letsfallintosirens · 7 years
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CAUSE I SERIOUSLY NEEDED SOMETHING LIKE THIS WHEN I WAS YOUNGER. I HOPE THIS HELPS YOU GUYS. Don’t forget that drinking plenty of water and tea, eating a healthy diet and daily exercise will make a HUGE difference with your complexion.  Touching your face frequently is also a big no-no.  Everyone’s skin is different, so experiment with your own treatment routines and find what best suits you!!  I think this is a topic that’s almost taboo to talk about, but everyone has it, so we might as well help each other out with what we’ve found successful, right!?
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letsfallintosirens · 7 years
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letsfallintosirens · 8 years
I legit was a tree in my highschool play. No joke.
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letsfallintosirens · 8 years
My cat is and asshole. That is all.
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letsfallintosirens · 8 years
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Yup, I love it #blue #hair #Yus #color #standout #loseyourmind #happy
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letsfallintosirens · 8 years
Men are so fuckin weak dude I swear. Women are out there grindin like nothing’s wrong while bleeding out of their vaginas 7 days a month, cramps so bad we can barely function, pushing a human out of our hoohas, taking pills that fuck with our horomones just so you can hit it raw and you have the damn nerve to judge the size of our hips that have birthed the civilizations of the world like they were made to be admired by you? No. Next time you get flicked in the balls I don’t wanna hear u talk about how it’s so much harder being a man. Damn. Shout out to women. Don’t let men tell you shit.
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letsfallintosirens · 8 years
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Every god damn day... ~ #forgiveness #respect #wonder #dont #dontdoit #sleepless #countless #countlesstimes #deservebetter #loseyourself #loseyourmind ~
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letsfallintosirens · 8 years
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I'm sorry I'm broken
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letsfallintosirens · 8 years
Don't you hate when you get a cold but it's not like a full blown
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letsfallintosirens · 8 years
There's never enough food or sleep.
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letsfallintosirens · 8 years
You hurt me. No, you didn’t hurt me, you fucking destroyed me. I know you hate to see me cry but god damn it what else do you want me to do? My heart was in pieces before. I thought I could trust you when you said you would help fix it and make sure it never broke again. Well you shattered it and now I’m the one who has to walk on the broken glass. Can you really blame me for not believing a word you say anymore? You always told me to live with the mistakes I’ve made, so now it’s time for you to take your own harsh words. Live with what you’ve done.
- The Things I Wish I Could Say
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letsfallintosirens · 8 years
No music is how we decorate the crippling silence.
Art is how we decorate space; music is how we decorate time.
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letsfallintosirens · 8 years
I dont see the problem here
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letsfallintosirens · 8 years
sorry i’m depressing, it’s the depression
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letsfallintosirens · 8 years
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When you get bored and feel like being artistic, this happens ~ #galaxy #colour #art #artist #itried #edit #edits #itriedtobeartsy #itriedthough
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letsfallintosirens · 8 years
me: *deletes fucking everything off my phone*
phone: your storage is almost full
When you delete things off of a mobile device (like a phone or digital camera), the file goes to your phone’s recycle bin (just like on a desktop computer or laptop), typically an invisible folder named .trashes or .trash. There, it continues to take up the same amount of memory storage as it did before you ‘deleted’ it. To empty your mobile device’s recycling bin, plug your phone into your desktop or laptop via USB as a memory device, right click on your desktop/laptop’s recycling bin/trash, and tell it to empty your recycling bin/empty trash. Your computer will empty all .trash/.trashes folders, including the one on your phone, actually deleting the files permanently this time, freeing up your phone/camera’s memory space. Reblog to save a life.
(I know this works on MAC with my Andriod, it’s not too far a stretch to do the same on Windows and/or with other phones as well. In fact, it should be easier to do on Windows since Windows Explorer is more conducive to finding hidden folders.)
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letsfallintosirens · 8 years
Reblog if you're shorter than 5'8.
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