kokoika-koi · 10 months
I've said this before but Why do people position "themes and analysis" and "shipping" as mutually exclusive opposites. maybe I find two characters thematically interesting and want them to analytically fuck about it.
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kokoika-koi · 10 months
saw a post where a girl put bi and queerphobic in the same bio, okay NOW i believe it exists. what the shit
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kokoika-koi · 10 months
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sketchy ocelhira kisses
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kokoika-koi · 10 months
one of the characters in harvest moon DS that u can marry is a mute woman who’s always asleep on the 255th floor of the mines. u literally have to make it to the 255th floor of the mines every time you want to see her or give her a gift. her favorite item (the only item she loves) is golden lumber which is the most expensive item in game. here’s a picture of her asleep in the mines (which are full of monsters btw) i dont understand anything about this tbh. complete respect to anyone who actually manages to marry her i don’t think i ever bothered to meet her once 
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kokoika-koi · 10 months
well paid scientist by dead kennedys is so 2003 assassination of dr clark incident-core
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kokoika-koi · 10 months
y'all, i'm trying to be nice and have meaningful conversations, please don't abuse my ask box.
also, some of you guys assume im an adult, which i'm very much not (i'm a minor).
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kokoika-koi · 10 months
Hiii just wanted to ask what brushes do you use for your art?
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they should be easy to replicate, though the brushes have a free download here (Procreate only)
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kokoika-koi · 10 months
i think the ship doesn't make sense to people because it brings the idea that it would be nonconsensual or undesired by one or both parties in a way (because ocelot is gay—i think this is irrefutable). i get that it's just a crack pairing but that's probably why people struggle with it
i don't consider it entirely a crackship, but i can see why people think it's weird. if people don't like it, that makes sense to me.
i wouldn't ship it if i didn't think there was something to be explored though, so there's that for the small amount of people who also want to see that (in a way that isn't non consensual or undesired).
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kokoika-koi · 11 months
ok you know what i mean though right? (and btw im a different person from the other anon!)
Apologies, thank you for the distinction. I'm glad to share some of my thoughts about them, and please do correct me if I get some of the facts wrong, I am writing quite a bit.
Why do I ship Oceleva?
I'll include some personal context on their ship; as much as I love Ocelot, I was more interested in exploring things with EVA's character, and just generally drawing her more.
Changing public perception of Ocelot is a no for me, I will never try to pass off Oceleva, that is not platonic or on serious terms, as canon. It's important people research his character, and archive accounts and discussions over the development of his character are very important, and why they made him relate to Big Boss in that way.
I'll pick out points you made in the original ask, and try to explain what's interesting about Ocelot and EVA's relationship, regardless of what I'm shipping.
1 —
The first point was based on their on-screen interactions being negative.
The two times they appear are in MGS3 (1964) and MGS4 (2014), before the Patriots were established, and the one where all the founding Patriots had to die.
This is after the stories of MG1, MG2, MGS1 and MGS2 were established, so EVA would have been created, then killed with very little knowledge and emotional weight to her character.
In MGS3, Ocelot knew very early on EVA and Tatyana were the same people, and that she was a Philosophers' spy. He's extremely smug about the whole situation, dropping very obvious hints that she was lying about her role, but he couldn't kill her because he knew she was the key to get Snake out of the mission.
In MGS4, Ocelot is supposedly under the Liquid persona, so he would likely been out of character anyway. In a different scene, EVA recounts the history of the Philosophers from her perspective, and mentions her connection to Ocelot and Big Boss, with an apparent emotional connection with Ocelot.
In the novelization of MGS4, it's also implies she knew about their later joint plans to erase the existence of the Patriots.
EVA being part of the Patriots, then splitting to help Big Boss with the aid of Ocelot is an extremely important role, though most of it is only mentioned through exposition and small details.
2 —
The second point is the perception of them is different from them in the games.
In MGS3, they're not supposed to be how their perceived, they're both fronts. They're both liars for different reasons, but they're spies like how they were trained to be.
For EVA, she's just doing her job in reconnaissance, and obtaining a sum of money for her higher ups.
For Ocelot, he's working to eliminate branches of a hyper capitalist organization that steals children to put into petty proxy wars and missions for their own personal gain.
When Ocelot has any encounter with EVA, it's either to keep an eye on Snake, or to keep an eye on EVA so she wouldn't do anything out of line. Again, reiterating a previous point, he was very smug about knowing her gimmick.
3 —
I need to play the games again.
Yes, I do actually, and I will do it again. I've played most of the mainline games several times, it's my main fixation.
4 —
Last point is that EVA/Zero has more weight than EVA/Ocelot.
EVA said she disliked most of Zero's ideas of the revival of the Philosophers in her MGS4 monologue, and had more faith with Big Boss even if she knew he was wrong as well.
Maybe it's her being rescued, maybe it's their discussion after the Ground Zeroes events, maybe it's the Les Enfants Terribles project idk.
Even if I weren't shipping them, Ocelot and EVA would still have more connections and similarities as allies.
They're both heavily influenced and inspired by the Boss, as children raised by the Philosophers, and Big Boss as her successor.
They both witnessed the events at Tselinoyarsk.
They both worked to stop Zero's plans and ideas from proliferating; one example, by both planning the assassination of Paramedic.
They worked together for over four decades, under a cover people did not know about, against a scheme people did not know about.
As characters that are insanely unrealistic and live in a different world compared to us, it's fine to explore the weirder and less functional aspects of them. Their perception of relationships deviates from the norm, their morals are way different, the way they would comprehend of sex or love or just relating through experience is different. Which is what also makes things like Big Boss' and Ocelot's relationship interesting to explore as well.
My ideas of them are fluid, everything about either of the two characters I want to know more about, through talking with other people who also have cool headcanons.
I have one where Ocelot's orientation is closer to ace or demi, I have one where he's trans, I have one where EVA is ace, I have one where they both go on missions. I have one where Ocelot and Big Boss met as ghosts at the end of MGS4, like at the end of MGS3 with the Boss and the Sorrow.
I don't think I'll delve into less grounded headcanons but there are a lot of other reasons why I took up the whole Oceleva shipping thing.
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kokoika-koi · 11 months
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some fear and hunger lads
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kokoika-koi · 11 months
now is a good time for me to ask why you even ship oceleva even though their on screen interactions are all negative? The way you see them is nothing like how they actually act together sorry. you need to play the games again. so why????? eva/zero (patriots)has more weight than oceleva and you know that would be dumb asf
now is a good time for me to ask why you even bother trying in life even though your on screen interactions are all negative? The way you see yourself is nothing like how you actually look sorry. you need to ask over and over again. so why????? eva/ocelot (patriots)has more weight than your asks and you know that would be dumb asf
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kokoika-koi · 11 months
Being queer doesn't mean you can't ever be homophobic 💀
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kokoika-koi · 11 months
if your focus is on personal representation, like half the cast of metal gear is bi. why focus on the one guy who is homosexual in particular. you complain about how fanon has unfairly decided to claim ocelot as gay when anyone with a fully developed prefrontal cortex can tell that he is just by looking at the material. does kojima really need to put out a tweet bluntly stating "Ocelot is homosexual" to get the hint? if a character only shows attraction to the opposite sex, it's pretty safe to say they are canonly homosexual. like if you still want to ship him with women with that knowledge in mind, go ahead i guess, but denying his sexuality is kinda Sus
anon, this is your third ask, and i'm really feeling the chemistry with your long-winded response. i can tell this will be the start of our enemies to lovers arc, as this conversation flourishes; you and i are like magnets, polar opposites that attract.
sincerely, blue rat
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kokoika-koi · 11 months
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Need for Speed Underground, Midnight Club 2, Mercenaries: World in Flames, Black, Quake II.
Honorable Mentions: Mech Warrior, Doom !&II. 
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kokoika-koi · 11 months
200 followers on my blog, hello everyone! ^v^
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kokoika-koi · 11 months
Do you have an EVA or Ocelot playlist? I need more songs to relate to them!!!💟
I don't really have any character specific playlists, but maybe there might be something here or here (both Oceleva playlists).
Also, no particular artist associated with Ocelot, but the discography of Magdalena Bay somewhat reminds me of EVA.
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kokoika-koi · 11 months
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america's suitehearts
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