kumakraft · 6 years
Tumblr Hiatus
It’s been a while since I posted anything here, so this announcement is overdue. I have decided to move my art activities entirely to Twitter and other sites, meanwhile leaving Tumblr for an indefinite time. My blogs will stay, but there won’t likely be any update and I won’t check things out here anymore. 
I am still very much into DMMd, Lamento and other N+C related matters, so if you would like to still follow my work and drop by for casual chat, please join me on Twitter 
@ kumakraft (WIP & chat) 
@ kumaharem (art only)
Thank you everyone for your support!
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kumakraft · 7 years
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House of Leaves - Lamento 11th Anniversary Project
Dedicated to my dearest friend @clears-jellyfish-dress with a special thank-you to @in-sunlight for introducing this poem and forever ruining my life. 
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kumakraft · 7 years
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“Even your cursed blood is mine now.”
[Nitro+Chiral Exchange Gift] Sadistic Shiki/Nano for @mistressarachnia - a what-if from Shiki's BE2 
My part of the gift came quite late as I struggled a lot with composition and trying to follow Chayamachi Suguro's gritty art style *sweats*, I hope you enjoy it nevertheless! 
Taken heavy inspiration from Bloodless God - an absolutely amazing fanfic by @clears-jellyfish-dress
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kumakraft · 7 years
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My submission for @blvntarotproject collaboration: The Hanged Man ft. Gian Carlo from Lucky Dog 1.
Please check out all the wonderful cards on the project page here! 
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kumakraft · 7 years
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In this project, we aimed to put together a set of the Major Arcana tarot cards, with each card featuring the protagonists of a different BL visual novel.
The result was a full deck of 22 cards each featuring a unique BL visual novel protagonist, with over 20 artists contributing.
Click here to view all the cards in full as a pdf
The artists have all put a lot of thought into the means of representing their chosen character in relation to their card, so we’ve provided a brief description of the cards’ intended meanings next to each piece in the above pdf for your appreciation.
We hope everyone will enjoy looking through all the different cards!
Huge thank you to everyone who took part! Without your efforts, we never would have been able to make this collab happen! Apologies for making some of you wait so long to see the result.
Credits below the cut:
Keep reading
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kumakraft · 7 years
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「Even if the world killed you――」
One couldn't speak.
One couldn't see.
Words that couldn't be told.
Truth that couldn't be seen.
The vow
though clouded by blinding rage and despair
was never forgotten.
Materialized into forget-me-not of the other world
Spilling from their shut eyes and closed lips
To finally be told
To finally be seen.
「――I would not forget you.」
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kumakraft · 7 years
ko-fi account set up!
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Hi everyone, 
I finally decided to set up ko-fi account! If you have been enjoying my work, please kindly consider leaving a tip here. 
I would be glad if you can also take some time to visit my online Tictail store.
All money received from my work will go to the local animal shelters I have been supporting for years. Your contribution is ultimately an invaluable cheer for me to keep on drawing as well. 
Thank you everyone for coming and supporting my creative work! It truly means the world to me :’D I hope you’d stay and enjoy my upcoming projects. 
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kumakraft · 7 years
A fireball slowly conjured up from the tip of Leaks’ fingers, directed at the kitten sitting on the floor. The life of this little, fragile creature, was completely at Leaks’ mercy. Just a finger flick, if he so wished, and this pitiful being would dissipate into thin air. All his traces of existence would be wiped off this world, not that he had anyone left to remember, just like…
Feeling a slight tug at his cape, Leaks snapped from his deep thought and glanced down. The magician didn’t notice that infant had crawled to his feet, completely ignorant of his ill fate that was about to be brought upon. To his astonishment, Leaks knelt down, as if his body was acting on its own accord, responding to the silent call below.
Leaks suddenly felt a light warmth spreading on his cold cheeks.  His body flinched from the sudden impact before he realized the source of this uncalled touch was Konoe’s tiny palms.
“What the…”
Clumsy, frail limbs that could hardly support himself, yet Konoe’s hands were planted firmly on Leaks’ face – the face that one second ago was writhing in malice towards him. The soft palms were gentle, but determined, as if he gathered all his childlike strength for that very moment.
And Konoe looked straight into Leaks’ eyes.
From the strands of ash blond hair to the identical curves of their lips, this baby face in front of Leaks was, undoubtedly, mirroring his own. And yet Leaks wondered why those eyes, full of innocent concern, didn’t really resemble his. They were unclouded by hatred, glinting like sunstones under the Moon of Light.
Those eyes, so pure and beautiful, could only belong to one cat.
The eyes that Leaks once thought he wouldn’t mind looking into till the end of time.
 Just a little while, he told himself, just this one moment. Leaks peeled his eyes away from Konoe’s gaze, and carefully buried his head into the tiny shoulder, indulging in this nostalgic, familiar warmth that was both so close and so far away.
Home, for the very last time.
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kumakraft · 7 years
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鶏の踊り - Rooster Dance
I am going to print a batch of my late beyond atonment Aoba New Year card, so if anyone is interested in exchange (for mutuals on Tumblr/Twitter) or purchase this card ($2.5 + postal fee), please send me a message. Thank you! (*´∀`*)
Hope Rooster Year has been nice to everyone so far!
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kumakraft · 7 years
Fanfiction Commissions!
Hello, friends! As some of you know, I’ve just recently graduated from college~!
Even if you don’t want to commission me, a reblog will certainly help! Thank you~!
Examples of my writing:
here on tumblr
my ao3 account
past commissions
My expertise lies in fluff, angst, introspection, and smut.
Series I’ve Written For:
Pandora Hearts
DRAMAtical Murder
Touken Ranbu
Lamento -Beyond the Void-
Free! Iwatobi Swim Club
Ensemble Stars
Tales of Zestiria
Mystic Messenger
Yuri!!! on Ice
I’m in a lot of fandoms though so you can browse my blog to see if I’m in one you want me to write for and I’ll tell you if I can do it or not.
The Technicalities:
I will write mature/nsfw content such as smut and horror BUT…
I will not write rape
I will not write abuse
You must be 18+ to request smut. (I’m open to a variety of kinks, so don’t be shy!)
I have the right to refuse your request.
Please be as specific as possible, especially if you do have a certain thing in mind. Giving me just “Riku/Sora fluff” is very broad, so unless you’re okay with that, be specific, please.
If you are unsure if what you want to request falls against these guidelines, message me and I will tell you.
first 1200 words = $12
1200-1600 words = $15
1600-2000 words = $18
2000-2400 words = $21
2400-3000 words = $25
3000-3400 words = $28
3400-4000 words = $32  
The prices go on thusly so I can totes do longer fics!
For Doujins/Comics:
If you’re an artist and want me to write a story for your comic, I first ask that you give me explicit credit as the writer
Prices are dependent on if you publish the comic online or decide to sell it. Please message me for your case. 
After I finish your fic, I will message you with the cost and I will need you to pay me before I actually give you the fic. I will give you my paypal at that time.
Fics will be posted here on my tumblr and/or ao3 unless you tell me otherwise.
If you don’t want the fic posted, I can simply email it to you in a .pdf file.
If you choose that I email you the fic, I ask that you do not claim it is your work or post it yourself.
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kumakraft · 7 years
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"Death will keep freezing everything over, but the winter can’t be all the time."
Edge of the Ninth by @clears-jellyfish-dress
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kumakraft · 7 years
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「finally, you listened...」
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kumakraft · 8 years
hi, so umh i've been following you for quite a while now but haven't really said anything to you and wanted to fix that. i just want to say that your art is absolutely incredible and a huge inspiration to me. it feels like your every piece has so much thought and care behind them and they're just... filled with emotion and meaning. i really adore your work. i hope that you stay inspired to continue creating and sharing them with the rest of us. have a great day! ♥
AAHHHH Thank you so much for your incredibly kind words! I was so, so touched receiving your message, it made my day truly ;//////; It can’t make me any happier to know my self-inflicting angst journey can reach out or inspire anyone in any way ;;;;;
Thank you very much for your support this whole time (I did notice your interactions with my drawings on twitter ♥) and I wish you the same to continue creating your own lovely art and sharing them with the world! I really hope to keep seeing you around :3
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kumakraft · 8 years
Aww, there will always be people enjoying your art. As long as it's out there, it can inspire someone!
You are too kind my dear ;;;; I do strive to make drawings that can reach out and evoke emotions in others, so I can’t be happier when someone tells me they enjoy my work. Messages like yours really are a great boost encouraging me to go on, thank you so much again ;v; *hugs*
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kumakraft · 8 years
Your work is wonderful, it has so much heart and sincerity to it! Thank you for sharing it with us! ^^
Thank /you/ for taking the time to write such a kind message to me! It’s really a delight to know there’s still someone around enjoying what I do ;v; Thank you very much for looking at my drawings! 
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kumakraft · 8 years
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y o u r  b l u e
Blue is his essence, his blood, and perhaps his heart that has long ceased beating. 
The blue that Clear can hold, is only what's left.
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kumakraft · 8 years
I know this might be random but I just came here to say that I hope you have a wonderful day!^-^
Thank you very much for your kind message and for having a look through my drawings ;///v///; Hope you enjoyed them and I wish you have a great day too!
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