lazyfish2802 2 months
Do u ever just. Make a fic. With 40k words n then just. "imma rewrite it"?
Anyway, rewrite is already up under a different name: A Flicker in the Dark
A rewrite of "Where there is darkness, there is light"
To those who r curious: its a SkyCOTL 脳 Mha crossover fic with the following premise, theres a new gateway in the sky realm that leads to the mha world.
Like uhhh, crack treated seriously. I wrote an outline (technically timeline?) N there's PLOT. Tho u can also call it me making mha characters deal with skykids.
Its a hobby n also a writing practice for me. (I would also love to here ur opinions about it, about the fic or writing style, i am open to any writing critique)
3 chapters already up and posting next chapter on sunday!
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lazyfish2802 5 months
Hello~! I just wanted to say, that your fanfiction is really incredible, and I've been enjoying reading it! I have recently gotten into Sky, and have always been a big fan of MHA, lol. Would u mind, if I made some fanart for you sometime? Anyways, thank you again, and have a good day! *HONK*
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Yeah u can
(This making me feel guilty not updating in while, i still plan too, just not in a while馃拑鉁笍)
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lazyfish2802 9 months
Chapter 8 of Sky COTL x MHA is up
Around 5k words i think
43k total words. Faaaaaaaaaaaaaak.
Sneak peak!
Here are my pre-notes of what was SUPPOSED to happen in chapter 7 and the pacing (but impulsive writing got in the way :P):
Aizawa n Nezu taking kids and preschool teacher to open dorm building "supposedly haunted" Eri n Mirio still w/ kids Kids meet resident stray cat. No name. Kids name it Missus. Mimi the Second. Missie Eri and haru see you later wave - Kids pov At night Haunted story, kids scare themselves Preschool teacher tries to salvage situation - Morningggg aizawa, n seikijiro carry possible many foods kids for eat cause they dunno what they eat. Wats with the sunglasses I got a warning Its BLINDING! - Root discussion Elder Teth and votary Ahyu Yeah I want u to steal sem scrolls from Lamed How could this happen to mee? Teth commentation go portal and weeds Narration how she gave task to other Veterans the guide sky kids away from tree while also lookput for otger signs that are suspicious Teth currently with 2 kids, Ahyu(poor guy) and other kid who has been researching about the gate abd weeds before teth and is now teths main assistent with this research. Teth discussion with (ive decided) Dmitrii Ahyu ask question for readers. Teth tells Ahyu to steal forbidden information. "Is something the matter?" Ahyu -聽聽聽 :0 :| :( - Lunch Tokoyomi pov Talk with izuku after finish help him carry festival stuff. Focus on festival Then to kids Meet others in cafetiria Sit eat, tokoyami tuning out Realixing everyones quiet Looks to his side Juhroo out of no where Bird! Same bird! Tokoyami has to disagree, not the same bird.
As you can see, some used, some changed, elder teth discussion move to chapter 8
Juhroo (which i changed later to just Juroo) is Atsushi. For those who dont get it: each child have an original name, but they were given a japanese name cause honking language barrier. So there's sky name and mha name basically.
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lazyfish2802 10 months
hello!! I really love your fic, and I got lucky to find a hidden gem on Sky cotl fics:> have a great dayy
Thank for checking it out 馃 have a better day!
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lazyfish2802 10 months
also, a sneak peak into chapter 7 of MHA x Sky COTL
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Hildr, Heimir and Llymir, otherwise Riku, Ryoichi and Rin. Trio moths.
I hope to finish this chapter in this week, but idk. Finally finished with end of semester examssss. yey. Back to writing but also stuck on the kids perspectiveeee. Whys dialogue hardddddd
Im bad at makin conversations thats why hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Wish me luck
Also: this is the contect
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lazyfish2802 1 year
Chapter 6 of MHA x Sky COTL crossover fic is out
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Mirio and his shining self.
This took. So many rewrites. This was supposed to be in the last chapter intead of the hawks and airplane scene. But the table talk was way too complicated, its better to be in a different chapter.
So i was just "what do hell should i fill the space now that the table talk is on the next chap?" My head went "how about hawks?" Hawks scene is now one of my favourite scenes to write, also where i think im starting to get a hang on dialogue writing? Yey
There was like 3 scraped dialogues i think? I wanyed the table talk to have a purpose, and that purpose is plot for sky kids having 'serious talk' but i didnt know how to do that while keeping 'they're kids factor dont be too serious'
It started to get to long tho (the begining of the table talk was a lotta self indulgence honestly), the serious part with Mi'khayl is where things start to get wonky but at least its better on how it ended. I think.
This is mostly a self indulgent fic really.
Also the end note on that chapter is ridicupouslu long im so sorry 馃槄 just skip it if your not interested in background world building stuff
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lazyfish2802 1 year
Mha x Skycotl
Here's Aizawa n a skykid causssssee why not
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Hiiii so i made a tumblr page (version2 cause the first one had verification errors which was entirely caused by my stupidity), thx fer checking it out, i rarely use sosmed (social media, sosmed is the abbreviation used whre im frem).
Its just a random drawing so its not a scene in the story - but like i might also use the stool idea. eh one day, in some chapter idk. So anyway thats haru n aizawa. (Aizawa with his bun cause i like his bun hair <3)
Fun fact: so u know (or dont know depending who reads this) i gave 2 names to a sky kid, sky name n mha name? So Haru's sky name was something like 'Young-ji' or 'Young-hu' cause i like the name 'Young', but then fer some reason i changed it to Sora which i changed Sora to 'Sorr'.
Yep. Anyways, so this tumblr, i might post sem sneak peaks, maybe cut drafts, maybe sem other fun facts, maybe sem headcannons, and sem sky kid profiles? Does that make them OCs? They feel more like rando characters i make to fill in until i write them personality that makes me like them, otherwise, they just random.... random in a way i still organize them with a list n profiles (i didnt do that when i started writing, oof- had to edit few chaps cause of that).
Then there's complete randos like the guy frem the first chapter, Takeshi! Gave him a name, what he did, what he thought n then done, he's never coming back. Made few other randos fer as Hawks co-workers cause why is there only Hawks n Tokoyami in Hawks Agency MHA Wiki???? But o well. I might give profiles fer them too..... hmmm idk
And uuuuuuh if u wanna ask me anything go ahead? What is it do u do on tumblr? i only use it to look at art n give heart, idk what else or how the other features work :/
Oh, also also lastly, if you're a completely random person that just stumbled upon this and is absolutely confused wth im on about
Here's the fic:
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