Painted Petals Fest: Summer Edition is official closed.
Which means you now have 3 months to get ready for Painted Petals Fest: Autumn Edition, which will be September 14th-28th.
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Today is the last day of Painted Petals Fest: Summer Edition!
So if you have a fanwork to submit, get it posted today!
Painted Petals Fest: Autumn Edition will run September 14th-28th.
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The Mid-Summer Solstice has come and gone, but Painted Petals Fest: Summer Edition is still open!
You have until it is no longer June 28th anywhere in the world to post a PPF story to the AO3 Collection and get it reblogged/promoted on this blog.
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Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Painted Petals Fest, SUMMER EDITION! (June 14th-28th)!
The AO3 collection will be open to new Painted Petals Fest fanworks from now until June 29th. 
Details, rules and information below the cut.
What is the Painted Petals Fest?
Painted Petals Fest is a two week long event dedicated to the creation of Gardener!Harry and Artist!Merlin AUs.
This fest was born from a simple idea: Harry Hart and Merlin being happy and soft together. But of course, from a plot bunny as minimalistic as “gardener!Harry and artist!Merlin” an author could choose to go down many different roads. Why does Harry keep a garden? What kind of artist is Merlin? How old are they? How young? Are they Kingsman, or did they just meet? Will they get together, or just forge the deepest of friendships?  With so many option, we decided there is only one solution: a fest where everyone is free to choose their own story and write it, or to illustrate whatever picture is on their mind, or compose a playlist with anything that’s in their heart. As long as the story is centered on Harry and Merlin’s relationship, and keeps in line with the base prompt of Harry as a gardener (or botanist, or lepidopterist, or florist, or beekeeper…) and Merlin as a painter (or potter, or poet, or actor, or writer…), anything goes! You can even make a work for any other pairing (Hartwin, Merwin, Merhartwin, etc.) as long as Harry and Merlin remain the main focus - because these two deserve to be happy.
That sounds awesome! How do I do it? Do I have to sign up?
It’s simple! There are no sign ups, no check ins, and no expectations. All you have to do is make your creation, be it fic, art, or whatever other fanwork content you catches your fancy, and begin to post it at any point between June 14th-28th. Works can be posted on AO3 and added to the Fest collection, or to tumblr, dreamwidth, or wherever else you host your content. Then make a tumblr post about it, at the @kingsmancollabevents​ blog and use the tag #paintedpetalsfest. The kingsmancollabevents blog will reblog and promote all fanworks that meet the Fest criteria that we see (so make sure to @ us and/or tag it).
What are the criteria?
Create a fic, artwork, or other fanwork involving Gardener!Harry and Artist!Merlin, in whatever interpretation of those concepts catches your fancy. There is no minimum word count, nor any other minimum limitations. Fics do not even have to be completely written by the end of the Fest! (Although that would be advisable). As long as you at least begin posting your work before the end of June 28th it will be eligible to be counted as part of the Fest.
It is important to note that we are using “gardener” and “artist” as generic terms here, and there is a lot of wiggle room contained within those terms to follow your fantasy. Artist!Merlin could be a potter, a poet, a write, a painter, or use whatever other medium of art you prefer; similarly Gardener!Harry could be a botanist, lepidopterist, florist, beekeeper, etc. Whatever catches your fancy so long as it falls loosely with then categories of “gardening” and “art”.
Can’t make up your mind between a couple of different versions of the AU?
You are not alone! The more content the better! Feel free to post as much or as little as you want.
I love the AU but I want to write a different pairing and/or different characters?
That’s awesome! We support and encourage all of the soft floral and artistic AUs you can dream up! However, for the purposes of this Fest we are focusing specifically on Harry and Merlin. This does not have to be shippy, we welcome platonic/gen Harry&Merlin, and we also encourage side pairings (whether this includes Harry/Someone else and/or Merlin/Someone else, or an unrelated side pairing such as Eggsy/Tilde, Lancelot/Percival, or whatever!). However, if the main focus of the fic isn’t on Harry and Merlin it does not qualify to be included in this Fest; it cannot be added to the AO3 collection nor will it be reblogged/promoted by the kingsmancollabevents blog.
Are there any limitations on content?
A few. As stated above, the primary focus must be on Harry and Merlin’s relationship to be included in the Fest. Additionally, we will not allow non-con or explicit underage content. Hurt/comfort and angst are allowed and welcomed, but be sure that everything - especially content that is heavy or potentially triggering - is tagged appropriately. We all love the occasional heartwrenching angst or hurt/comfort, but we would hate for anyone to be triggered or surprised by angst and unhappiness when they were looking for fluff.
I have a really great idea but don’t have time to create it myself? OR I really want to participate but I can’t think of my own variation to make?
Not to worry! Check out our Share a Prompt, Fill a Prompt post and connected document, where people can pitch ideas that they cannot create themselves, or would like to see more than one version of. Anyone looking for an idea can then access the doc and see if anything there catches their fancy. This is not a claiming processes, you will not in anyway mark the idea you would like to create for and more than one person is welcome to work on any prompt left in the doc. We also cannot guarantee that every prompt left in the doc will be filled. This is a Fest that is based on how many people can write a simple idea in an entirely different ways, and we encourage open creativity for everyone!
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns you can leave me an ask or an email @ [email protected]
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Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Painted Petals Fest, SUMMER EDITION! (June 14th-28th)!
The AO3 collection will be open to new Painted Petals Fest fanworks from now until June 29th. 
Details, rules and information below the cut.
What is the Painted Petals Fest?
Painted Petals Fest is a two week long event dedicated to the creation of Gardener!Harry and Artist!Merlin AUs.
This fest was born from a simple idea: Harry Hart and Merlin being happy and soft together. But of course, from a plot bunny as minimalistic as “gardener!Harry and artist!Merlin” an author could choose to go down many different roads. Why does Harry keep a garden? What kind of artist is Merlin? How old are they? How young? Are they Kingsman, or did they just meet? Will they get together, or just forge the deepest of friendships?  With so many option, we decided there is only one solution: a fest where everyone is free to choose their own story and write it, or to illustrate whatever picture is on their mind, or compose a playlist with anything that’s in their heart. As long as the story is centered on Harry and Merlin’s relationship, and keeps in line with the base prompt of Harry as a gardener (or botanist, or lepidopterist, or florist, or beekeeper…) and Merlin as a painter (or potter, or poet, or actor, or writer…), anything goes! You can even make a work for any other pairing (Hartwin, Merwin, Merhartwin, etc.) as long as Harry and Merlin remain the main focus - because these two deserve to be happy.
That sounds awesome! How do I do it? Do I have to sign up?
It’s simple! There are no sign ups, no check ins, and no expectations. All you have to do is make your creation, be it fic, art, or whatever other fanwork content you catches your fancy, and begin to post it at any point between June 14th-28th. Works can be posted on AO3 and added to the Fest collection, or to tumblr, dreamwidth, or wherever else you host your content. Then make a tumblr post about it, at the @kingsmancollabevents​ blog and use the tag #paintedpetalsfest. The kingsmancollabevents blog will reblog and promote all fanworks that meet the Fest criteria that we see (so make sure to @ us and/or tag it).
What are the criteria?
Create a fic, artwork, or other fanwork involving Gardener!Harry and Artist!Merlin, in whatever interpretation of those concepts catches your fancy. There is no minimum word count, nor any other minimum limitations. Fics do not even have to be completely written by the end of the Fest! (Although that would be advisable). As long as you at least begin posting your work before the end of June 28th it will be eligible to be counted as part of the Fest.
It is important to note that we are using “gardener” and “artist” as generic terms here, and there is a lot of wiggle room contained within those terms to follow your fantasy. Artist!Merlin could be a potter, a poet, a write, a painter, or use whatever other medium of art you prefer; similarly Gardener!Harry could be a botanist, lepidopterist, florist, beekeeper, etc. Whatever catches your fancy so long as it falls loosely with then categories of “gardening” and “art”.
Can’t make up your mind between a couple of different versions of the AU?
You are not alone! The more content the better! Feel free to post as much or as little as you want.
I love the AU but I want to write a different pairing and/or different characters?
That’s awesome! We support and encourage all of the soft floral and artistic AUs you can dream up! However, for the purposes of this Fest we are focusing specifically on Harry and Merlin. This does not have to be shippy, we welcome platonic/gen Harry&Merlin, and we also encourage side pairings (whether this includes Harry/Someone else and/or Merlin/Someone else, or an unrelated side pairing such as Eggsy/Tilde, Lancelot/Percival, or whatever!). However, if the main focus of the fic isn’t on Harry and Merlin it does not qualify to be included in this Fest; it cannot be added to the AO3 collection nor will it be reblogged/promoted by the kingsmancollabevents blog.
Are there any limitations on content?
A few. As stated above, the primary focus must be on Harry and Merlin’s relationship to be included in the Fest. Additionally, we will not allow non-con or explicit underage content. Hurt/comfort and angst are allowed and welcomed, but be sure that everything - especially content that is heavy or potentially triggering - is tagged appropriately. We all love the occasional heartwrenching angst or hurt/comfort, but we would hate for anyone to be triggered or surprised by angst and unhappiness when they were looking for fluff.
I have a really great idea but don’t have time to create it myself? OR I really want to participate but I can’t think of my own variation to make?
Not to worry! Check out our Share a Prompt, Fill a Prompt post and connected document, where people can pitch ideas that they cannot create themselves, or would like to see more than one version of. Anyone looking for an idea can then access the doc and see if anything there catches their fancy. This is not a claiming processes, you will not in anyway mark the idea you would like to create for and more than one person is welcome to work on any prompt left in the doc. We also cannot guarantee that every prompt left in the doc will be filled. This is a Fest that is based on how many people can write a simple idea in an entirely different ways, and we encourage open creativity for everyone!
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns you can leave me an ask or an email @ [email protected]
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Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Painted Petals Fest, SUMMER EDITION! (June 14th-28th)!
The AO3 collection will be open to new Painted Petals Fest fanworks from now until June 29th. 
Details, rules and information below the cut.
What is the Painted Petals Fest?
Painted Petals Fest is a two week long event dedicated to the creation of Gardener!Harry and Artist!Merlin AUs.
This fest was born from a simple idea: Harry Hart and Merlin being happy and soft together. But of course, from a plot bunny as minimalistic as “gardener!Harry and artist!Merlin” an author could choose to go down many different roads. Why does Harry keep a garden? What kind of artist is Merlin? How old are they? How young? Are they Kingsman, or did they just meet? Will they get together, or just forge the deepest of friendships?  With so many option, we decided there is only one solution: a fest where everyone is free to choose their own story and write it, or to illustrate whatever picture is on their mind, or compose a playlist with anything that’s in their heart. As long as the story is centered on Harry and Merlin’s relationship, and keeps in line with the base prompt of Harry as a gardener (or botanist, or lepidopterist, or florist, or beekeeper…) and Merlin as a painter (or potter, or poet, or actor, or writer…), anything goes! You can even make a work for any other pairing (Hartwin, Merwin, Merhartwin, etc.) as long as Harry and Merlin remain the main focus - because these two deserve to be happy.
That sounds awesome! How do I do it? Do I have to sign up?
It’s simple! There are no sign ups, no check ins, and no expectations. All you have to do is make your creation, be it fic, art, or whatever other fanwork content you catches your fancy, and begin to post it at any point between June 14th-28th. Works can be posted on AO3 and added to the Fest collection, or to tumblr, dreamwidth, or wherever else you host your content. Then make a tumblr post about it, at the @kingsmancollabevents​ blog and use the tag #paintedpetalsfest. The kingsmancollabevents blog will reblog and promote all fanworks that meet the Fest criteria that we see (so make sure to @ us and/or tag it).
What are the criteria?
Create a fic, artwork, or other fanwork involving Gardener!Harry and Artist!Merlin, in whatever interpretation of those concepts catches your fancy. There is no minimum word count, nor any other minimum limitations. Fics do not even have to be completely written by the end of the Fest! (Although that would be advisable). As long as you at least begin posting your work before the end of June 28th it will be eligible to be counted as part of the Fest.
It is important to note that we are using “gardener” and “artist” as generic terms here, and there is a lot of wiggle room contained within those terms to follow your fantasy. Artist!Merlin could be a potter, a poet, a write, a painter, or use whatever other medium of art you prefer; similarly Gardener!Harry could be a botanist, lepidopterist, florist, beekeeper, etc. Whatever catches your fancy so long as it falls loosely with then categories of “gardening” and “art”.
Can’t make up your mind between a couple of different versions of the AU?
You are not alone! The more content the better! Feel free to post as much or as little as you want.
I love the AU but I want to write a different pairing and/or different characters?
That’s awesome! We support and encourage all of the soft floral and artistic AUs you can dream up! However, for the purposes of this Fest we are focusing specifically on Harry and Merlin. This does not have to be shippy, we welcome platonic/gen Harry&Merlin, and we also encourage side pairings (whether this includes Harry/Someone else and/or Merlin/Someone else, or an unrelated side pairing such as Eggsy/Tilde, Lancelot/Percival, or whatever!). However, if the main focus of the fic isn’t on Harry and Merlin it does not qualify to be included in this Fest; it cannot be added to the AO3 collection nor will it be reblogged/promoted by the kingsmancollabevents blog.
Are there any limitations on content?
A few. As stated above, the primary focus must be on Harry and Merlin’s relationship to be included in the Fest. Additionally, we will not allow non-con or explicit underage content. Hurt/comfort and angst are allowed and welcomed, but be sure that everything - especially content that is heavy or potentially triggering - is tagged appropriately. We all love the occasional heartwrenching angst or hurt/comfort, but we would hate for anyone to be triggered or surprised by angst and unhappiness when they were looking for fluff.
I have a really great idea but don’t have time to create it myself? OR I really want to participate but I can’t think of my own variation to make?
Not to worry! Check out our Share a Prompt, Fill a Prompt post and connected document, where people can pitch ideas that they cannot create themselves, or would like to see more than one version of. Anyone looking for an idea can then access the doc and see if anything there catches their fancy. This is not a claiming processes, you will not in anyway mark the idea you would like to create for and more than one person is welcome to work on any prompt left in the doc. We also cannot guarantee that every prompt left in the doc will be filled. This is a Fest that is based on how many people can write a simple idea in an entirely different ways, and we encourage open creativity for everyone!
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns you can leave me an ask or an email @ [email protected]
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Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Painted Petals Fest (June 14th-28th)!
What is the Painted Petals Fest?
Painted Petals Fest is a two week long event dedicated to the creation of Gardener!Harry and Artist!Merlin AUs.
This fest was born from a simple idea: Harry Hart and Merlin being happy and soft together. But of course, from a plot bunny as minimalistic as “gardener!Harry and artist!Merlin” an author could choose to go down many different roads. Why does Harry keep a garden? What kind of artist is Merlin? How old are they? How young? Are they Kingsman, or did they just meet? Will they get together, or just forge the deepest of friendships?  With so many option, we decided there is only one solution: a fest where everyone is free to choose their own story and write it, or to illustrate whatever picture is on their mind, or compose a playlist with anything that’s in their heart. As long as the story is centered on Harry and Merlin’s relationship, and keeps in line with the base prompt of Harry as a gardener (or botanist, or lepidopterist, or florist, or beekeeper…) and Merlin as a painter (or potter, or poet, or actor, or writer…), anything goes! You can even make a work for any other pairing (Hartwin, Merwin, Merhartwin, etc.) as long as Harry and Merlin remain the main focus - because these two deserve to be happy.
That sounds awesome! How do I do it? Do I have to sign up?
It’s simple! There are no sign ups, no check ins, and no expectations. All you have to do is make your creation, be it fic, art, or whatever other fanwork content you catches your fancy, and begin to post it at any point between June 14th-28th. Works can be posted on AO3 and added to the Fest collection (link to come), or to tumblr, dreamwidth, or wherever else you host your content. Then make a tumblr post about it, at the @kingsmancollabevents​ blog and use the tag #paintedpetalsfest. The kingsmancollabevents blog will reblog and promote all fanworks that meet the Fest criteria that we see (so make sure to @ us and/or tag it).
What are the criteria?
Create a fic, artwork, or other fanwork involving Gardener!Harry and Artist!Merlin, in whatever interpretation of those concepts catches your fancy. There is no minimum word count, nor any other minimum limitations. Fics do not even have to be completely written by the end of the Fest! (Although that would be advisable). As long as you at least begin posting your work before the end of June 28th it will be eligible to be counted as part of the Fest.
It is important to note that we are using “gardener” and “artist” as generic terms here, and there is a lot of wiggle room contained within those terms to follow your fantasy. Artist!Merlin could be a potter, a poet, a write, a painter, or use whatever other medium of art you prefer; similarly Gardener!Harry could be a botanist, lepidopterist, florist, beekeeper, etc. Whatever catches your fancy so long as it falls loosely with then categories of “gardening” and “art”.
Can’t make up your mind between a couple of different versions of the AU?
You are not alone! The more content the better! Feel free to post as much or as little as you want.
I love the AU but I want to write a different pairing and/or different characters?
That’s awesome! We support and encourage all of the soft floral and artistic AUs you can dream up! However, for the purposes of this Fest we are focusing specifically on Harry and Merlin. This does not have to be shippy, we welcome platonic/gen Harry&Merlin, and we also encourage side pairings (whether this includes Harry/Someone else and/or Merlin/Someone else, or an unrelated side pairing such as Eggsy/Tilde, Lancelot/Percival, or whatever!). However, if the main focus of the fic isn’t on Harry and Merlin it does not qualify to be included in this Fest; it cannot be added to the AO3 collection nor will it be reblogged/promoted by the kingsmancollabevents blog.
Are there any limitations on content?
A few. As stated above, the primary focus must be on Harry and Merlin’s relationship to be included in the Fest. Additionally, we will not allow non-con or explicit underage content. Hurt/comfort and angst are allowed and welcomed, but be sure that everything - especially content that is heavy or potentially triggering - is tagged appropriately. We all love the occasional heartwrenching angst or hurt/comfort, but we would hate for anyone to be triggered or surprised by angst and unhappiness when they were looking for fluff.
I have a really great idea but don’t have time to create it myself? OR I really want to participate but I can’t think of my own variation to make?
Not to worry! We will be putting out a shared doc (link to come) where people can pitch ideas that they cannot create themselves, or would like to see more than one version of. Anyone looking for an idea can then access the doc and see if anything there catches their fancy. This is not a claiming processes, you will not in anyway mark the idea you would like to create for and more than one person is welcome to work on any prompt left in the doc. We also cannot guarantee that every prompt left in the doc will be filled. This is a Fest that is based on how many people can write a simple idea in an entirely different ways, and we encourage open creativity for everyone!
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns you can leave me an ask or an email @ [email protected]
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Hello everyone
I am... very late posting this, but Painted Petals Fest Spring 2018 is officially closed.
Oh no, did you plan to create something and not get it posted in time? That’s okay!
We have decided to make Painted Petals Fest a seasonal event! What does this mean? This means that we will open the collection for the two weeks surrounding each Equinox/Solstice. 
The collection will open next on June 14th through June 28th for the Summer Solstice. Fanworks don’t have to be themed to the season in which you intend to post them, but bonus points if they are ;)
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stop being such a dick, harry
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Have this flower boy while waiting for an actual fanart for the fest Stay tuned
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My honestly kind of shitty contribution to the Painted Petals Fest.
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Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Painted Petals Fest (March 14th-28th)!
What is the Painted Petals Fest?
Painted Petals Fest is a two week long event dedicated to the creation of Gardener!Harry and Artist!Merlin AUs.
This fest was born from a simple idea: Harry Hart and Merlin being happy and soft together. But of course, from a plot bunny as minimalistic as "gardener!Harry and artist!Merlin" an author could choose to go down many different roads. Why does Harry keep a garden? What kind of artist is Merlin? How old are they? How young? Are they Kingsman, or did they just meet? Will they get together, or just forge the deepest of friendships? With so many option, we decided there is only one solution: a fest where everyone is free to choose their own story and write it, or to illustrate whatever picture is on their mind, or compose a playlist with anything that's in their heart. As long as the story is centered on Harry and Merlin's relationship, and keeps in line with the base prompt of Harry as a gardener (or botanist, or lepidopterist, or florist, or beekeeper...) and Merlin as a painter (or potter, or poet, or actor, or writer...), anything goes! You can even make a work for any other pairing (Hartwin, Merwin, Merhartwin, etc.) as long as Harry and Merlin remain the main focus - because these two deserve to be happy.
That sounds awesome! How do I do it? Do I have to sign up?
It’s simple! There are no sign ups, no check ins, and no expectations. All you have to do is make your creation, be it fic, art, or whatever other fanwork content you catches your fancy, and begin to post it at any point between March 14th-28th. Works can be posted on AO3 and added to the Fest collection (link to come), or to tumblr, dreamwidth, or wherever else you host your content. Then make a tumblr post about it, at the @kingsmancollabevents​ blog and use the tag #paintedpetalsfest. The kingsmancollabevents blog will reblog and promote all fanworks that meet the Fest criteria that we see (so make sure to @ us and/or tag it).
What are the criteria?
Create a fic, artwork, or other fanwork involving Gardener!Harry and Artist!Merlin, in whatever interpretation of those concepts catches your fancy. There is no minimum word count, nor any other minimum limitations. Fics do not even have to be completely written by the end of the Fest! (Although that would be advisable). As long as you at least begin posting your work before the end of March 28th it will be eligible to be counted as part of the Fest.
It is important to note that we are using “gardener” and “artist” as generic terms here, and there is a lot of wiggle room contained within those terms to follow your fantasy. Artist!Merlin could be a potter, a poet, a write, a painter, or use whatever other medium of art you prefer; similarly Gardener!Harry could be a botanist, lepidopterist, florist, beekeeper, etc. Whatever catches your fancy so long as it falls loosely with then categories of “gardening” and “art”.
Can’t make up your mind between a couple of different versions of the AU?
You are not alone! The more content the better! Feel free to post as much or as little as you want.
I love the AU but I want to write a different pairing and/or different characters?
That’s awesome! We support and encourage all of the soft floral and artistic AUs you can dream up! However, for the purposes of this Fest we are focusing specifically on Harry and Merlin. This does not have to be shippy, we welcome platonic/gen Harry&Merlin, and we also encourage side pairings (whether this includes Harry/Someone else and/or Merlin/Someone else, or an unrelated side pairing such as Eggsy/Tilde, Lancelot/Percival, or whatever!). However, if the main focus of the fic isn’t on Harry and Merlin it does not qualify to be included in this Fest; it cannot be added to the AO3 collection nor will it be reblogged/promoted by the kingsmancollabevents blog.
Are there any limitations on content?
A few. As stated above, the primary focus must be on Harry and Merlin’s relationship to be included in the Fest. Additionally, we will not allow non-con or explicit underage content. Hurt/comfort and angst are allowed and welcomed, but be sure that everything - especially content that is heavy or potentially triggering - is tagged appropriately. We all love the occasional heartwrenching angst or hurt/comfort, but we would hate for anyone to be triggered or surprised by angst and unhappiness when they were looking for fluff.
I have a really great idea but don’t have time to create it myself? OR I really want to participate but I can’t think of my own variation to make?
Not to worry! We will be putting out a shared doc (link to come) where people can pitch ideas that they cannot create themselves, or would like to see more than one version of. Anyone looking for an idea can then access the doc and see if anything there catches their fancy. This is not a claiming processes, you will not in anyway mark the idea you would like to create for and more than one person is welcome to work on any prompt left in the doc. We also cannot guarantee that every prompt left in the doc will be filled. This is a Fest that is based on how many people can write a simple idea in an entirely different ways, and we encourage open creativity for everyone!
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns you can leave me an ask or an email @ [email protected]
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Harry and Merlin’s first meeting wasn’t exactly ideal, but it’s complex. Merlin has to resolve this sexual tension at some point, right?
““How can I repay you?” He says in a quiet voice, low and rumbling. He almost makes a shudder run through Harry’s spine, but instead he decides to let his eyes close. Merlin leans closer, his own eyes closing as is the space between their lips.”
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Share a Prompt, Fill a Prompt
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Hello everyone!
So, you’ve seen the announcement for the Painted Petals Fest - or maybe you haven’t, in which case check it out here - and you’re super pumped! We all are!
Maybe you have a (or several) super awesome plot idea for the Fest, but - for whatever reason - you can’t write it. Maybe you have more ideas than you have time to write them. Whatever you’re reason, that’s great! You can head on over to the  "Share a prompt, Fill a prompt" spreadsheet! 
This is a simple spreadsheet where you can leave your idea as a prompt for someone else to fill. All you need to do is explain/outline your idea, either as a fic idea, art idea, or both. There is no guarantee that your prompt will be filled, but you can leave your tumblr and/or AO3 name if you would like to be contacted or credited if your prompt does get filled.
Maybe you’re super pumped to create for the best but you can’t think of any specific ideas? Awesome! Head on over to the "Share a prompt, Fill a prompt" spreadsheet and see if anything there catches your fancy! This is not a claims process - multiple people are welcome to create their different takes on a single prompt and you will not be marking that you intend to create something for a prompt. If the person who left the prompt left an AO3 or tumblr name we encourage you to credit or tag them to make sure they see your take on their prompt.
The Fest rules do still apply to prompts, and any prompts found on the spreadsheet that violate these rules will be deleted. Otherwise, we can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with!
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A fanvideo for the Painted Petals Fest hosted by @kingsmancollabevents​
This is a soft AU wherein Harry is a gardener/beekeeper/lepidopterist and Merlin is an artist.
Concept and event art by the amazing @stravaganza <3
Video crossposted to AO3 HERE 
Make sure to check out @kingsmancollabevents for other works as well as the Painted Petals Fest AO3 Collection
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Painted Petals Fest is Live!
Today officially marks the beginning of Painted Petals Fest 2018.
Fanwork creators: Please add your works to the& Painted Petals Fest AO3 Collection
Anything you post to tumblr please be sure to include #painted petals fest and/or #ppf in the first 5 tags on your post. You can also at @kingsmancollabevents​ in the body of your post. As long as you do one or both of those things we will reblog and promote your work here.
If you need a refresher on the rules, or if this is the first Painted Petals Fest post you’re seeing and want to know what it’s about, you can find the Fest Information and Guidelines here.
Painted Petals Fest runs for two weeks; from March 14th-March 28th. We welcome all manner of fanworks. So if you haven’t started creating already there’s still time to get to it!
We also have a Share a Prompt, Fill a Prompt spreadsheet, if you want to participate and are lacking in ideas, or have ideas you want to offer up for other people to play with. You can see all the information about this sheet in this post here.
We’re very excited to see all the beautiful works you all come up with, so
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Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Painted Petals Fest (March 14th-28th)!
What is the Painted Petals Fest?
Painted Petals Fest is a two week long event dedicated to the creation of Gardener!Harry and Artist!Merlin AUs.
This fest was born from a simple idea: Harry Hart and Merlin being happy and soft together. But of course, from a plot bunny as minimalistic as "gardener!Harry and artist!Merlin" an author could choose to go down many different roads. Why does Harry keep a garden? What kind of artist is Merlin? How old are they? How young? Are they Kingsman, or did they just meet? Will they get together, or just forge the deepest of friendships? With so many option, we decided there is only one solution: a fest where everyone is free to choose their own story and write it, or to illustrate whatever picture is on their mind, or compose a playlist with anything that's in their heart. As long as the story is centered on Harry and Merlin's relationship, and keeps in line with the base prompt of Harry as a gardener (or botanist, or lepidopterist, or florist, or beekeeper...) and Merlin as a painter (or potter, or poet, or actor, or writer...), anything goes! You can even make a work for any other pairing (Hartwin, Merwin, Merhartwin, etc.) as long as Harry and Merlin remain the main focus - because these two deserve to be happy.
That sounds awesome! How do I do it? Do I have to sign up?
It’s simple! There are no sign ups, no check ins, and no expectations. All you have to do is make your creation, be it fic, art, or whatever other fanwork content you catches your fancy, and begin to post it at any point between March 14th-28th. Works can be posted on AO3 and added to the Fest collection (link to come), or to tumblr, dreamwidth, or wherever else you host your content. Then make a tumblr post about it, at the @kingsmancollabevents​ blog and use the tag #paintedpetalsfest. The kingsmancollabevents blog will reblog and promote all fanworks that meet the Fest criteria that we see (so make sure to @ us and/or tag it).
What are the criteria?
Create a fic, artwork, or other fanwork involving Gardener!Harry and Artist!Merlin, in whatever interpretation of those concepts catches your fancy. There is no minimum word count, nor any other minimum limitations. Fics do not even have to be completely written by the end of the Fest! (Although that would be advisable). As long as you at least begin posting your work before the end of March 28th it will be eligible to be counted as part of the Fest.
It is important to note that we are using “gardener” and “artist” as generic terms here, and there is a lot of wiggle room contained within those terms to follow your fantasy. Artist!Merlin could be a potter, a poet, a write, a painter, or use whatever other medium of art you prefer; similarly Gardener!Harry could be a botanist, lepidopterist, florist, beekeeper, etc. Whatever catches your fancy so long as it falls loosely with then categories of “gardening” and “art”.
Can’t make up your mind between a couple of different versions of the AU?
You are not alone! The more content the better! Feel free to post as much or as little as you want.
I love the AU but I want to write a different pairing and/or different characters?
That’s awesome! We support and encourage all of the soft floral and artistic AUs you can dream up! However, for the purposes of this Fest we are focusing specifically on Harry and Merlin. This does not have to be shippy, we welcome platonic/gen Harry&Merlin, and we also encourage side pairings (whether this includes Harry/Someone else and/or Merlin/Someone else, or an unrelated side pairing such as Eggsy/Tilde, Lancelot/Percival, or whatever!). However, if the main focus of the fic isn’t on Harry and Merlin it does not qualify to be included in this Fest; it cannot be added to the AO3 collection nor will it be reblogged/promoted by the kingsmancollabevents blog.
Are there any limitations on content?
A few. As stated above, the primary focus must be on Harry and Merlin’s relationship to be included in the Fest. Additionally, we will not allow non-con or explicit underage content. Hurt/comfort and angst are allowed and welcomed, but be sure that everything - especially content that is heavy or potentially triggering - is tagged appropriately. We all love the occasional heartwrenching angst or hurt/comfort, but we would hate for anyone to be triggered or surprised by angst and unhappiness when they were looking for fluff.
I have a really great idea but don’t have time to create it myself? OR I really want to participate but I can’t think of my own variation to make?
Not to worry! We will be putting out a shared doc (link to come) where people can pitch ideas that they cannot create themselves, or would like to see more than one version of. Anyone looking for an idea can then access the doc and see if anything there catches their fancy. This is not a claiming processes, you will not in anyway mark the idea you would like to create for and more than one person is welcome to work on any prompt left in the doc. We also cannot guarantee that every prompt left in the doc will be filled. This is a Fest that is based on how many people can write a simple idea in an entirely different ways, and we encourage open creativity for everyone!
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns you can leave me an ask or an email @ [email protected]
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