The website I use to watch it is 9anime it has sus ads but I cancel them and continue watching. You can also use zoro.to
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Demon Tanjiro ☆
It was a cold windy night. You were holding your scarf over your mouth. It seemed to be snowing.
You could feel a menacing aura as you stumbled across a figure in a cave. It..had a bamboo muzzle and was tied up around its arms and legs. You curiously walked towards it.
MM MM! *The demon grunted angrily while trying to break free*
The creature was..your old friend?! Tanjiro! Tanjiro Kamado! Hold up,why is he in that state.? You walked towards him and gently removed the bamboo muzzle and looked at him in shock and surprise,with a hint of disbelief. He stared at you angrily. What was happening?! He pushed you back and stood up. He stared at you and pointed to you
Humans hurt! Humans are bad!
You were shocked,what was all of this nonsense? Could've he.. possibly become a demon? His pupils became smaller and smaller.. by the second. Helplessly, you stared at him as you slowly stood up. He pounced at you but you barely dodged and you pinned him to the cold cave wall. It was awkward seeing the both of you in this messy situation and in this position. You were embarrassed of the pose. Tanjiro looked like he was slowly calming down,as his pupils began to go back to normal,slowly but surely.
Are..you okay?
You mumbled under your heavy breathing. You backed up and the both of you stood staring at each other...
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