lailah-nox · 7 years
Vindicta || Self
In Continuation of Descensum
A trail of blood and corpses littered the path to Oblitus’ warehouse. Some were nothing more than burned husks. The areas where eyes and mouths once resided became charred fissures on the scattered bodies. Anyone who saw them would think that some beast was responsible, but even those who were holy could be monstrous. Lailah would prove that many times over this evening. These creatures thought themselves to be evil given true form, but Night would show them true darkness. She’d show them pain greater than suffering, she’d give them the emptiness that Verin gave her. 
Lailah’s boots tapped softly against the cobblestones as she pressed on, waiting for another enemy to spring from the shadows. She knew that Belial was attempting to wear her down, trying to make her sloppy so that she would slip. Little did he know that she faded into a sort of numbness, her body almost working autonomously in her pursuit. Night did not think nor feel, she simply let that numbness guide her. 
Once the warehouse was in sight, Lailah took to the air. Walking through the front door would be foolish. She only entertained the idea of landed battle to do what she vowed to, which was bring everything Oblitus built to ruin. The clan of exiles had escaped their fate long enough. They had no chance of surviving in Hell and Heaven would never want them. It was best that they had ceased to exist at all.
The angel summoned her protection sphere as she crashed through the roof. Demons surrounded her on all sides and behind the gathering to the north of her was their leader. She could feel the heat of his aura from where she stood. It almost threatened to scald her very skin and likely would if she ventured closer. 
“I have always known of you, Lailah.” Belial bellowed in greeting. “The Angel of Night and Conception, Chief of Guardian Angels.” His tone was theatrical, bordering on the line of mocking. “I have always wondered when we would finally meet. You’ve left us alone for quite some time, but now...it seems Verin has drawn your attention to us.”
Lailah regretted that she didn’t act sooner. Truth be told, she wasn’t sure if the demonic clan was backed by Jezebeth, who’s motives always seemed so unclear. An attack on them could mean an attack on the King. She didn’t want to start a war that would cause the country to bleed. And as long as Oblitus stayed off her radar, she essentially ignored them. Now, the country was at war and her sense of duty was wavering with each passing day. She wasn’t there to do what she was created for; this was an act of revenge. 
“I am not aware of the details...” The demon admitted. “But if I know Verin...he took someone from you. Someone you loved, an Angel that was important to you.” Belial’s smile faded, then. “I will not pay for his sins.”
 With those words, the crowd attacked her at once. Lailah didn’t waste time battling them, she simply erected her sphere and expanded at once. The force field dispersed them as planned and those that dared to retaliate met her blade. 
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“You will.” She vowed. “Whether you want to or not, you will. He took from me, so I’ll do the same. The prophesy that binds you two will never come to pass. All that gives your existence meaning will burn.” She launched herself at him, not even bothering to erect her sphere. She bore his fire, let her skin blister and burn beneath it as she seized him. In the following moment they were alone in the flatlands of some far-off country. All four of her black wings framed her build as her skin healed from the burns. 
She didn’t give him time to recoup, instead she brought her sword down in a vicious arc, one that he dodged with ease. He was out-maneuvering her, practically toying with her as she tried time after time to at least wound him. What annoyed her more was his arrogant smile that widened with each passing moment. That numbness that guided her began to evolve into anger. Her swings became desperate and when Belial seemed to grow bored, he gripped her blade with his bare hand, turning the metal into molten ore. The brief moment of panic cost her, allowing him to send a fiery fist into her face. His blow sent her skidding through the grass before she could stop herself.
 “Is this all an Angel of God has to offer me? Is this the great power that fell so many of my men?” He laughed then, a hearty sound thick with satisfaction. “I think I’ll enjoy this.” Fire began to slither along his skin until it encompassed him entirely. The funnel twisted and expanded until it took the form of a great beast. It wasn’t his true form, but an echo of it. Within the avatar, he stood more than twelve feet tall and, this time, Lailah had no choice but to raise her sphere. His hellfire was too much to bear now and with no weapon the odds weren’t in her favor. 
“Defeat me now and I will return, it does not matter.” She stood her ground and allowed Belial’s great fist to descend upon her shield. “I will not stop.” The angel looked down at the mark on her wrist - a star next to a crescent moon. The series of tiny swirls within the shapes could be mistaken as a part of the tattoo’s design, but they were angelic runes. A seal that bound her heavenly weapon. It was dangerous to summon it on Earth, but she could only hope that its power would be weakened outside its natural realm.
Lailah did her best to tune out the impending heat of Belial’s attacks. He bathed her sphere in fire, the intensity of it causing her to almost bake within it. Eventually, her shield would break, but hopefully she would have Darkstar by then. Night whispered in the angelic tongue, her eyes glowing blue with holy energy. The runes on her wrist mimicked the hue as she extended her arm and Darkstar’s golden shaft took shape in her grasp.  By then, cracks had formed on her sphere and sweat coated the angel in a thick sheen. Before his next attack could shatter it completely, Lailah teleported above him. 
The light of the moon framed the dark blade, the cold energy crackling in the night air before she brought it down upon him. Belial retaliated faster than she expected and greeted her with a blade of fire. This time, it was her turn to smile. She saw the way his flames curled from the light when they clashed. “Your arrogance blinds you, Belial the Worthless.” 
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Lailah drew her ax back and begun a relentless advance. She was forcing him back, causing the fiery titan to defend. Each time Darkstar met his flames, the fire hissed in response. As if the smothering cold of Space was too much for it to burn. The High Demon roared in retaliation, spewing wave upon wave of heat until they were both encompassed by a hellish firestorm. Lailah teleported in and out of the great cyclone, attacking his weak-points to cripple him. Beams of moonlight pierced his scalding armor like a knife. 
The first attack took his left leg, then the right. Soon after, his arms followed. With every roar of pain, the storm weakened. She knew she had struck his vessel, the poor soul that he condemned to a life of madness. They would finally be able to rest soon and hopefully they would find the comfort of Paradise. Her next beam went right through his abdomen, which brought the former Crown Prince of Hell to his knees. His flames had all but flickered out, the only embers left danced in those pitch black eyes. 
“I told you.” He coughed. “I would not pay.” With those words, a black mist began to rise from his mouth. He was trying to escape, to either brave the depths of Hell or to find a new body, but it did not matter. Lailah closed the gap between them and pressed her hands to his forehead, summoning the God’s light to consume him. Even in this weakened state, Belial fought her. He battled against the consumption, his true form crawling up and up out of his screaming lips during the process. Only a demon of his caliber could resist a smiting, but they could only do it for so long. Soon, Lailah’s warrior cry melded with his and heavenly fire spewed from his lips and eyes, consuming his raw form, leaving nothing but a husk behind. 
Exhausted, Lailah dropped to her knees. The mark on wrist faded and Darkstar with it. She thought she would feel a sense of solace, Thought that with his death, she would feel some semblance of justice. But it still wasn’t enough and that hole in her heart still ached. There was next to nothing left for her back in England, but her thoughts drifted to her home anyway. She thought of Anton, Breena, and how England may suffer from the war. She may not have found comfort in her duties any longer, but perhaps it may offer as a fine distraction. As of late, Lailah only felt whole when there was a sword in her hand. She knew she shouldn’t indulge the addiction, but what else was there? 
She had not been given leave to return to Heaven and there was still the subject of Verin. So, for now, she would fight until she found a way to him. She would fight until Kabaiel was truly avenged. 
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lailah-nox · 7 years
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lailah-nox · 7 years
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lailah-nox · 7 years
Descensum || Self
In continuation of Judas II
Lailah had lain there in the crater waiting for the pain to consume her, waiting for the the moment her sister perished or fell. She knew she would feel it and heard stories of those who lost their other halves. How could Kabaiel destroy her over such selfishness? How could she condemn her twin to such a baneful existence? For the first time, Lailah found herself cursing God and his cruelty. She had always known what He was, that He wasn’t the benevolent deity humans made Him out to be. 
Night knew her Lord was cruel, but His creation of angelic twins must have been some sick joke. If one perished, then so did the other. To damn one, meant to damn another. She understood the necessary union of their souls, but how did God expect the lone sibling to live on as an incomplete being? Lailah threw herself into that fraying tether between them. She could almost feel the scorching winds and Verin’s grasp. It hadn’t even been that long, but Kabaiel’s grace was already fading. 
The dark angel felt the shift in her stomach. It seemed to tug at her life fibers at first, like thousands of tiny tendrils picking apart thread. That only caused Lailah to dive deeper into their bond, sinking within the drying current until she saw through Kabaiel’s eyes. And it was that monster’s face who greeted her, 
“Tainted and ruined you already are! You were perfect...You are a fool– I could have loved you on Earth. But here you are worth nothing.” 
Both Angels screamed at once. Kabaiel’s death was like a star’s implosion, but there was nothing beautiful nor wondrous about it. Verin claimed to love her, yet he tore the soul from her angelic body. Lailah knew that her sister intended to leave her, even suspected that Verin would betray her. But she now realized that Kabaiel had no intention of surviving. Her descent was the act of martyrdom. Verin wanted her as an angel, but couldn’t he see the error in that foolish dream? An angel could not love a demon without consequence. They were destined to Fall, destined to become the nothing Verin hated so dearly. 
When their connection severed and Lailah’s cries died out, she vomited in shock. Her entire body trembled as that sudden emptiness took root within her. Already, she felt weak, alone, raw, and exposed. Nothing around her seemed real, not the sun above her and the ground below. Perhaps she was no longer in control of herself anymore, maybe it was the darkness within her taking the reigns. 
In the blink of an eye, Lailah was in the streets of Norwich with her weapons drawn. It did not take her long to find a demon and it was fortunate that they didn’t tend to travel alone. She broke them as Kabaiel had been broken, made them feel the pain they’d both felt when that beast devoured her. Night gave every one of them God’s light and she would not stop, not until she was sated, not until Kabaiel was avenged. The last of the group had lain before her, attempting to craw away. When Lailah ventured too close, he lashed out with blackened nails. 
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“Go ahead. Run.” She said, shattering his arm. “Go back to your petty masters and deliver this message: When Verin returns, Night will come for him. And when I am through, Belial is next and the rest of you will follow.” 
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lailah-nox · 7 years
Your halo slipping down to choke you now. 
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lailah-nox · 7 years
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lailah-nox · 7 years
Judas II
It didn’t take Lailah long to find Kabaiel. When they teleported, angels stepped into a place she liked to call the In-between. There, she could see the celestial signatures of her brethren. Every one was shaped like a single thread to create an entire stream. For twins and mated angels, it was easy to single-out their other halves. Kabaiel’s thread lead straight to her location — some forgotten plateau in a distant land. It wasn’t even night on this edge of the world, but high noon. 
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“If you were going to abandon me, then you shouldn’t have said goodbye.” Those cold words were her only greeting. “Perhaps you would have saved us both from this.” 
Kabaiel was kneeling before a bed of angelic runes. The white marks shone brightly against the dark, stone ground. All of the intricate whorls and spirals were a song in itself, a rare depiction of the holy tongue. “I know that was foolish.” Her voice was hollow, completely devoid of the joy everyone was familiar with. “But I couldn’t j—”
Lailah interjected. “He’s a demon, isn’t he?” 
“Sister, I wa—” 
“Who is he?! What is his name, Kabaiel? Tell! Me!” Night’s voice boomed over the caverns and the very air seemed to calm in her fury’s wake. 
Her sister finally stood and turned to her, eyes full of tears. “You already know of him...The Impatient One. Great President Verin.” 
“I should have burned Norwich to the ground...Maybe I will.” Lailah said more to herself than her sibling. She knew that leaving the demons to their city was unwise. That one day her lack of intervention would come back to bite her. “A President of Hell and an Incubus...Kabaiel, you are more than fool. Don’t you know what he’ done to our kind? How he leads them to their demise until they’re nothing more than mutilated husks! You are nothing to him, he only wants to use you! To taint you! What you have is not love, it is a lie!” 
Kabaiel shook her head, her brows furrowing in determination. “I cannot expect you to understand, Lailah. You are blinded by your prejudices. I have to go to him; I have to help him. He is in Hell. Alone, in a place that has forsaken him. I can not let him be devoured...I will not lose him.” 
“Do you hear how selfish you are being? Do you only think of yourself? I know what it means to have loved and lost, Kabaiel. I have watched mortals that I love grow old and die while I remain everlasting. You do not see me trying to die with them!” Lailah didn’t dare move from her spot, too afraid of what she’d do to her own sister in her wrath. “You have a duty and not just to our Lord, but me as well. We are one, you and I. If you damn yourself, you have damned me too! If you leave me...I will be incomplete. Never whole, always yearning for what I’ve lost!” 
The Star of God buried her face in her hands, her words almost incoherent behind muffled lips. “You can find a mate, you can live without me, Lailah.”
“THERE IS NOTHING WITHOUT YOU!” For the first time in her existence, Lailah saw her sister flinch. “There are no stars. No sun to give the moon light. No life or warmth. Only darkness, only death.” It was her turn to cry then. She had tried so hard to fight the tears, tried to only feel anger so she wouldn’t have to feel the pain. Wrath numbed, but what happened when it gave way to raw sorrow? 
“It’s already too late for me, Lailah. I love a demon, that will not be forgiven. It is a wonder that I haven’t been summoned for a trial already.” Kabaiel said. 
“I can feel your Grace, it isn’t tainted yet. I know you haven’t lain with him...but if you go to him there is no turning back. You will be damned. And if you are not devoured by hellions, then be sure that you do not return to Earth as one of them. I will track you down, Kabaiel, and when I find you I will give you to the Lord’s light. I will make you regret this day, don’t do this!”
Kabaiel gave her sister a sad smile before resolve consumed her features. “Everything you’ve said, I’ve already considered. I know what I do and I am sorry, but I have made up my mind.” Faster than Lailah could have anticipated, she drew a dagger and slit her palm. Angelic blood dropped onto the runes, activating its power. Immediately, a swirl of energy encompassed the circle, drawing the Stars inside. 
“No!!” Night teleported straight to the portal after her, hand outreached, trying has hard as she could to grab her. Kabaiel’s foot had only been inches from her grasp. With as much force as she could, Lailah beat her dark wings and when she found her mark, she almost wept with relief. The dark angel yanked her twin toward her, fist poised to strike her unconscious. But her sister saw it coming and blocked, only to press a runed hand to Lailah’s brow. A rune of banishing. “Kabaiel!” 
“I love you, Lailah.” 
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In a flash, she was back on that desert plateau with nothing but her screams for comfort. The angel clawed at the ground, not even caring that her her nails cracked and fingers bled. She drove her fists into the spot over and over until she was kneeling a crater with broken fists. “Why wasn’t I enough?” Lailah whispered in defeat. “Why?” 
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lailah-nox · 7 years
Judas I
What Do I Stand For? SWP Location: England
It had been so long since Lailah last saw her twin that she almost wept with joy at their reunion. Night wrapped her sister in a fierce hug that threatened to crush bones, but all Kabaiel did was laugh in joy. She seemed to always bring a cloak of happiness with her, scattering darkness with a mere bat of her eye.
“I have missed you dearly, Kabaiel.” Lailah said, parting the embrace. 
“And I you, sister. How have you been?”
The dark angel waved a dismissive hand. “You know me, I am always well. But tell me of you! You glow, Kabaiel...more than usual.” She gave her sibling a knowing grin. “It’s a man isn’t it? I knew there was some reason why you haven’t visited. I need details, now.” 
Kabaiel damned her for her intuition, giving Lailah a playful shove before they interlocked arms. Together, they strolled down the streets of London one moment, then Nottingham the next. From there, they went to Awre and supped among the winter blooms. Kabaiel told her all about this mysterious lover, how he was a man laced with tragedy. Yet he was wise, cunning, and driven with a roguish nature. Lailah couldn’t help but admire the light in her eyes as she spoke of him. The Star of God had truly found love and Night could feel that bliss as if it were her own. 
Angelic twins were two halves of the same whole. In such close proximity, they could tell when one another was in danger or distress. Emotions were clear as words and if they synchronized their energies, they could communicate telepathically. In battle, there was no equal sense of harmony; the two would move in complete synchronization. The only other bond to come close was a mating between angels. One of an angel’s greatest blessings is to share their souls with another, to twine them on a celestial level. 
Finally, the two retired to Lailah’s home in Richmond. The two laid side by side amidst the scattering of moon flowers on her roof. 
“I’ll have to go back to the East soon.” Kabaiel said once silence fell between them. “Things have grown hectic...demons of course, but nothing I cannot handle.” 
Lailah rolled onto her side, propping a hand under her chin. “Say the word and I’m with you.”
“I know, but you will have much to deal with here. You said it yourself, war is coming. I cannot draw you from your duties.” She sat up, hugging her knees. “When this is all over, we’ll see each other again.” Kabaiel removed her crown of winter roses, placed them on Lailah, and kissed her forehead.
Before she could push to her feet, Night wrapped the Stars in another hug. “Until the next time then.” The angel said, releasing her. Kabaiel offered one last smile before she was gone. But as Lailah gazed at the evening sky, she knew what this meeting was. Her twin did well to hide it and she was almost successful, but Lailah picked up on the lies carefully woven between her words, and the small little hints of guilt and sorrow. Kabaiel was saying goodbye and wherever she planned to go, Lailah made sure she had to stop her.  
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lailah-nox · 7 years
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lailah-nox · 7 years
Blessed Night || FB || Lailah+Belial
Location: Heaven ~ 5000 years ago  @belial-the-exile  
The power of an Archangel was always something to behold. One could see it radiate from them as they walked by. Holy celestial energy seemed to take concrete form around them, creating an aura that was unique to their very souls. It was something to be feared and admired, even envied. But as Lailah gazed up at Barachiel, she could only be filled with wonder. The Chief of Virtues was indeed a Shining One. He shone like a star of golden flame, one that the Night couldn’t help but be attracted to. 
Lailah unfurled her dark wings and took flight to his position. As she grew closer, his humbling presence became even more apparent. If she were a lesser angel, it would have made her feel small. But Lailah was a Power and Chief of Guardian Angels, so instead of feeling intimidated, she felt oddly proud. “Barachiel.” She said in greeting. “Merry meet, brother.” 
Night landed gracefully next to him, a small smile coloring her features. “Is there any reason you’re up here all alone? I hope you’re well.” Lailah had a feeling there were trying times ahead of them. There were whispers about Lucifer and his growing distaste for mankind. Some said he was preparing for something, but would not divulge details. God once told her that she existed to protect his creations, yet the enemies they’d face always seemed obscure. What if those enemies were His very own sentries, those that decided to stand against Him? 
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lailah-nox · 8 years
The fae nodded sadly as he thought of his own home being destroyed. Only a few havens had survived the past mellenia, and even those would fail in time. He had stopped visiting in the last couple hundred years. It was torture seeing your home slowly destroy itself and you could do virtually nothing to stop it.
Nayru thought again about his brief excursion in Hell. He shrugged. “It was interesting but I wouldn’t want to go again if I could help it.” He smiled up at the Angel.
The fae joined the angel hovering in the air, seemingly unsupported by anything. Nayru considered Lailah’s wings for a second, and then his own unfurled out of his back. He made them as smaller than Lailah’s and his were insectile and translucent. He had gotten the idea from a creature back in the Realm. Of course, if he had made his wings as big as those, they would stretch the length of New Eden, Nayru estimated.
The wings flitted behind him in a blur and he smiled at Lailah again. “Lead the way.”
She assumed the Fae male would just levitate and follow, but he sported wings of his own. Those that reminded her of a butterfly or some other flying insect. Lailah couldn’t help but smile at the display. She lead him through Heaven’s sky, diving high and low, flying just for the sake of enjoying it. After some time, she dipped lower, descending into a canopy of thick trees. "This is the Garden of New Eden.” She explained, dropping gracefully to the forest floor. “There used to be a garden like this on Earth...where the first humans once lived. But Lucifer corrupted them and the garden as well...” 
Lailah’s sandled feet sank into the lush grass as she walked. “It was supposed to be a little piece of Paradise on Earth...but after it faded my Creator erected this replica in memory of what was lost.” A flash of white caught on the edge of her vision and Lailah turned to see a small, white doe trot from the brush. It paused, staring at the two beings with curious eyes. Lailah dropped to a knee and beckoned it closer and, to her surprise, the animal answered her request.  
New Blood || FB|| Lailah&Nayru
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lailah-nox · 8 years
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lailah-nox · 8 years
“Good.” Was all Lailah said in response to the wolf’s agreement. The angel sometimes wished she wasn’t so limited while on Earth. If she possessed a fraction more of her power, she wouldn’t have needed Saura’s help. Regardless, she quite enjoyed the other female’s company and appreciated the work her Pack did to keep at least a part of England safe. Supernaturals couldn’t remain entirely unchecked, that was how chaos began. The policing she and Saura did helped douse those potential fires. Though, Lailah couldn’t help but wonder when their actions might not be enough, when war would come and there was nothing they could do to stop it. 
The dark angel followed after Saura as she worked, her companion reaching deep in her senses to lock on that single scent. “Alright, lets keep going then.” They pressed on for a bit longer in silence until Lailah spoke again. “You know Saura, we’ve been a great help to one another, but I don’t think I know much about you.” She stated lightly. “What’s your story, if you don’t mind my asking? Perhaps we have more in common than our beauty and strength.” 
The Huntress || Lailah&Saura
Vampire. Saura inhaled once more, this time recognizing it from the piece of fabric Lailah had brought with her. The vampire’s scent was hidden behind what she assumed were perfumes, just enough to throw most people off their track. Thankfully the girl’s scent was strong, vibrant, which meant she could track her. “Using someone this young,” Saura growled. “Despicable. It will be my pleasure to track them down and return them to their maker.” Saura grinned, a grin full with sharp, long teeth. 
While she wasn’t sure Lailah had meant it as a challenge, Saura was all too happy to take it as one. She leant down to fully inhale the scent, letting it run through her and wash away the scents she didn’t need to pay attention to now. The Alpha inhaled deeply for a last time before sniffing the air. Here the scent wasn’t as strong, which didn’t surprise her much, as children rarely ventured into the centre of the forest, but she could smell it coming from somewhere nearby. With a hand gesture, she motioned Lailah to follow her, then began to walk towards the source of the scent. “It’s rather weak here,” she explained. “She wasn’t here lately. But it will help track her movements down.”
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lailah-nox · 8 years
The demon had been in the middle of a delicious kiss when she heard yelling. At first, she thought the summoning of goons meant that someone didn’t pay up. But there were horrified screams in the fray of shouts and pounding footsteps, which was enough to interrupt them. Lailah shoved the woman away and pushed to her feet to look through the curtains sheltering them. A few men stumbled from some neighboring rooms, hastily drawing up pants with blades in their grasps. 
Others fled from the common area, both whispering and shouting the word ‘witch’. Lailah slithered completely from the room then, stalking down the aisle of curtains to see who this witch was. It was about time something interesting happened in this boring world; all the real fun seemed to happen in the shadows. Out in the common area, some patrons crowded in a wide arc, well away from the witch and floating boss. 
His goons seemed wary in their advance, but it was Lailah that breached the human barrier, walking right into the open space. “I wanted to see what all the fuss was about and I find a witch ruining everyone’s fun.” The demon said in greeting. “You could at least throw ‘em. Give these people a real reason to be afraid.” 
Reveling || Lailah+Sera || SWP
Sera was not one to sit idle, she never had been. Being transported into a strange new world, while momentarily disconcerting, was not going to stop business as usual. Leeds would not know what was upon them. Entering the brothel, the petite brunette glanced around the front room until she spotted what one could only assume was the… owner. Her nose crinkled and a small frown of distaste curved the corners of her mouth downward. First rule, never sample the merchandise.
“Evening, my… good sir,” she started off slowly, her voice soft and delicate despite her surroundings. “I’ve been scouting this area and I’ve come to find your house the least offensive to my senses. As such, it’s mine now.” She smiled sweetly as a look of confusion came upon the older man. “You’re welcome to stay, of course. As long as you can be civil. I prefer not to get my hands dirty.”
Confusion quickly turned to annoyance, and then to amusement. It seemed his blood-deprived brain was not comprehending the gravity of the situation. At that realization Sera sighed loudly before raising up both her hands from beneath her cloak. As she did so, the man lifted into the air. If that weren’t enough, he was shouting for help from what she could only assume were his lax security.
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lailah-nox · 8 years
Reveling || Lailah+Sera || SWP
Double Trouble SWP  Location: A Leeds Brothel @whorunswithwolves
Lailah didn’t know how or why, but she was in a world that was not her own. Humans had no idea about the monsters among them, there was no war, no vampires within the Athorian government. At least Jezebeth was in power, but from what she gathered, England was in the same boat as Athoria. The demon didn’t know if she could even get back to her rightful world. If she left her vessel would she somehow go back to her Hell? There were too many uncertainties to test that theory, so Lailah decided that it was best to enjoy her little ‘vacation’ for now. 
All she was focused on was the curvaceous beauty before her. Blindfolded and ready for consumption. If the shadow demon was to be stuck here indefinitely she might as well enjoy what it had to offer. “You’re a pretty thing aren’t you...” Lailah purred wickedly as her hands gripped a whip. She snapped the leather, drawing a delighted giggle from the whore. “Come here...I want you to crawl to me.” 
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lailah-nox · 8 years
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Lailah’s Twin || Kabaiel || Angel of the Stars || NPC
When God created Lailah, she was to be the embodiment of the evening sky. Night was the pale moon and vast darkness that lied between the planets and stars, but without that dark there could be no light. There was no Silence without Song, no Death without Destruction. And so He created her counterpart, Kabaiel, the Angel of the Stars. 
She holds the angelic rank of a Power, same as her sister, presiding over the elements of Light, Life, and Passion. Kabaiel is well loved by her peers, gaining such favor with her Lord that many dubbed her the ‘Star of God’. Some might even say she is loved by HIm as Lucifer was before he Fell. 
Where Lailah is quiet and reserved, Kabaiel is open and joyous. She wears her smile like armor, daring any bit of darkness to try and wipe it away. Kabaiel cares for her twin deeply and the two were always at each other’s side before Lailah was sent to Earth. Since then, they have had little communication. But for the past two years, Kabaiel has tended to duties in Asia and the Middle East. Even still, she visits her sister in England whenever she can. 
Currently, Kabaiel has been keeping a secret, one that just might lead to her downfall. 
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lailah-nox · 8 years
Lailah stared unflinchingly at the wand, her eyes dragging from the piece of wood, right to the warlock’s before her. “You’re insane...” She said, pity leaking into her gaze. The angel faced so much evil in her long life, but when she looked at Marco all she saw was fear and instability. A truly evil man wouldn’t hesitate, wouldn’t even attempt explaining himself. There would have been all sorts of dark magic flowing from that wand. 
“You need to come with me, now.” Lailah commanded. “I can help you, I know of people who can get you control.” Her words were almost pleading, but she wasn’t sure if he even cared to believe her. She didn’t know what sort of delusions were warping his mind or if he would still be lucid a moment from now. Night could be talking to Marco or whoever ‘someone else’ was and she might not even know it. Not until it was too late.
Maybe she shouldn’t try to negotiate at all, she couldn’t let him get away again. He’d just continue on the way he was or perhaps Marco would just get worse. “Trust me...you’ll thank me for this later.” In a flash, she rose her protection sphere and sent it right at him. The concussive force of the shield had knocked him back, leaving him laid out. Lailah knelt next to the downed man, starting to lift him so she could carry him away. 
Night Owls || Lailah & Marco
To say the sudden figure appearing in front of him and seizing his neck was a surprise would be an understatement. Before he knew it he was in a different place entirely gasping on yellowing grass. But Marco moved quickly, scrambling backwards, wand slipping out of his sleeve and into his palm in a practiced movement.
And there they were, Marco on his ass, pointing his wand in the face this woman. Her face seemed familiar and it took Marco a moment before it dawned on him. It was that insane witch who thought she was an angel. He had been quite crazed at the time, if he remembered correctly. This realization didn’t make him feel any better, though. Someone who believed they were a child of a God, had to be considerably powerful. Simply the fact that whatever city they had just been in was nowhere in sight told him that.
Marco honestly didn’t disagree with the “angel’s” words. He deserved to be dead. The self-inflicted scars that littered his body clearly showed that he truly believed that. But something was different now. There was a pulsing light inside him now that possibly linked his life to another’s. There was no way to know if Marco’s death meant Alivander’s, and he would take twice as many lives as he already had in order to save his brother’s.
The witch looked into the so called angel’s eyes. The tip of the wand trembled in his hands, but he kept it pointed at the woman. “I can’t control it. I didn’t do it. It wasn’t–It was someone else,” Marco stammered out.
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