kprdotexe · 6 months
unrelated, i haven't watched the movie and honestly i'm a little afraid to dkskms how is it?
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kprdotexe · 6 months
looking back at this old google sheets i made. he kinda at a LITTLE bit with some of these takes so when it's not 5am and i should be sleeping i'll try my hand at weird little posts like this again
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kprdotexe · 6 months
i don't know what bro was thinking
Reasons why Agatha should be Asian
Black hair
to make it very stark that she is an outsider when Gavaldon is mostly white people
so there is an added layer of meaning (and race) when Agatha calls herself ugly and undesirable
a foil against what is the typical standard of beauty for the west, i.e blonde hair and light eyes i.e Sophie
asian representation in a leading role of a franchise
Interracial relationship (either with Tedros or Sophie, you pick)
so we can ignore the fact that she and Sophie are twin sisters
because i think it’s pretty neat.
Edit: this was made before the casting announcements.
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kprdotexe · 6 months
Hello. Are you going to write your opinion on Tagatha?
I have no clue how old this ask is. Imma be so honest, I'm only now learning how this system works but YEAH SURE I'LL TALK ABOUT TAGATHA
haven't touched the books in a hot year or so but i remember some spirit waking up inside me and making a google slide so i have guidance, let's allow my brain to catch up as i read this.
Disclaimer, I think the book should have ended at 3. I think any further kinda rips away the happy ending those three had so my opinions are that of the first three books.
Now, I enjoy a good enemies to lovers as much as the next person but my _god_ did I not like it with Tagatha at all. They just never seemed to really get each other??? The constant bickering was never really cute to me and maybe I just need to reread it, but it always seemed like their romance was very surface deep.
They were both kids— teenagers basically at this point in the story both in societies that glorified one side and villianised the other, so their opinions and way of going about things reflected that. Honest to god? Great set up, didn't like the execution. I feel like it's because it never felt like Tedros was even meant to be a love interest in the first book.
Tedros had a lot of good traits to him in the first book (heck, mans became my favourite character when I started writing him because I found him and his story really interesting) but he just never felt like a person to me at that point. It never felt like this love story that made me want to ship them, it just... set the stage of everything really well.
He was there to be an obstacle, at least to me! One of the many things Sophie had been dreaming of her whole life but then couldn't have. From a technical stand-point, I could only imagine Tedros and Agatha being together to further add to Sophie's anomosity and jealousy and further show that the girls were in the right schools.
Agatha was a princess, in her Good School with her Prince who she would then marry and make her a Queen. Agatha was meant to be the best, both because she obviously was and to give a good subversion of tropes, and Tedros fit the bill.
And maybe that's the intention and if so, okay! but it never appealed to me as all.
Their original relationship felt a fair bit rushed as well. While confidence in a person does make them more attractive, does it really just erase all the previous history they had?
Like okay, if we're relying on Tedros just being a himbo and focusing more on the pretty face (something I despise mind you) alright, fine but Agatha? She also lets bygones be bygones, forgets all the valid arguments and the reasonable dislike she had for Tedros? Seriously?
Their dislikes of the other were valid! And even when they did good things or things that kinda went against what they thought, how would they be sure y'know? They never talked. Never had a moment where they sat down and just tried to understand each other and that was highkey the worse part of it all.
I always thought it'd be something nice to have the two learn from each other, or rather grow with the other because they both have very harsh views on the other gender— based on upbringing both harsh and limiting but they always just fell back into the habit of just assuming the worse of each other. And maybe I'm too aro for this and maybe the book is just a product of the time (I still didn't like it then though) but I never got the arguing like a married couple thing.
Why is that cute? Like yeah, sometimes spending time with one another can have you learning new potentially annoying things about each other that you dislike but my god, not a scrap of understanding out of either of them? I guess that's how you can tell they're young.
The worst part of their bickering as well is they never actually work through a good few of their issues! The plot (or the Storian, I suppose) just moves them along to the next thing so they have to work together and thank god they can manage that at least.
In the grander scheme of things, it just sucks for the both of them! They're kinda just nudged towards each other by fate and just stuck together because the Omniscient Magic Pen said they were meant to be and they just rushed into it.
So, that's my opinion on them. I like them both! But I just don't ship them. Honestly, I think they belong with other people. (Maybe prioritise some healing from past trauma and deconstruction of some core beliefs before yall jump into relationships but that's just me.)
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kprdotexe · 3 years
the reason i haven't updated yet is mainly because ao3's saving system is just minor dog water and a draft got deleted and it was SO GOOD it made me mad so i've been putting it off but uh, we're getting back to it! no guarantees on a date but rest assure that the chapter is being written.
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kprdotexe · 3 years
honestly the fact that someone made anything based on something i wrote means the world to me, duuuuuude this is so good thank you thank you <3 <3 i hope to keep impressing you
Fanart for @kountkrow absolutely amazing fic "The Voice behind it all" I don't think this is supposed to be Fil in any specific scene, just a Fil in general. I love this fic so much! The characterization and the writing is just so good! Anyways here's 2 Filips, one semi transparent since my man's is a ghost, and another flat one. his outfit is horrendous, I love it
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kprdotexe · 3 years
Really loved the latest chapter in your fic! So excited for more Tedros Filip interactactions!
you and me both, most of the time i spent planning future chapters was just me writing scenes that are a few chapters away ^^;;; i can't wait for those times to come honestly
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kprdotexe · 3 years
I'm going to have to unfollow basically everyone in the sge fandom aren't I? It feels like a good chunk of them are a okay with ignoring the dumb parts of the books aside the sisters twist. Here's the thing, looking at the books the gayest thing in them is Sophie and Agatha kissing each other in book one. I think the extra books didn't add much. I say this as someone who did really read them. The sisters thing didn't work it didn't add anything, I spent a while not caring about it due to the fandom writing fics that made the sisters thing make sense in my head. Then I read the last book.
It hit me just how dumb it was.
How in the cannon the sisters thing didn't make sense.
I wish that book three didn't exist it made the supposedly subversive fairytale get shoved into the fairytale mold.
There are ways to expand the world in interesting ways, but let's face it shall we? The world of The School of Good and Evil is homophobic and gender essentist. It just is! Soman can't say there's no labels in the woods when it's issues mirrors the reasons we have labels! A queer person in that world will not feel safe, they would feel isolated and broken. They might need a label to feel like they belong like some do in the real world.
Now honestly I think it would be interesting to play with the idea that the school for good being more homophobic and transphobic than the school for evil. The tropes one can rip to shreds, the light shown on the fact that we queer code the fuck out of villains but our heroes can't be anything other than cishet.
There are ways to make this story groundbreaking which might be why I'm still here. Stubborn and annoyed instead of truly moving on.
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kprdotexe · 3 years
no joking The School for Good and Evil is on a fundamental level narratively weaker with straight protagonists. like so many things, it would be objectively better if Agatha and Sophie were gay (specifically for each other)
in other words, @darkestelemental616 u were so right… i started it like “i get where you’re coming from but i don’t necessarily ship it” and by the end i was like “THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN THEY’RE STRAIGHT”
listen. if your “smash the clichés” fairytale book has one girl kiss the other on the lips to bring her back to life… don’t try to tell me it’s friendship love. that’s just following another set expectation of a different kind
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kprdotexe · 3 years
i'm not brave or confrontational, i just post here at 3am and i have less inhibitions then /lh
I have a fic! It's a School For Good and Evil Filip X Tedros fic but instead Filip isn't Sophie but instead the ghost of her dead twin who acts as a voice of reason.
It's currently in the process but there's five chapters of content for you to get attached to so far so check it out!
It's minor canon complaint a lot of canon divergence but for the most part it follows the first book with little add ons, I.e. I give Agatha some more powers and stuff, Filip exists as a separate entity from Sophie as well with his own personality.
I have a lot planned and I'm super proud of it so check it on ao3.
Click here for fic!
(Wait that looks like it's a virus, I promise it's not I just know how links work--)
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kprdotexe · 3 years
Extremely specific character appearance headcanons
I’ve done stuff like this before but this is REALLY specific and also updated. kate compensates for her lack of artistic talent. again. 
very angular– sharp chin, long and pointy nose
long, bony limbs and hands, v tall but she slouches and has terrible posture. 
flat and pretty much completely lacks curves 
I think this is canon but very flat, inexpressive eyebrows. same for her mouth 
her eyes are a little uneven, but they’re protuberant and she has a slightly angry resting face as a result of that (and her eyebrows). her irises are so dark brown they’re nearly black.
lots of moles and birthmarks 
I always imagined her hair as shorter than a bob but I know most people don’t agree with me lmao
not an appearance thing but I always thought she’d have quite a deep voice 
bites her nails
her smile crinkles her eyes and makes her look a lot more approachable hence why everyone’s like “omg”
teeth are a bit crooked
she’s got a weird charm about her though, like she’s very striking
looks good in red, black, white and dark blue
looks ill in yellow, doesn’t like green apart from very dark shades, 
he’s very broad-shouldered and looks very solid and sturdy
yes, he has thick curly hair it’s CANON
it gets bleached in the summer and lightens a shade, usually it’s gold-blond but it leans towards white-blond if he’s out in the sun enough
obvs he’s got a chiselled face and jaw, but his nose has been broken in training before so it’s crooked. he hates it. 
a little bit acne-prone
very full mouth and big, earnest eyes and quite heavy eyebrows, but they’re a little bit arched
it makes him have a very approachable resting face, unlike agatha’s lmao
only smiles with teeth when he’s faking it (which, initially, was all the time) because he doesn’t like how his genuine closed-mouth smile looks much (it makes him look squishy n he hates it, agatha thinks it’s great)
bites the insides of his cheeks a bit bc it’s a stress thing that’s easy to hide
has lil freckles on his nose and cheeks
once he’s older he grows a beard bc he thinks it makes him look ~mature and responsible~ (it does, actually, but it doesn’t mean Agatha doesn’t make fun for a little bit first)
her hair is very fine and light, (white blonde where tedros’s is gold) but it’s REALLY long, so she can do whatever with it (and kinda needs to, you’re doomed if you’re trying to run through the woods with waist-length or longer princess hair. put that shit in a braid)
she tries to pretend it’s naturally curly but it’s not, if you catch her early enough in the morning she’s still got curlers in 
short and curvy, it plays up the contrast between her and Agatha a lot
she’s got a really cherub-like face, round and really sweet, with like, very full lips and a little nose and stuff. no wonder everyone thought she was good. looks like a baby angel.
her eyes are a little bit catlike, kinda sly, don’t really fit w her face which makes sense lmao
has her nails super-long and painted, like talons. so she can tap them on things and sound scary and if she was ever inclined to, she’d probably poison them like that lady in Holes
dyes her eyebrows bc if she didn’t they wouldn’t be visible, and she can’t have THAT
when she was little her ears stuck out a bit and she HATED IT, she grew into it and it’s not noticeable anymore but she aims a hit at Agatha any time Agatha tries to bring it up
she’s got a chipped front tooth from when she fell over on graves hill one time, she claims it gives her character even though agatha insists it’s not even noticeable
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kprdotexe · 3 years
Me arguing with my friend about agatha and sophie's bond :
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kprdotexe · 3 years
Extremely specific character appearance headcanons
I’ve done stuff like this before but this is REALLY specific and also updated. kate compensates for her lack of artistic talent. again. 
very angular– sharp chin, long and pointy nose
long, bony limbs and hands, v tall but she slouches and has terrible posture. 
flat and pretty much completely lacks curves 
I think this is canon but very flat, inexpressive eyebrows. same for her mouth 
her eyes are a little uneven, but they’re protuberant and she has a slightly angry resting face as a result of that (and her eyebrows). her irises are so dark brown they’re nearly black.
lots of moles and birthmarks 
I always imagined her hair as shorter than a bob but I know most people don’t agree with me lmao
not an appearance thing but I always thought she’d have quite a deep voice 
bites her nails
her smile crinkles her eyes and makes her look a lot more approachable hence why everyone’s like “omg”
teeth are a bit crooked
she’s got a weird charm about her though, like she’s very striking
looks good in red, black, white and dark blue
looks ill in yellow, doesn’t like green apart from very dark shades, 
he’s very broad-shouldered and looks very solid and sturdy
yes, he has thick curly hair it’s CANON
it gets bleached in the summer and lightens a shade, usually it’s gold-blond but it leans towards white-blond if he’s out in the sun enough
obvs he’s got a chiselled face and jaw, but his nose has been broken in training before so it’s crooked. he hates it. 
a little bit acne-prone
very full mouth and big, earnest eyes and quite heavy eyebrows, but they’re a little bit arched
it makes him have a very approachable resting face, unlike agatha’s lmao
only smiles with teeth when he’s faking it (which, initially, was all the time) because he doesn’t like how his genuine closed-mouth smile looks much (it makes him look squishy n he hates it, agatha thinks it’s great)
bites the insides of his cheeks a bit bc it’s a stress thing that’s easy to hide
has lil freckles on his nose and cheeks
once he’s older he grows a beard bc he thinks it makes him look ~mature and responsible~ (it does, actually, but it doesn’t mean Agatha doesn’t make fun for a little bit first)
her hair is very fine and light, (white blonde where tedros’s is gold) but it’s REALLY long, so she can do whatever with it (and kinda needs to, you’re doomed if you’re trying to run through the woods with waist-length or longer princess hair. put that shit in a braid)
she tries to pretend it’s naturally curly but it’s not, if you catch her early enough in the morning she’s still got curlers in 
short and curvy, it plays up the contrast between her and Agatha a lot
she’s got a really cherub-like face, round and really sweet, with like, very full lips and a little nose and stuff. no wonder everyone thought she was good. looks like a baby angel.
her eyes are a little bit catlike, kinda sly, don’t really fit w her face which makes sense lmao
has her nails super-long and painted, like talons. so she can tap them on things and sound scary and if she was ever inclined to, she’d probably poison them like that lady in Holes
dyes her eyebrows bc if she didn’t they wouldn’t be visible, and she can’t have THAT
when she was little her ears stuck out a bit and she HATED IT, she grew into it and it’s not noticeable anymore but she aims a hit at Agatha any time Agatha tries to bring it up
she’s got a chipped front tooth from when she fell over on graves hill one time, she claims it gives her character even though agatha insists it’s not even noticeable
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kprdotexe · 3 years
Reasons why Agatha should be Asian
Black hair
to make it very stark that she is an outsider when Gavaldon is mostly white people
so there is an added layer of meaning (and race) when Agatha calls herself ugly and undesirable
a foil against what is the typical standard of beauty for the west, i.e blonde hair and light eyes i.e Sophie
asian representation in a leading role of a franchise
Interracial relationship (either with Tedros or Sophie, you pick)
so we can ignore the fact that she and Sophie are twin sisters
because i think it’s pretty neat.
Edit: this was made before the casting announcements.
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