kibirii-blog · 8 years
Holy god this is sad and beautiful
Made a lyric comic (rest of it is under the cut to prevent dashboard clogging)
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kibirii-blog · 8 years
Frisk and Sans having a date at Grillby's?
Requests !!CLOSED!!
Finals are in a few weeks but I’ll do request of the first 10 that message me!
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kibirii-blog · 8 years
Some of the descriptions/changes of the characters in Suicidetale. Frisk- a 'human' who wears an old dirty baby blue sweater with two magenta stripes going across the sweater. They wear a crown to seem innocent and approachable only to lure 'prey'. They take what they can get. Frisk has a distorted smile similad to Flowey's demonic looking face. Frisk's hair usually covers their eyes but when it isn't, you can see their blood red slanted eyes if their open and if not all you see is a 'normal' Frisk face. Toriel- Instead of Asgore keeping the Heart Locket, Toriel keeps it in the childrens bedroom underneath Chara's twin bed in the Ruins. Sans- One of the only characters Frisk kills. He is strong-willed and is determined to take his revenge upon them for making his brother die. Underneath his jacket, he wears a beige turtleneck. Papyrus- A fragile but big heart. Frisk makes Papyrus take his own life by whispering/ quietly chanting all the things he was insecure about. In the end, before he impales himself with bones, he tells Frisk that he still believes in them and that they can do better. He tells them that he stopped believing in himself. Monster Kid- An oblivious person who follows Frisk at the Waterfall. They die by accidently tripping on the bridge as this time, Undyne could not reach in time to save them. Undyne- One strong fish, just not strong enough. As Monster Kid dies, Undyne goes beserk. Frisk of course, dodges each spear that is thrown at them. Frisk tells her that they are weak and they couldn't even save that one monster. Obviously something like that would tempt her but she refused, so Frisk speaks some more. In the end, Undyne aims most of her spears towards her head and chest (heart). Alphys- Seeing everything scared Alphys. She has a weak heart, and to see her friends die by the hands of the human, triggered her. She goes to the dump (Where she first met Undyne), looks into the abyss and decides to 'fall down'. Mettaton- Nothing amazing. During the MTT show, with each pose Mettaton did, Frisk judges him and the ratings etc. Mettton eventually explodes/self destructs, being unable to fix ever again.
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kibirii-blog · 8 years
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Frisk taking a selfie ~_~ Sorry for the bad quality
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kibirii-blog · 8 years
Suicide Run Undertale AU?
Hello~ So a bit before I was thinking about all those Undertale AU's, so I thought I'd call my new one I just made called "Suicidetale". In this Alternate universe Frisk wears a golden flower crown as she travels the underground. They have a really distorted smile. This is practically a genocide run except you're not killing them, they're killing themselves. You make them feel that way by ACTing. I decided that the only people they had to kill were Asriel/Flowey and Sans because they wouldn't kill themselves. Around each death of the bosses Frisk picks up at least one of their belongings (Sans-Jacket, Papyrus-Scarf Undyne-Eypatch etc.) Chara is a hella lot nicer. Chara follows Frisk throughout the whole run pleading them to stop. So how was it? I know it's not that descriptive but hey.. I tried..? (NOTE: I had messed up mind at that time so sorry lol)
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kibirii-blog · 8 years
Good luck to me and everyone
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kibirii-blog · 8 years
This needs even more notes
Someone with a social anxiety disorder will never get tired of hearing you say:
“I’m here for/with you” “I like you” “I love you” “I value you as a person” “Your opinions matter to me” “I’ll go with you if it’s too scary” “No matter what your anxiety tells you I’m not going anywhere” “Your feelings are valid”
Especially when they’re anxious Especially when they’re anxious Especially when they’re anxious
Even if you’ve already said it. Say it again. And again. Please. Cause it may seem silly to someone without S.A.D., but it’s actually really reassuring to be reminded of having support even if we were just reminded last week, or last month, or yesterday. It’s important. Really important. Cause the anxiety will often lead us to feel alone, unloved, like the person might go away if we share our feelings, even when we know it’s not true. It’s a million times easier to be convinced by someone else than by our own anxious brains sometimes.
This has been a PSA.
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kibirii-blog · 8 years
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I really like the FlowerFell AU!! @underfart-snas
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kibirii-blog · 8 years
Reblogging for all those striving artists~
How to treat artist: on tumblr
don’t rush them to draw something. if you want something drawn fast, do it yourself.
don’t like their style? whatever, it’s your opinion. but don’t tell them its bad!
if you like something they drew, then TELL THEM! PRAISE THEIR WORK! artist need every bit of motivation.
constructive criticism is always good, but don’t flat out tell them they suck.
everyone has their own style. if they draw a certain character a bit different than you want it to look, then that’s ok. don’t like it, again, DRAW IT YOURSELF
if they are asking for payment for request or commissions, DON’T COMPLAIN!! artist need money just like everyone else, and art supplies are very expensive!
if they try a new art style DON’T TELL THEM THEY SHOULD JUST STICK WITH WHAT “THERE GOOD AT” that’s just plain rude. period.
don’t hate an artist just because they only draw one thing, or draw all kinds of things. unless your paying them real hard CASH to draw for you, then you don’t have a say on what they are doing. actually…
TREAT THEM LIKE HUMANS. NOT MACHINES. they need to eat, sleep, and mess around just like everyone else. give them a break.
ART IS ART, WRITING, DRAWING, PAINTING, IT’S ALL ART! Don’t tell someone writing isn’t art, or singing, or painting, IT’S ALL A FORM OF ART!!
artist are consistently improving. just because they might not be all that great now, does not mean they wont improve! stick by them, encourage them, no matter what!
EVERYONE HAS THAT ONE WORK. every artist has that one piece of art that sucks, alright? EVERYONE. so, don’t judge an artist just by their one work of art that isn’t as good as the rest. we all mess up.
and lastly, JUST TREAT THEM LIKE HUMANS, OK???????
reblog this so others can see, how to treat artist.
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kibirii-blog · 8 years
Flower fell, Flower flew
Part 1: Iteration
Summary: “my bird is singing. their flowers are blooming”
Long ago, humans and monsters lived above.
Long ago, monsters became greedy and pushed the humans down…down…down…
Time passes, and a tiny little monster with broken wings falls down…down…down…
Onto a bed of golden flowers and wishes unspoken.
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kibirii-blog · 8 years
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Made bookmarks. That's what Frisk looks like in Suicidetale except they look a bit more peaceful right now
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kibirii-blog · 8 years
Pretty Little Thing
Pretty little thing, all he does is hurt you. Your legs are numb, Your vision is blurring.
Pretty little thing, you need to get away. You don’t have a choice, You know where he’s waiting.
Pretty little thing, you can’t change this. Give him what he wants, Or start at the beginning.
Stubborn little thing, how long will you keep at it? Your determination is foolish, What are you even proving?
Pathetic little thing, it would be so easy. I can do this forever, Give in so we can have an ending.
Dying little thing, how many times has it been? Your kindness is weakness. Hurry. Up. And. Just. Fucking. Kill. Me.
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