lhmoonbin · 4 years
┊. the bloom of friendship
@illh !!
moonbin wasn’t nervous. he really wasn’t !! surprisingly enough, he was able to separate a silly crush from the need to make sure his best friend didn’t sense the way he obviously felt very awkward around people he liked, even in the slightest bit. once again, he didn’t think it was very fitting to classify the admiration he felt towards the attractive delivery guy as a crush, but his bank account said otherwise ( he wasn’t even that big of a fan of chicken ). 
it was already nerve-wrecking enough to have small talk with the guy when he came over to deliver food to moonbin, but thankfully it had gotten easier with time to deal with it. when you notice your crush is a friend of your best friend’s, you have to learn how to not look like a nervous mess around them, especially on group gatherings like the one they were supposed to have that day. 
moonbin already had il sitting on his couch, having offered moonbin a ride to the movies, where they were all supposed to meet, but after a few attempts at reaching soseol, the older let them know he was unfortunately busy doing something else, which was just great. 
what the hell was he supposed to do alone with il ?? a few things went through his mind, but moonbin scratched all of them. bad brain !!
moonbin tried to ignore how screwed he actually was as he turned around to face il again, an apologetic smile making its way to his lips when he clutched his phone harder in one hand. he was overly aware of the way the other male stuck out like a sore thumb in his tiny apartment, obviously not looking like he belonged there, but thankfully it was easy to ignore. ❝ um... seol just told me he can’t make it to the movies tonight ❞, he ended up speaking out, hating how awkward he still sounded. ❝ so i guess it’s just the two of us... unless you wanna reschedule !! i’ll totally understand. ❞
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lhmoonbin · 4 years
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lhmoonbin · 4 years
┊. stalker trouble
@lhyohan​ !!
like usual, whenever moonbin got done with busking for the night, it was pretty late already and he was absolutely starving. it wasn’t a surprise, of course, given that moonbin spend hours singing to a fluctuating crowd, unable to take a quick break to eat anything because that would disperse his listeners even more. and even if busking wasn’t his main source of income, it still made pretty good money, given that he stayed until people started going home ( which was indeed pretty late ). that’s why he found himself walking through the aisles of a grocery store close to his place, wanting to buy any snacks that were cheap and easy to eat, taking in the current state of his stomach.
tiredness was also taking over him, and it was hard to keep in a yawn every once in a while, forcing its way up until moonbin let it out, a hand covering his mouth in a pathetic attempt to hide it. it wasn’t even like anyone would see him anyway, from how late it was and the fact that the store was basically deserted at that point. he was walking through the aisles with his gaze fixed on the shelves, basket in hand almost full and he was pretty sure he had blown his price limit at that point, but he really was needing to do groceries after all. it was only when moonbin turned to get into another aisle when he saw him. 
the familiar face was haunting, in a way, because he couldn’t remember ever having talked properly to that guy, but for some reason he kept seeing him everywhere. no matter where he went, he was always there and his whole persona and posture made moonbin feel nervous. something about him felt eerie, but maybe that was because he had a slight suspicion that that guy had been stalking him. it was a possibility !!
eyes widening a bit, moonbin looked the other way immediately, picking up the closest item he saw on the shelf in front of him and pretending to look at its package. it was pretty obvious though that he was just doing it for the sake of avoiding any interactions or confrontation, since soon enough he realized he had been reading through the specifications of a big package of overnight pads. fuck.
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lhmoonbin · 4 years
┊. daytime nightmare
@lhsoseol​ !!
usually, moonbin would avoid visiting seoul as much as possible. the place brought back all sorts of memories that he would rather keep stashed away inside his brain, with absolutely no way of getting out. one could call such a behavior as “radical” or anything like that, but moonbin himself liked to think of it as caution. it was better to be cautious in a situation in which he could potentially hurt himself. shouldn’t everybody look out for themselves ? well, apparently moonbin didn’t care enough, since he had agreed to this crazy plan suggested by soseol.
it’s not like his presence was mandatory for the older male to be able to travel to seoul. moonbin was positive he would do it anyway, but being his best friend, of course soseol would bug him to come for company. company ! moonbin had the light suspicion that soseol just liked to watch him get all spooked over the minimal things. he supposed it should be like a visual horror novel for him, just like the ones he wrote, yet like this moonbin was the protagonist and... it wasn’t very fun. 
he had never imagined he would willingly follow soseol on a long ass drive to seoul just to stand in front of an abandoned, supposedly haunted, building. it looked scary even from a distance, and moonbin wondered if it would seem lame if he already clung onto his friend’s arm for protection. the worst part was that he was curious about it all. stepping back so that soseol was ahead of him, the scene would be funny if it wasn’t tragic ( for moonbin ). ❝ you go first. ❞
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lhmoonbin · 4 years
┊. ups & downs
@lhdoyoon​ !!
the next time moonbin thinks it will be a good idea to come up with a fun little bet with doyoon during work hours just to pass the time, he very much hopes someone will stop him. anyone, really. he’s not picky. the idea that he was the one suggesting that whole ordeal and basically digging out his own grave was still settling inside his mind, so for now he would like to think that doyoon had been the culprit behind all of that. sure. why not ?
now, sitting at a fancy and way too expensive hotel bar, ready to have drinks with someone who was supposedly a good friend of his, moonbin found himself worrying about his bank account. oh, his poor bank account... it already suffered so much. but he couldn’t back down after having been the one to suggest the bet in the first place. he should just accept things as they were and tell himself that doyoon had indeed sold more that night, and he wasn’t at fault for having such an expensive taste. moonbin didn’t even like drinking that much !
❝ so... ❞, he started after taking the first sip of his overly priced aperol spritz, which wasn’t even that good. ❝ i hope you know this was a one time thing. you won’t win next time. ❞
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lhmoonbin · 4 years
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lhmoonbin · 4 years
┊. ego quarrel
@lhkyungmi !!
when you work for a long time in the same place, it gets easy after a while to single out who are the nice clients and who you wouldn’t want to piss off on a good day. moonbin thankfully didn’t have many incidents with clients, since he thought of himself as an excellent employee ( there wasn’t even denying that, and his sales could be enough proof that he wasn’t lying ). maybe it was a bit sad to have been working part-time in the same place for years now, but it’s become something moonbin knew how to do, so why bother trying to learn something else when he was already so good at his job ? he’d worry about that some other time, if he ended up getting fired for any stupid reason. he tried his best not to give his superiors any.
of course, there’s also the fact that sometimes it’s not a good day for moonbin himself. he hates not being in the mood for acting nice and perhaps even flirting with the customers to try to get them to make up their minds about buying that one perfume they’ve been so in doubt about buying. that was moonbin’s job, and he hated when things didn’t go his way. that day was a clear and unfortunate example of such.
as soon as he saw the familiar figure who had walked through the front door of the store, moonbin cursed lowly under his breath. he was the only employee around at the moment, and it would be pretty rude to leave a customer waiting to be tended to. moonbin wasn’t looking to get fired after so long, so he quickly fixed the pink apron wrapped around his waist and walked closer to the girl, trying to shut out all possible thoughts of how similar she was to another certain someone in his life to be able to offer her a polite enough smile ( obviously fake ). ❝ hello, welcome to etude house ! how can i help you today ? ❞
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lhmoonbin · 4 years
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HELL O FRIENDS !!! IM SO EXCITED THIS IS FINALLY OPENING WOWOWOW Ok so hey hehe my name is fox (she/her), i’m 21 and in the gmt-3 timezone (so it’s likely i’ll be on here when most of you are asleep.... rip) and this is my baby seok moonbin!!! for starters, i’ll already tell you that he’s a very broke 23-year-old artsy boy who just wants to live his own life lmaooo you can find his detailed background and everything HERE, and his stats HERE, while under the cut i’ll basically sum everything up if you’re also like me and have the attention span of a fruit fly :> anygay i’ll also leave some possible connections here and !! that’s it?? HFJDSHFS pls like this if you want to plot and i’ll slide in ur dms k thx BYE
tw: mentions of underage alcohol and drug use, violence, anxiety/depression
background !!
moonbin was born in may 16th 2003 in busan so he’s 23 and a taurus baby <3
his birth was long awaited by his parents since they had been trying for a while, and a year after he was born they also had another boy
they moved to seoul when the two were still kids bc of his father being promoted
moony’s brother, jaesung, was always his best friend. they did everything together, played together, went to school together (their mom even sent them into school at the same time for their sake, so moonbin got into school 1 year late)
still, they had their differences, what with likes and dislikes, mostly bc jaesung was always more studious and straight to the point when moonbin was more imaginative, creative, easily distracted and loved everything that had to do with art
their parents disapproved of moonbin’s choices, since they wanted both of their sons to get jobs that could take them all kinds of places
everything stayed pretty much the same until they got into high school, where they were finally separated into different classrooms and jaesung’s behavior started changing bc of the people he started hanging out with, what one would call “the wrong crowd”; alcohol, drugs and too late night outs became something normal to him
it was pretty obvious that moonbin was left behind by his own brother, and he had to find his own friends, which were much more inviting towards him
jaesung started acting cold to moonbin even at their own home, and it didn’t stop there. as their high school years passed by, moonbin graduated and had to start working right away to be able to save enough money for college; his parents had way too much on their shoulders, since jaesung was suffering from anxiety and depression and had no intention of fixing that, only digging himsel deeper into the mess he was in and getting held back a few years in school
eventually, jaesung got so lost within himself that he ended up getting locked up after attacking both a random guy at a party and the officer who came over to separate them, and in his drunken state only made things worse for himself. that assured him more than ten years in prison, with a fee high enough to make his parents unsure if it was really possible to get him out
this happened when moonbin had just been accepted into college, and while the natural thing for him would be to just stay and help his parents out during such tough times, moonbin got easily affected by his friends and other people’s comments all the time, about his brother and how jaesung was in jail and simply associating moonbin to the person his brother was. it seemed so much easier to just go away and pretend like the life he lived up until he got into college didn’t exist, so that’s exactly what he did
if you ask him, moonbin will either deny he actually has a brother or disgard the family topic as a whole; he likes to think he’s detached himself from the reality he used to live in, so dependent of someone who so easily forgot about him
personality + extras !!
moonbin has always been very cheery and friendly, but before it was in a way more muted way than nowadays, since he doesn’t feel like he depends on anyone else to be around a crowd of people anymore
he always tries to make friends w everyone and likes to feel included when people remember him and such :>
at a party, moonbin is the kind of friend that everyone thinks is drunk when in reality he’s the only sober one lmao he rly only likes wine,, sometimes
moonbin is REALLY sensitive when it comes to things that dont concern his own personal emotions only. like for example.. he might cry during an argument about food or during any kind of movie lol maybe even in the middle of singing songs
very imaginative, often times has his head up in the clouds lmao also can be caught anywhere sketching in his little trusty journal, but he prefers painting over drawing anyway
another place he’s seen in is etude house, where he part-times and despite popular opinion, he actually thinks the pink uniform fits him quite well
ALSO he busks sometimes wherever ppl will have him !! he’s quite confident in his singing voice as well as his drawing/painting skills so thankfully he can also make a little bit of money from that (if u havent noticed, he’s broke)
wanted connections !!
ppl that study with him, study partners, someone that is tutoring him with a subject he cant quite focus in?? he’s not that studious lmao
a best friend??? someone who understands him and is able to crack him easily? he’s not very open to others about emotions and such, so it’d be nice to have that
he’s from seoul, so .. people who knew him back then? so like. high school friends, exes, enemies, all of that good shit
one sided crushes?? from him or on him, doesnt matter. maybe ur muse keeps visiting etude house only to swoon over moonbin dressed in pink.,, or he justs looks up to your muse and calls it a crush even if he knows it’s probably nothing too much
some deeper platonic relationships...
hook ups!! friends w benefits !!! all the romantic plots!!!
someone pls pls PLS give this boy a muse !!!!! doesn’t even have to be romantic but just like. maybe he saw your muse around one day and thought ‘OH shit wtf whos that person who’s suddenly given me an inspiration boost’ and proceeds to want to draw them at all times.. maybe even asks them to paint / draw them in person <3 could lead to more or not
idk maybe some enemies?? or ppl who dont like him? he doesnt rly drink or do any kinds of drugs (he’s traumatized by his brother) so idk maybe ur muse is rly into that stuff and got into an argument w moonbin about how he should live a little??? and moonbin got mad?? idk lmao
someone who’s seen moonbin busking a few times and just cant get enough of his voice.. his first “fan” :)
overall, just give my baby some friends pls <3
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lhmoonbin · 4 years
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lhmoonbin · 4 years
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lhmoonbin · 4 years
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richard siken, war of the foxes / little women (2019) dir. greta gerwig
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lhmoonbin · 4 years
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#when you’re broke af
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lhmoonbin · 4 years
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lhmoonbin · 4 years
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lhmoonbin · 4 years
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lhmoonbin · 4 years
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busan guy
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lhmoonbin · 4 years
if it makes you happy, it’s not a waste
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