kduarte93-blog · 7 years
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Hoje eu tive a grande oportunidade de finalizar o curso 1 de Integração Sensorial! Foi excelente e enriquecedor! Mais apaixonada pela Terapia Ocupacional! Today I had the biggest opportunity to took my certificate in Theoretical foundations of Sensory Integration. Thank u Stefanie Bodison OTD for the amazing classes! #sensoryintegration #ot #uscot #usc @uscedu (at Espaço Ludens)
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kduarte93-blog · 8 years
Orem pelo Haiti!!! 
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The magnitude of the devastation that the Hurricane Matthew left in Haiti became clear on Saturday, three days after the storm that struck the south of the country leaving more than 900 dead. About one million people need urgent help.
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kduarte93-blog · 8 years
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A book is a dream that you hold in your hand. –Neil Gaiman
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kduarte93-blog · 9 years
You’re more real than the ground I’m standing on.You’re more real than the wind in my lungs. You’re closer than the skin on my bones. You’re closer than the song on my tongue. Your thoughts define me. You’re inside me. You’re my reality. Abba, I belong to You.
Jonathan David Helser // lyrics to Abba (via worshipgifs)
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kduarte93-blog · 9 years
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i’ve been feeling rly sluggish and a little down, so just to motivate myself and remind myself 
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kduarte93-blog · 9 years
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The most accurate shit ever
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kduarte93-blog · 9 years
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How We Treat Mental Illness Vs. How We Treat Physical Illness
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kduarte93-blog · 9 years
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Casamento lindo e claro, com o convidado principal JESUS! Maravilhoso! #Eli&Michel #wedding #friends #Jesus (em Chácara & Buffet Recanto dos Sonhos)
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kduarte93-blog · 9 years
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I’ve been struggling recently. I want to create, and there is inspiration all around me, but trying to capture what I see in my mind isn’t easy. translating that into something everyone else can see/what I want to show them, is a challenge. I find there are some moments in life were it flows without any strong effort, but other times can feel like trying to find a small bit of land the middle of the ocean without a map. you know what you are looking for but how do you get to it? that’s when we need to keep going. no matter how much our work seems to be failing to reach the vision we have for it, the one pulsing in our veins, it doesn’t mean we aren’t getting closer to it. we just have to keep moving and following the piece in us that’s quietly (and sometimes loudly) showing us the way.
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kduarte93-blog · 9 years
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C3 Conference Overflow “Preparas um banquete para mim à vista dos meus inimigos. Tu me honras, ungindo a minha cabeça com óleo e fazendo transbordar o meu cálice.” ‭‭Salmos‬ ‭23:5‬ #c3curitiba #c3abc #c3santos #c3conferenceoverflow #overflow #transbordar #c3worship
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kduarte93-blog · 9 years
Prayer is the cure for a lost soul, confused mind, and a broken heart.
92/365 reasons to pray | Unknown (via worshipgifs)
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kduarte93-blog · 9 years
Let's pray!
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“My husband and I sold everything we had to afford the journey. We worked 15 hours a day in Turkey until we had enough money to leave. The smuggler put 152 of us on a boat. Once we saw the boat, many of us wanted to go back, but he told us that anyone who turned back would not get a refund. We had no choice. Both the lower compartment and the deck were filled with people. Waves began to come into the boat so the captain told everyone to throw their baggage into the sea. In the ocean we hit a rock, but the captain told us not to worry. Water began to come into the boat, but again he told us not to worry. We were in the lower compartment and it began to fill with water. It was too tight to move. Everyone began to scream. We were the last ones to get out alive. My husband pulled me out of the window. In the ocean, he took off his life jacket and gave it to a woman. We swam for as long as possible. After several hours he told me he that he was too tired to swim and that he was going to float on his back and rest. It was so dark we could not see. The waves were high. I could hear him calling me but he got further and further away. Eventually a boat found me. They never found my husband.” (Kos, Greece)
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kduarte93-blog · 9 years
Be strong. Take courage. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t give them a second thought because God, your God, is striding ahead of you. He’s right there with you. He won’t let you down; he won’t leave you.
Deuteronomy‬ ‭31:6‬ ‭MSG‬‬ (via pureblyss)
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kduarte93-blog · 9 years
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Momentos de comunhão com o corpo de Cristo que me fazem ficar mais conectada na eternidade, e mais apaixonada por esse Jesus incrível! Amo vocês! I ❤️ my church #Jesus #Friends #c3churchabc #c3youth #worship #godisgood (em C3 Church ABC)
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kduarte93-blog · 9 years
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The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air debuted 25 years ago today
Do the Carlton and then head on over to the avclub.com to see our list of time’s Will Smith’s charm was able to elevate a weak script.
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kduarte93-blog · 9 years
The therapeutic process should always be working towards independence. Therapists are not people you call or see when you are having a rough day. They are not your emotional support, rather, they help you to set up emotional supports in your life (think “teach a man to fish.”). A good therapist will give you the internal tools to help you cope with life without imposing their own opinions or telling you what they would do. A good therapist is constantly curious about your values, goals, and priorities, and will help you to create the life that you want. This doesn’t mean that a therapist won’t challenge your perspective or behaviors. Therapy is often a challenge! But a therapist should only challenge you when they see that one of your perspectives of behaviors doesn’t seem to working for you or is inconsistent with your stated values. The therapists’ personal values do not factor in.
How to Find the RIGHT Therapist for You (and Make it Work!) — Everyday Feminism (via brutereason)
I strive so much for this
(via otstudent)
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kduarte93-blog · 9 years
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Feliz dia do irmão xaropinha!!! Saudades das nossas aventuras! #germany #sis #sisterlove #berlin #gêmeosgrafite (at Berlin, Germany)
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