kitseh · 7 years
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That’s Louis Rossman, a repair technician and YouTuber, who went viral recently for railing against Apple. Apple purposely charges a lot for repairs and you either have to pay up or buy a new device. That’s because Apple withholds necessary tools and information from outside repair shops. And to think, we were just so close to change.
Follow @the-future-now
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kitseh · 7 years
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My dream come true. Bill Nye will be debunking pseudoscience bullshit on Netflix
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kitseh · 7 years
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kitseh · 8 years
‘Parks and Recreation’: Leslie Knope Writes Letter to America Following Donald Trump’s Victory
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Dear America,
Amidst the confusion, and despair, and disbelief, it was suggested to me by a very close friend of mine (I won’t say her name, to protect her identity) (Ann. It was Ann) that perhaps a few people would enjoy hearing my thoughts on this election. So I sat down at my computer, cleared my head, and opened a document. Then I started crying. So I had some hot chocolate, and my close friend (Ann) rubbed my back for a while, and I got myself together, and sat down. And started crying. Then more Ann comforting me, and more hot chocolate, and back and forth like that for about six hours or so, the chain of hot-chocolate-and-back-rubs only interrupted briefly when I had to run to the store for more hot chocolate packets (“Just give me all of them, all the boxes,” I remember saying, through tears, to a very scared stockroom boy) and now I am ready to go.
When I was in fourth grade, my teacher Mrs. Kolphner taught us a social studies lesson. The seventeen students in our class were introduced to two fictional candidates: a smart if slightly bookish-looking cartoon tortoise named Greenie, and a cool-looking jaguar named Speedy. Rick Dissellio read a speech from Speedy, in which he promised that if elected he would end school early, have extra recess, and provide endless lunches of chocolate pizzandy. (A local Pawnee delicacy at the time — deep fried pizza where the crust was candy bars.) Then I read a speech from Greenie, who promised to go slow and steady, think about the problems of our school, and try her best to solve them in a way that would benefit the most people. Then Mrs. Kolphner had us vote on who should be Class President.
I think you know where this is going.
Except you don’t, because before we voted, Greg Laresque asked if he could nominate a third candidate, and Mrs. Kolphner said “Sure! The essence of democracy is that everyone—” and Greg cut her off and said “I nominate a T. rex named Dr. Farts who wears sunglasses and plays the saxophone, and his plan is to fart as much as possible and eat all the teachers,” and everyone laughed, and before Mrs. Kolphner could blink, Dr. Farts the T. rex had been elected President of Pawnee Elementary School in a 1984 Reagan-esque landslide, with my one vote for Greenie the Tortoise playing the role of “Minnesota.”
After class I was inconsolable. Once all the other kids left, Mrs. Kolphner came over and put her arm around me. She told me I had done a great job advocating for Greenie the Tortoise. Through tears I remember saying, “How good, exactly?” and she said “Very very good,” and I said, “Good enough to—?” and she sighed and went to her desk to get one of the silver stars she gave out to kids who did a good job on something, and as I tearfully added it to my Silver Star Diary she asked me what upset me the most.
“Greenie was the better candidate,” I said. “Greenie should have won.”
She nodded.
“I suppose that was the point of the lesson,” I said.
“Oh no,” she said. “The point of the lesson is: people are unpredictable, and democracy is insane.”
Winston Churchill once said, “Democracy is the worst form of government, except all those other forms that have been tried.” That is perhaps a pithier and better way to get my point across, than that long anecdote about Mrs. Kolphner. Should I just erase all of that and start with this? Whatever. I’m pot-committed now, and is there extra caffeine in that hot chocolate? Because my head feels like a spaceship. The point is: people making their own decisions is, on balance, better than an autocrat making decisions for them. It’s just that sometimes those decisions are bad, or self-defeating, or maddening, and a day where you get dressed up in your best victory pantsuit and spend an ungodly amount of money decorating your house with American flags and custom-made cardboard-cutouts of suffragettes in anticipation of a glass-ceiling-shattering historical milestone ends with you getting (metaphorically) eaten by a giant farting T. rex.
Like most people, I deal with tragedy by processing the five stages of grief: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. My denial over the election results was intense. My anger was (in Ron’s words) “significant.” My bargaining was short, but creative — I offered my soul and the souls of all of my friends in exchange for 60,000 more votes in Milwaukee, to any demon who cared to accept. (Tom told me it was a terrible deal, but I didn’t care, in that moment.) My depression I have already mentioned. Which brings us to Acceptance.  And here’s what I stand on that:
No. I do not accept it.
I acknowledge that Donald Trump is the President. I understand, intellectually, that he won the election. But I do not accept that our country has descended into the hatred-swirled slop pile that he lives in. I reject out of hand the notion that we have thrown up our hands and succumbed to racism, xenophobia, misogyny, and crypto-fascism. I do not accept that. I reject that. I fight that. Today, and tomorrow, and every day until the next election, I reject and fight that story. I work hard and I form ideas and I meet and talk to other people who feel like me, and we sit down and drink hot chocolate (I have plenty) and we plan. We plan like mofos. We figure out how to fight back, and do good in this infuriating world that constantly wants to bend toward the bad. And we will be kind to each other, and supportive of each other’s ideas, and we will do literally anything but accept this as our fate.
And let me say something to the young girls who are reading this. Hi, girls. On behalf of the grown-ups of America who care about you and your futures, I am awfully sorry about how miserably we screwed this up. We elected a giant farting T. rex who does not like you, or care about you, or think about you, unless he is scanning your bodies with his creepy T. rex eyes, or trying to physically grab you like a toy his daddy got him (or would have, if his daddy had loved him). (Sorry, that was a low blow.) (Actually, not sorry, I’m pissed, and I’m on a roll, so zip it, super-ego!) Our President-Elect is everything you should abhor, and fear, in a male role model. He has spent his life telling you, and girls and women like you, that your lives are valueless except as sexual objects. He has demeaned you, and belittled you, and put you in a little box to be looked at and not heard. It is your job, and the job of girls and women like you, to bust out.
You are going to run this country, and this world, very soon. So you will not listen to this man, or the 75-year-old, doughy-faced, gray-haired nightmare men like him, when they try to tell you where to stand or how to behave or what you can and cannot do with your own bodies, or what you should or should not think with your own minds. You will not be cowed or discouraged by his stream of retrogressive babble. You won’t have time to be cowed, because you will be too busy working and learning and communing with other girls and women like you, and when the time comes you will effortlessly flick away his miserable, petty misogynistic worldview like a fly on your picnic potato salad.
He is the present, sadly, but he is not the future. You are the future. Your strength is a million times his. Your power is a billion times his. We will acknowledge this result, but we will not accept it. We will overcome it, and we will defeat it.
Now find your team, and get to work.
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kitseh · 8 years
canada if trump wins:
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kitseh · 8 years
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“But Misty, don’t I have to weaken it first?”
A commission for @narplebutts! One of the things I love when doing commissions is when the client’s idea is super fun to do~ makes my work more enjoyable! 
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kitseh · 8 years
Rape Escape
Easy and very effective
Requires nothing but your body
Includes attack
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kitseh · 8 years
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Korra and the gang are back in a new @darkhorsecomics graphic novel!!
Even greater news, @michaeldantedimartino is penning and @prom-knight is the artist. Can. Not. WAIT. Full details about the release here: http://www.ew.com/article/2016/10/04/legend-korra-turf-wars-graphic-novel?iid=sr-link1
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kitseh · 8 years
“but what are Hillary’s POLICIES?”
So I got tired of not seeing any news on HRC’s actual positions because every single media outlet is busy fact-checking Trump’s latest Twitter tantrum, and decided to look some up.
Also, tired of stories about 26-year-olds complaining that they can’t get behind Clinton because they don’t know what she stands for, and also have no idea who Ralph Nader is, even though these frickin’ kids are only two years younger than me and also Wikipedia exists
But anyway. Hillary Clinton! Actual positions!
Guys, there’s so much to love.
We already knew she wants harder regulation on the megabanks, right?
Not as hardcore as Bernie wants, but in the same direction?
Turns out she bundles that with a bunch of provisions to support and protect credit unions!
Seriously, I love my credit union. And they’re tiny and responsible and don’t secretly open millions of accounts in the names of unaware users.
Universal quality pre-K for every kid!
Paid medical leave and new-parent leave. Not just for new moms, either. Regardless of gender.
Funding childcare centers on college campuses for student parents!
omg you guys, her plans for addressing autism. Note the total absence of the word “curing.” It’s all about “providing support” and “early diagnosis” and “improving access” and “increasing opportunities.”
She’s full of specific plans for Alzheimer’s research and treatment
Including supporting stem-cell research
You know how otherwise work-ready people sometimes get stuck as unpaid caregivers when a family member becomes sick or disabled? Well, Hillary wants to give those people credit where credit is due.
By which I mean, tax credit
And Social Security benefits
and you know the horrific unnecessary price hikes we’ve seen on EpiPens and various livesaving drugs? Think that oughta be a crime? So does HRC.
Plus she supports emergency imports of similar treatments from other countries (the ones with quality safety standards, obv) if that’s what it takes to save lives
Hillary stands with Planned Parenthood
Supports more funding for VA mental health treatments
And better training for police on how to de-escalate when they’re called in on a crisis situation
Seriously, she’s coming at mental health from all sides, it’s fantastic
Her rhetoric about the police also hits better training to deal with implicit bias
Comprehensive background checks for gun buying!
Close the Charleston loophole
End the special legal protections that gun manufacturers get when the rest of the manufacturing industry doesn’t
eyyyy, btw, guess where Sanders fell on that issue?
that’s right: this time Clinton was the one dragging Bernie to the left
Solar panels!
I mean, clean energy in general, but “solar panels” is the shiniest part
Automatic voter registration
No more harried every-four-year drives pleading for everyone to register, even if it’s inconvenient, even if there are serious barriers in your way
No more “welcome to the polling center, whoops, looks like you were registered but it got thrown out on a technicality and nobody told you”
Automatic voter registration!!
Raise the minimum wage to $12/hr
Still not the $16/hr we’d have if it had kept up with inflation since the ‘70s, but a big improvement
I’m not even in a minimum-wage job and this would still give me a raise of at least $320/month
and obviously the tipped minimum wage is a national shame, well guess what, HRC wants to do away with that
Fewer loopholes and more taxes for the super-rich, including the Buffett Rule and a millionaire tax
Hella infrastructure investment plans: covering our roads, bridges, airports, dams, public transit, and Internet access
She’s planning to upgrade our 25 most costly freight bottlenecks
Did you know our country had a cost issue with freight bottlenecks?
Because I had no idea
and this happens over and over with her policies
things you didn’t even know were things
but Hermione Rodham Clinton has already looked up the statistics, talked to the experts, and written the ten-page memo
and listen, voting for HRC for no other reason than to keep Trump and his tax-evading business-bankrupting employee-stiffing racist sexist across-the-board-hateful loose-cannon general inanity out of office is completely legitimate –
but if I never see another “why don’t we know more about her plans?? it is a hopeless unsolvable mystery for the ages!” post again it will be too soon.
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kitseh · 8 years
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kitseh · 8 years
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kitseh · 8 years
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kitseh · 8 years
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kitseh · 8 years
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I love this salsa bird
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kitseh · 8 years
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The Aether Foundation.
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kitseh · 8 years
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kitseh · 8 years
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