The voice of your mother became clearer and louder, knowing that they must’ve let her in.
“Where is she!” She hollered.
“Ma’am, please calm down.” A deep voice spoke.
“No, I will not! I know you have my daughter.”
“Ma’am-” The other man tried to speak, but was cut off.
“I know you two are John Winchester’s boys, and I will not let that man have anything to do with her. His daughter or not, I raised her myself and I will have the final say!” She hollered, continuing to demand for you to come out of wherever you were hiding.
“Miss, you need to calm down.” The same man spoke again, softer in attempt to calm her down.
“I will not calm down. Not until you hand over my child.” She continued.
“We don’t have your daughter, Ma’am. If you are claiming that your daughter is missing, then you will have to file a missing person’s report. We will handle it further if it is relevant to our current case, but until then we can not do anything. I’m sorry.” The gruffer voice spoke, demanding respect and to be listened to. Though, your mother didn’t seem to want to accept that answer.
“Don’t play these games with me Winchester-”
“Ma’am, you have us confused with someone else, I am agent Cooper and my partner is agent Sting. Not Winchester.” He continued, speaking with confidence. He even had you convinced that neither of them were Winchester, and all hope had left you. What were you going to do now?
A pair of boots came into your blurred vision, pressing the heels of your hands onto your eyes to rid the new bank of tears that threatened to spill over. Once you removed your hands you saw a pair of emerald eyes staring at you.
“Did she do that?” He asked pointing to your face, reminding you of your injuries. You had a black left eye from when she threw your head down, a split lip from her thrown keys, a bruised right cheek from when she slapped you and many other bruises littered your stomach and arms from the many other objects she had thrown at you and your tumble down the basement stairs. Just staring at the man, not saying anything, it was no doubt he could see the defeat that covered your eyes. The man reached a hand out to you in hopes of getting you to come out of your spot.
Hesitantly you took it and came out of your spot beside the toilet. He led you back through to the other room and nodded towards the bed, silently telling you to take a seat as he searched for something. It didn’t take him long to find what he was looking for, as he was quickly sitting beside you on the bed and cleaning your split lip with what you assumed an alcoholic wipe. You didn’t say anything as he tended to your wound, just silently glancing round the room and doing so you didn’t see any sign of the other man.
“Sam’s taking the mad bitch back home.” He spoke noticing your wandering eyes, as he took the opportunity to stitch up the cut. You of course flinched at the pain, but tried to stay as still as possible, and soon he was done. You just sat there not sure what was going to happen next, until the man beside you spoke.
“Dean.” He said as he stuck his hand out. Looking at it wearily you reached out slowly watching his facial expression, waiting to take any notice of a sudden change, but he just sat there patiently letting you take his hand in your own time.
“Y/N.” You spoke quietly and shook his hand. By this point the other man had returned, and looked nervous upon entering. He took careful steps into the room and watched you with curious but anxious eyes.
“That’s Sam.” Dean spoke from beside you, which caused Sam to give a small wave, to which you returned. “Y/N.” There was a silence that filled the room as Dean moved to clear his mess from sorting your wound.
“How much do you know about John?” Sam asked cautiously. Looking down, you sighed with a slight shrug.
“Not much, only that he’s my father and he refused to move in with my mother, so he left town. That’s what she told me anyway.” There was a pause before you continued. “I only just found out that he had two boys, that I could possibly have two brothers … well half-brothers, so I guess I really have one since two halves make a whole…” You trailed off. A chuckle made you look up.
“Two half-brothers, one brother. I get it.” Dean chuckled to himself. A small smile seemed to grace his face for a small moment until he took a deep breath and looked at you with a serious expression. “You got anything tying you to this town?” He asked.
“No, not really. Unless the basement back at the house is going to miss me.” You murmured. Dean and Sam’s eyebrows both rose, looking at each other as if having a silent conversation and again it was Dean that spoke.
“Fancy taking a road trip to god knows where?” He asked, causing you to look at him in surprise, looking between them both you saw that they were willing to be very patient with you.
“I don’t know you…” You trailed of, suddenly very wary of the situation, Sam seemed to grimace as he looked to Dean.
“I didn’t make it clear. We’re John’s sons. Sam and Dean Winchester.” You looked between them confused. “What you heard, was said to get that crazy bitch to leave.” And once again hope filled your heart, the opportunity to leave this town and your abusive mother behind and live on with your brothers.
“Welcome to the family Y/N.” Sam said softly, and for the first time in 19 years, you actually felt safe.
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luciferiswriting · 7 years
Hi, would you add me to the Winged 5 taglist please?
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luciferiswriting · 7 years
For Writers:
Reblog if it’s okay for your followers to leave you an ask telling you what the one thing is they remember you for as a writer.  Is it a scene or a detail or a specific line? Is it something like style or characterization?  Is it that one weird kink they never thought they’d be into, but oh my god wow self-discovery time?
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luciferiswriting · 7 years
Can I please be added to the tag list
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luciferiswriting · 7 years
Fill My Ask Box!!!
Thinking of expanding outside of Supernatural, might be able to avoid writers block if I mix things up maybe. I need your thoughts. 
What Fandoms should I expand to?? What fandoms do you want to see??
Star Wars? Walking Dead? Doctor Who? Sherlock? Star Trek? Movies? ???
Hit me up with some requests I need to expand my mind out of the box a bit.
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luciferiswriting · 7 years
Raising a Kid in a Hunter’s World #5
Title: Hungover with Satan in a Hunter’s World
Author: luciferiswriting
Characters: Reader, Ashley (OFC), Gabriel, Lucifer, Dean, Sam, Castiel
Words: 1,622
Warnings: language
Tags:  @evyiione  @sdavid09  @swimminginfandoms1020  @pureawesomeness001 @that-fanboy-doe  @kcam1621
Summary: Don’t we all love the mornings after a night drinking? Well how about being hungover with the Devil, and becoming sober very soon after waking up.
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My head pounded as I stirred, getting up and placing a hand to my head, I made my way to the door of my room in plan to retrieve some Advil for my headache. However, as soon as I opened the door, light flooded through, blinding me and making me feel worse, so I slammed the door in quickness hoping to tame the pain but to only wince at the loud noise echoing around the room.
“SHHHHHH” I heard a deep voice hiss. Not thinking much of it, with my head in my hands, rubbing soothing circles trying to will it away. I threw myself back onto the bed, only to crash into something hard.
“What the fuck Y/N!” the voice hissed as he sat upright. Now only realising it was Lucifer. Confusion coursed through me.
“Sorry” I mumbled whilst crawling to my pillow and lying face down. I heard a sigh, and was then pulled into an embrace. The cold that emitted from him seemed to get me to relax and drift back off into sleep.
Dean’s P.O.V
“They’ve been in that room for well over 12hours!” I grumbled after finishing my beer.
“Awe, is Dean-o jealous” Gabriel mocked me, so I shot him back a glare whilst muttering a ‘no’. I wasn’t jealous I just didn’t like her close friendship with the bloody Devil. I didn’t like it before Ashley was born, and I’ve still never liked it since.
“Dean is right though Gabriel. What if Y/N has alcohol poisoning? Lucifer needs to drink something like an entire Liquor or maybe more to get drunk? What if they both over-done it!?” Ashley started to panic, to which I mentally face-palmed myself, the kid can overthink things and get easily worked up over it, even being the badass kid she is.
“I’m sure they’re both fine Ash. Look it’s about time they got up anyway, I’ll go get them and you’ll see.” I tried to reassure her, as I left the Library and headed towards Y/N’s room.
 Y/N’s P.O.V
There was a few knock’s made on my bedroom door that sounded louder than thunder, causing me to pull the covers over my head. My best attempt at putting more space between me and the sound, but it didn’t do much good as the door was then opened and Dean’s low grumbling voice had started. To which Lucifer had then joined me under the covers.
His cold presence made being under the covers more bearable until they were yanked off, of the both of us and Dean’s voice was clearer to focus on, but the headache that came with it was not worth it.
“Are you even listening!?” He exclaimed. “It’s nearly late afternoon, get the hell up!” he boomed and stormed out the room.
“Ugh! Guess we got to get up then.” I groaned holding my head, but Lucifer had just pulled me closer.
“Don’t” He whispered, trying to avoid making my headache worse.
“Ash is probably worried about the state we came back in last night. To which I don’t remember either…” I trailed off as I slowly pulled myself up and adjusted to light streaming through into my bedroom from the hall. “C’mon mister, I’m not suffering this alone.” I prodded him.
“You aren’t, I’m pretty much still hungover just like you.” He stated as he rolled onto his back and placed an arm over his forehead.
“I meant them. Now C’mon” I pulled his arm with as much effort as I could muster, to which, with a few grumbles here and there, he did oblige and followed me through the halls of the bunker into the library where there was some Advil as well. Lucifer had plonked himself into the nearest chair and rested his head onto the table as I took the Advil, but left him some in case he wanted it.  Gabriel sat across the table from Lucifer whilst Ash was perched on the chair next to him. Dean was looking through his laptop with a beer in hand and Sam sat at the far end, reading some book and Cas was sat in the chair next to him just listening to the conversations around him.
“Fun night?” Gabriel had smirked, the amusement was very clear in his voice.
“Shut up, Gabe. Your voice is too loud.” I groaned as I took a seat next to Lucifer.
“Oh. I’m sorry. Do yOU WANT ME TO SHOUT? CAN YOU HEAR ME BETTER?” Gabriel had shouted from across the table, clearer finding the situation humorous, causing Lucifer to send a glare to his brother.
“Brother, shut up. Or I. Will. Shut you up!” He had growled causing Gabriel just to laugh. Trying to calm down Lucifer, I placed an arm on his bicep. I could feel him physically relax under my touch, and lean back into his chair as he ran his hand through his already messy hair. It reminded me of 11 years ago, the day I returned from a simple salt n’ burn, when I found him sleeping in my bed whilst Gabriel kept a once very small Ash entertained. Coming out of the memory, I noticed Lucifer had repositioned his chair to a better angle so he could somewhat, lean on me as he had both arms around my waist.
“Um… Lucifer” I murmured, and earned a hum in response as he tilted his head to lie flat on my shoulder and face me. “What are you doing?” I questioned quietly.
“Ignoring my brother.” He replied as if it was obvious. Instead of pushing the matter, not that I really minded anyway, I decided to face Ash and ask her how her night with Gabriel went.
“Clearly not as fun as yours and Lucifer’s night out on the town. By the looks of things anyway.” She smirked at me. I just shot her a glare before she decided to continue. “You two probably don’t even remember what happened last night, when you came home, do you?” She giggled, to which Lucifer had turned his head so he could get a better look at Ashley and furrowed his eyes.
“What happened last night?” The both of us had replied. Ashley gave Gabriel a knowing look and continued with a smirk on her face.
“So nothing going on between you two? Nothing we should know?” She tried to ask as innocently as possible.
“No.” Lucifer said in what could be described as an emotionless tone, but his facial expression told Ashley that she should be careful as to what she chose to say next. Which made me curious, did Lucifer already know what happened last night?
“Oh so, just between Y/N and her Whiskey then?” Gabriel asked his brother, already knowing Lucifer’s true feelings, but Lucifer had chosen to ignore his brother’s question.
“Quit beating around the bush you two. Just spit it out.” I growled, getting annoyed with it all.
“Don’t worry Lucifer. No one’s gonna be taking YOUR human princess, nor will anyone be taking her little devil away from her either. No one wants to deal with the war path that comes with either one of you.” Ashley had snickered before she left the room quickly with Gabriel quick on her tail. My eyes went wide and face was nearly red as the scene of last night came back to me.
“We’re already caught Princess” He chuckled, I let out a sound that sounded like ‘oh’, as Luce laughed, shaking his head and then burying his head into the crook of my neck. Suddenly there was hands grabbing us, pulling us up and taking my bottle of whiskey.
“No! Not my whiskey, he didn’t do anything!” I yelled, reaching out to grab it, seeing it go farther and farther away from me. However soon after I heard Lucifer let out a whimper, causing me to stop struggling and focus on him.
“Give me back my human!” He shouted “I’m not going to hurt her… she’s my human” turning more and more into a whine towards the end. My eyes softened as I managed to remove the strong hands and made my way towards him, reaching up and pulling his head down to my chest, his arms wrapping around my waste tightly.
“shhh, my lil devil, m’here. Not goin’ anywhere” I murmured, rocking slightly whilst running my hands through his hair.
“Fuck.” I muttered under my breath. Embarrassment coming over me.
“I’m gonna kill him.” Lucifer growled as he removed his arms from me and left the room. Leaving me, Sam, Dean and Castiel in silence in the Library. Castiel looked at me with his neutral expression whilst Sam watched me with the same expression, both waiting on me saying something first. Dean however, was still going through something on his laptop and without even a glance upwards to me, he spoke.
“You love him?” I didn’t reply, to which he looked up at me and gave me his bitch face. A sign not to bullshit.
“Maybe… I don’t know…” I whispered looking down at my hands. The slam of Dean shutting his laptop was enough for me to look back at him with another set of wide eyes.
“Well you better figure them out soon, because dare I say It.” Dean shook his head slightly as he stood up with his laptop and beer in hand. “He’s in love with you.” He finished as he left the room. Sam gave me a sympathetic look as Castiel tried to give me a reassuring smile. I left the room shortly after, heading back to my room, all of this only caused my headache to grow.
I needed time, but I didn’t. I already know my feelings.
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luciferiswriting · 7 years
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You come back from a hunt to find two archangels watching over your niece, one that you haven’t seen for about a year, and you unload all your worries. You might not have the answers to all your worries, but a promise that is made, makes you realize a few things. It might not be all bad after all.
Chapter 1: I can’t raise a kid in a hunter’s world
Chapter 2: A small child raised in a hunter’s world
Chapter 3: Similar traits in a hunter’s world
Chapter 4: Drunk with Satan in a hunter’s world
Chapter 5: Hungover with Satan in a hunter’s world
Tag List for this Series: @evyiione  @sdavid09  @swimminginfandoms1020  @pureawesomeness001  @that-fanboy-doe  @kcam1621
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luciferiswriting · 7 years
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5 Angels, growing up together, going through everything together, friendship, love, hate and family. Things have changed centuries ahead, but is the same bond they all have, still there? Were they able to change the path that was destined for them? 
Chapter 1: The Troublesome Start of the Winged 5
Chapter 2: Troublesome Worries
Chapter 3: Settling into High School
Chapter 4: Name Titles and Returning Fights
Chapter 5: A Few Eons in...
Chapter 6: A Step Forward
Tag List for this Series:  @evyiione  @molethemollie  @archer-whovian-violinist  @supernatural2202 
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luciferiswriting · 7 years
Winged 5 #6
Title: A Step Forward.
Author: luciferiswriting
Characters: Angel!Reader, Lucifer, Chuck (God), Dean, Sam
Words: 2,881
Warnings: Season 11 spoilers, slight abusive, angst?
Tags: @evyiione  @molethemollie  @archer-whovian-violinist  @supernatural2202
Summary: Facing the challenge of getting a father and a son to talk to each other seems to be a bit of struggle, but at least feelings get out and about, right?
A/N: Italics – flashback/memory
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“Lucifer! What happened!?” I yelled over the crowd of angels, as I tried to push my way to the front, only to be stopped by the guards that held the crowds back. “Let me through! Lucifer!” I screamed as they pushed him through the doors. As soon as he was out of sight, angels were ordered to go back to their business, but I couldn’t leave without knowing. Lucifer was my friend.
“Why can’t I see him?” I questioned the guard.
“Because Lucifer has been sent to be exiled. Orders contain no visitors are allowed other than those who are authorised.” He stated, not even looking at me.
“Who’s orders?” I probed for more information.
I wandered the bunker’s halls aimlessly, memories taking the chance to fill the emptiness in my head. Memories of the day I lost everyone. And only now, was the opportunity of getting back everyone I had ever loved, a possibility. A long shot, but I knew of hope. My brothers and sisters might not know any emotion, but it is one thing I did know of, and have known since my days of being a fledgling. It’s how I got into most of my troubles.
Coming out of one memory, I noticed I had made my way to the kitchen, leaning against the entry way I noticed I could hear the faint music that Lucifer was blasting. God was making pancakes, whilst the Winchesters sat at the table behind him. Earlier hadn’t gone too well between Lucifer and him, hence the current result.
“Talk to him.” Sam urged, trying to get the two celestial beings to sort things out.
“Won’t do any good.”
“Why not?” Sam questioned further.
“Because I can’t give him what he wants.” God admitted.
“And what’s that?” Dean questioned
“What everyone wants. My sister, my children, you humans – an apology. A big, wet “I’m sorry”.” God answered.
“Well, so give it to him. It’s not like he’s asking for a weapon, or for Hell, or for Heaven. He’s asking for words.” Dean stated as if it was the most obvious and simple thing.
“He can’t say he’s sorry if he isn’t.” I joined in on their conversation, causing God to sigh as he turned around, whilst Sam and Dean glanced back at me. I walked forward to stand in between the two brothers but behind as God placed a plate of pancakes in front of them both.
“What he wants an apology for, I did it for humanity. For the world.” God stated
“So you say.” I muttered, but he chose to ignore me. However, I didn’t miss the quick glance I got from Dean.
“Look Lucifer wants what everybody wants: Amara gone. Okay? Let’s just give him a little time to cool off.” God finished off by taking a drink from his mug that had ‘World’s Greatest Dad’ to which I scowled at.
“Okay, well, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but a little time is not something that we have. The end is frickin’ nigh.” Dean exclaimed, which caused God to nod his head in thought, but then looked up to me and asked.
“Want some pancakes?” causing me to scrunch my face further.
“Are they coming with a side of angel poison?” I mocked.
“I’m trying Y/N.” God sighed as gave me defeated look, too which I scoffed and shook my head.
“I’ll go talk to Lucifer. But I’m not doing it for you.” I pointed at him to emphasize my point, before leaving the kitchen. As I turned the corner I could hear Dean speak.
“She seems to have a bone or two to pick with you as well.”
“She’s always had something to say, that’s for sure. Lucifer will listen to her.” God murmured back.
As I made my way down the halls, the music grew louder and louder until I found the door it came from. The door was locked shut with an archangel’s grace, not even I could overpower it. I hesitated, just looking at the door, then collecting myself, I knocked on the door softly with three chaps and then placed my palm against the door, whilst resting my head against it.
“Lucifer?” I asked timidly through the door. “Let me in.” The music was turned down a bit, still loud but not vibrating the door as it previously was.
“Why should I?” I could hear the venom dripping from his words.
“It’s just me Luce.” I whispered, knowing he would hear. “Only me.” I said even quieter, but earned the soft click of the door unlocking. Hesitantly I pushed the door open and slipped in and shut the door fully behind me, as I noticed I was being watched from the end of the corridor. As soon as the door shut I felt the door lock in place by the overpowering grace. I turned round and saw Lucifer sitting on the edge of the bed with his arms crossed over his chest. His trench coat discarded behind him.
I took in every feature of him, and simply to put it, the vessel did not suit him. The scowl upon his face looked out of place on this vessel.
“Is there a reason you’re here?” He asked impatiently.
“Do I need a reason to be here?” I questioned back. He stood up, taking steps closer to me.
“It’s not like you kept in touch.” He spat at me.
“It’s not like I had a choice.” I murmured, embarrassed of my lack of confidence around the angel. He continued to study me, taking in everything.
“Your vessel suits you. Looks just like the troublemaker I once knew.” He picked up the conversation, trying to gage a reaction from me. I gave a slow nod in recognition of the compliment.
“Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for you. It’s weird seeing you wear my brother…” I managed to gain eye contact. “Is… Is he still in there?” I asked worried about how two celestials could share a vessel. I didn’t think it was possible.
“He sits and watches television in the kitchen bunker. The only place for good reception apparently.” He answers. I simply nod, looking back down to the ground. To which he tentatively raises a hand to my chin and gently lifting my gaze to meet his.
“Why didn’t you just hold your tongue? None of this would have happened if you had just waited for me.” I whimpered.
“To then only have you in my position? To have things a whole lot worse than they are? To maybe even, have you dead, out of reach forever?” A hint of small emotion in his words. “I’d do everything the same, if I had to.” He finished, slowly removing his hand from my chin to tuck a stray hair behind my ear and then pressed his forehead against mine, closing his eyes, he inhaled deeply. “I’d do it for you.” He whispered so quietly I nearly missed it.
“Why?” I questioned him, but he only stepped away and faced the back wall, returning to his stiff manner. His walls went up as quick as his demeanour had changed.
“That doesn’t matter.”
“Of course it does Lucifer.” I proceed to move closer and place a hand on his arm as I move myself to be in front of him. His eyes watching my movements. “Everything matters. Tell me.” I probed. His eyes flickered between mine for a small time before, he let out a breath and closed his eyes once again.
“Because, you’re my only friend.” He opened his eyes, showing that he felt exposed as he looked at me. A familiar warmth spread through me as he said them very familiar words, I pulled him into a hug, my arms wrapping around his neck.
“And you are mine.” I replied whispering into his ear. Cautiously he wrapped his arms around my waste and returned the hug. “How much would you do for me?” I asked after a bit, but still hugging him. He pulled back to look me in the eye.
“Anything.” He said absolute, but then furrowed his brows as he asked me why.
“Talk to him.”
“Talk to who?” irritation flooded his eyes as he asked me, I tilted my head. He already knew who I meant. His arms suddenly left me as he took a step back and growled a no.
“Lucifer. Just talk to him. Tell him how you feel. Now is your chance to get through to him.” I push.
“And you think he’ll actually listen!?” He yelled.
“Make him listen!” I yelled back. He glared at me, looking confused and betrayed.
“He’s got into your head somehow. He’s converted you to his side.” He seethed.
“I’m asking you to talk to him, for your own benefit! Never think, that I would change to his side. After everything that has happened!” I fumed. How dare he think I was trying to manipulate him for his Father’s benefit?
“Oh, now you bring up everything that’s happened?” He mocked me. “Fine. Let’s talk about everything that’s happened. You seriously think I don’t know what you’ve been up to all these eons?” he taunted. “You think I don’t know you’ve always been in contact with Daddy!?” He took threatening steps towards me, but I stood my ground.
“Oh I suppose you think I planned all of this alongside him. Huh? That I planned for you to kill Gabriel! That I planned your fall back into the cage!?” I shouted. “I even planned you getting taken by Amara and her putting your work to shame.” I shouted in his face, causing him to grab me by throat and pin me against the wall, inches away from the floor.
“You whore!” he hissed. “I bet you even let him fuck you. Didn’t you!? ADMIT IT!!!” He screamed in my face. With all the energy I could, I swung my leg and hit him where it hurt him the most, causing him to stumble backwards and drop me in the process. I forced myself up, catching my breath. Looking at him I seethed.
“I’m not asking you to talk to him, because he asked me to.” I glared. “I’m asking you to fix your relationship with him for your own benefit. Because you need him, more than you care to admit, but it’s obvious to everyone.” Hesitating for a mere second I took slow steps towards him and crouched to his level on the floor. “In fact. If there wasn’t bigger things at stake, I wouldn’t even be asking this of you, because of everything he let happen to you, but unfortunately the Darkness is a threat to us all. And the only way we have any chance of defeating her, is if you and Dad, sort your mess out. Otherwise we might as well just let her know where we are right now.”
Lucifer sat there, breathing heavily, staring at me with seriousness, over the passing time he realised. What was said earlier, was out of anger and we both knew that, but he knew I was right about him talking with God. Eventually, he agreed to talk with him, but made it clear he wasn’t happy about it as he followed me through the halls to the telescope room. As we entered God sat in one of the two chairs as the Winchester’s leaned against the wall in conversation, however that had stopped as we entered.
The Winchesters looked at me in concern, but I ignored them as I glanced over my shoulder to Lucifer with a scowl, to which he approached the other chair begrudgingly and took a seat, sending glares to God as he done so. Nothing was said as they stared at each other. I could see the Winchester’s felt awkward, and with an aggravated sigh I approached the space between them, looking at both of them as they continued to stare towards each other.
“One of you is going to have to speak first.” I growled lowly, fed up with it all.
“Chuck, you did say you’d talk.” Dean stuttered, trying to help move things along, but still nothing was said.
“Him first.” Lucifer rested his leg on his other, placing his hands in the middle of his lap. “I’m the one who’s owed an explanation.” He continued, but only received a sigh from God as if he expected Lucifer to say that.
“Okay, let’ try ‘I feel’ statements.” Dean suggested, both me and Sam gave Dean a questioning look to which he replied “Doctor Phil” furthermore I raised an eyebrow. He didn’t seem to be the type of person to watch something like that, more action and gore maybe. The brothers then moved over to the steps that led to the telescope, taking a seat as they gestured for the two to make a start on their… statements.
“I am… sorry? That you feel that I betrayed you.” God started but gave a quick sceptical look to the brothers before continuing. “That I acted without cause.” Lucifer started to shake his head, as I furrowed in anger and confusion of where he was going with this. “I’m sorry that you can’t see you gave me no choice.” He finished and turned to the boys. “I’m good” he shrugged. I couldn’t help but look at God bewildered by what he had just said. He thought they were acceptable statements?
“You heard that, right?” Lucifer had asked the Winchester’s
“We all know that you are God, but could you maybe be a little less ‘Lordly’?” Sam asked lightly to God.
“But I am – I am the Lord.” God said as if everything was obvious.
“Wow.” I muttered, shaking my head at the same time Lucifer spoke “There he goes.” Rubbing his hands, eyes wide.
“I did what I had to do!” God exclaimed. “To create the world, I had to lock Amara away. And when the mark corrupted you, and I saw you posed a threat to humankind, I did the same with you.”
“No, you betrayed me. You gave me the Mark to lock her away, and when it changed me – when it did what the Mark inevitably does – you threw me away.” Lucifer stated.
“No, son. The Mark… You always cast a jaundiced glance at human. The Mark didn’t change you. It just made you more of what you already were.” God argued back.
“What I was, was your son. Your child.” Lucifer leaned forward, the anger coming off him was growing more and more.
“Why should I put you first above all others?” God demanded, his own anger fighting against Lucifer’s. My eyes grew wide with fear, but Lucifer leaned back and turned to face the Winchester’s.
“You have any idea what it’s like to argue with your father when your father is God?” he chuckled. Sam held the look of a kicked puppy whilst Dean still seemed serious, but both of them seemed to understand where Lucifer was coming from. “Everything is a tautology with you. Everything is, ‘because I told you so.’ Everything’s ‘It had to be done.’” Lucifer finished looking back at God.
“Pretty sure that’s all fathers.” Dean put in. I looked to him with a glare.
“Okay, fine” Lucifer moved in his seat. “Big picture, as God. You did what you had to do. But little picture? You sucked at being a dad.”
“Okay, maybe I didn’t handle everything perfectly. But tell me: could I have kept humankind safe with you on the board?” Lucifer glared back at our father, hurt and anger never was a good mix, especially for Lucifer. “I know about your little bid to replace me with the angels. Okay, ‘New God,’ what would you have done about you?” He finished. Anger grew through me at the last statement.
“That is not the point.” I hissed glaring at him, only to receive the exact same expression of anger and disappointment he wore with Lucifer.
“I can’t believe I’m actually about to say this, but… Lucifer is right.” Same piped up, all attention was focused on him as he continued. “All he wants is an apology, and you’re too concerned about being right to give him. But apologies aren’t always about being right. Sometimes they’re just about apologizing.”
“Yeah, and the great thing about apologies is you don’t even have mean ‘em. Y’know, I lie and tell Sam I’m sorry all the time.” Dean added, to which Sam glared at him.
“Not helping the situation.” I told him as he mutters a ‘sorry’.
“See? That’s. Heh.” Dean brightened, but shrunk as he got to the end.
“Right, that’s enough.” God waved his hand, and suddenly I was standing beside a chess table with Sam and Dean occupying the two chairs. Sam and Dean looked around confused and slightly disoriented.
“You’re clearly not very good with words are you, Dean?” I asked the Winchester, he looked at me with his confused expression, whilst Sam stood up to look over the banister.
Dean didn’t answer, just threw me a glare before he stood up to join his brother. Rolling my eyes I looked over the chess board, but glanced over to the Winchester’s when I heard Dean speak.
“So… We good?”
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luciferiswriting · 7 years
Do you have a masterlist?
Here you go love.
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luciferiswriting · 7 years
Mobile Masterlist Updated:23/08/2017
Winged 5 -
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6
Raising a Kid in a Hunter’s World -
I can’t raise a kid in a hunter’s world
A small child raised in a hunter’s world
Similar traits in a hunter’s world
Drunk with Satan in a hunter’s world
Having Archangels as Brothers   #2  #3
I Can’t be with Luci… Can I?
Stuck with Satan and Protecting his Vessel
Cage Fighting and a New Face (Second part to Stuck with Satan and Protecting his Vessel)
I Keep Coming Home
Why are you here!?
Brother Betrayal
Gabriel becomes human and you become an archangel for a week and end up falling in love with him…
Lucifer is your father and he is protective of you…
Dean starts acting weird, as if he were pregnant…
DO NOT ENTER! Under Major Construction
Past Taking You Forward -
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3
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