kayla-sayshi · 9 years
I feel like everyone needs to see this.
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disney animal characters as humans by  Pugletto
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kayla-sayshi · 9 years
Sounds like you’re having a “Kayla” day. I could send my walker. It can also be used as a weapon or projectile in times of great stress/annoyance. 
Just sayin’. 
ugh. I just know that today is going to be one of those days where I have trouble standing. I just turned my ankle while tripping over a sock. 
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kayla-sayshi · 9 years
Or you could do what I do on Black Friday and hide under the bed until the monster is gone...
But really though, we need a store like this where I live. 
Are there people who actually get excited for Black Friday? I mean, statistically there must be because of all the hype. But everyone that I know (mostly millenials who have had to work in retail) are dreading it. 
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kayla-sayshi · 9 years
This. So much this. 
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kayla-sayshi · 9 years
No one can be sad with stuff like this on their feed! Smile, followers! And if this doesn’t make you happy, here! Have a cookie. Cookies solve all of the things.
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kayla-sayshi · 9 years
Me: *Writes 43k words on one project, looks at calendar* Hell yes! November 19th! I’ll finish on TIME this year! 
Nanowrimo: *evil cackle* NOT SO FAST, KAYLA! 
Me: *wakes up, has completely new idea, can’t seem to write anything on original project, looks to calendar* November 22nd. Well... damn. -_-
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kayla-sayshi · 9 years
Shameless self promo!
Okay, so I wrote a thing. It’s available on Smashwords and Amazon. Amazon wouldn’t let me set it for free, but you can nab it for free on Smashwords for various platforms if you’re looking for something to read. Check it out, and please feel free to leave a review. <3
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kayla-sayshi · 9 years
OHAI Tumblr
It’s not that I forgot about you, it’s just that, well... Life got in the way, and I kind of forgot about you. But I still love you, k? k.
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kayla-sayshi · 9 years
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kayla-sayshi · 9 years
Ohai Guys...
It’s been a while. Sorry about that. I didn’t forget about you, Tumblr! I promise. 
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kayla-sayshi · 10 years
Hi! I just started following you with a sideblog, so forgive me if you've covered this sort of topic before or if you have no experience with this topic at all. I was wondering if you could tell me about what it's like to have a service dog in an educational setting. How have students, teachers, administration, etc. reacted to it? What about students with allergies/fears of dogs? When can you take your dog out for a bathroom break? That sort of stuff. Thank you for taking the time to read this!
There's a few points about this question. One: A -public- university falls under the ADA, which means that a service dog is allowed anywhere the public is allowed. If it barks during lecture or acts out, they are within their rights to ask you to remove it. Allergies and/or fear of dogs does NOT qualify under the ADA as reason to remove a dog. I live in a college town and there are several people here who have service dogs. The thing is, other students (and sometimes professors) are going to react. Where I'm at, everyone is pretty understanding. Usually, the administration or their Disability Awareness office or whatever its called is very helpful. They shouldn't be asking you to jump through fiery hoops of doom, either. Remember there is no "certification" process, and they shouldn't need a detailed report of your medical history, either. My Uni doesn't. As far as bathroom breaks, do NOT interrupt class to take your SD to the bathroom. Take him or her potty BEFORE you go into class (bring baggies to dispose too. Most uni's don't have SD relief areas) and take him after. If for some reason you don't think he can make it through a 90 minute class, then he might not be ready to go to class with you. 
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kayla-sayshi · 10 years
Oh Look. More games!
So, there was suspicion that our lovely friend Amber Dosher had another account under a false name. Of course, she was already Geisterfahrer Mirxx or something like that in a group I was in. Then someone starts asking questions and it turns out shes also Kenzie Heisenburg. An ADMIN of the group. Now, THAT is some bullshit. Amber admitted to who she waas and then started posting under her real name. Wanna know the problem I have with that? She didn't start posting under her real name until AFTER the question about her identity was raised and she was "found out". Guess what? I have a problem with that. I can verify SEVERAL of the many ~interesting stories that have circulated about this woman and her treatment of animals because she SHARED THE INFORMATION WITH ME. Now, for someone who claims to be changing and turning over a new leaf, why hide? Hmm. Because the SD community is so mean? No. They'll just call you on your SHIT. I've had a problem or two with the service dog community, but I'm not hiding. Hell, I am not telling the truth about where I'm living for my own protection, but that's different. I have a problem with people pulling crap like the above KNOWING that there are some of us (IE myself who not only at one time defended but tried to help this woman) who wouldn't have even bothered had we known this person was in a place of POWER in this group, commenting and giving other people advice. I reported her. Of course now she's posting on her normal account with her real name because she's such an upstanding person. I think if that's the case--then why hide if you have nothing to hide? I can not STAND underhanded shit like that. Just sayin'. This has been your unscheduled rant for the day. 
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kayla-sayshi · 10 years
I need a hug today. 
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kayla-sayshi · 10 years
Anyone have any extra spoons?
Ran out of spoons before lunch today. Pretty sure I borrowed from the rest of the month to get through Vincent's class to know. Exhausted, but accomplished things? Have job interviews the next couple of days. UGH. Can I borrow some spoons? 
In good news, the trainer actually thinks Vince could easily be ready for his CGC soon. I am transitioning him from GL to a martingale or a flat (pups can't take the CGC in a GL or any other type of head collar) and we'll see how he does. So yay positive things :D
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kayla-sayshi · 10 years
Hi. If you could take a moment to read Max's story and pass it along, it would be really appreciated. His family needs all the help they can get, and they'd like to spread the word about a service dog scam in Florida. Thank you!
What an adorable little boy? What kind of scam? 
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kayla-sayshi · 10 years
To add to this post, I would like to point out that Amber has a new born BABY. The baby is sick. Sick enough that he is in the NICU. And Amber is bringing this PUPPY into the HOSPITAL where her son is in the NICU and very sick. So now the irresponsibility and downright disgusting disregard for common sense all together now extends not only to her poor dog but to her son and others in that hospital. Apparently, the hospital has been alerted that the pup can be asked to leave, but I just thought I would further update this bullhonkery. 
*Clears throat*
Before I get into my not-so-little-no-good-very-bad announcement, I would like to start us off with some good. Let’s think of this like a sandwich. I will start off with some good news. I’ll make it Vincent-related since it has been AAAGES since I’ve updated my tumblr, then I’ll...
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kayla-sayshi · 10 years
Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Oh Tumblr-verse SD Community...
*Clears throat* 
Before I get into my not-so-little-no-good-very-bad announcement, I would like to start us off with some good. Let's think of this like a sandwich. I will start off with some good news. I'll make it Vincent-related since it has been AAAGES since I've updated my tumblr, then I'll get into the main reason I started this post (the bad news) and I'll end with some good news to try and calm you while you gather your pitchforks. Because there will be pitchforks, I can guarantee it. So, here's the good:
Vincent is one, and after a health scare, we have learned that he is fine and will be able to work. He had bruised his hip. The vet says he will make a full recovery and he's doing fabulously in his classes. He's also almost 14 months! My not-so-little man is growing up so fast!
Now, the BAD news:
Amber Dosher is back, y'all. If you can't remember her, it's probably because you've blocked the horrible memories from your mind because like me, you can't believe that there is a person on the planet who would treat another living creature the way that Amber treats her dogs. Well, she's back. She's got a new profile on Facebook under a fake name... and she's got a new dog.
For those of you who don't know who this person person is, I shall enlighten you. I met Amber Dosher some months ago after I had just gotten Vincent. She seemed like an okay, albeit horribly clueless young woman. Now, before even meeting her, I had heard her name. For a while, she worked a dog named Faith. This dog bit a child and was removed from Amber. Obviously a dog who does such a thing can't be expected to work with the public. By the time I met Amber, she had an adorable Chinese Crested named Taz, which she claimed to be training to take Faith's place. Taz was a puppy. She put a bark collar on this hairless, adorable creature and sprayed him with water because he barked. It burned his skin. Obviously, upon admission of this tactic, she caught quite a bit of hell from the community on Facebook. I spoke with her about alternative ways to help Taz learn that crate time was a good thing. Then she sent me a picture. Taz was not in a dog crate, he was in a rabbit cage. These are not made for dogs, even as small a breed as Taz. If they were, they would be advertised as safe for dogs. I tried to let this go and explained that perhaps she should get a better set up.
Then Faith, by some magical happenstance of bullshittery, was allowed back with Amber. Her landlord supposedly approved it because of a note from Amber's trainer. Faith comes back, and suddenly things are all about her and how well she's doing. What happened to the adorable Chinese Crested puppy, you ask? Well, your guess is as good as mine. After not hearing anything about him for a few weeks, several of us began to ask how HE was doing, and finally it was revealed that he wasn't with her anymore. By this point, I had already blocked Amber because of various things, so I couldn't color myself very surprised.
But let's not forget, even after Taz magically disappeared, Amber still had Faith. Occasionally, videos would surface of Faith and how ~wonderful she was doing. If you watched this dog's body language in ANY of these pictures or videos, it was obvious that she wasn't exactly comfortable. Well, everyone, Amber doesn't have Faith anymore. Amber doesn't have Faith because the dog was found to have BROKEN RIBS and a myriad of other injuries sustained while under Amber's care. Now, you would think that someone who spends that much time with their dog would notice some SERIOUS issues like that. Hell, My dog was hopping down the stairs in a way that I thought looked funny, and I got opinions from two different vets and a verbal sparring match with his breeder while making sure he's okay (see the good news at the top). You know why? Because as dog owners, as service dog and service dog in-training handlers, and as decent, compassionate human beings, we owe it to the other living creatures in our lives, the ones who depend on us to keep them healthy and happy, to make sure that they are okay.
Some people apparently never got that memo. Some people shouldn't be allowed to own a dog. She is one of those people.
And guess what? Now she has another dog, and a new facebook profile, under a different name of course.
This person is a danger to other living beings, and the fact that she calls herself a handler is just stomach turning. Please beware of this person if you come across her. What she seems at first and what she really is are two different things, and you will be left shaking your head and praying for the safety of any living creature that comes into contact with her, as I have been.
And, to finish out our bad news sammich, here's some good news... more awesome info on Vincent: He's been doing so well on the above mentioned training that the trainer suggest we start bringing him out vested. Yay Vince! Of course, I don't HAVE a vest for him yet, but I'm still really proud of him.
Please stay tuned for more updates on this ridiculous train wreck.
Thank you. So ends your public service announcement of the day. You may now return to your regularly scheduled Tumblr browsing.
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