ladybewitched 9 months
Don't show your weak spots or that's where you'll get stabbed.
What if I can't wear the flesh without exhibiting the blood underneath ?
What if I can't bear to be if that's not tied with suffering ?
What if I'm not sure I'm real if you remove all the ache sitting inside my ribcage ?
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ladybewitched 9 months
The entire point is that things weren't perfect in Barbieland.
Kens were ignored. But that's it. They weren't sexualised. Even in the utopian place that Barbieland appeared to be, women didn't want to overpower men. They were just both existing. And yet even there women had to do everything to compare to men doing nothing.
Ken's job is beach. Not a swimmer, nor a saviour. Litterally beach. Standing there doing nothing but being this stereotypical hot blonde dude. And that makes him enough to deserve Barbies' attention. He's nice and then feels bad because he isn't reciprocated anything. He's assuming because he did all those things which Barbie didn't ask for btw, he should get a kiss or some romantic feature.
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ladybewitched 9 months
It is the funniest thing of the decade knowing men are being so shocked and disgusted they're being portrayed in such a silly way when really they've been degrading and humiliating women like such for centuries.
Everyone say thank you Greta Gerwig !
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ladybewitched 9 months
Allan has no expectations of Barbies. Because he knows it's not his place to uphold them to unrealistic standards. Because he's just Allan. And he can be anyone he wants to be, too. So he gets it. He knows his place and doesn't enforce toxic standards onto Barbie.
In a world full of Kens, be an Allan.
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ladybewitched 9 months
"Ken just gets it."
No he doesn't and that's the whole point. He's just Ken.
She is Barbie. And she has to have all those jobs and be all those women and be this set in stone perfect frozen in time idea of beauty for men and women to look up to her.
She must embody this perfection for everyone to be satisfied. She has to satisfy everyone. She can't be someone, she is forced to remain the idea. She is a plastic doll hence the second she starts worrying about aging and dying, she is crowded with a fear of not being enough that men won't ever comprehend.
Men are just men. And with such, they're enough. They can be anything. There's no one waiting for them to be a lawyer, a doctor, an astronaut, a mother or a physician.
But Barbie has to be everything, everywhere, everyone all at once, only to be met with dissatisfied little girls in the real world who suffered from what men did to what was meant to be the most revolutionary invention of the decade for women empowerment.
Men ruined it all. Again. And they don't have to say sorry. They won't ever have to apologise. Because they're men.
Barbie is a film made by women for women henceforth men can't get it.
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ladybewitched 9 months
Barbie was supposed to be empowering. She was the first doll that should've allowed little girls to be whoever and whatever they wanted to be. And yet instead men turned her into this hypersexualised unreachable beauty standard. Doing such, she became the embodiment of why everyone hates women. Because there's no way of ever being enough.
Barbie had to care for Ken emotionally after he took everything from her. Her home, her friends, her safe space, everything. Yet, she still was the one in charge to ensure he knew what to do, how to be someone and to be emotionally withdrawn from her.
The second she started questioning dying, aging and becoming someone that wouldn't be set in stone, everything crumbled. That's the moment men age like fine wine and women lose their value as time goes on because their worth is inherently linked to how sexualisable they are to the industry.
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