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Arizona Republican Kelli Ward and one of her staffers accused John McCain of announcing that he was about to die at a time that would harm their campaign. Veteran Arizona TV reporter Brahm Resnik shared tweets between the staffer and Ward herself, in which they bantered about the timing of McCain’s announcement that he was dying. “I wonder if John McCain’s trying to steal attention from Ward’s bus tour by announcing his life is coming …
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This guy right here is disgusting. The fact he lawyered up and is now making excuses and spinning a new story for having “date raped” a woman is terrible. I’m not buying his spin and see him for exactly who and what it is, a RAPIST! Own up to what you’ve done! Then and ONLY then can forgiveness begin.
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Family Cell Phone Plan
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I’ve been on a family cell phone for a number of years, and to be honest, it sucks butt. I take that back, there is no need to insult butts.
Anyway, it sucks because no one ever pays the bill on time (including me), so we always have a balance. Every single month, without fail, I have to make a payment arrangement to accommodate everyone’s pay schedule. Absolutely ridiculous. What's wrong with us? It's not like we don’t know when the bill is due and we all make good money. I’m over it. Shit is LTA.
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Why do we have to deal with people who still see color?
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All the photos are LTA, but damn funny!
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Less Than Attractive
1 min
Why do people like this exist? This bullshit is definitely LTA.
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