leoandviolins · 6 years
Bleep bloop I need to poop
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leoandviolins · 7 years
People acting like Becky is a racial slur saying “what would happen if we made fun of your names” like you haven’t been making fun of women named Shaniqua for years. Like you don’t already come up with names like Purpledrankeisha or Friedchickeneisha or Welfareisha to ridicule us. 
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leoandviolins · 7 years
Do you have a valentine?
no, i have anxiety 
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leoandviolins · 7 years
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Orlando is making sure the Pulse Nightclub victims are never forgotten (x)
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leoandviolins · 7 years
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Orlando is making sure the Pulse Nightclub victims are never forgotten (x)
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leoandviolins · 7 years
look at her. listen to this. watch the fucking tiny round paws.
ooooohhhhh myyYYYY GOOOOOOOOD
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leoandviolins · 7 years
i dont get offended at white people jokes even though im white because: 
i can recognize white people as a whole have systemically oppressed POC in america, which is where i live 
most people when they make white people jokes only mean the shitty white people and i am not a shitty white person 
im not a pissbaby
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leoandviolins · 7 years
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Quebec City mosque shooting: 5 reported dead, 2 suspects arrested
Five people are reportedly dead and multiple people are injured following a shooting at a mosque in Quebec City, Canada, according to Reuters. 
The president of the mosque delivered the news of the shooting to reporters on Sunday, Reuters reported.
The shooting occurred during evening prayers at the Quebec City Islamic Cultural Center. A witness told Reuters that up to three gunmen opened fire on around 40 people. Read more
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leoandviolins · 7 years
don’t hurt BEES. they just want to pollinate flowers and make honey. hurt WASP’s. fuck them and their old money, big mansions, and country clubs
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leoandviolins · 7 years
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leoandviolins · 7 years
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This is a hard read. Bannon is a fucking monster.
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leoandviolins · 7 years
instead of uber or lyft you could you know support your local taxi drivers most of whom are immigrants themselves and spent their hard earned money to get a legitimate license and insurance for their jobs instead of these monopolizing “car-sharing” monster companies that are operating under sketchy loopholes and jeopardizing the lives of their drivers and passengers b/c no legal regulation or protection 
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leoandviolins · 7 years
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leoandviolins · 7 years
Health update
Story time! Back in February I ended up in the ER with an asthma attack and a bad infection. The following week I went to my primary care doctor to adjust my asthma meds and for a routine blood test. The blood work came back abnormal, but no red flags were raised because I had just gotten over the infection. My doctor suggested I come back in a few moths for a follow up blood test. In August I went in for the follow up and that blood test came back with more abnormalities which includes elevated white blood cell count and a high playlet count. After my results were in my doctor told me to come back in right away to discuss my blood work and to refer me to a hematologist/oncologist. My appointment was set for January. However, I started becoming symptomatic in September with a long lasting cold (which I still have), worsening nausea, light headedness, pains and various other things. After emailing my doctor about this she asked for me to come in again to run some more blood work. This blood work came back even more abnormal. Everything was increasing when it wasn't supposed to and decreasing when it shouldn't. Now this can happen for a plethora of reasons ranging from Chronic Leukemia to severe anemia. Since I was getting worse it was recommended that I get my hemo/onco appointment moved up. Yesterday was my appointment. My hemo doctor decided to run an iron profile because he thought it could be severe anemia. Turns out he was right. My iron levels are basically nonexistent and if left untreated could have become life threatening. I could have started passing out (which he seemed surprised I wasn't already). It was decided that I needed iron immediately and the fastest and best way to do this is through an IV. The treatment from start to finish is about an hour. I have one more treatment next Friday and then a follow up lab in January. Our hope is by fixing the anemia all my other abnormal blood work will fix itself. I would like to stress how important this is and how my life could have been in very real danger. I know when people say they're anemic others tend to brush it off because everyone is anemic. But other people's anemia is worse than others and once you're at the point where I am everything else is compromised like my immune system and my ability to breathe well. I'm very happy it's not what I feared it could have been (chronic leukemia) and that it's not difficult to treat. Yes I will have to constantly need to monitor my blood and yes I may require multiple iron treatments and as long as I do what the doctor says I should start to feel better and yes I'm sure I'll have moments when I am exhausted with the entire process. But I'm glad it's not cancer. I'm glad that I finally found a doctor that listened when I said I think I'm sick. I'm grateful I have a family that let me be scared and supported me when I needed it. I'm grateful that they all agreed without being prompted or asked to be a potential blood donor if I need a transfusion (we all thought that's what would be happening at my appointment yesterday). The last few months have been incredibly scary especially since I had no idea what was happening. But I'm glad I caught everything in time and I'm glad it wasn't more serious.
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leoandviolins · 8 years
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Makeup isn’t suddenly genderless — it’s always been
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leoandviolins · 8 years
There is a possibility I could have leukemia based on some recent blood work. I have an appointment with a hematologist/oncologist coming up and was wondering what I might expect. If you have or know someone who's had a blood disorder and don't mind me asking you questions can you reach out to me? This is just a scary time for me so I have a lot of concerns.
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leoandviolins · 8 years
The only reason I have an okcupid and gave straight people access to see my profile is to call men out on their bullshit. The messages I get are disgusting.
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