lostgirlleftdreaming · 5 months
Thank you
I think it is beautiful that I log onto an account I made at 15 and still see recent activity on my writings over the years. It warms my heart to see people still enjoy the words I wrote, even if I struggle to write them today.
I do not know who still reads my works, or if I just randomly appear, but I write this post to thank you for taking the time to listen to my soul.
I hope you find the happiness everyone deserves to find.
With love,
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Imagine #26: Kidnapping
Honestly, this was a quick blurb I wrote the other night. It’s the meeting of two of my own characters and Hook, if Hook and Smee were young. Smee is a character I created whom is a psychopathic serial killer but that was an ~AU~. Anyway, I got the inspiration to write them meeting and I wanted to share, if anyone still reads please enjoy~
Charlie was thrashing about as the men dragged her across deck. She couldn’t believe that she had gotten caught, and worse, she was caught by the damn pirates. Pan was going to kill her as soon as he got wind of this. Could be worse, I could be stuck hunting with Felix she thought to herself as the pirates dragged her down a set of steps.
The further along they walked, the worse the smell got. Charlie scrunched up her nose as she smelt the stench radiating off of the men on the ship. Lord, they need a bath, but she said nothing because she focused on keeping track of each turn they made. Unfortunately, she got lost about five turns in, but still she tried to at least get a sense of her surroundings.
For what felt like eternity, they finally arrived at a fine, solid oak door. With a quick knock, the door swung open and she was shoved inside. As she picked herself up, she heard the door shut and clicked. A curse slipped out of her mouth as she realized she was just locked in. “Well that’s no way for a lady to speak” a deep voice spoke out. She flipped around as she realized there were two other men in the room with her, although the one never spoke. 
“It’s a damn good thing I’m not a lady, then,” she growled as she quickly backed away from the strange men. She observed the two, one blonde and the other hair the color of midnight, but both with the piercing blue eyes of those who are always at sea. They must be in charge, she thought, but so young to be. The two looked to be the same age as her oldest at camp, and they barely made it to 21 before coming to Neverland. 
The man with black hair smirked before standing up, his eyes filled with the same look the boys got when they found someone amusing. They’re looking at me like I’m a damn child, she rolled her eyes, I’m in a 21 year old body, it can’t look that young, but she knew that she still looked 17 at best. “You definitely don’t look like a lady, so my apologies, but allow me to introduce myself-“ as he stepped towards her she saw the glint of light hit where his hand should be.
“Captain Hook” she growled, cutting him off. He stopped mid step and his eyes turned dark, but she was quickly startled by the loud laugh that came from the corner of the room. She looked over and saw the blonde laughing, bent over as if what she had said was the funniest thing in world. Although I suppose it may have been in his, she thought as she quirked an eyebrow. 
The laughing man let out one last chuckle before righting himself, “I don’t suppose you children all call him that, do you?” She only nodded before he laughed again, “Well, James, it seems my nickname has stuck.” He clapped the black hair man, James, on the shoulder. 
“I don’t suppose you won’t mind providing your name?” Charlie asked as she eyed the two men, boys? She shook her head, doesn’t matter considering they kidnapped her. 
The blonde smirked, and Charlie shuddered at the blood lust in his eyes, the look rivaled the Devil himself. She felt sick suddenly, as if she were in the presence of pure evil. The only time I sense this is when I’m around Pan, and her body reacted as such. She shut out any emotion in her eyes, not allowing anything on her face to reveal her thoughts, and she adjusted her stance ever so slightly to ensure she had the upper hand if it came to. 
She didn’t realize just how observant the demon was, because as soon as he allowed the blood lust to flash in his eyes, he quickly smothered it all the same. The intense aura subsided, only felt by Charlie because of how observant she is, and from living with the Devil himself. The blonde once again looked like a friendly young man, innocent enough to hold the debate between still being a boy and being a man. He gave her the neighbor-boy next door smile and said, “The names Oliver Smith.” 
James shoved his arm off, “Bloody hell, if you’re going to get the delinquents to call me by a ridiculous name you made up based off my injury then you’re going to tell them yours, Smee.” 
“Smee?” She repeated, “Why Smee?” 
James shrugged, “All I could come up with while being hammered.” 
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Perhaps it is the rain outside
That makes me think of you
The slow pitter patter
As the sky continues to cry
Is it pain that I am hearing?
Or is it relief of finally letting go?
I loved you once
I do not know if I can love you again
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Are you still taking requests?
Sure! Honestly, would love to take a crack at writing again now that I have the free time! So go ahead and send something in!
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Hey guys! Long time no see 😂 Apologize for that. Well anyway I needed to share this because I’ve kind of been on a Peter Pan binge the last couple weeks.
But like. Guys. We have all these ferocious characters who fight back against Pan and make fun of him, but like…
Can you imagine how confused some of the boys would be as the OC just sits there and mocks them with that story??? How upset some of the ones who get the reference would be??
And like Pan could go either way. He could know about it because well for some reason that freak knows all, or he could have no clue???
Idk I just think it’d be the funniest thing in the world. Anyway no clue if anyone is even still around with this fandom or if I’m just sitting in the middle of a battlefield with ashes surrounding me. But if anyway feels like writing that and ends up doing it please tag me you would make my life.
Anyway! If anyone is still around hit me up! Would love to chat!
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Hey how are ya?? May i request for a Peter Pan song imagine on "Jar of Hearts" by Christina Perri?? Thanks so much!!
sorry for the long wait but its posted!
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Imagine #25: You Will Never Get Me Back
Request:  Hey how are ya?? May i request for a Peter Pan song imagine on "Jar of Hearts" by Christina Perri?? Thanks so much!!
Warnings: none
It’s been years since you left Neverland. Since the time that Peter Pan decided to cast you out.
He decided to appear back recently. It was never a confrontation like you had expected, but simple glances of him in the corner of your eye. You never called him out for it, but continued living your life. You refused to take a step towards him once again, knowing for a fact that you would no longer linger upon what you had. You refused to focus on the ghost that was your past. He lost the love you gave to him, the one that meant the most to you.
At first, everything was hard. You could barely leave your bed. It felt as if every breath you took was harder than the last. Finally, you were slowly learning to live, even if it felt as if you were half alive.
The unfortunate thing is it seems as though you were finally getting things together, he wanted you back. It hurt knowing this. You wanted to keep living as you are, to keep building upon what you had created.
He wanted you? He wanted you back? You knew it was only for one more time, he missed having you for the simple game he played.
You weren’t the first, and unfortunately you wouldn’t be the last. You learned he brought many girls to the island, playing with them and pretending as if he loved them. It’s the reason you were casted out.
He was collecting a jar of hearts, a jar filled with the hearts that he broke.
You knew he was looking for you. The simple glances you had of him were simply ones he saw through a crystal glass. He’s been asking people about you, he has been trying to locate you. You were careful in every conversation, every purchase, in every action you took. You did not want him to find you. You refused to join his jar of hearts.
There was ice inside his soul, and that’s all he was made up of. You could feel it since day one, even during the time you were in denial.
You were finally starting to heal, it took so long for you to even feel alright. To feel as if life was worth living.
Every single promise he had made to you constantly flashed through your mind. Each one that was broken. You consistently wished you never went with the shadow, that you went to Neverland, that you could forget the first time that you kissed.
You know he is back, and he is back for you. Except this time he does not get you. A fire erupted within you, determination brewing. He does not get to get you back, and you will make sure he will never get you back.
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I may be an adult by technical terms
And it seems I have my life together
I have a job
I go to college
I have a guy I’m with
But I miss you still
I wish I was with you
If  we were together
I’d be in bliss
My job lets me survive
College lets me succeed
He makes me happy
But you took me above and beyond
I wish I was with you
Living with no fear
Carefree and pure bliss
But it is gone
So are you
So I am left with what I create
All the while still dreaming of you
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Let it go
You let me go
And now I have with you
Yet you returned asking me to come back
But I’ve made my life here
I improved cause I realized I had no choice
I become strong
I grew up
I’m an adult and yet you insist you can fix it
What if I don’t want it fixed?
You cut me deep
It took forever for me to heal
But it’s healed
Except the scar is still there
It still stings a little
A small reminder for why I moved on
I was forced to leave
But now it is my choice to stay here
I wish you the best
But please leave me be
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Can you hear me when I cry at night?
Do you listen to the sound of despair that passes through my lips?
Do you see the tears that run down my face as fast as a rainfall?
I miss you
With every fiber of my being
And it pains me to say that
I hope you miss me
I like to think you miss me
I wish you miss me
Because hopefully someday you’ll return
Maybe someday you’ll come again to save me
As you did once before
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You whisper sweet nothings into my ear all night long. When I awake you are gone. My bed ice cold as if no one was there at all. There is nothing but a lingering voice left in my head.
You promised me happiness, a place of joy and freedom. Every night you return and speak of all the things I desperately seek in an alluring voice. Your green eyes sparkling with danger and excitement. This should have frightened me, but all it did was give me a taste of freedom and a sense of adventure.
Yet I still wake up to the same cold bed, the loneliness lingering in my heart, and the knowledge that my life must go on
I do not know if you make things easier or worse. All I know is I am in pain of not being with you.
Love is a strength when they are with you by your side.
Love is a weakness that will destroy you from the inside when they are no longer there.
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They tell me it’s all in my head. The memories I have, the tales I tell, the people I saw and the things I experienced. They tell me I’ve gone crazy. They say you’re a figment of my imagination that I made up to escape my problems. They say Neverland was a lie so I could leave life. They want to lock me up so I can “get help.”
They may be right about me wanting to leave.
But I know it’s all true. Every story, every laugh, every boy and pirate and Indian. The love I have for you.
Neverland is real.
I’m just too old to be there.
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I feel as if I’m going through withdrawal. You left me and your love is gone. I can’t breathe and all I crave is you. My heart hurts and my chest constricts and all I can do is lay here, hoping I will become numb. I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, I can’t do anything since you left.
I never realized you were my drug and I was the addict.
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Coming into a fandom late
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Hi! I just found your blog and am IN love with your writing :) I was wondering if I could have an imagine where before you came to Neverland you self harmed but you stopped for a while only to have a relapse because well it's kindof a hard habit to stop.. and Felix & Peter find out? If that's too much I totally understand. Thank you though :)
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Imagine #24: The Voices in My Head
Request: Hi! I just found your blog and am IN love with your writing :) I was wondering if I could have an imagine where before you came to Neverland you self harmed but you stopped for a while only to have a relapse because well it's kindof a hard habit to stop.. and Felix & Peter find out? If that's too much I totally understand. Thank you though :)
It was a silent night in Neverland, the boys all went to bed and the fire was slowly dying. Your mind was quiet. You knew it wouldn’t be for long, though. Your arms started to itch, a tingling feeling just underneath the surface. You looked down at them, your arms littered with scars from before. It felt as if they were taunting you, the glow of the fire emphasizing them. It’s been awhile since you last cut, before you came to Neverland. You couldn’t help but feel the urge, it’s been there for the last few days.
You stood up, your mind finally woke up and was soothing you to give in. The voice was warm and comforting, assuring you there was nothing wrong with what you were about to do. Your knife seemed to be burning a hole in your pocket, and you knew it was time.
Walking to your tent you paused before glancing around. Your eyes rested on Felix and Pan as they sat by a tree talking. They looked up at you and you gave a smile before waving them goodnight. You turned back into your tent and rested yourself on your bed.
You laid there for a while, hoping to fall asleep before the urge became overwhelming. The feeling in your skin was too much to shut yourself down. You looked at your knife resting on your nightstand, it was calling to you. With a sigh you sat up and grabbed it. The blade was pressing on your skin, silent tears poured down your face as you realized you failed and gave in.
Slowly sliding the blade across you hissed at the initial pain, but a smile broke out as your saw the blood coming to the surface. You’ve missed this feeling, and soon there were five more cuts to follow. You traced your scars with the tip of the blade, tilting your head to the side before reopening them. Your arm was covered in blood at this point, but joy swelled in you at the feeling. Finally the tingling stopped, the voice congratulated you. You don’t know how long you sat there gazing at the blood running down your arm and dripping on to the floor.
You stood up and grabbed an old rag. Wiping off the blade and wrapping your arm up you made your way to the flap of your tent. You knew everyone would be in bed by now, including Pan and Felix. You poked your head out and saw no one, the camp was dark and the fire was put out a long time ago. Your footsteps were silent as you made your way to the river. You bent down at the edge, unwrapping your arm you placed it in the water and watched as the water turned crimson. The moonlight provided you vision, and you saw your eyes reflecting back at you in the water. A part of you felt sick at the gleam in your eye from your actions, apart of you was sad from the pain that was reflecting, and apart of you was happy for the cuts on your wrist. Everything inside swirling like a storm and your mind was a Pandora’s box that should never be opened.
When you went to bed that night you promised not to do it again, but you knew you would. This continued for a week before finally one night you heard footsteps by the river. Your head shot up and you saw Felix and Pan standing at the edge of the forest, their faces filled with terror when they saw your arms covered in blood. They rushed over to you immediately, every action they had was frantic as they tried to wash the blood off and assess the damage.
They thought somebody harmed you. “Who did this?” Pan asked angrily. Tears were pouring down your face and it seemed as if your mouth was stitched shut. Felix cradled your arm as he used a rag to apply pressure to the cuts. “Who did this, Y/N?!” Pan all but screamed.
A sob broke through your chest as you finally whispered out, “Me.”
It went silent. They froze and both of them stared at you, but you couldn’t meet their gaze. “Y/N,” Felix said slowly, “Why?”
It was that one question, the question everyone always asked. Why? Why do you do this to yourself? Why cause yourself harm? It was the one question that was never answered.
“I-I can’t explain it.” You said. You shook your head and lowered it, your hair cascading around you. “I can never explain why I do this, or what drives me to, because there is no explanation for the demons in my head.”
Peter and Felix looked to each other, then back to you. Peter lifted your chin and you finally met his green eyes, “Y/N, you don’t need to explain it, but you need to stop. You can’t harm yourself, especially since you of all people do not deserve it.”
Felix chimned in, “If you ever have this urge you can always come to us. I wish you had done so before. We would do anything for you.”
The worry and pain that was on their face broke your heart. You sobbed as you nodded your head, “I’m sorry,” you whimpered out, “I’m so sorry.”
Felix shook his head, “Never be sorry, Y/N. You shouldn’t take blame or guilt for the demons in your head. Just let us help.”
Peter squeezed your hand, “We will always be here, and we will help you recover.”
A smile fell on your face as you looked at the two. You knew it would be hard, but you would get better. For them and for yourself.
You hugged the two of them, no words passed from your lips. All of you sat there as they cleaned you up and a peaceful silence as you looked to the stars. Their presence comforting. And it was then you knew you were loved, and that you could get better.
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Hey!!! I'm here to do a request!! Can you do one where the reader is a sassy girl when she first got into neverland, but as time passes, Peter Pan's cruel ways killed her spark. And when the reader made up her mind to start a rebellion, Peter told her that he loves her. I ran out of ideas here sorry, so maybe you can do your own ending? Thanks a lot, love your writing by the way!
posted! hope you enjoy!
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