kurokosbasketbaes · 1 year
STOP putting me in a little jar and shaking it around!!! Its NOT funny!!!!!
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kurokosbasketbaes · 8 years
hi :)) do you know when you will open your askbox?
Not for a little while longer! I still have several requests from the last time I opened the askbox, and some lingering nsfw requests here and there! 
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kurokosbasketbaes · 8 years
Hi Jam! I've been away from this blog for a long while but I mean to get back into writing here and thus wanted to ask if you could maybe give me a quick promo? I'm currently taking requests and aim to spread a bit of happiness and laughter around. Either way, thank you very much! Please stay safe! :)
I’m so so sorry for this taking so long! It’s clear to see that I’ve been away from my own blog for a little while myself! 
I really hope it’s not too late for this to have any benefit for you, but I’ve always admired your work and hopefully any of my new followers will send a request and see for themselves! I hope that you’re good and well :)
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kurokosbasketbaes · 8 years
kise's small, innocent s/o is being flirted with by assholes from her class. what would kise doo
Kise always insists on walking you home, but as you currently wait outside for his basketball practice to end, perhaps you should have stayed in the library for a few more minutes. 
Or just walk home anyways. But you knew that he was just eager to have you to himself for a few more minutes each day, and you couldn’t help but give in to his requests.
Your gaze snaps from your feet as you hear someone calling your name; spotting a group of your own classmates approaching, probably taking pity on you as they watch the chill shake you to your very core. “What are you doing outside by yourself? You’ll catch a cold y’know?” One of them asks, eyebrows furrowing in concern.
“I’m just waiting for Kise-kun. They stopped letting non-club members in to watch their practices, so hopefully he’ll be here any minute!” You sighed, allowing a few more complaints to pass your lips, as it’s thanks to his constant need for your attention that you’d been kicked out in the first place.
“Who needs a guy who’ll leave a cute girl standing in the cold on her own? Come on, why don’t you come with us instead?” He says., inching towards you and towering over your smaller frame. His voice sounds honeyed and sickly sweet, it makes you want to inch away further and just hope your boyfriend can hurry up.
“S-sorry, I-”
“ ___-cchi’s a little busy right now.” Kise speaks on your behalf, not hearing everything, but more than enough. His voice is sharp, harsher than he is with you, gripping the shoulder of the one closest to you and peeling him away. Your eyes light up in relief upon seeing him, and with their attention shifted, you rush past them to his side and wrap your arms tightly around his waist.
“She’ll also be busy in the future. Hope you can understand.” He shrugs them off, squeezing your hand and leaving, refusing to let them ruin his time with you. Kise doesn’t need ask why you were surrounded by 4 boys, when they refused to see that someone was taken.
As soon as they’re out of sight, Kise pulls you towards him. Large hands cup your face, caressing the softness of your skin as he leans in to brush his soft lips against, basking in the soft moans you make for him as he kisses you. He’s tentative, but you can still feel goosebumps rising upon your skin that surely aren’t from the cold.
He only pulls away by a fraction, a thumb brushes over your cheek as his golden eyes glimmer with a preposition. “____-cchi, how do you feel about becoming our team’s manager?”
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kurokosbasketbaes · 8 years
Completely random headcanon but I think that Kasamatsu is super weak against his partner’s puppy eyes, and it almost always works out in their favour. 
He’ll yell at them for being so disorganised when they leave a project to the last minute again, but then they pull that dejected expression and mumble under their breath and before you know it he’s just pulled a full nighter with them to make sure it’s complete.
And if they haven’t eaten all day? He’ll snap into mom mode and then make/buy them lunch.
Or he’s swamped with assignments and his partner asks to cuddle. When they top it off with a pout and tell him how much they’ve missed him, he’s be in their arms in seconds. The possibilities are endless.
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kurokosbasketbaes · 8 years
Aomine argument headcanons please. With some dialog :)
I couldn’t really get the dialog part included as i tried to make the headcanons more general, if you’d like, feel free to request an argument scenario next time and I’ll be sure to include dialog in that!!
Aomine is naturally defensive before anything else, so it takes a lot of effort and reassurance to try and make sure he doesn’t take things too much to heart. In these contexts, arguing with him is quite draining and is a drawn out process.
They’re either major or petty without much of an in-between. Most of them are resolved within the day, because he really hates the thought of you being sad because of him. 
He gives in to the silent treatment. Literally every time.
Arguments mainly start due to his own stubbornness, and his occasional refusal to admit to his own mistakes.
Or sometimes its because he hasn’t been paying enough attention to your feelings and needs. When he’s stressed he falls into a one track mindset, and struggles to pay proper attention to everything except the one thing that’s been plaguing his mind.
You used to be able to tell when an argument is down to his own jealousy, because he’ll say things which are rude and insulting which he’s never meant just because he doesn’t like how easily you affect him. But he made you cry once and it broke his heart, and since then he has never uttered an insult to you since.
At the end of the day, he will always want to make it up to you, because he really, does not want to lose you just because of a fight.
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kurokosbasketbaes · 8 years
kise's small, innocent s/o is being flirted with by assholes from her class. what would kise doo
Kise always insists on walking you home, but as you currently wait outside for his basketball practice to end, perhaps you should have stayed in the library for a few more minutes. 
Or just walk home anyways. But you knew that he was just eager to have you to himself for a few more minutes each day, and you couldn’t help but give in to his requests.
Your gaze snaps from your feet as you hear someone calling your name; spotting a group of your own classmates approaching, probably taking pity on you as they watch the chill shake you to your very core. “What are you doing outside by yourself? You’ll catch a cold y’know?” One of them asks, eyebrows furrowing in concern.
“I’m just waiting for Kise-kun. They stopped letting non-club members in to watch their practices, so hopefully he’ll be here any minute!” You sighed, allowing a few more complaints to pass your lips, as it’s thanks to his constant need for your attention that you’d been kicked out in the first place.
“Who needs a guy who’ll leave a cute girl standing in the cold on her own? Come on, why don’t you come with us instead?” He says., inching towards you and towering over your smaller frame. His voice sounds honeyed and sickly sweet, it makes you want to inch away further and just hope your boyfriend can hurry up.
“S-sorry, I-”
“ ___-cchi’s a little busy right now.” Kise speaks on your behalf, not hearing everything, but more than enough. His voice is sharp, harsher than he is with you, gripping the shoulder of the one closest to you and peeling him away. Your eyes light up in relief upon seeing him, and with their attention shifted, you rush past them to his side and wrap your arms tightly around his waist.
“She’ll also be busy in the future. Hope you can understand.” He shrugs them off, squeezing your hand and leaving, refusing to let them ruin his time with you. Kise doesn’t need ask why you were surrounded by 4 boys, when they refused to see that someone was taken.
As soon as they’re out of sight, Kise pulls you towards him. Large hands cup your face, caressing the softness of your skin as he leans in to brush his soft lips against, basking in the soft moans you make for him as he kisses you. He’s tentative, but you can still feel goosebumps rising upon your skin that surely aren’t from the cold.
He only pulls away by a fraction, a thumb brushes over your cheek as his golden eyes glimmer with a preposition. “____-cchi, how do you feel about becoming our team’s manager?”
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kurokosbasketbaes · 8 years
Surprise bitch,
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I’m so sorry for my absence! I’d cleared out my savings buying steroids and other medication for my dog back when he was diagnosed, so I’ve been working a lot of overtime to try and get some of them back, since I was planning on using those savings to buy Christmas presents. But it’s way more tiring than I thought it’d be, and I’ve been neglecting everything else, so I’ll try and find a different way to get some of my savings back instead.
I have some very, overdue asks/messages/promos to answer so I’ll be trying to get to those later today! Thanks again to everyone for their patience!
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kurokosbasketbaes · 8 years
i just found this blog and let me tell you i love your angst(i live for angst, man
Thank you so much! I have a tendency to randomly want to write it sometimes, so I’m really glad you like it!!
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kurokosbasketbaes · 8 years
Yay for Halloween themed requests! For the GoM (minus Kuroko, plus Kagami), the guys and their gf have joined a costumed ghost walk in the city, but they end up in a graveyard and the gf has a phobia for those places (I do T.T)! However, she doesn't want to quit the tour, despite being clearly at unease with being there. What do the guys do to help her getting through it? (It'd be very cute to see how you picture their costumes to be like but it's up to you, sorry if it's too much!) Thank you!
I put their costumes in brackets if thats okay!
Kagami(Sandy and Danny from Grease): He’s just as scared but he won’t be telling you that. He’s got to be cool and protect you after all. “R-Really? You’re scared? W-Well if you won’t quit then you might as well hold on to me, you’ll be alright, okay?”
Kise(Bonnie and Clyde): He’s going to jump on the opportunity to be the cool, shining hero in your eyes, wrapping a hand tightly around yours, and tipping his hat with a wink. “There’s no need to be scared ___cchi! I’ll keep you safe and sound until this is over~”
Midorima(Doctor and Nurse if you really pushed him): The number of figures he sees lurking in the shadows is unnerving to say the least. He commends your bravery, but when he notices your slight trembling he’s quick to pull you into his arms, pressing your head into his chest as he runs a hand over your hair. 
Aomine(Clark Kent and Lois Lane): He honestly thought he’d be able to keep his cool, and have you leap into his arms for protection, but he’s doing a terrible job of appearing aloof every time he sees a ghost. He’ll still wrap an arm around you anyways. “It’s okay, ____.” 
“Daiki, are you shaking?” 
Murasakibara(Ghostbusters): He hates seeing that look of sheer discomfort on your face. He’ll take your hand in his tightly, and tell you that you should “Squeeze my hand whenever you feel creeped out. You’ll be okay when we leave.”
Akashi(Daisy and Jay from the Great Gatsby): He’s probably the best person to comfort you, distracting you with little stories here and there of whatever comes to mind, while he urges you to do the same. “___-san, try and think about something else, I promise that I’ll make sure that you’re safe.”
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kurokosbasketbaes · 8 years
Hanamiya & his gf w couple costumes? I'm not sure what they would be, but you're amazing so I'm sure you have something😂
Thank you so much!! I went with Victor and Emily from the Corpse Bride! 
“Makoto! Sit still, I’m almost done.” You say, though you’re more surprised that Hanamiya even let you do his makeup in the first place. He groans, but he already agreed to take you to the party, and he knows for a fact that he won’t be getting out of this one.
You picked up some grey eyeshadow, humming lightly to yourself as you emphasise his lingering dark circles, and although you don’t say anything, he knows you’ll be forcing him to get more sleep from now on. Your eyebrows furrow in concentration, and despite how cute it is, it’s kind of hard to take you seriously when you’re blue.
“All done!” You chirp, admiring your own work. “My very own Victor van Dort!” 
Hanamiya gets out of the desk chair, stretching as you kept him there far longer than you probably needed to. “You always push your luck.” He groans.
“And you always let me.” You reply, leaning in to press a quick kiss to his lips, not risking him ruining your makeup just yet.
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kurokosbasketbaes · 8 years
For the halloween theme, can I ask for werewolf au with the GOM and their human s/o??
Engulfed in his tight embrace, you hum, rubbing soothing circles into Kuroko’s back as a silent promise. “I love you regardless of what you are. A little bit of fur’s not enough to make me go running, don’t worry.”
His grip on you loosens by a fraction as you kiss his forehead, his growing claws brushing lightly against your forearm. “Besides, I do kind of want to know what a warewolf looks like. I’m sure you’d be pretty cute.”
“Kise-kun. The next time there’s a full moon…” You begin, curious for an answer even if all his words will be slightly muffled against your skin. He runs his nose against the column of your throat, basking in your sweet scent as he no longer has to be discrete. “Can I stay with you?”
“___-cchi, I can’t. I don’t want to hurt you.” He sighs, contented with you in his arms, but the plaguing thought of him losing control is one he’d rather not entertain. “But if you let me scent you, I can learn to control it. So let’s just stay here for now, okay?”
An unrecognisable figure looms over you, responding in growls and barks instead of words as it kneels before you. You promised him you wouldn’t be scared, but you’d be lying if you pretended your heart wasn’t caught in your throat currently.
A single look into his emerald eyes is enough of a relief for you to reach out to Midorima with a shaky hand, reaching out to pet the fur that’s surprisingly soft to the touch, and letting him nuzzle into your hand that’s tiny in comparison.
“I admit, I was a little worried when you told me about this.” You sigh, fingers carding through soft, brown fur. A paw rests at your side, and something tells you that Aomine’s trying to keep his touching to a minimum as you lavish him in attention. “But now I can’t help but think I was overreacting! You really are just a big puppy, aren’t you?”
He yaps in protest. You laugh, but you don’t take it back.
“Atsushi! What have you done!”  You cried, spotting the havoc he’d wrought in the middle of a transformation. Deep, claw marks embedded themselves into the couch, shards of glass littering the floor amongst countless papers, some torn.
You try to take a step forward, but a sharp yelp stops you in your tracks. Instead, he walks to you and kneels in front of you, nudging you away from the glass with a head hung low in apology. You sigh, scratching behind his ears once as you swear he’ll be cleaning this up when all is said and done.
“Sei? Are you awake now?” You ask, he tosses and turns against your lap.
“____?” Akashi asks, eyelids fluttering through his disorientation. “What happened?” 
“You turned into a warewolf again. Or at least, I think you did. When I got back home your clothes were in a tattered state. I missed the entire thing.” You reassure him. Even though he never kept secrets from you, he never wanted to let you see him shift. You wondered if he thought you’d be ashamed. “You should go back to sleep. Call in sick for work today and spent time with me instead.” You suggest, and from his slight smile, he seems to like that idea.
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kurokosbasketbaes · 8 years
Team Too (Minus Aomine), Mayuzumi, and Haizaki react when their s/o shows off her freaky Halloween costume (fake blood, weapon prop, etc.) "Doesn't it look cool?" she asks
Sakurai’s brown eyes widen when they settle on you, his entire face stiffening when he hears your sweet  voice underneath the horrendous costume. The entire situation is far too disturbing for comfort, but he wouldn’t dare hurt your feelings, so he musters the courage to look right at you and tell you that you’d done a good job, (just maybe a little too good).
Wakamatsu is seriously impressed, he honestly finds it hard to believe that it’s his girlfriend underneath all your hard work. 
“___-chan, how’d you do this?!” He asks, lightly tracing the “rotting flesh” with his thumb, “You’ve got to show me? Please, if you have time, try it on me too!”
Jumping on the spot, Susa pushes you away by the shoulders before he takes a closer look, and seeing the eyes he could recognise anywhere. But once he realises you were going to kiss him, he gently presses his lips against your forehead. “Yeah, it does look pretty cool.”
“Did you get a new haircut?” Imayoshi jokes, refusing to tell you just how unsettling you look in costume, from the stage makeup that’s eerily realistic, to the blunt, bloodied weapon in your hands. You giggle as he lightly trails his fingers over your face, admiring your hard work, but also reminding himself that it’s just latex.
Mayuzumi stares. He just stares and analyses everything you’ve done to look so inhuman, ignoring his own unease. He allows the silence to drag out for a few more moments while you anticipate an answer, before turning straight back to his book. Despite your disappointed whines, you still notice the slight upturn to his lip, while he says that you did always have a talent for that sort of thing.
“I guess cool is one way of describing it, babe.” He trails off, in one of the rare instances where he doesn’t want to admire your cute face. But your eyes are wide in anticipation and he knows he can’t leave you hanging like that.“ You look like a serial killer.” You just hope that that was a compliment
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kurokosbasketbaes · 8 years
scary movie sleepover headcanons please!! With some of the team captains, Hyuuga, Kasamatsu, Imayoshi, Okamura, and Nijimura
I hope you meant separately rather than one big sleepover!!
Hyuuga actually has nightmares pretty easily, which is something you’ll find out today. 
His reaction to the movies you pick are pretty lacklustre, but he’s tossing and turning in the middle of the night to the point where you have to wake him up and calm him down.
He’s the kind of person who opens up easily at night time, so you might end up having deep conversations about your feelings until 4AM.
He’ll always wake up first to bring you breakfast in bed(and maybe a kiss on the forehead to wake you up)
Kasamatsu always falls for jumpscares, so don’t never let him hold the popcorn.
He always watches movies with his brothers to calm them down while he’s stuck on babysitting, so he’ll make the best preparations for movie marathons, he’ll order takeout and buy all your favourite snacks and drinks.
If there’s something that he somehow left out, he’ll make it for you(but if it’s hot chocolate you ask for, you will be kicked out.)
Imayoshi’s kisses always leave you wanting more, and with his tendency to sneak in a few kisses when you’re distracted, you probably won’t be paying much attention to anything that isn’t him(he kinda likes it that way).
Even if you’re not that scared, you know he loves it when you tightly hug his waist and let him wrap an arm around you for protection.
Okumura is honestly the best person to have a sleepover with.
Your comfort and happiness is of complete priority, so he’s going to order your favourite foods, make desserts with you, and make sure you have lots of blankets, pillows, popcorn and drinks on hand while watching your favourites. 
He’s not honestly the best fan of scary movies, but anything’s worth it for all the cuddles and kisses you give him. Fall asleep in his arms and he can die happy.
Nijimura is immediately going to offer you some of his clothes to wear if you forgot to bring a spare set (which you do far too often to be called coincedence because he has some of the comfiest clothes you’ve ever touched). 
He loves seeing you all snuggled up in his things though, so the whole situation is a win. 
He’s perfectly fine with old school, cheesy horror movies, but anything psychological will mess him up a bit more than he’d like to admit. He prefers to have you in his lap when he watches movies with you, mainly to use you as a pillow.
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kurokosbasketbaes · 8 years
Halloween themed asks!
First of all, I wanted to thank all my followers for being so patient and understanding while I was gone. Even though tumblr ate a few asks here and there, everything you guys told me means so much to me, you guys are the best!
I want to do something for Halloween though, and while I still have half term to work on requests I wanted to open the ask box for Halloween themed requests, the majority of which I’ll post on the 31st. The days up until that will be focusing on the requests I took a while ago and trying to get back to a (somewhat) regular schedule.
TL;DR: The askbox is open for halloween/supernatural centric requests. Usual rules still apply! 
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kurokosbasketbaes · 8 years
Kasamatsu x Reader
This was supposed to be a birthday gift to my darling senpai @ourneverendingpossibilities, but it ended up being super late! Thank you for being so sweet and patient Tia! I hope you like it!
To say the least, you weren’t expecting it. The team captain who you’d regarded as responsible for quite literally kicking the gaudy arrogance out of your childhood friend, was also your soulmate. The same person who had apparently kicked him, yelled at him and treated him like any other irritating first year, was stood in front of you, sharp blue eyes gone meek as- was he trembling?
Perhaps Kise left out a few other details.
“C-C-Can I walk you h-home?” He asks you, stammering over the words caught in his throat. If it weren’t for your bewilderment, this might have been the cutest thing you’d seen in awhile.
You nodded, fingers tightening around your bag strap. A coy smile curls your lips, something that Kasamatsu immediately knows will become the death of him.
There’s something about Kasamatsu that’s reassuring. He’s strong willed, a little rough around the edges, yet there’s an undoubtable softness in his sharp blue eyes when he looks at you. In his presence, silence has never been so comfortable. 
The words he speaks- albeit there’ve been few- are smooth despite the stammering, putting you at ease but still making you overtly aware of our own heartbeat as well as the cold shiver that’s trying to force through the tract of your spine while you seriously regret choosing such a flimsy jacket.
“Kasamatsu-kun?” You turned towards him, yet again catching him stealing glances. He doesn’t turn away from you outright this time, but his eyes trail to the floor as the back of his knuckles brush against your hand once more. “What sort of things interest you? I mean, I have heard a lot about you from Kise-kun…” You spoke, trailing off when you realise that you don’t want to talk about Kise right now.
“I-Is that so?” He murmurs, and it’s in this split that he regrets every punch inflicted on the rambunctious blonde.
“...but I don’t want to hear it from him. I want to hear it from you.” His heart’s beating so harshly against his ribcage that almost hurts, but then he notices your slight trembling and he’s unwrapping his black scarf before he knows it.
“Kasamatsu-kun?” Your eyes widen in surprise as soft wool embraces your skin, catching traces of his woody cologne with each slow breath. “Thanks. I guess I wasn’t doing the best job of hiding it, was I? Autumn really is cold this year…” He catches the latent relief that wraps around each breath you take, and he’s not sure why he feels so accomplished. But he knows that it’s more than worth braving the chill himself.
“There’s a cafe not too far from here.” He says. ”If you have time, do you w-want to get something? It’s on me.”
“Of course!” You chirped, slinging an arm around Kasamatsu’s before he could comprehend what you’d just done. “It’d be a great to just sit down and talk and just get to know you a little, don’t you think?”
He nods, rendered speechless by his pounding heartbeat and the fact that he’s never handled himself well around cute girls. Taking a deep breath to steady himself, his eyes settle on you and he gulps. You’re going to be the death of him.
And he’s completely okay with that.
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kurokosbasketbaes · 8 years
This is just a random Hayama drabble based off of this adorkable headcanon by @k-noelle, writing this was definitely a lot of fun!
“____-chan! Over here!” Hayama calls out to you, clearly on his best behaviour as his voice is suppressed to just below a yell. You don’t have the heart to calm him down, infectious, near childlike glee wraps around his every word and you’d do just about anything to keep that happiness in his voice.
Humming so he knows you heard him, you walk to the other side of the centre to see your smitten boyfriend, cooing over a little brown Dachshund. “He’s perfect!” He cries, and the puppy yaps in seeming agreement, tail wagging furiously at Hayama’s attention as he pets him. “He’s almost as cute as you!”
Crouching down, a smile tugs at your lips as you reached out to gently rub behind the puppy’s ears, and it nuzzles against the warmth of your touch and stares at you with wide brown eyes. “Maybe we should ask them if we can take him?” He asks, clearly seeing a match made in heaven.
 “Are you saying that you want him?” You ask, pleased when he nods vigorously, and slightly relieved that he finally set his sights on a puppy you could realistically fit in a 1-bedroom apartment. His fingers lace around your own gingerly, only to squeeze tightly around the reaffirmation of your warmth. 
“It’s kind of like starting a family of our own, don’t you think?”
“I think babies would be pretty different, Koutarou.” You giggled. “And a hell of a lot more grief.” He’s heard it a thousand times before, but he still swoons at the sound of his own name by your lips.
Leading you by the hand to sign the adoption papers, and organise the home visit, your words plague the back of his mind. He knows you’re right and he’s just getting ahead of himself, but he can’t think of anyone else he’d want to spend his life with.
He just hopes that you feel the same.
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