Okay- I haven't been on this blog in FOUR MONTHS! Oh my gosh! I'm horrible!! But I have major news! Well it's kind of sad but i haven't been working at all since I went back to school. Haven't gone running, biking, or even gone to the gym! BUT BUT BUT I stepped on the scale for the first time since summer and I have LOST 10 POUNDS!!!!!!! Holy Balls. I am under 200.  I haven't been under 200 in SO LONG. I think I just found my inspiration for starting back up again!
Send me a message, let me know how you've been doing! I'd love to hear from all of you!!
Much love.
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My friend fucked up my hair..
I can't look in a mirror without sobbing.. I go back to school in 4 days. fml
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Saw my roomate the other day..
and she noticed that I have been losing weight! I've only lost 12 pounds this summer but that is quite the accomplishment for me! I found that at the beginning of the summer I was hard core into losing weight but once my summer classes start I took it down a notch and just let it happen.  
Twelve pounds was only half of what I wanted to lose- but hey, 12 pounds is better than 0 pounds or even gaining.
12 pounds closer to the person I will become. 
So here's to the summer that changed my life for the better.
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I suck.
So I've been slacking hella bad. Life has been crazy- working 40+ hours a week, busting my ass for my summer classes and having major family issues. Good excuses but none the less excuses. My summer classes are almost over and therefore summer is- I would love to lose 10 more pounds before I go back to school so hopefully I can make that happen. No more eating out and I need to start going on my nightly runs again! I can do thisssssss!! At least I haven't gained any weight during my slacking! So here we go...again.
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Just went for a run- now my legs aren't too happy with me. wtw. ughhhhhh
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Don't reblog this, take a screenshot and keep it going :) 
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I hate pms-ing. sooo hungry all the effing time plus my weight is constantly fluctuating. what the what. Ah well. How's everyone doing tonight?
Much love.
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I wish we could all find acceptance.
Within ourselves and others. Life would be so much easier.
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I'm stuck.
Been floating around 209 and 211 for the past week or two. My summer just got super busy and I haven't had too much time to workout and I always eat so horribly at work. Soo gotta shape up- gonna start running everyday starting wednesday! and NO MORE FRIED FOOD. rahhh! Wish me luck! How is everyone else doing?
Much love.
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Over 200 followers!
Woop Woop! Ya'll rock! Sorry I've been MIA that past few days- went camping! It was loads of fun but now I'm hella sunburnt! Hope I lost a few pounds from all the sun and running around! How is everyone doing tonight? Much love. 
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Not going for a run tonight.
I'm too tired- I feel kind of guilty. but ah well! How is everyone doing tonight?
Much love.
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Went for a run in the nasty ass weather- sweated my ass off! Thats a good sign- felt really good about the run but feeling pretty gross now. Definitely having some leg cramps. Blah.
How is everyone doing this evening? Much love.
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I'm sooo hungry tonight. wtf is going on. ugh
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Been feeling pretty low these past few days.  I Just feel like a chunk and I hate it. Sorry I haven't been posting much lately- life has been hella hectic. But I'm back now, so now worries. Hope all is well.
Much love.
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It's my birthday today.
I'm going to eat what I please. The big 20- wow. I beat teen pregnancy! Woop Woop.
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you are beautiful, and you inspire me. :)
Aww, thank you! You're so nice! :)
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Just updated the prog blog!
Have the password? Check it out!!! Don't have the password? Send me an ask! :)
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