lixai1174 · 6 days
Sit down on the drain at the bottom of the shower in hopes that you will disappear in it
I only have one routine
because I couldn't care less about any order in the demolition site that is my heart/mind/head/life/ whatever
The Shower Routine with capital letter so I don't overlook it
If I do, then I forgot to shower for three days and truly nobody wants that
So I shower to remember how clean I feel, how good I smell, how it makes me almost okay just from the temperature
I wash my face then my body, I'm trying to avoid every scabs on my skin that aren't healed yet
I exfoliate next in hope that the crazy will wash away with the dead skin in the drain
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lixai1174 · 10 days
All the bling that you bring will upstage me until the day that my skin stop to glow
Gold on cold, silver on the other. You get gold jewelry from your ancestors that make you shine, I get half-priced generic magazine ones that look cheap from my great grandma. Always smile, be kind and be grateful.
Gold is for the winner, the best of the best. It's for young school dropout that are manager at 22 while you're still in university, it's for the one that leave their hometown to go learn fashion somewhere else.
Next to you, I am nothing, chubby and uninteresting. I wear silver because it calls to me like a siren song, perpetual second in everything.
When you get knocked down a step on the podium, what happen ?
Have you ever seen bronze jewelry ?
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lixai1174 · 20 days
rockstar kiss but you only sing the blues in this shitty town
I take half an hour to put makeup on only to come see you sing in a black room
Eyeshadow as useful as a flashlight in the middle of a sunny day
I always hope that someone will look at me
It never happened
The whole world ( fifty people of this shitty town) is looking at you
We talk after the show three months after the last time we saw each other
Back when my hair were scarlet turning orangish
I only remember because a guy told me they were pretty
He probably couldn't tell which colour it was with the lightning of the bar
I want to hug you and never let go
I want to whisper to not forget us (me) when you'll become a superstar
I apply a new coat of my red lipstick that stain too much
I kind of want to leave a kiss on the space between your ear and your shoulder
Only platonic
In hope that in the morning you'll think of me
Think of the girl you met when you were only thirteen
The girl that always believed in your dreams
But doesn't know where hers are hiding
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lixai1174 · 22 days
Dream dream, wake up call slap in the back of my head in the morning
I dream of a love like the one in the movie with all the cute dates that end up in kiss under the rain even though there's nothing romantic about being wet with rain because being wet sucks, but with them, the One with a capital letter , it doesn't matter if you're drenched in cloud pee.
I dream of a love that is physical. I long for comforting touches, like a squeeze of the shoulder or a kiss on the temple when I need it. I want to be held when I drift into the night even with my insomnia and despite the fact that it would probably too warm for me to sleep, but dream!me doesn't sweat like it's hell in the room. I want to hold hands everywhere, in the streets or on the bus or when we sleep. Warm against cold, cold against warm or whatever the temperature of your hands may be I don't really care I want to hold them all through the night.
Then comes the slap, 180 km/hrs in the back of my head with only hope that my neck breaks and that I stop being so delusional. Truth is I'm unlovable or something along those lines that whiny teenager yells when their boyfriend break up with them in when they're fourteen.
The slap wakes me up, I don't want love anyway.
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