lobosluna · 29 days
Kurt Seligmann. “The Tragedian”. How beautiful you used to be, beloved girl, when crystalline waters welled from the spring of your laugh, and the sun nested its glint into your hair, as light embers that did not undertake flight yet. You were such an aegis rising above burning stubbles of silent, devoted, fierce loves. Do you remember, beloved boy, how inside you was plunged the dark edge of the…
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lobosluna · 2 months
Johan Scherft. “Robot, painting a self-portrait”. El estante de sugerencias y recomendaciones rebosa y se desborda. Hay para todo el mundo, incluso para el que se fue y el que está por venir. Puede tomar las que desee y abotagarse con ellas. Usarlas como píldoras para la migraña de un porvenir incierto o un bastón para la cojera que se hunde en los escoyos de un tiempo acuciante e…
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lobosluna · 2 months
Mars-1 – “Mental and Material Realms”. I opened the dreams which were given to me as swollen primrose buds, and I wiped away the dew drops settled by the sleepless night, longer than a whole lifetime. I found the memory in the quivering of my hands, throbbing terrified by the oblivion where so many dreams were sunk in this unforeseeable shipwreck. But here I am, thirsty for hugs, hungry for…
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lobosluna · 2 months
Oscar Sanmartin – “El Orbe”. One day we will return to that Mars left behind, to its endless oceans, its titanic mountains and the leafy deepness of its valleys. It will be as a rebirth after going through the cold steppe of space and time, there where life stuck outshined in a lilting beat of waiting beyond the cold night of oblivion, and where is preserved the memory of what we were, what we…
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lobosluna · 2 months
Oscar Sanmartin – “El Orbe” Un día volveremos al Marte que dejamos atrás, a sus océanos infinitos, sus montañas titánicas y a la profundidad frondosa de sus valles. Será como renacer después de haber atravesado la fría estepa del espacio y el tiempo, allí donde la vida quedó eclipsada en un cadencioso compás de espera tras la fría noche del olvido, y donde se conserva la memoria de lo que fuimos,…
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lobosluna · 3 months
William-Adolphe Bouguereau – Elegy There is no greatest love than a scorned love. A beggar at a door calling softly for fear of the Furies and the scorching suns of Avernus. A perennial lighthouse never defeated by winds, spinning in the night, searching and moaning, its flame aglow piercing the darkness, silently hailing, everlasting, everlasting. There is no greatest love than a scorned…
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lobosluna · 3 months
I think these guys make very good covers... and his voice is amazing IMO.
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lobosluna · 3 months
I liked this series, even when I only watched the first two seasons in that time... This looks way better than the movie, though. :D
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lobosluna · 3 months
Here we go again... Nick Frost is really back! :)
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lobosluna · 3 months
Nick Frost is back!
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lobosluna · 3 months
Kevin Sloan. “The Peaceable Kingdom”. I won’t remain irreconcilable forever. One day I will manage that my breathing aligns to my thoughts and chakras stop to curl up themselves like pubic hair scrubbed against the sheets. I will intone an impassive mantra at the edge of the stormy wastes left behind since the day when the terrors of time and the nothingness sticked to the brain cortex as an…
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lobosluna · 4 months
Zdzisław Beksiński – AC78 I really don’t know what these windows are doing here. They must have had a purpose when they were built, but it is as if the memory of their presence had been lost at some point in the hustle of days, months and years. They are like stuck over a still, silence landscape, almost fading under the scorn of everyday life and the dust amassed on their shivering, rectangular…
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lobosluna · 4 months
Kevin Sloan. “The Peaceable Kingdom”. No estaré irreconciliable por siempre. Un día haré que mi respiración se alinee con mis pensamientos y que los chacras dejen de ovillarse como vello púbico restregado contra las sábanas. Recitaré un mantra imperturbable a la orilla de los despojos tormentosos que fueron quedando desde el día en que los horrores del tiempo y la nada se adhirieron a la corteza…
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lobosluna · 4 months
Max Ernst. “Jardin, peuplé des chimères”. Let’s strum the softest and most bearable strings. If everything is an illusion after all how hard would it be? Instead of wandering through hallways in the backstage of a life proud of itself it would be better sitting back to recognize the smell of voices and silences, the thickness of some eyes distracted by the routine of a waiting, the delectable…
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lobosluna · 5 months
Zdzisław Beksiński – “AC78” No sé qué hacen estas ventanas aquí. Debieron tener un propósito cuando fueron construidas, pero es como si la memoria de su presencia se hubiese perdido en algún punto del trajín de los días, los meses y los años. Están como pegadas a un paisaje quieto, silencioso, casi evaporándose por el desdén cotidiano y el polvo acumulado sobre sus temblorosas pupilas…
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lobosluna · 5 months
Pawel Kuczynsky. Something told me that I had to leave words behind. That they were old, worn-out, lacking the substance that made them growing once, in a world open to the sign of times and the distant whispering of past lives, when the siren of an uncertain future -with its dreadful, petrifying chant, still couldn’t accomplish to bring them down until the most complete triviality. Even so, I…
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lobosluna · 5 months
Max Ernst. “Jardin, peuplé des chimères”, 1936. Pulsemos las cuerdas más suaves y las más llevaderas. Si todo es ilusión a fin de cuentas qué cuesta. En lugar de deambular por los pasillos en la trastienda de una vida orgullosa de sí misma mejor sería sentarse a reconocer el aroma de las voces y los silencios, la espesura de unos ojos distraídos por la cotidianidad de la espera, el traqueteo…
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