kismesis-mhm · 2 years
so we used to run a little blog called @kismesis-mhm and then we dipped for over a year and the guy who ran that acc stopped being the host of our system BUT we’re still in that kismesitude and i recently flushed out ALL four quadrants and i thought “hey. why not bring that back.”
now that base account is long gone and im not gonna use it so im just moving all the way over here and using this blog now! bit of a switcheroo. still the same content probably: lovemail, hatemail, bursts of truly insane “poetry”, and having absolutely zero connection to homestuck other than using its terms.
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kismesis-mhm · 2 years
so we used to run a little blog called @kismesis-mhm and then we dipped for over a year and the guy who ran that acc stopped being the host of our system BUT we’re still in that kismesitude and i recently flushed out ALL four quadrants and i thought “hey. why not bring that back.”
now that base account is long gone and im not gonna use it so im just moving all the way over here and using this blog now! bit of a switcheroo. still the same content probably: lovemail, hatemail, bursts of truly insane “poetry”, and having absolutely zero connection to homestuck other than using its terms.
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kismesis-mhm · 2 years
so we used to run a little blog called @kismesis-mhm and then we dipped for over a year and the guy who ran that acc stopped being the host of our system BUT we’re still in that kismesitude and i recently flushed out ALL four quadrants and i thought “hey. why not bring that back.”
now that base account is long gone and im not gonna use it so im just moving all the way over here and using this blog now! bit of a switcheroo. still the same content probably: lovemail, hatemail, bursts of truly insane “poetry”, and having absolutely zero connection to homestuck other than using its terms.
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kismesis-mhm · 2 years
so we used to run a little blog called @kismesis-mhm and then we dipped for over a year and the guy who ran that acc stopped being the host of our system BUT we’re still in that kismesitude and i recently flushed out ALL four quadrants and i thought “hey. why not bring that back.”
now that base account is long gone and im not gonna use it so im just moving all the way over here and using this blog now! bit of a switcheroo. still the same content probably: lovemail, hatemail, bursts of truly insane “poetry”, and having absolutely zero connection to homestuck other than using its terms.
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kismesis-mhm · 2 years
so we used to run a little blog called @kismesis-mhm and then we dipped for over a year and the guy who ran that acc stopped being the host of our system BUT we’re still in that kismesitude and i recently flushed out ALL four quadrants and i thought “hey. why not bring that back.”
now that base account is long gone and im not gonna use it so im just moving all the way over here and using this blog now! bit of a switcheroo. still the same content probably: lovemail, hatemail, bursts of truly insane “poetry”, and having absolutely zero connection to homestuck other than using its terms.
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kismesis-mhm · 2 years
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a kismesis-mhm comeback
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kismesis-mhm · 3 years
pride month is now over. hate wins! kiss your enemies on the mouth
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kismesis-mhm · 4 years
more information on punching bag
- we literally met today irl
- we have called before because it is friends with my other kismesises
- i literally punched it in the face twice
- its lip is bleeding
- we can’t/don’t follow each other on social media
- we might be the same people but like. weird. and its terrible.
- it factkins boyinaband. ngl, it’s its only redeeming quality
- it was arthur denton for halloween. that is literally all you need to know.
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kismesis-mhm · 4 years
so in the name of halloween, problems, and worse, i have aNOTHER kismesis we’ll be calling it punching bag and that’s really fitting
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kismesis-mhm · 4 years
I see no reason why I can’t be both the love interest and the antagonist
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kismesis-mhm · 4 years
friends to enemies to lovers is actually something that can be so intimate. i know you i know everything about you i have told you all my deepest secrets and you have told me yours and now i am trying to kill you literally or metaphorically because hate and love are separated by a very thin line and i don't know which side i am on
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kismesis-mhm · 4 years
as someone who's wanted a kismesissitude for a long time and loves the hero/villain aesthetic- I'm living for this blog. your dynamic with your quadrantmates is so interesting and your writing's great too. 10/10 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
THIS IS THE NICEST ASK IVE EVER RECIEVED thank you so much!!!! please have a fantastic day because this ask certainly made mine!!!
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kismesis-mhm · 4 years
thinkin about this again because hetalia is getting new content and i am once again the victim of nee nee papa wain wo choudai
my kismesis: okay pause the show i have something else we need to watch
me: it’s hetalia isnt it
their computer: “Nee Nee papa Wain wo choudai”
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kismesis-mhm · 4 years
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kismesis-mhm · 4 years
my favorite thing is nonhomestucks using quadrant terms and then Violently defending themselves as Not Being A Homestuck
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kismesis-mhm · 4 years
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kismesis-mhm · 4 years
The hard truth of the matter is that not everyone gets an arch-nemesis.
There will always be more villains around than there are heroic protagonists, so it’s not like you can just pair off on a 1:1 ratio.
You will likely have to share your hero with several other villains. While it’s true that heroes often have one particular villain that they consider to be their true nemesis, there’s no guarantee that that villain is going to be you.
I realize this can be frustrating. Your hero might not be able to give you the attention you feel you deserve, but I urge you not to do anything stupid. Don’t bite off more than you can chew. If you’ve never built a death ray or a doomsday device before, do not attempt to do so now in a misguided attempt to elevate your threat in your hero’s eyes. Work up to it. Start small and build from there, making a name and reputation for yourself as you go. Absolutely do not murder their loved ones right off the bat.
If you want to become someone’s arch-nemesis, the best thing you can do is to focus on self-improvement. Stop worrying so much about what your hero thinks and worry about what works for you. Become a well-rounded villain, develop your schtick, work on your evil laugh, practice some improv dialogue until you can deliver a menacing speech with appropriate panache at the drop of a hat, and cultivate a unique and memorable aesthetic. If it’s meant to be, your hero will notice!
One mistake I notice frequently in rookie villains is a tendency to settle for sidekicks. You do not want to be the arch-nemesis of a sidekick if you can help it, because that’s a difficult hole to drag yourself out of. Once a sidekick’s villain, always a sidekick’s villain. If the sidekick is young, there’s a small chance that they will eventually graduate onto independent hero status, but the retention rate is low and it’s not worth the risk. Young sidekicks also tend to want to reinvent themselves when they become independent, which means shedding old enemies and establishing new nemecidal relationships with fresh faces.
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