kataraseye · 1 year
i find it exceptionally telling that kataang antis who claim to love katara are also the same ones upset that she has a lead role in the gaang movie. these people are genuinely outraged that there will be an opportunity to expand post-atla katara’s role and give her character the justice that she deserves in this upcoming movie.
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kataraseye · 1 year
his long hair and murderous tendencies have bewitched me body and soul
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kataraseye · 1 year
is your comfort character also a sad pretty boy with trauma and questionable morals or are you normal
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kataraseye · 1 year
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"It's just you and me right now."
This year's Valentine's Day special pic arrived. 💗
I wanted some super cute, not necessarily canon but in-character drawing for these two🥰
AU: What if they started to date after their famous dance? How much could have been changed because of it? (Is there any fanfic recommendations about this topic maybe? /but not with older characters/ ) 🥺) 
Also, I was lazy to draw a proper new background, so I used and merged the ones I already did for this episode earlier. And added some hearts, bacause you know, love is in the air. 😁💕
Happy Valentine's Day! 💕
But remember to love and appreciate your special one every day, not just once a year. 😘😊
Aang, Katara (c)  by Michael Dante DiMartino, Bryan Konietzko
Art (c) Me
Done in Krita
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kataraseye · 1 year
Even if it was posted right on 1st February, I'll still give you the 5 points because there are different time zones and I think it is fair enough.
I checked if you used all of the words, and I'm pretty sure you used them all. I haven't read anything similar before, to be honest, so I'll give you all the points for creativity. To be honest, I wish you would have given a little more context because I am a little bit confused. You respected the theme and introduced properly the quote I asked you to. I really like the way you narrate and I think Miss Smith is an interesting character!
I'll give you 92 points out of 100
Kingdom Tales
This is my entry for the first prompt in the Stars in Our Mind writing contest. The prompt can be found here.
My entry is about 90% original stuff I made up, and 10% from the world of the video game Yu-Gi-Oh: The Falsebound Kingdom. (I was trying to imitate the old-fashioned writing style found in the Sherlock Holmes stories.)
@kataraseye (Sorry, I should have told you I intended to post here on Tumblr sooner. Also, sorry for posting this on the deadline.)
And now...my story! ____________________________
Over the years, my readers have sent many letters to my publisher, oftentimes with questions for me about my adventures in the Kingdom. Of these questions, the most common is to inquire as to the method by which my companions and I returned to these United States. After much consideration, I have concluded there would be no harm in answering such a query, so I now lay before you an account of my last night in the world of Kingdom.
Not long after we celebrated our first year in the curious land called Kingdom, we found ourselves in the fortress city of Rhuninn-Grahd, which housed the pioneer’s merchant office. By this point, my employer, Mrs. Smith, was quite the celebrity, and the merchant’s guild was more than happy to provide us with all the food and drink we could consume.
After drinking slightly more alcohol than my good Christian mother would approve of, I collected a variety of foodstuffs and headed for the roof of the merchant’s office. As expected, I found Mrs. Smith using a crate as a makeshift desk. Her clothing was a mixture of patched clothing from our world and newer pieces from this one. Once, I would have thought it strange to see a woman wearing a long tunic and trousers, with her corset loosely laced over top of her clothing, but Mrs. Smith had been forced to slowly amend her attire as the rigors of the battlefield tore away at her fine New York clothing. What remained of her skirt had been fashioned into a cloak, which was loosely tied about her shoulders. Indeed, the only aspect which remained largely unchanged was her hair, which was pinned up in the same simple style she had worn on the day she hired me back in Ohio.
“Mrs. Smith, I brought you something to eat.” Walking over to her, I noticed her papers atop the crate glowed an eerie, pale blue—or rather, her writing contained a luminescent quality which I had never seen before.
“Thank you Hank. I don’t know what I would do without you.” She took the food with a rueful smile. Following my gaze to her papers, she explained, “It’s called Moonflower ink. Normally, you can’t see it at all, but under the light of the moon, it glows. I picked up a bottle earlier today.”
Tearing into her bread with unexpected ferocity, my employer ate like a woman who had neglected eating for a day, a habit which Mrs. Smith had the unfortunate habit of possessing. 
From the shadows, something stirred, and a humongous purple cat stepped into view. Walking on two legs like a man, and wearing fine, blue and gold armor, the monster stood at least a foot taller than any man I’d ever met. Mrs. Smith handed it some of her food, and the monster sat, beginning to eat with more finesse than the woman beside him.
“I reckon, one of these days, I’ll stop being startled by the presence of your monsters, Mrs. Smith.” 
“I am a Marshal, Hank. Forming a bond with monsters is my job in this world.” After a moment, she froze. With a heavy exhale, she set down her food, “What would my Thomas think if he saw me now? I’ve changed a great deal.”
“Your husband would say…” I paused, trying to capture Mr. Smith’s unusual way of speaking. “In the pale glow of the night’s lights, stars reflecting in your eyes, even the moon looks down in envy at my beloved wife, dreaming of stealing your beauty for herself.”
Mrs. Smith laughed, wrapping an arm around her stomach and throwing back her head. “Hank, that was terrible poetry!”
I grinned back at her, “I’m naught but a simple cowboy, Mrs. Smith. It’s your husband who’s the poet.” 
“Don’t belittle yourself, Hank, you’ve a better understanding of prose than many a man, even if your attempts at poetry are better left unwritten.”
Silence fell between us, as Mrs. Smith returned to her pages, jotting down notes in the margins of her work. After a while, she paused, “I miss him, Hank.”
“I know.” It looked as though she wished to say more, so I waited.
“I solved it. We should be able to open the Ancient Portal again, returning to Egypt.”
Of course the portal would return us to Egypt. Our trio had stumbled across it while separated from the rest of the expedition, so it would make sense if we returned to the place we left. However, the idea of finding ourselves in a desert, surrounded by ruins and scorpions, surely abandoned long ago by the rest of the party, failed to arouse my excitement at the prospect. 
“Hank, are you sure you wish to return?” My employer asked a question, rousing me from my musings.
Truth be told, I had misgivings. After a year spent in a kingdom in which the darkness of my skin held no relevance in the eyes of its inhabitants, the thought of returning to a land in which my parents had been enslaved as recently as thirty years back was daunting. However, my Mother was alone now, and I felt duty bound to return to her. “I’ll be alright, Mrs. Smith. We should return as soon as Richard returns from his expedition.”
She nodded, “I concur.”
Although I’m sure most of my readers are quite familiar with our third companion, for the sake of completeness, I will include a brief description of him in this narrative. Richard Clark was an American hunter of large game, with an impressive collection of trophies, and an equally impressive understanding of nature. While in Egypt, our archaeological expedition had hired him to protect us and guard anything of value we discovered. However, like Mrs. Smith and myself, he had become separated from the rest of the group in a sandstorm, discovered the portal, and found himself trapped on the other side in a Renaissance style world. Like my employer, Richard discovered he possessed the abilities of a Marshal, which meant he soon led a posse of monsters. The three of us found ourselves swept up in a series of adventures in which we aligned ourselves with the crown, fighting off invaders from the sea to protect the Kingdom. Now peace once again ruled the land, and Richard had returned his attention to hunting.”
“What’s Richard after this time?”
Mrs. Smith shook her head, “One of the fabled white dragons of destruction.”
“He thinks he’ll be able to kill such a beast?”
“The Sapphire Vision cult believes the white dragons are gods, the people hold them to be mere legends, and the priesthood insists they are monsters capable of joining with a Marshal if only a man strong enough could be found.”
“Ah.” I pushed back my hat to look out over the parapets, “And Richard never says ‘no’ to a challenging hunt.”
“Indeed, it’s a great portion of his charm. I wonder if he will return tomorrow morning with a group of white dragons in tow.” 
“I’d love to see such creatures, if they exist.”
“As would I, but I’m concerned the Sapphire Vision cult will hardly be pleased with such an outcome.”
As I stared out into the dark, I thought I saw a darker shape quickly moving across the plains towards us. After I pointed it out to Mrs. Smith, we both peered into the night. Once the shadow grew closer, I realized, “It’s Richard and his monsters.” Leaning against the parapet, I added, “I don’t see any dragons, so he must not have—”
“Hank, there’s another group following him!”
Returning my gaze to the horizon, I saw she was right. 
“It’s the cult!”
Turning, I saw Mrs. Smith had raised a spyglass to see who was approaching.
“Hank, if the cult has set its sights on Richard, they won’t rest until he’s in their power.” She sounded worried.
“Then we’ll fight them off. You and Richard should be more than a match for a few cultists.”
Shaking her head, my employer sighed. “Richard’s monsters look so tired, I think they might collapse at any moment. We should make a run for it.” Without another word, she collapsed the spyglass and began gathering her papers. Running downstairs, she handed her pages to the flustered head merchant of the fortress. “If we’re caught, I don’t want these to fall into the hands of the cult. Please hide them for me.”
“Of course, my lady, I shall try my…” the merchant never bothered to finish his sentence as the two of us ran away from him. 
Mrs. Smith recalled her other two monsters to us as I saddled up a trio of horses. By the time Richard reached the fortress, we were waiting for him at the gate. While my employer explained we were outmatched by the cult racing towards us, I handed the few healing potions in our possession to Richard’s monsters, as the man himself took a moment to chug down fresh water from the well before mounting one of the horses I had saddled.
“Very well!” Richard looked exuberant, “I have fought against a dragon today, and can therefore leave this land, content I have seen all its wonders. Are you ready to leave, Lillian?”
Most people in the Kingdom had only one name, and few held titles. Adopting the local customs, Richard had taken to calling Mrs. Smith by her given name long ago, and requested the two of us call him by his first name as well. While such informality never came easily to me, it went rather well with Richard’s rakish personality, and it was hard to imagine he would easily readjust to the rigid formality of the world to which we were returning.
Calling to the nearby guards to bolt shut the gate after our departure, Mrs. Smith mounted her own horse. Moments later, three humans riding horses and six monsters burst forth from the fortress. We rode through the night, pushing back fatigue in an effort to reach the Ancient Portal as quickly as possible. 
Had Richard and I been alone, I’m sure we never would have found it, but Mrs. Smith was a most intelligent woman, well studied and capable of understanding the most difficult of puzzles. With deft assurance, she led us into a batch of hidden ruins, past devious traps, and into the heart of the monument which hid the Portal itself. Pausing a moment, she stared at the portal wishfully, “Perhaps one day we’ll return. I’m sure Thomas would love it here.” Squaring her shoulders, she touched a sequence of symbols carved into the base of the Ancient Portal, and it glowed to life.
Tears streamed down Richard’s face as he bid farewell to his monsters and mounted the steps to the Portal. “I’ll see you on the other side.” With a bright flash, and an unearthly sound, the man stepped through. 
And that, dear readers, is how we returned to this world. Although our trio’s journey back to the United States was fraught with difficulties, such a tale would be its own story, and so I leave you with my last glimpse of the mystical land of Kingdom before following Richard through the Ancient Portal…Mrs. Smith, standing before her trio of monsters, shoulders shaking with repressed sobs, strands of hair hanging down from her once tidy hairstyle. Her adventure was coming to an end, and just as I was returning to a world filled with restrictions, so was she. Wrapping her arms around her purple panther fighter and hugging him with all her might, she managed a high, breathy goodbye. “I’ll see you again, my friend. I promise.” I pray, one day, she will be able to keep her promise. And I hope to stand at her side when such an event occurs.
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kataraseye · 1 year
My wip having the trope: friends to love interests to enemies to lovers 👀👀👀
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kataraseye · 1 year
15 eps in .. and antis really want me to believe kataang wasn't end game/onesided ..... like bros as a zukaang/zutara shipper i dont get the denial
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kataraseye · 1 year
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I just picture zuko falling deeper everytime mai smiles or laughs
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kataraseye · 1 year
I just saw a fanfic author on tiktok advertising their fic like booktok does and peace and love but friend. your real life actual face??? associated with your fic???
listen, as far as y'all are concerned, I am a sentient seal with access to a keyboard, and we're leaving it at that
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kataraseye · 1 year
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Winter ✳︎
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kataraseye · 1 year
Theme 2: Habromania - delusions of happiness
"This is the beginning of loving yourself, you're welcome."
You need to include the quote above and you can change the words I use, but it has to have the same meaning.
Words you need to use: Pearl, proud, red, muse, art, eyes, wicked, tangled in your work
It needs to have some elements of the psychology genre
The contestants:
@concealeddarkness13 is the only participant that gave their work on time so she is the only one receiving 5 points, having a total score of 85/100 points.
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kataraseye · 1 year
I'm so tired, I've just written 1200 words for my WIP today (on my phone) and 900 words for school by hand.
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kataraseye · 1 year
my headcanon is that at some point Mustang's entire line of command thinks that the Colonel and Lieutenant Hawkeye must have something going on except Edward, who's always ready to deny everything because he's strongly convinced that 1) it's just unfounded gossip and everyone must be insane for thinking it's true, 2) lieutenant Hawkeye deserves way better than that bastard, 3) come on, the lieutenant would never date someone like him, and 4) Mustang doesn't deserve anything in general, let alone a woman like her
so when he finds out they're actually in a relationship he starts freaking out (and Alphonse is like ,, told you so), he goes through the 5 stages of grief and actively tries to convince Riza to dump Mustang everytime he sees her (until Alphonse drags him away)
(they gotta thank Edward if the rumors died down tho)
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kataraseye · 1 year
Does anybody have any Roy Mustang being jealous/possessive?
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kataraseye · 1 year
Reblog if you think it’s okay to platonically say “I Love You” to your friends
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kataraseye · 1 year
Context from @concealeddarkness13
[Chess and Naivi are from a story called All's Fair in Love and War (Especially When It's Both), where there are humans and different sentient species. Humans are stuck in an enclosure because hundreds of years ago, some humans made prosthetics that gave humans elemental magic, and they wanted to control the other species, since they thought they were better than them. In the present day, the prosthetics experiments are still happening, and most of the humans in the enclosure want to pursue peace to convince the other species to let them out. But pursuing peace means that humans will completely ignore victims of violent crimes and act like they don't exist. Because they think they have to condemn everything to do with violence, even the victims. They especially hate the victims of the prosthetics experiments who were forced to be a part of them, because the experiments have that violent legacy. Chess wants to be left alone, but when she’s pulled into the conflict about whether to fight the species or work for them to see humans as equals, she chooses to work with the species and find a peaceful way to let humans out of the enclosure while also condemning how far the peaceful movement went. Naivi is on the opposite side, but at the halfway point of the story, she sees that she was wrong and works to fix her mistakes. This scene is after that point.]
I have read your work two times and I liked it, at first I was a little confused and maybe a little thrown off by the constant swearing. I've read a lot of your posts and a few summaries and I understand that it makes sense with the character!
You get 5 points for being on time
I like how you respected the theme and introduced the quote I proposed. 30 points for that
To be honest, the part with the cat and donuts was a little random, but it was a little bit difficult for you to write it because there aren't any cats in your fictional world. 15p
The trope is pretty common (classic but good). The whole book idea is like nothing I've read before. 20p
In total there are 80/100 points.
Creativity: 25p
Words: 20p
Theme: 30p
Originality: 10p
The Writing Contest: Stars in your mind
Hello! I am doing this contest, and it’s tons of fun, and I would recommend it! I will be writing about Chess and Naivi for this contest, with Chess being the POV character! They’re from this story! This is the first piece! Tagging: @kataraseye, @ratracechronicler, @maple-writes, @pen-of-roses, and @drabbleitout! Content warning for some romance and kissing.
Theme 1: Stars
I sat up quickly with a gasp, fear still thick in my mind. But there wasn’t anything to be afraid of. It was just a fucking nightmare.
I swallowed hard and looked around. Everyone else was still asleep, thankfully even Naivi. It was still nighttime, and I could never get back to sleep after a nightmare, so I just stood up and walked underneath one of the floating islands. I found the vine I needed, tugged on it, and it instantly grew to connect to the island above it. It was an easy climb, especially with the closest moon lighting the night with a white light that made it look like it was almost daytime. But that was still hours away, unfortunately.
The purple grass recoiled away from me as I stumbled on top of the floating island. It was small and quiet, and I was away from the others, so I could think without worrying them.
Keep reading
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kataraseye · 1 year
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