lilac-buttercup · 3 years
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So pretty
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lilac-buttercup · 3 years
Dancing across my thoughts like a leaf I the cold autumn breeze,crumbling as it danced.
Their taunts worsening slowly, crawling, crumbling and tearing own my walls of self esteem 
Their words as sharp as the knife that could end it all.
self inflicted pain echoing, screaming and crying where my self esteem once stood.
My yearning for death grows an now id welcome death with open arms;
Suicide dancing across my thought like a leaf in the cold autumn breeze, begging me to take a bite.   
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lilac-buttercup · 3 years
Trauma writhes in my mind as tears burn their path down my face carving another memory deeper than before,
Lonlieness ricochetting around like a bullet before finally settling down in my heart, 
Just another tragic memory of neglect and drunken abuse  to replace the others, burning away very inch of self esteem never to be recovered.
Just another mind and just another burden hidden behind a mask yearning for attention and love.
The hole burnt deep into my mind by childhood never to be closed. forever to scathe in the deepest corner of my heart.
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lilac-buttercup · 3 years
The architecture was a disguise
Hiding the cracks and pains of those within.
anachronistic, hidden in plain sight
The pleasures within running through the veins of those who take it
Widening the cracks
The cracks that show through the disguise.
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lilac-buttercup · 3 years
Living hope
Bright buildings all disguising the dull unhappiness of the youth
Copies of churches stand tall in the centre of every town
The same churches that preach hypocrisy
Hypocrisy in sins
A living hope they say
A living hope denouncing all that disagree with their hypocrisy
All sins are equal
Hypocrisy shows in their morals
Polyester and gayness
Both sins yet one is hypocritically accepted by the same people who preach love and acceptance.
Living hope
A hypocritical hope.
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lilac-buttercup · 3 years
Freedom seldom lasts
Just like happiness
Blossoming autumn love separated by distance
An escape from pain and reality
In his arms I am free
From self inflicted pain and abhorrent treatment
Harsh words gone in his arms
An eternity I wish
Freedom seldom lasts
Alas the painful return on nature choking tracks
A return to self inflicted pain and unfair treatment
A broken mind, only to one again to be whole in his arms .
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lilac-buttercup · 3 years
Wallowing in timeless death
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lilac-buttercup · 3 years
Every city is a repeat of the last
Nothing is unique
The dream of a perfect life sold inside the rundown buildings
No freedom under a broken government
All to slave away after the trial of life runs cold
Never to be free, freedom in form is frowned upon ordered to conceive and breathe normality
Skylines far from the truth
As from the first breath we have a limit
A limit on our moral freedom.
(My own)
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lilac-buttercup · 3 years
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I love it, all of it, it's so eloquent and beautiful makes me yearn for a life I never had; one I wish I could be
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lilac-buttercup · 3 years
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lilac-buttercup · 3 years
Beautiful, gracious helpless and indignant
Destroyed and ravenged by the industrial mills, steel, death
Strangling the beautiful automic life of nature
Metal wrapping its claws of death around the heavenly views destroying it
As to never be beautiful again.
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lilac-buttercup · 3 years
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lilac-buttercup · 3 years
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lilac-buttercup · 3 years
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I love this painting, just so dainty
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lilac-buttercup · 3 years
Free textbooks
These are links to free ebooks because we’re broke from paying full tuition for online classes. Just search your textbooks in one of these links and you can download a free PDF version of your textbooks! We love to pirate textbooks and save hundreds of dollars. :D 
http://slader.com (for textbook answers)
Please share this with your fellow classmates because we love to save $$. Help a friend! This is totally legal.
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lilac-buttercup · 3 years
A dark young silver mist dancing across the moors,
A past once left unable to be taken again, a life now unloved
Rolling along, across the broken hills, the mist blurring reality
A reality now needed; shattered blinded by mist choices unknown
mist of choices dancing across a mind clouding, dampening, darkening the eye
0 notes
lilac-buttercup · 3 years
Sleepless nights
Rows assault the ears of the young
Lying awake the silent victims of the assault,
Never stopping, never ending
The perifidy of the words hurled through the air etch into the mind
Painful, scaring, incapacitating
Flashes of old time hurt remembered;
Even after the aging clock hit thirteen
Words and acts burnt, embered
Festering untold in the mind
Those who lay awake the silent unheard pain will not be heard
Considered; or even stopped,
A call unable to be found within the insomnia,
Lying awake at night; the young children fear
Womans cries pierce the air, defense unheard; a moronic refusal of the truth from the her words to her partner
Gaslight just like the evening street lights;
Lit like a candle, one seen on many romantic nights,
To cover the insufferable words thrown at nights; the door remains bolted shut
Children used; like wood planks nailed to further suffice, to further trap
To further harm,
A false sense of love, mentally unstable
Loose hurtful understanding,
A wrong upbringing, a never changing view on women and their role
His inability to understand the woman's lifelong hurt,
The hurt the oldest of the children slowly start to feel,
As they once before the aging clock of thirteen hit were the subject of the mans hate, in forms of discipline which formed who they are,
A version of themself forever hurt never to forget.
The children lay in bed as the incapacitating words are thrown,
Mechanism to cope turning like cogs; a system,
Once again in motion.
Rarely able to find the words to help them cope,
As the rows of assault hit their young ears,
A result of all,
Sleepless nights
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