lilimgabor-blog · 7 years
Kana narrowed his eyes at her picking up the pieces of his gun and shrugging as he threw them on the table. He exhaled sharply as he looked her and cocked a brow, “you helpful?” He hummed a laugh, “let me guess my cousin sent you from New York to make sure I was staying in line?”
He full on laughed then, the thought of a woman keeping him in line made him laugh. “So… again. How are you going to help? You know more about this town than I do or something? Listen woman. I’ve been studying this place for a while and I know a lot about it and what is here. I don’t need your help, and I sure as hell don’t want it if Ava sent you.” 
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Crossing her arms over her chest, Lyla looked away with the roll of her eyes. Was this a test? Were her creators testing her? Because it was working and all Lyla wanted to do was tear the asshole apart. But she needed to keep her cool. 
“Whoever this Ava woman is, I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about.” Cheers to the human who taught her that phrase even though she still couldn’t fully comprehend it. “You’re just as sloppy as I am, darling. You may have all the tools to cover your tracks but you’re still too ....clunky. “ Her eyes darted back to him, meaning business this time. 
Her face twisted into a wicked smile, her succubus side coming out,”You may be big,” Lyla’s eyes looked down at his pants and back to his eyes during her pause,”And bad,” She let out a sigh once again,”But you can’t deny that a lil ole cat like me could be lots of help to your...” Lyla looked around the room and back to him,”Hobbies.”
“You’re too fast, as well. What if I wasn’t who I said I was? What if I was immune to your gunshot? You’d be dead. What if I were these police?” The word sounded weird on her tongue but she could put two and two together on who they were. 
“I’m not denying your intelligence. I’m simply pointing out that we both have a task in common and we could both enhance each other’s abilities.”
“Think of us as.. oh who are those men..” Lyla placed a finger on her lip, trying hard to remember the children cartoon she watched after slaying a family in Oregon. “Batman and Robin!” She cooed, her face lighting up. “I promise to let you be Batman.”
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Boo || Kana & Lyla
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lilimgabor-blog · 7 years
“No, we haven’t you brushed it off.” His brow furrowed and he grumbled shaking his head at her, “It’s either that or a bullet in their brain. So tell me, which one do you prefer.” His lips went tight as she mimicked his question and he shook his head, “I’m a mortician. Disposing of bodies is what I do. I know what cops look for evidence wise because I have worked with them before, and it’s really not that hard to learn what to do and what not to do when someone pisses you off.” 
He growled at her question and shook his head, “I would like for you stop with the games.” He pulled his hand gun from its holster and aimed it between her eyes, “Now, last time.” He said cocking the hammer, “What. Are. You?” 
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Her eyes watched his, almost seeming to peer into his soul. Lyla straightened her back and squared her shoulders off, not taking her eyes off of his as they stood there in silence. 
Lyla stepped closer to where the gun’s barrel was pressing fiercely against her forehead. Would she risk this? No. Never. Taking a deep breathe, the brunette sighed heavily and ever-so-slightly shook her head ‘no’. 
She wasn’t proud of it but Lyla knew her way around a gun. The demon wasn’t talented in firearms or hand-weapons but disarming and hand-to-hand combat was on her side. Though she was naive to the human world, she made it a goal to learn how to defend herself in the most ...human way possible. But every newborn had it’s faults. 
After contemplating every step and every action, Lyla grabbed the barrel and disarmed Kana with slight ease. Every ounce of her wanted to re-cock the gun and show the human no mercy for his foolishness but with a scoff, she held the gun towards him -- soon dismantling every piece and dropping it onto the cement floor. Her hands raised up next to her head, giving the man a rough look.
“If I was something but the same as you, you’d be dead. But darling you and I seem to have something in common. Fancy that.” 
Lyla dropped her hands and shoved them into her back pockets. “Don’t ever point a gun at my face.” She bellowed, her eyes growing dark with unimpressed expressions. 
“I am Lyla.” She repeated herself from earlier. “You are Kana.” She stated. “I conclude you as human as well and I don’t ask further details. So you want to kill me? Kill me.” Lyla taunted, her words baring through her teeth. “But darling I can promise I will be much more help alive than dead.” 
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Boo || Kana & Lyla
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lilimgabor-blog · 7 years
“Then I’ll have more than enough wrinkles to share with you.” He watched the fires eat the poor sap that had clearly crossed the wrong person’s path. Ignoring her words as he chewed his lip, his thumb scraping at a hang nail on his other finger as he leaned against the window, staring blankly at the burning body. She had to be something, a hunter, a pyscho, or a creature and he had to find out what.
He inhaled deeply unmoving when she came back downstairs, his eyes narrowing a bit, before he turned. “What are you?” His voice was dead serious as he stared her down. “You clearly know what you’re doing to kill that man in that, so what are you?” His eyes narrowing further as he stood there. His hands no where near his weapons but he was damn sure ready to pull them if he needed to.
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Lyla rolled her eyes deeply, crossing her arms over her chest and sighing in annoyance,”We’ve already been over this, doll.” She moved to the closest table and leaned over it, propping her elbow on it and laying her chin in her hand. 
“Do you just go around asking people what they are? Maybe that’s why you don’t have friends.” Lyla smirked at her comment but pursed her lips quickly.”What are you?” She retorted back at him. “Clearly you know how to dispose of a body without a blink of an eye and keep evidence to a minimum. I think you’re hiding a lot more than I am.” Lyla propped an eyebrow up in his direction and hoisted herself up onto the table to sit. 
‘What would you like me to be?” Her devious smirk came out from hiding as her voice cooed into a purr. She watched him with interest but kept her caution still at hand. He was smart, she had to give him that. 
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Boo || Kana & Lyla
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lilimgabor-blog · 7 years
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lilimgabor-blog · 7 years
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Headcannon: My Wings || New Orleans, Louisiana 1824 || COMING SOON
“I awoke with a pain in my back and my body in an unknown terrain.” Lyla began, her eyes glazing over with horror, tears slowly forming in her eyes. “The witches... They stole my wings. I had wings once and they were oh-so strong. And they were stolen from me. They kept me in a dark room, blindfolded, while they cut my body apart. They screamed words that set my body aflame. They forced me to change against my will and studied me like some.. animal. I later found out they slayed my sisters and all I could see was red when I looked at them. But when I fell unconscious for the last time, I awoke without my wings. They’d left me my horns but sawed my wings off my own body. Mother Lilith and Father Samael did not look kindly upon that.” Lilim stopped, wiping her hot tears from her cold skin. Who knew that such a devil of a creature could care so much. 
“I was banished after that. They left me in the woods to sulk over my loss before they banished me back into my realm -- never to see their faces ever again. My wings never have grown back since. I’ve kept my appearance from that day, hoping that in the future one of their children know who I am and I can seek my revenge on their bloodline just like they did to mine.”
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lilimgabor-blog · 7 years
He exhaled sharply, forcing air through his flared nostrils and seemed to growl. “I’ll stop when you stop with the charade and answer my questions? Got it?” He snarled and shook his head, rolling the body into the other room and throwing it on a conveyer belt. His anger getting the best of him. He walked back into the room and hit a button to start up the incinerator. “Yeah, jail. Are you really that oblivious?”
He rolled his eyes at her fluttering eyelashes and growled, “stop.” Was all that pressed passed his tightened jaw. He watched her inspect her ring and shook his head, “I have more than enough toys to play with.” He said turning to face the window. He didn’t even look at her when he answered. “Up the stairs and to the right. Don’t. Touch. Anything. Got it?” He questions raising a brow as he looked over his shoulder. “I don’t need your finger prints in my office in case you didn’t cover your tracks well enough.” 
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“Get over yourself, doll. Anger creates wrinkles.” She retaliated, pointing at him. 
Lyla watched as the body disappeared into the large machine - the heat radiating through the walls. Her senses picked up the scent of the burning body, creating goosebumps to ride up her neck and rallying up her desire to kill. 
She rolled her neck and ran her hand around to her spine, rubbing hard to relieve herself of the tension. 
“I’m going to touch everything!” Lyla snarled, an unimpressed look on her face. He was quite full of himself but she had to ride it out. She had to. The man seemed to be too important that if he went missing, there would definitely be some raised eyebrows. 
Her pissed facial expression smoothed into a smirk as she began to walk towards the stars, her hands coming down and pulled her shirt over her head, exposing her bare chest. 
Lyla stopped at the first step and looked back at Kana,”Don’t have too much fun without me, now.” She began walking up the stairs, exposing her back tattoos to Kana before disappearing upstairs. They were a mixture of marks from her incident with the witches in New Orleans, and Hebrew scripture that she made sure of to keep when she regenerated. 
As she made her way to the bathroom, she made sure to take in every detail but made sure to not take too much time diddling around. Lyla washed the dried blood off her breasts and stomach, thanking her creators that it was just blood this time around. She looked over her shirt and sighed. Another shirt ruined. Lyla washed as much as she could out of it before slipping it back on, admiring the cold, wet feeling on her back. 
Lyla walked back downstairs and sighed,”I do appreciate this all.” She said stubbornly, knowing she would have to show some sort of appreciation. He could have easily turned her in but he didn’t. His admiration for death and torture seemed to be the same as her. Fun. 
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Boo || Kana & Lyla
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lilimgabor-blog · 7 years
Kana sighed and shook his head, “most people have a reason to kill someone. Whether they were trained to do it, self defense, or any other reason you can think of.” His nostrils flared as he stood there, before he picked the man up again and started towards the basement door. 
He swung it open and started down the stairs, exhaling sharply at her question, “I’m a mortician. That satisfy you enough?” He smirked but shook his head when his feet were firmly planted on the cool cement floor of the basement, “I might, especially if you keep asking all these damn questions.” 
His nostrils flared again, “why should I tell you when I can show you?” He smirked laying the dead man on a gurney and flipping on the light. The room they stood in was the morgue but there was a wall with a window in it that pointed into another dark room. He moved to turn on the light in that room before stepping back into the morgue of his mortuary. He pointed to the other room, “We’re going to burn him. I have the means to do that and you probably don’t want to go to jail over him, now do you?”
While he ranted about reasons for someone to kill someone, she mocked him -- mouthing every word with rolled eyes. “I’ll stop asking questions the moment you stop rambling about useless things and treating me like a child. Ready to make a deal with the devil?” The last question was a joke but she couldn’t help but scoff at her humor. 
He was oh-so intriguing and the gears turned in her head. “Jail?” Lyla mumbled to herself, unfamiliar with the word. But it sounded fun as well. Everything this man said sounded fun and enticing. Maybe she would keep him around for awhile. Maybe she would experience this jail he was talking about. 
“Um.. sure?” Lyla replied, really wanting to say yes just to see what all the hype was. “Forever in your debt, my prince.” She fluttered her eyelashes at him, finding an empty wall and leaning against it to monitor exactly what he was doing. 
Something about him equally annoyed her but made her skin feel scratchy with desire. She could just feel her teeth aching with anticipation and her claws wanting to come out and play. 
“You should get yourself one of these, y’know. Makes things very interesting if I do say so myself.” Lyla held up her full fingered claw ring, allowing it to shine in the light. “Have a place where a girl can clean herself up?” She asked, looking down at her hands and realizing there was still blood caked onto her breasts and face. 
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Boo || Kana & Lyla
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lilimgabor-blog · 7 years
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lilimgabor-blog · 7 years
His brows furrowed at her question, “No.” Was the only reply she got. He glared at her as she snapped at him. “Fiesty one, huh? So let me guess you just lured this guy out into the forest to have him mauled?” His brow was raised as he started to walk. He nodded at her, “Very true, you would be. I don’t tolerate creatures of any kind.” He cleared his throat seeing the back of his business and pointed to it. “Go there, the door is open.”
He trudged along behind her, letting the guy fall to the floor before he closed the door. “Now, we should get him downstairs to the crematory.” His brows furrowed before he picked the man up again. “Don’t. Touch. Anything.” 
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A simple shrug was Lyla’s answer. “Can a woman not just do that? Does she have to have a reason?” Her face remained straight for half of what she was saying was the truth. Why did someone need a reason to kill someone? Then again that was probably her succubus side talking out loud. 
He answered her curiosity when he admitted he was not a fan of anything but human which made her even more curious as to why? Did he kill them for sport? Ooh~ Maybe he killed them and put them on display! Lyla’s imagination ran wild, causing excitement to build up in her body. 
“Don’t. Touch. Anything.” Lyla’s eyes rolled. She heard women tell their children that as if it was a chore. What fun was that? Anticipation rumbled in her belly as they had stepped into the building, Kana closing the door behind them. 
Crematory? What was that? Lyla narrowed her eyes trying to decipher the word as if her life depended on it but played along. This man was full of surprises and whatever a ‘crematory’ was, she wasn’t doubting it’s glory. 
“Are you an anything?” Lyla asked smoothly, shooting back a smirk as her eyes wandered around the building, taking in every detail and cranny. 
“Are you going to.. hurt me if I do?” Oh that did sound quite exciting. She hadn’t encountered a human male who’s strength seemed to be almost to par with her’s. What a kill that would make. 
Lyla mockingly placed her hands behind her back and linked them together, throwing shade every chance she could get. “Tell me about this crematory.” She stated, following down a hallway closed off by a door, hoping to Samael and Lilith that she was going the right way. 
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Boo || Kana & Lyla
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lilimgabor-blog · 7 years
He closed his eyes at her starting to follow him before stopping in his tracks at her name. “You’re leaving a blood trail straight to my door.” He grumbled shaking his head, “Kana. Now go and kick some dirt around to cover your tracks will I clean up the rest of your mess.” He squatted down and ripped the guys shirt, creating two strips, one for his head and one for the wound on his neck. His brow furrowed as he inspected it. This woman, couldn’t have done all this damage. Not alone, unless she was something other than a woman. He stood up and picked the body up so it wouldn’t leave a drag mark. His finger in her face once she was finally back beside him. “When we get to the mortuary you are going to tell me what helped you or what you are, got it?”  
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Lyla couldn’t help but to roll her eyes at the neurotic human. She felt like a child next to him and she did not like it one bit. But it didn’t matter if she did or didn’t like it - she needed to play along. 
“Kana..” She said, letting it roll off her tongue in one smooth word. Lyla retraced her steps, dragging her feet while continuing to repeat his name with a grin on her face.  “Are you Japanese by any chance?” She called over her shoulder, chuckling. Last she remembered, Kana was a Japanese word for syllabic writing. 
But once she returned to his side, a finger was in her face. Her eyes criss crossed as she looked at the tip and followed the finger all the way back up to Kana’s eyes. “What is with people and sticking their stupid fingers in my face? No wonder animals bite.” She snapped her jaw like a dog trying to bite before shoving his hand out of her face. 
“If I wasn’t human, you’d be dead right now.” She simply stated. But it was true! If she wasn’t holding a cover, she could be over his body, feeding. 
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Boo || Kana & Lyla
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lilimgabor-blog · 7 years
He groaned and shrugged, “Fine. Have it your way.” He grinned, pulling his hand gun and firing a shot into the air. “I suggest you get out of here before the cops, or something worse arrives.” His smirk grew, his brow cocking at her as he stepped closer, “you shouldn’t be out in these woods anyway. You know there are monsters out here.” 
His brows furrowed as he looked her over before scoffing and turning his back to head back to his office. He had work to do and some woman in the forest wasn’t going to keep him from it. He wasn’t dumb about it though. He knew turning his back on anything in this town could be dangerous, so he kept his gun drawn and his senses alert to her. “Good work on that kill, no matter how sloppy it was. Clearly he wasn’t someone I needed to have interest in.” 
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She didn’t flinch at the random gunfire but her eyes closed tightly and reopened with almost anger flaring alive in them. Was he playing her? He definitely reeked of human, almost making her gag but he seemed more than just a human. 
“Play the field, Lilim.” Lyla whispered to herself out of earshot as he turned on his heels and proceeded to walk away. Her stubbornness was fighting with her will to stay alive and clashing together resulted in her letting out a huff. 
“Did I say you were a stranger?” Lyla picked up her pace and caught up to his side, the body still dragging behind her effortlessly. She shot him a side smirk and raised her chin,”Lyla.” She stated her name, her eyes looking at him to hear his reply. She was simply curious now and how did the human phrase go? Curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back? 
She felt like satisfaction would be glorious tonight. But was he her curiosity? Or was he her satisfaction?
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Boo || Kana & Lyla
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lilimgabor-blog · 7 years
Kana had been in the woods hunting more creatures. It was the best way to find a werewolf or a fae but it worked. He wasn’t down to really capture tonight, just hunt, but instead his interest was met with a woman leading a man into the woods. He sat back and listened to them for a while, a smirk on his face when he started to hear it all end. 
He noticed her panic as she heard him making his way closer to her, a grin on his face as he stepped into the moonlight. “I could have shot you woman, and you did that all wrong. People are going to be looking for him. Come on. We can take him to my office and burn him.” He smirked, shaking his head. “You have so much to learn.” 
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Lyla blinked idly at the figure who came across as a man. She couldn’t sense any supernatural blood coursing through his vein which only continued her confusion. But something intrigued her. She would play coy, naive almost if it meant figuring out what exactly was going on. 
Every nerve in her body screamed to rip him to shreds, causing her to stare at him with hunger glowing in her eyes. But it didn’t take her long to play it off as sudden confusion as she looked down at the body who’s hand was still in her’s. She didn’t need his help. What would she need with a man’s help?
It was almost insulting to accept his offer but she couldn’t refuse.. Not while she was bathed in another person’s blood. 
“Woman..” She repeated daringly under her breath. Lyla cocked an eyebrow at the man.. burn him? Office? She tried piecing everything together but her head was pounding, not leaving her any room to take her time. 
“Why would I trust a strange man in the woods? I think the lesson here is to never trust a stranger..” Lyla smirked at her ironic statement, referring to her victim trusting her -- a complete stranger. 
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Boo || Kana & Lyla
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lilimgabor-blog · 7 years
Boo || Kana & Lyla
The day had been long and.. exhausting to say the least. Even though the succubus had been in the town of Spiritvale for roughly five months, she was still trying to get into the swing of things. People were different here compared to the other places she’d visited. Besides human, all she could sense were wet dogs, blood sucking bats, and witchy bitches. 
Call it luck, though, that she was able to find a small cottage on the outskirts of Spiritvale, surrounded by woods and a one way road to the bustling downtown.
The moon hung in the sky with bright, twinkling specks surrounding it. Even though Lyla was a soulless creature, she always admired the creation of a forest. She loved how everything worked together in perfect harmony and survived without the help of pitiful humans -- thus creating it her go-to place to drag her victims. 
Not only was it easy to dispose of the bodies, but it allowed her create as much noise and drama as she pleased. ‘Movies’ the humans called them -- animated pictures that showed dramatic events and stories. Lyla liked to play her tortures like the movies she’d been able to forge from her victim’s empty houses or even in the garbage. 
“You’re a kinky gal, aint’cha?” He was a handsome fellow but oh so empty in the head.. in one of them, at least. Lyla looked back at him and smirked devilishly, securing his answer. “Never been back here ‘fore. Didn’t even know there were woods back’ere.” 
“Well darling, I guess it’s just an exciting night for you, huh?” Lyla said smoothly, keeping her hand in his firmly and taking her time through the forest. “I hope it will get even more interesting.” The man’s voice hushed into her ear as his power overtook her and pushed her against a nearby tree, his body against her’s. “God if the Devil had Angels, then I would think you’d be one.” Lyla brushed off his nonsense statement and allowed his whiskey poisoned mouth to explore her neck. 
Heavy breathing increased as Lyla listened for the man’s heartbeat to hit the limit where he’d be the most fulfilling. Her actions led him to pulling her shirt over her head and forcing her zipper down. “This isn’t fair, darling.” Lyla, with one hard push, pinned the human down on the ground, noticing a small pool of blood beginning to form in the back of his head causing her hunger to grow larger in her throat. “A lil blood never hurt nobody! Jus’ a lil scratch. Besides, there’s plenty of blood going other places.” He exclaimed, trying to regain her attention, his handing trailing hard against her pelvis. 
"Oh doll..” Lyla moaned, guiding his hands up her belly and to her neck, taking his index finger into her mouth and allowing her tongue to do the talking -- never breaking eye contact as the human melted under her legs and growing harder by the second. Lyla’s gums ached and before she knew it, her incisors expanded into the man’s finger, causing him to yelp and retracting his hand. “You bit me!” He shouted, surprised, pushing his hips harder against her. 
She couldn’t help it, tonight -- she was starving. All the missing people reports had left her secluded in her home, hoping to not get stuck in the crossfires. 
Twigs cracked in the distance, making both of them snap out of their love fest to look around. But once the man looked back at his strange lover, his shock was not over for the woman’s eyes glowed a bright yet deep orange. 
“Y-Your eyes!”  “You talk too much, you know that?” “What are you?!” “Oh doll... I’m one of Lucifer’s Angels.” A wicked grin spread across her bloodied lips, exposing her sharpened teeth. The human tried his hardest to throw Lyla off but instead caused her to wrap her hand around his neck, pressing her full finger claw ring into his jugular. “I really thought you were going to be fun.” Lyla whispered, not quite impressed with how her night was going to end. But if someone was in the woods with them, she couldn’t risk exposing herself. 
“Wh-” His words began to gurgle as she pushed her thumb claw into his throat, basking in the blood that splattered onto her porcelain face. Lyla groaned in satisfaction, leaning down to run her tongue along his jaw line and down to her thumb. She would never become full off of just his blood but it would have to do. 
Lyla jolted off the man as his blood began trickling to an end. She pulled her t-shirt back over herself and buttoned her pants, soon grabbing the man’s wrist and dragging him behind her. 
Another rustle spook her, causing her to transform her eyes into her signature cool brown and allowing her teeth to dull back down. It didn’t take long before her trip was stopped by a figure in front of her. 
Police? Supernatural? Whatever it was, it better not be a witch. 
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lilimgabor-blog · 7 years
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Faceclaim:  Angelina Jolie Name: Lilim  “Lyla Gabor” Age: Unknown Species: Succubus  Occupation: Unemployed  How Long Have They Been in Spiritvale?: 5 months
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Birthed by one of four Queens of Demons, Lilith, Lilim came to light in her mother’s shadow. As a true Lilin, she was welcomed among her sisters with open arms while those fathered by human males had noses stuck in the air towards them. Lilim was truly grateful for this opportunity and never ceased to stop worshiping her mother and father, archangel Samael, for allowing her to be such a creature of power.
Lilim took advantage of who she was as she grew older with power and wisdom. Though age was obsolete to the succubi, her sisters and herself were praised as the golden group – they were the fastest of learners and the most obedient, allowing their abilities to ravish the human world with no mercy or trouble at such a young ‘age’.
That was until 1804 in New Orleans, Louisiana when Marie Lavaeu, one of the most famous witches in American history, came across the sisters. Lilim had just reached the beaches of North America after spilling blood in Romania and even spots of Africa when their lives turned upside down in the French Quarter. Marie’s coven descended quickly upon them, sensing the evil seeping from their every move right as the pod of succubi killed more people than the lively town had seen in years.
They captured them and performed rituals on them, exhausting their powers, and cutting them open to see how far the sisters could stretch. Lilim was the only remaining of her sisters when Marie decided to use her as her lab rat. Her spirit was strong and it intrigued Marie how dark the evil soul could really be – needing this information to protect her coven and several others from the new demons spreading their seeds among the land. But Lilim was still a young spirit. She didn’t last too long after the other’s were sent back to their realm.
Lilim was scolded for being so naive as to not sense the witches’ powers on every corner of New Orleans. It divided the sisters, all pointing fingers at one another to save themselves from their creators’ wrath. It laid a path for future succubi and incubi to stay far from one another – realizing if they traveled in groups, they were easier to weed out. You could even say it started wars between them all.
Lilim became a lone wolf, returning the human world to watch and learn from the humans, vowing to never set another foot near her kind again for she was scared what kind of bloodshed of her sisters and brothers would occur. She lived her years by many names, faces, occupations, you name it. But never did she live in the same place for more than a year – always a witch or priest catching onto her coat tails.
Spiritvale became a promising part of the country, though. The people were ever-changing and it made it easy to prey. She settled by the name Lyla Gabor, a name of her favorite victim she had toyed with in Romania, and laid low underneath the shadows of the wicked supernatural who took all the attention off of the newbie.
Lilim sticks to the Afterlife Club to find her victims or even the stray jogger outside near the Lake. She is naive to the invisible rules set in Spiritvale but walks around like she isn’t scared of whatever could come after her. Male tourists who fancy her, send their friends to her home for their sexual fantasies to come true – not knowing she was taking more from them than they of her. But they still come in a steady flow – at least three men a day and maybe the curious female here and there. Though she has her fair share of inhuman clients, she tries to stay to human, not wanting her prey to be contaminated.  
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Like a fox, Lilim is cunning and quick with her words slicker than oil. She wears her sex appeal on her sleeve like any, typical succubus but don’t let that fool you. Though she knows her power and her ability over others, Lilim will play the submissive maiden in distress to distract you from the cold blooded killer lying deeper within. She will break down her walls and manipulate you into thinking you have the upper hand. Days, weeks, and even years if she has to, will pass before she will show her cards and rush in for the kill – always an admirer for theatrical payouts in her murders.
She is wiser and more careful in her tactics than most succubi and incubi she’s encountered but still has much to learn. Lilim can become cowardly and bargain herself into safety if she knows she’s in trouble. Though she is a lover of passion and torture between her and another companion, Lilim hides in the shadows of Spiritvale – only rarely coming out in the daytime to keep eyes off her as a threat. But once the moon comes out and the stars dance in the sky, the cat comes out to play. Lilim flashes a metal talon ring on her right index finger for both pleasure and hunger. Her victims always have a single signature scratch down the right eye, leaving them blind on that side, and even more if the night turns fun. Lilim is not known to kill instantly but to play with her food - finding torture and rough housing makes her feast more fulfilling.
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lilimgabor-blog · 7 years
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“Without pain, there would be no suffering. Without suffering, we would never learn from our mistakes. To make it right, pain and suffering is the key to all windows, without it, there is no way of life.”
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