librarythatsfun · 5 hours
spotify is raising prices again here's the apk that gives you premium for free
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librarythatsfun · 17 hours
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great heavens i haven't posted in a while
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librarythatsfun · 1 day
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librarythatsfun · 1 day
Realised strange nerd is an anagram of transgender and my life suddenly got better
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librarythatsfun · 1 day
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peeper vs the perspective
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librarythatsfun · 1 day
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Happy Pride month!!!! New hyperfixation drop too
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librarythatsfun · 1 day
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librarythatsfun · 1 day
be kind to kids (yes, this includes teenagers) who identify as nonhuman, otherkin, fictionkin, therian, alterhuman, or a furry. they are living their life the way that makes sense to them. they don't deserve an "i told you so" if they grow out of identifying that way later on. they don't deserve to be asked "aren't you too old for that now?" they don't deserve to be laughed at and mocked online. children forming a wolf pack aren't hurting anyone. kids who want to meet other kids who identify as nonhuman aren't embarrassing.
kids need a sense of community no matter who they are. kids deserve the right to identify their own feelings. kids are allowed to express parts of themselves adults find "embarrassing". adults are allowed to do all of these things, too, but it's become routine for folks online to mock literal children for embarrassing behavior.
identifying as an animal isn't embarrassing; what is embarrassing is being an adult and picking on literal children. who cares, it's not hurting a singular soul. let them explore identity in ways that make sense to them. identifying as nonhuman isn't a danger to anyone else. they aren't hurting themselves. let them identify as a nonhuman and explore what that means to them. let them live their lives.
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librarythatsfun · 1 day
AITA for stealing a kid's screwdriver?
Let me lay down the basics: I'm trapped in a nasty, decrepit, otherworldly hotel.
To escape, I worked out a deal with the Grim Reaper to collect disembodied souls and return them to him so they can pass on. In exchange, he'll help me leave.
The hard part is that the souls are being held by all of the other guests of the hotel, who are weird monsters. The souls didn't originally belong to them, though. From what I've overheard while eavesdropping, they were stolen, first from their original owners and then from someone else who was collecting them (the hotel manager's mother, I think?)
Well, I had stolen back most of the lost souls (and made lots of enemies in the process). My next targets were this old guy and his son. I'll call them Senior and Junior.
Senior (50-60M) and Junior (8-12M) both have clocks for heads. From what I've learned, Senior is a master of controlling the flow of time... but he's also getting up there in years, and his body sometimes fails him. His son is training as his apprentice, and whenever his dad breaks down, Junior uses his screwdriver to fix him up.
Between the two of them, Junior is the one that held the soul. However, I couldn't steal it as long as Senior was out and about. He's really strong. He can even stop time! I figured out that if I wanted to get the soul, I had to find a way to stop Junior from repairing Senior, then take Senior out of the picture so I could snatch the soul.
So, naturally, my plan of action involved stealing Junior's screwdriver. He called Senior to take it back, and I ran. Have you ever tried to run from someone who can stop time? It's terrifying. Somehow, I was still conscious as my body froze. And the minute it was over, I had to start sprinting again. After a few time stops, Senior's body gave out.
But, when I went to Junior to steal the soul, he started... pleading. He said that the screwdriver was really important to him, and that he would give me the soul if I just gave it back.
I took the deal, and got the soul back to Death. But afterwards, I couldn't help but feel guilty about what I'd done.
Still, even though they don't have ill will, these two were still keeping an innocent soul from passing on. I know how it felt when I was holding onto an extra soul — it feels like your body is flooded with a warm sense of hope. But that's not an excuse to keep them trapped for your own gain, right? These lost souls aren't too different from me in this hotel...
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librarythatsfun · 1 day
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Happy pride
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librarythatsfun · 2 days
if you are the type of person to tell a girl to stop driving around with an adult sized plastic skeleton strapped into the backseat of her car do not imagine even for one second that you could ever score a girl who would drive around with an adult sized plastic skeleton in the backseat of her car
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librarythatsfun · 2 days
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librarythatsfun · 2 days
Can we get your opinion on this
my opinion is that i am doing this to you in my mind
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librarythatsfun · 2 days
Genuinely, I don’t know how else to get the word out, but I feel like if your home-cooked dinners don’t taste right, you're missing either paprika, sugar, butter, or chicken bouillon.
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librarythatsfun · 2 days
*looks up at you with the biggest wettest eyes and asks you very nicey if I can please please please please please bite the shit out of your hands and fingers
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librarythatsfun · 2 days
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it’s been ten years
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librarythatsfun · 2 days
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