Blog post 2.....
Things really aren't looking up. I feel like it's very easy to get into a routine of bad habits, and my life feels like one big bad habit! It's ok to feel helpless, and it's ok to feel sad; it's ok to feel how I'm feeling. And I just need to tell myself that this is a very small moment in a much bigger plan for my life. So I've decided to write down some positive aspirations (big and small) 1. Stress less, things that seem important now won't be in 5 years time. 2. Take care of myself, I only have myself to worry about and I should treat myself with more love and respect than anyone else could. 3. Do things, the next time I have a free day, rather than eat shit and watch crappy TV, I need to go out and explore London. 4. Save, money might come and go and whilst it's important to enjoy it, I'm sure saving £10 rather than buying food will feel a lot more satisfying. 5. Read, I got a goddamn kindle for Christmas and downloaded so many goddamn books, reading used to be my best form of escapism and I miss it. 6. Just fucking breathe, I get so anxious in the dumbest situations, and although my anxiety isn't what it used to be I need to practice my ways to control it more. 7. Re-read this anytime you're down
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Happy Monday ❤️
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I had two cookies after this, but 3 in one picture wasn't as aesthetically pleasing
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☕️ Trying to channel some fall coziness as I melt in the socal summer heat. Also, why is there no iced coffee emoji?!
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First Post!
So, I’m trying this whole tumblr blogger thing again.
When I first used tumblr I think I was 15, maybe 14? But I was young(er). And blogging to me back then - god I sound old - was all about gaining followers and getting your friends to send you anonymous questions, reposting anything and everything, and begging people who had loads of followers to repost your picture. How fucking lame.
So now I’m 20 years young, living in London and studying French, but I am most certainly not living the dream. When I used to think about living in London, I imagined working somewhere super edgy where I’d make tonnes of cool friends, but instead I work in retail running around after rude customers for a living (although the staff are super lovely I must say). 
I study for 4/5 days a week, and any day I have off is dedicated to earning £££, because London is really FUCKING expensive. I understand that it’s the capital city of the UK but honestly how do all these people afford it? It costs me over £100 a month just to travel to and from uni and I thank god that I live close to work. Having a night out here is pretty much non existent when you know an uber is going to set you back a tenner, entry too, and then drinks can fluctuate from anywhere between £8 and a shit tonne. Maybe I’m reluctant to pay all of this when I could last a night out in Bournemouth on £15 tops..............
Don’t get me wrong: I love London. It’s culture, it’s architecture, it’s infinite possibilities to explore and take aesthetic Instagram posts.... but as my Auntie told me before I moved here “London may be a big city, but it’s one of the loneliest”
Grace xo
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