lepetitapt · 8 years
Covetable Conversions
I've been obsessed with the idea of a multi-purpose spare room for years now. So when we moved to the East Bay where we could actually maybe sort of possibly have an extra bedroom, I could not wait to get my designing paws on it and create the most stylish and efficient room possible!
If we were going to move across the country, we wanted to have a mi casa es su casa policy so that our family and friends could visit at any time and not have to worry about shelling out additional cash money on a hotel room. Airfare is expensive enough! So... who wants to come stay at the Saccullo Hotel?
Working from home, I am what they call "environmentally sensitive". (Read: I become listless and unresponsive without the proper amount of sunny sun coming through the windows at all times). Not only does working from a dark space make me die a little bit inside, but I also really cannot do my job in the dark. I need to see what paint colors and fabrics actually look like in order to properly design for my clients. Natural light is so imperative to my work that it led me to rent out an office space back in NYC due to dim conditions in our old apartment.
But dim no more! This naturally lit beauty of a third bedroom in our new home has allowed me to have a bright and airy yet cozy working set up. But wait! We'll get to that. Back to where it all began - the mood board.
I had to be strategic with this room. I wanted it to feel warm and welcoming as a guest room, but not too prim and proper. It also had to function on a daily basis as an office (we'll get to it) where I could spread out fabrics and samples along the floor, maybe take a little break from my creative crunch time with a nap on the daybed Don Draper style. Old Fashioned, anyone?
Also, if some day, one day, another little one came waddling into the picture and we hadn't found our forever home yet (real estate is cray-cray out here!), this room would need to easily convert to Miss Avery Etta's Big Girl Room. Every aspect of the room, from the paint color (Benjamin Moore White Wisp) to the furniture, to the playful, somewhat girly art above the bed was chosen with these potential conversions in mind. We could easily swap her adorable aztec style rug (see "I've Got the Blues Part 1 ) with this striped rug. Even the sheets in the guest room would work for her. We would just need to switch out the duvet cover and accessories for her own, maybe repurpose these vintage brass tables (two of my favorites, gifted to us by my in-laws) and poof! Big Girl room.
The bed (which converts easily into a king size bed - whaaa? IKEA - you are doing it righttt) and bookcases boast a total of six storage drawers. That's a six-drawer dresser right there! #spacesaving. I love that the two bookcases + daybed = the exact length of our wall, give it a "built-ins-for-less" feeling. It was a little nerve wracking, since it was literally down to the 1/4". But it fit! It fit! Good to know I actually know how to work a tape measure.
Here is a pic of the room recently converted for guests:
If you're even a tad bit observant you'll notice that not everything on the mood board ended up in the room, and not everything in the room was on the mood board. Totally okay, people! That's what a mood board is all about. It's just a starting point for an "evolving process", as I like to call it. 
I created the mood board after visiting the house once in a whirlwind rainy weekend trip (blamed on El Nino). After we moved in, I was up late one night unpacking. By late I mean like 1 am. Sadly this is often when I do my best work! (Explains the coffee obsession). Everyone is sleeping, so I can finally hear myself think.
So, I was throwing stuff into the spare room which was acting more like a storage unit for those first few days. And a little lightbulb went off in my head. Ding! The walk-in closet off of the guest room had a window. A window! It already had shelves, and measured about 6'x6'. By NYC standards, this was nothing short of a Fourth Bedroom.
So, voila! It became my office:
I know, I know, it's taking away a closet. But it became evident to me that this was the room's purpose. As the Fourth Bedroom, it can be behind a closed door, completely separate from the guest room. Or not.  Depending on the day, depending on the current needs.
But where do guests hang their fancy frocks, you might ask? And what if Avery moves to this room? She won't have a closet?! Oh, don't worry, I got it covered! There's a spot in the guest room where I'm going to put this mirrored wardrobe to allow for hanging and additional storage. Ikea, I love you! And I'm not above you.
Anyways, the room is almost complete. I'll share more updates with you as they come along. And that is my little story about our library convertible woman den convertible guest bedroom convertible office convertible big girl room. I just love packing a big punch into a small space!
Below, a round up some more of my favorite covetable conversions. What's your fav?
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lepetitapt · 8 years
Just for Fun
For those of you who know me well, you know that I'm obsessed with photography and Instagram. I've often referred to myself as a frustrated photographer. I've joked that maybe in a previous life, I was a photographer (or a florist, but that's for another blog post!). 
There are a few big walls left in le petit townhome that are just calling for some fun framed photography. Particularly the hallways. And in the spirit of saving money and keeping in mind our current home is just a rental, (although I think art is a wonderful investment that can work in any home you may move to if you truly love it!) I had the idea of doing a gallery wall of my favorite Instagram prints, like you see in the inspo pic above. 
I like the layout of nine prints. Since our walls are beige, I'm thinking maybe white frames will look best.
Or maybe even a classic darker wood for some sophisticated contrast. 
And for the nine pics, I'm thinking these:
These were all taken by Yours Truly in my travels across the US, and just every day life living and working back in NYC. By looking back at my Instagram feeds, it's obvious that I am inspired by travel, city architecture and colorful culture. I wanted to do a little sampling that shows that and selected photos with some meaning and memory to always remind us where we came from and where we may be heading. 
Don't worry - there's more where this came from! Just for fun, I've added a little photography portfolio on the website. You can view it here.  
Sooo, what do you think? Should I use the nine I've listed above, or should I switch some out? Light or dark frames? Tell me tell me! By far the hardest project is always decorating for myself. 
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lepetitapt · 8 years
Today is packing and shipping day at le petit a.p.t. So there will be lots of doors opening and closing, slamming, lots of racket going on inside (sorry, neighbors!). It's sort of like what has been going on in my head recently! But then, soon enough, there will be silence. So crazy how quickly it can all happen! (Five hours, apparently?). 
During these past few weeks (and for many future weeks!) as I transition my design business from being NYC based to being Bay Area based, it has been emotional to leave behind projects and clients who have been so wonderful and supportive!
One in particular really made my day when she shared this writing with me. It had helped her with a cross-country move in the past, and she was kind enough to think of me and pass it along. It came to me at a particular time of chaos and was extremely soothing and reassuring to read. It's a great metaphor to live by. Not only for moving but for going through any type of transition or life change. 
So, in the spirit of sharing, I wanted to pass along this along to you, in hopes that it may help you pass through any doors in which you might be lingering on the threshold!
Walking Through When Doors Open
When a door opens, walk through it. Trust that the door has opened for a reason and you have been guided to it. Sometimes we have a tendency to overanalyze or agonize over the decision, but it is quicker to simply go through the door and discover what's there as that's the only way to know. Even if it doesn't seem right at first, opening this door may lead to another door that will take us where we need to go.  Doors open when the time is right for us to enter a new space, metaphorically speaking, and we can have faith that walking through is the right thing to do. Sometimes we linger in the threshold because we are afraid of leaving our old life for a life we know nothing about. We may have voices inside of our heads that try to hold us back or people in our lives saying discouraging things. These voices, internal and external, are known as threshold spirits, and they express all the fears and doubts that arise at the beginning of a new life. Nevertheless, none of these voices can hold us back, and they will fall silent as soon as we cross the threshold.  There are many doors that open in the course of our lives, leading us into new relationships, jobs, friendships, and creative inspirations. Our lives up to this point are the result of all the doors we have walked through, and our continued growth depends on our willingness to keep moving into new spaces. Every time we walk through an open door, we create a sense memory that encourages us to move into the new fearlessly. When we enter the new space, we almost always feel a thrill and a new feeling of confidence, in ourselves and in the universe. We have stepped across the threshold into a new life.
This was originally seen on DailyOm.com, and can be found here. 
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lepetitapt · 8 years
The Latest Losers
I've been receiving a lot of compliments lately on my business and how well it looks like it's going. Thank you! It is going well for only having been in business a little over a year.
But I'm here today to share with you that it doesn't always go well. You think this only because I have been sharing the utmost positives with you via social media, blogs and newsletters. Truth is, it's not always rainbows and butterflies here over at LS Interiors! There are often times when I put a great deal of time, thought and effort into designs, and they never come to fruition. 
It's okay. This is an example of when the (design) life hands you lemons and you make lemonade. These carefully crafted digital renderings that I have put together for potential clients on Laurel and Wolf have not gone to waste, because I can share them here with you!
This happens not only in the digital design world but also in the flesh. Sometimes you put together a proposal or a design for a potential client, and for one reason or another it just ends up not working out. It's all part of the process. Ya win some, ya lose some!
But. The sensitive soul and perfectionist that I am, I'm still learning how to take this in stride.
And it's honestly therapeutic just sharing it here with you. There are a lot of things you just can't control. You can give it your all and sometimes your all just isn't enough. It just means that it wasn't meant to be and there will be something better out there in the long run. 
Anyone else out there feel me? This applies not only to interior design and business owning but life in general! Things aren't always as shiny perfect as they look on someone's Instagram feed. You never know what is really going on behind the scenes. We all have our own trials and tribulations. It's great to keep it positive, but it's also great to keep it real. 
So, without further ado, here are some of the latest "fails"! 
And by the way, whenever I "fail", it just brings out the competitor in me. Instead of skulking off and pouting, it gives me incentive to keep submitting these designs even more! Can't stop won't stop :-) 
Also, with very helpful and personalized guidance from Laurel and Wolf, I've been able to learn from these fails and perfect my presentation style even more. So it's not really losing, right? 
So, how do spin your #losing into #winning?
PS~ I can design one of these style boards for you. Find out more about that here. 
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lepetitapt · 8 years
That's a Wrap!
I love wrapping gifts. Seriously. Good things come in well-wrapped packages, as they say. Anything you don't want to wrap, send my way via express Christmas elves, and I'll get them back to you by Christmas Eve. 
My gift-wrapping obsession starting way back in high school while working one of my first jobs at the neighborhood toy store. They offered the service for free, and while my co-workers would pretend to be super busy stocking the already full shelves when there was a customer waiting at the gift-wrapping table, I eagerly bounded over, excited to meticulously wrap each purchase up into a tidy little package. I once wrapped a hula hoop. Not kidding.
To be honest - I was a little intimidated by the cash register (still am, just ask my accountant!) So what did I do? Hid behind the creative "making" part of my job, which came naturally to me. I guess I was decorating gifts? Not only did the art of wrapping come easily to me, it was also therapeutic and made the hours fly. 
It also helped me to learn some real life lessons, such as how to patiently and graciously deal with rude customers who demanded that I fix corners that weren't perfect or to hurry up because they were going to be late to Billy's bowling party. Once someone even told me I was using too much tape. (Seriously dude? You're getting this beautiful gift wrap for free. And I'm not talking like the cheap stuff that rips when you look at it. I'm talking the good stuff - that nice, thick, quality wrapping paper. There were also about 10 different adorable pattern options, complete with curling ribbon and logo stickers). 
Anyways, I digress - but I think I learned a lot at that gift-wrapping station. Perhaps it was even a metaphor for what I do today. Wrap people's homes up in nice, neat tidy little packages and deliver them the best and most efficient way that I can. There's something so satisfying in taking a normal old box (aka almost every NYC apt) and turning it into a personalized, beautiful gift with a bow on top. It's therapeutic to anticipate the happiness that it will (hopefully!) deliver.
And gifts, like homes and clients, come in all different shapes and sizes. No two recipients are the same. Each one will choose a different wrapping paper. Each equally beautiful. Some might even tell me to fix the corners. It's all part of the job!
So, here's a roundup of some beautiful #inspo to get you excited as I am to wrap this holiday season up. 
And that's a wrap! Happy Holidays from my wrapping station to yours!
P.S. - Don't forget to recycle and re-use your gift wrap whenever possible!
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lepetitapt · 8 years
Trolling Instagram
'Twas the week for Christmas and all I could do, was troll instagram for #inspo and share it with you!
But really - I have about 30 other things I could be doing right now. Yet here I sit, scrolling and trolling through the never-ending source of gorgeous holiday and home decor images. There are suitcases that need packing, gifts that need wrapping, cards that need sending, and.... photos that need heart-ing. 
Do you ever annoy yourself with the amount of time wasted on social media? I do! I guess it's my break/procrastination from the real world. And we all need a break once and a while, right? 
While we're away for the next week or so, I'm going to make a deliberate effort NOT to troll. Or else I think that spooky elf on the shelf will creep into our room when I'm asleep, cackle evil-y and confiscate my phone, prying it from my sleeping death-grip. They'll bring it directly to Santa who will grind it into coal for my stocking. (I don't have a stocking... so maybe he'll send it off to Chanukah Harry to be dealt with appropriately).
Anyways... gotta get my last trolling out for the season, so why not share my top ten favorite festive insta's with you?
Happy Holidays!
PS- you can troll my instagram feed here.
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lepetitapt · 9 years
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We visited the beautiful #freedomtower observatory last weekend and were reminded how resilient the spirit of the human race is. Freedom will persevere even when evil attempts to destroy it. Sending prayers from NYC to Paris tonight in light of today's heartbreaking tragedy. 💔#prayforparis #strength #freedomwins (at One World Trade Center)
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lepetitapt · 9 years
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Was walking down a street in #crownheights this rainy morning when I stumbled upon ::this beauty:: 🙌🏻 🔹#diamondintherough 🔹 #whitetownhouse #turquoise #white #whiteandturquoise #brooklynarchitecture #finddesigneverywhere #townhouseliving #exteriors #interiors #inspo #inspohome (at Crown Heights, Bklyn)
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lepetitapt · 9 years
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Looks like our #shelfielsi #shamefulspace contest winner isn't so shameful after all! @awgupta can you come do our apts next? 👏🏻👌🏻👊🏻 @shelfienyc #instagood #instacontest #interiors #interiordesign #interiorstyling #homedecor #organizer #organized #smallspace #brownstoneliving #finddesigneverywhere #parkslope (at Park Slope Neighborhood)
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lepetitapt · 9 years
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It's been almost a year of working out of some great neighborhood gems like @lincolnstationbk and @bluemarblebk . But now it's time to quit my office nomad ways and make it a little more official! 💻☎️📠 Details coming soon. #momtrepreneur #girlboss #officenomad #coffeeaddict #interiors #interiordesign (at Lincoln Station)
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lepetitapt · 9 years
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Things are looking up! #projectpiedaterre 👍 #interiordesign #interiors #nyc #nycarchitecture #nycdesign (at Hearst Tower)
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lepetitapt · 9 years
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Oh hello, beautiful settee! I would just like to lay down and rest my eyes for a few... 💤 #mondays @kravetinc #interiors #interiordesign #shopping #fabricseverywhere (at D&D Building)
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lepetitapt · 9 years
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On the blog today, fab finds for your home, under $50! Link in profile. 🍂🍃👌🏻 #brooklynheights #brooklynheightsdelights #brooklynarchitecture #brownstone #brooklynbrownstone #townhouse #homedecor #interiors #interiorinspo #finddesigneverywhere #fabfindsunder50 (at Brooklyn Heights District)
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lepetitapt · 9 years
Fall Finds Under $50!
I don't know about you, but I can't believe how quickly fall is flying. We're just about reaching the peak for foliage here in NYC, and it's gorgeous. There is something so enchanting about it all - even though I hate what it actually means - that winter is coming!
So perhaps in an attempt to fend off that inevitable first day of winter (whomp, whomp), I've been doing a little online retail therapy. The good thing though, is that instead of loading up my shopping cart and clicking "place order", I instead get to share my finds here with you - and hopefully inspire you to hunt for some of your own fall treasures!
If you aren't in the market to do a complete redesign, there are so many little ways you can upgrade your decor, and you can even change it seasonally. Easy ways to do this - switching out inexpensive (yet luxurious looking, wink wink) curtain panels, throw pillows and accessories. Just a teeny little change can breathe new life into your space without killing your bank account.
Below, a round up of my top ten fall finds, all under $50.
So, how do you fall?
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lepetitapt · 9 years
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Even on the gloomiest of days, Gramercy is gorgeous. 🍃☔️ #gramercy #gramercypark #nyc #manhattan #park #finddesigneverywhere #green (at Gramercy Park)
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lepetitapt · 9 years
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Less is more with this simple gourd arrangement. 👌🏻#brooklynheightsdelights #brooklynheights #fall #gourds #brownstoneliving #finddesigneverywhere (at Brooklyn Heights Historic District)
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lepetitapt · 9 years
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Happy Weekend, everyone! And don't forget to luv ur self. 💕Taking this street artist's advice and aiming for some R & R this weekend: #selfcare , hanging with friends and playing with family. What's on your plate for the weekend? #luvurself #brooklyn #prospectheights #streetart #cheerstothefreakinweekend #friyay #friday #instalove #streetstories #finddesigneverywhere #graffitiart (at Underhill Ave)
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