k3nb · 7 months
Sabo and Koala
Reasons why I like Sabo and Koala pairing after rewatching Dressrosa: Koala has grown up to fake her emotions and hide her true feelings, but when she’s with Sabo, she expresses a wide range of real and legitimate emotions, some of which are conveyed exclusively to him. Oda has shown her anger, her taking care, smiling, and her worrying all in the short time that she’s appeared. Koala also keeps Sabo in check with his recklessness and density. It is typical in shonen pairings to have a female (tsundere) be the level headed and more careful personality in the relationship, while the male is usually reckless and does whatever he wants. This creates an interesting and fun dynamic relationship which is popular in manga throughout Japan.
You can see she yells at him for not taking things too seriously, but she is really worried about his safety at the same time. She even comedically stretches his cheeks as she scolds him for his obliviousness. Here we don’t see any reaction from Sabo, as he is the dense male, but we can understand that these two share a great relationship, even if it’s just being good friends. She is the hot headed female who is the “care-taker” of a male character and comedically refutes wanting to do that but in reality she would stand by him till the very end no matter what happens. Next, is she is shown to be very emotional and crying towards the reaction that Sabo got from losing Ace. She was worried and even cried for him, showcasing a bond that transcends traditional familiarity. Not even Hack was shown crying from almost losing his leader. While it’s definitely obvious he did feel worried, Oda decided to keep the only comrade to cry for Sabo as Koala.
Koala is also seen to be interested in Sabo’s past and brotherhood. Koala speaks with Sabo about Luffy and we can infer she is compassionate about his brothers, which we have been able to see highlighted several times.
Finally, to keep it short (believe me, it could’ve been muuuch longer lol) I will just end on saying that Koala hates Sabo’s recklessness but loves that part about him at the same time. Bonus points for holding onto his childhood hat/treasure and then placing it on his head as she acknowledges his recklessness.
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k3nb · 8 months
🌓: Mama, Papa is hugging another girl!
🍊: So?
🌓: I thought you’re only supposed to hug the girl you love!
🍊: But Tsukiko, Papa loves everyone.
🌓: *starts to cry*
🍊: What’s wrong?
🌓: But Papa is supposed to love Mama and me only!
🍊: Is it because Tsukiko doesn’t want to share Papa?
🍖: Nami! Tsukiko! Look, the nice lady gave us this Panda Shark! I wonder if it tastes good?
🍊: We’ll be right there! Listen, Tsukiko, your Papa is the type to share with everyone, so you need to share too, okay?
🌓: *cries harder*
🍖: Tsuki-chan, look, it’s a Panda Shark! Wanna taste it? *picks her up* I really wanna taste it; don’t you? It looks delicious. What happened? Did someone hit you? Was it your Mama?
🍊: *hits him* Don’t assume nonsense! *exasperated sigh* The problem is that she’s just as selfish as you, Luffy.
🍖: *starts laughing* Did Mama give you her special brand fist of love?
🌓: *crying* Papa doesn’t love us the most!
🍖: What are you talking about? Aren’t I offering you first bite of the Panda Shark?
🍊: Luffy, let the Panda Shark matter go and take this more seriously! *takes Tsukiko from his arms* Listen, Tsukiko, I know this is hard for you to understand, but the capacity to care for people is inherently infinite and therefore cannot be used as currency.
🌓: *stops crying and tilts her head to the side in apparent confusion*
🍖: Tsukiko, look! It’s Panda Shark sushi!
🍊: Wait, that’s not seaweed! Are you trying to kill our daughter? *special brand fist of love*
🍖: Oh, I thought it was seaweed. My bad.
🍊: *bursts out laughing*
🍖: *laughs along*
🌓: *is still so confused but can’t help but giggle because laughter is contagious and Papa and Mama are being silly*
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k3nb · 10 months
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k3nb · 1 year
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in honor to todays episode..T____T
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k3nb · 1 year
Yes, thank you so much! I kept trying to google it and all that was coming up was the UtSS doujinshi. I knew it was canon/a manga cover tho.
You guys im trying to explain to my husband SasuSaku lore and how “Under the Same Sky” is a recognizable ss theme but I cannot for the life of me remember how it was born. I thought it was from a manga cover but I can’t find it. Can anyone refresh my memory?
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k3nb · 1 year
You guys im trying to explain to my husband SasuSaku lore and how “Under the Same Sky” is a recognizable ss theme but I cannot for the life of me remember how it was born. I thought it was from a manga cover but I can’t find it. Can anyone refresh my memory?
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k3nb · 1 year
Y’all I look back at 12-year-old Sakura with such fondness because I was around 11/12 when I started watching Naruto too so I was relating to that girl super hard and saw myself in her and every bit as cringe as her. 😂 i will say it a hundred tines over. Sakura = most realistic character growth. Periodt.
And now that I’m 26, I also cringe when looking back at my 12 y/o self and oh god the sort of sasusaku fic plots i came up with in that period of time was so cringey too it was like the type of fantasies genin!Sakura would probably daydream about and that makes me laugh. i read them to my husband so we can cringe-laugh at them. Not mockingly, but the sort of teasing that you do when you find out a loved one’s embarrassing story from their youth.
I just love her growth so much. Sakura is so wise and mature and strong and self-assured and capable now. That woman is so badass and so soft at the same time even when she had every reason to harden her heart. She literally taught me what unconditional love is. I respect the hell out of her and I’m just so happy for her now. I can’t help but grow soft whenever I think abt her story. 🥺
I feel like Sakura is one of the most accurately depicted young females in media. Her character growth feels realistic and can be easily identified with.
Even some of her “bad” traits I feel are accurate to a character of her age. Young girls get boy crazy, young girls pick on other people.
I don’t really understand people hating her unless they’re placing their own experiences with her? I don’t know, doesn’t make sense.
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k3nb · 1 year
it was late in the evening and sakura could not sleep. she had trained with tsunade from the crack of dawn and, from the legs that had to hold her up all day to the tingling in her fingers that practiced the manipulation of chakra, her body screamed exhaustion. still, her eyes remained fixed on the ceiling as the waning crescent moon shone through her bedroom window. she did not allow herself to turn and look at it, but her peripheral was ever aware of its presence just as much as it had been that night where she had not been enough.
perhaps if she had been stronger. smarter. more reliable. 
if only he had thought her capable of following through with all the promises she threw at his stiff back in her desperation, spewed from her lips and rooted in her heart.
maybe then the boy who made her heart ache would have paused long enough to really think about what he was throwing away. 
if only she had been enough.
sakura’s vision blurred as liquid gathered in seas of green. it was too late to blink them back now so instead, she squeezed her eyes shut indignantly, refusing to let them go. she had shed enough tears that night. 
but she could still feel the ripples behind her eyelids, threatening to spill over after the stone-cold expression on his beautiful face - the last look he had ever given her etched into her memory - weighed heavily on her chest. the kunoichi focused on her breathing, hoping that by forcing her inhales and exhales to file in and out of her body uniformly, that the ripples in her eyes would still into a calm pool, with nary a slosh or drop that could spill over.
she focused on that picture in her mind. a very still pool reflecting the night sky, with a full moon instead of an empty crescent one. there were stars, too, a community of stars that surrounded that moon and it was not alone. the night was mostly clear, though a stray cloud gathered and passed here and there. there were no ripples in that pool. it was calm and still. and it was working. 
there was a calm that passed over sakura such as she had never felt in a long time. the last time she felt this kind of peace was by a campsite in the forest of death with the fish that sasuke and naruto had caught smoking over the kindling she had prepared and that sasuke had lit. where their only concern was trying to advance to the next level as shinobis. blissfully unaware of orochimaru’s presence. before the invasion. before the curse mark. before the separation.
the ripples in her pool were forming again so sakura called her train of thought back and refocused on that stillness. that peace under the full moon. the complete moon. the moon that didn’t feel lonely or inadequate but content and at peace.
a different image morphed itself in her mind with the skill that only the unconscious mind, half-asleep and freed from the constraints of plausibility, can concoct.
the pool remained. the sky was unchanged. but her vision had taken a step back and she was looking at the bigger picture.
two silhouettes stood side by side next to the pool. there was a tranquility that was palpable in the air despite the lack of a breeze or ripple. there was a lightness in her heart that was unfamiliar yet comforting, the kind of contentedness that only a heart that wants for nothing could carry around. she felt fingers on her face and her eyes opened.
instead of the ceiling of her bedroom, she was looking at a familiar face. familiar, but oh so strange. she studied the length of his hair, mapped out the lines on his face, and basked in the softness of his eyes.
“you never seem to change, sakura.”
her breath hitches in her throat and her parasympathetic system instinctively prepares itself for a wave of sadness to crash over her but nothing came. it was almost anticlimactic except for the undercurrents of joy that she was now just noticing. the tears that had only moments ago threatened to spill onto her mattress and the stone road leading out of the village had suddenly disappeared and all she could feel was awe. and joy.
“but, y’know, you’re allowed to have wrinkles too.”
sakura focused on that joy and allowed herself to really feel it. she wondered at it. it was streaming through her veins with all the silence and subtlety that only years of self-assurance can orchestrate. she watched her own hand reach up and cover his.
“sasuke, i know you inside and out,”
was that her voice?
never mind that this was not her sasuke. at least, not yet. never mind that she did not recognize her own voice. or this place. or this man. she had no reason to believe it. but she did. because she recognized the love she felt. the love behind the pain that was crushing her not even an hour ago. the love that the joy she now felt was stemming from. it threatened to burst forth from her being with the same urgency and eagerness as those of the long-gone tears.
“you have nothing to worry about.”
it was as much for her as it was for him. she felt this strange version of herself, whose body she was borrowing in that moment, envelop her in that warmth. as though it had recognized her and wanted to embrace her with such fierce confidence that she believed it. sakura believed those words so much there was no room for doubt.
there was a moment of silence and peace then, looking over the stillness of that pool, the warmth of her hand intertwined with his. the undeniable connection that she could not even begin to describe reaching over space and time to hold them suspended in that moment.
the next day she would awake, and all the threads that knit together this picture in her mind would unravel and disappear along with all traces of sleep and rest. it would be back to training to the point of exhaustion. to ears perked when a stray conversation about far off lands wafts into hearing. with a renewed sense of determination and, buried so deep that she was not even aware of it, a faith that was not unfounded.
she would watch the waning crescent moon turn full. she would watch the stars appear and the clouds give way to clear skies. again and again and again.
she had nothing to worry about. as long as they were under the same sky. and she believed it.
I wish genin Sakura could see her future because that poor girl was heartbroken when Sasuke left. She felt useless and powerless to stop him, she was behind her teammates.
Flash forward to the future, she is the strongest kunoichi who saves lives and incredibly powerful, she’s a role model for all the young girls. The boy she loved so dearly became the man she would be able to love forever and have a family with. Is their situation perfect? No. It suits them, they have duties and at the end of the day they know they love each other very much.
I just want her to know that she’s gonna be okay 🥺
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k3nb · 1 year
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k3nb · 1 year
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Sakura mermaid 2022
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k3nb · 1 year
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k3nb · 1 year
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— "would you really betray konoha for me?"
shippuden sasusaku angst makes me go 😭☝🥺😫🥰😋🥺😭🤌
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k3nb · 1 year
growing old with ss be like 🥹❤️
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k3nb · 1 year
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Good morning SasuSaku Shippers❤️💍
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k3nb · 1 year
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This totally happened after Boruto episode 208 btw #trustme
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k3nb · 1 year
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full on twt
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k3nb · 1 year
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"I already have a wife & daughter of my own". -Uchiha Sasuke.
His home, the ones he belongs to. 💕
but feel free to use it as pfp (with credit) for anticipating #sasukeretsuden manga ch.3 that will be out this weekend.
Thank you 🙏
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