Guys I started a writing a book called The Thief Of Downdam City
It's german but I'm gonna translate it as soon as I finished the German one.
I write about a group of friends in a futuristic world. They gonna show you how they survive with their own background story that gonna be revealed in the book.
If you wanna translate it just ask I'm gonna change the copyright just for you. At time there're just 2 Chapters but there gonna be about 70 chapters. I planned this since I played Cyberpunk 2077. And there will be a special guest we know this person as Nakamoto Yuta.
Be preapred
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Six of Club
Try a new sport
Due a teeth operation i couldn't do a sport I always wanted to try but I tried power walking and it was the dumbest decision in my life. 30 minutes after I started the first rain drops fell doen but I walked 1 hour so yay heres my route
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Nine of Clubs
Walk 10 kilometers
After I got home I checked my Fitbit app and looked at the stats at which time i was the most active so here we go:
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I would say game cleared
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Ace of Spades
Play an online Multiplayer
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It's my favorite online game. I saw it at the Gamescom 2018 and I fell for this as hard as for Kpop. I often play with people all over this world and maybe I chat with some of them😅
Game cleared
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Nine of Spades
Do a soulmate test
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Result Nine of Spades
Do a soulmate test
Now I know why I feel attracted to my best friend😐
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Added 9 Visa days
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Seven of Hearts
Do 5 things that make you look psychopathic
1. I sleep naked and wear underwear only for a week a month iykyk
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2. I have a strict routine of making my coffee that no one understands
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3. My resting bitch face and forced smile
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4. Mumbling to myself in public I don't mean cursing
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5. I can't eat bread with butter
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Game cleard
Added Visa 7 days
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Nine of Diamonds
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Introduce youraelf in 3 different languages that you can speak
First one is German, the second English and the last one is Spanish
So i spoke three languages and it was fun because I made 10 voice overs
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9 days visa added
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Eight of Spades
Tell about your worst team sport experience
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Yes, horse riding is a team sport for me because your partner is a horse with a brain.
So I trained for a small show for a riding lesson, that everyone can reach their goals blah blah blah, everything was normal until a dog ran in. The horse i rode was terrified by this and started to get me off. I could handle this situation well and continued the training but after the main training, I started to learn new tricks and the horse just stopped faster than I could react and ended up on the horses neck. The next time I trained for this i was there with another equestrian so we could present it together but it gone wrong like completely. The horses we rode started to kick and we started to fight whos fault it was.
So that was my worst experience.
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Added Visa days 8
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What I would do with my boyfriend/girlfriend in winter
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Going outside with him/her and play in the snow
Drinking "Glühwein" (whine with cinnamon and some other things, I'm way too lazy to write all of them) and play games or dance
Dancing with him/her while it's snowing
Deeptalk on my balcony while we cuddle
Baking cookies together and drinking hot chocolate
Watching movies together
Inuit kisses
Going ice skating and dance with him/her on the ice
Sledge riding
Taking cute couple pictures
Playing video games while sitting on his/her lap (like Skyrim or Steep)
Boba Dates even if it's cold
Going to restaurants and eat waffles
Kissing under a mistletoe
Winter spa days with face masks, a warm bath and massages
I hope i didn't forget something but these things are a must in winter
Here some pictures of me while doing some of these things + a half of my face
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Five of Diamonds
Explain a thing that you use every day like it's an innovation
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Omg i found this innovation. It looks like blunt but it's a cigarette. This thing don't even have a name i think we call it blunrette. I think it's a just tabaco that looks like a blunt or joint. And it's "easy" to use unless you're under 18 than but i bought that as a set with 3 different things. We have the tabaco, then the paper and some filtering system thing too. You can even find instructions and explanation for making it.
It's complete fun cause I smoke and it was the funiest to explain.
Game cleard
5 days Visa added
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I didn't know you wanted to die today
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I was never that aggressive öike today at 5 am. I woke up because my phone vibrated and I was laying on my phone. After 2 hours of sleep I had to woke up because of an online meeting. My first thought was: "I didn't know you wanted to die today YangYang"
I'm a huge coffeeholic and if someone text me or is talking to me before I had my first coffee they're literally shoveling their own grave.
They would die because of a heart attack by my deadly stare I gave them. He was very excited because of the Comeback today and I understand that I was too but that was too much excitement for me.
All of them did good, ok more than good, but this thing in the morning stoled my nerves. I barely slept 4 hours a day even at the weekend because of my own brand I'm creating.
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Four of Clubs result
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I'm almost dying but it feels so good. I never were that motivated to sprint as fast as possible. I recommend this app but if you're unsporty as me start with 20 minutes and don't run too fast.
Challenge complete
Added Visa: 4 days
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Four of Clubs
Download and use Zombie Run
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After the home office I'm gonna use it, maybe before my home office starts I can use it. It depends on the time I wake up.
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Three of Hearts
Tell your best friend that you would fuck him/her
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Translate it for yourself I'm lazy af
Game cleared
Visa added: 3 days
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Three of Clubs
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Hold the wall sit for 1 minute
I never had my legs burning like this
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Added Visa: 3 Days
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Seven of Spades
Do a multiple choice test
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That was easy and I did it, I know its German but what do you gonna do. I'm German-Polish.
7 days visa added
See ya next Monday
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