Strong Morning Headaches Can Be A Symptom Of A Serious Condition, Such A Brain Tumor
Strong Morning Headaches Can Be A Symptom Of A Serious Condition, Such A Brain Tumor    
It Can Also Be Caused By Sleep Apnea Or High Blood Pressure    
Strong morning headaches usually occur as a result of a hangover. However, it can also be caused by other or other health conditions, which include sleep apnea, due to poor blood oxygenation in the brain or high blood pressure, because of the excess effort on the cardiovascular system. However, it can be a warning symptom for a more serious condition, such as a brain tumor. Treatments vary because the type of tumor can vary, depending on the type, size, and location. Other symptoms are behavior changes, nausea, vomiting, and balancing difficulties, among others. There can be general symptoms referred to the pressure of the tumor on the brain or the stem. However, there are also specific symptoms caused by the brain areas that are affected by the tumor. Diagnosis occurs when a patient visits a doctor complaining of headaches and other symptoms mentioned before, and it is most common among children and adults. Among the causes is exposure to certain products such as pesticides and rubber, genetic factors, exposure to electromagnetic fields, and serious head injuries or head traumas, among others. More info click here.
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Ingestion Of Fatty Foods Can Cause Extremely Negative Effects On The Body
Ingestion Of Fatty Foods Can Cause Extremely Negative Effects On The Body    
Besides Obesity, It Affects Blood Pressure, Gastrointestinal Processes, And Even Brain Function    
Fatty foods consist of fried or cooked food with excessive oil. They are a poor health option, being higher in calories, fat, refined carbs and sugar, but low in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it has negative effects, such as bloating, stomach pain and diarrhea. This is because the fat is slowly digested, leading to low stomach emptying, which can also cause irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The obvious consequences are weight gain and obesity, due to the high-calorie count, and increase in blood pressure. These are related to serious conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and even some type of cancer. It can also affect the bacteria in the gastrointestinal system, lowering the capacity of digestion of fiber, and also affects the immune response due to its association with these bacteria. Because fast foods are also combined with sugary drinks, which not only contribute more to obesity, but also affects blood sugar, increasing the risk of type two diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. Additional negative effects are related to brain functions, which affect learning ability and memory retention. There are cooking alternatives that use little or no oil, such as oven cooking, air frying steaming and grilling. Additional information click here.
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Certain Medications Have Side Effects That Can Affect Oral Health
Certain Medications Have Side Effects That Can Affect Oral Health    
Among Them Are Antihypertensive, Blood Thinners, And Medication For Osteoporosis    
Oral health is usually related to a proper brushing technique and hygiene, removing the food remains, and also to flossing. However, many patients are not aware of the effects on oral health of prescription medication. Half of the people in the US use prescription drugs and 90% of adults over 65 take them. Some of these medications can have negative side effects of oral health, such as dry mouth, which is the reduction of saliva production, increasing the risk of suffering from oral infections, tooth decay, and mouth sores. Among the medications are drugs for high blood pressure, anxiety, depression, and urinary flow improvement. It can be prevented with special mouth sprays. Other medications increase surgical risk, such as the ones for the treatment of osteoporosis and other bone diseases. Some can result in complications on tooth extraction procedures, and installation of implants, preventing the bone to heal properly. Finally, there are also blood thinners and anticoagulant medications for preventing heart disease and strokes. However, it can cause complications during oral surgery due to excessive bleeding. Click here for more info.
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Vasodilation Is A Natural Process To Lower Blood Pressure And Enhance Blood Flow
Vasodilation Is A Natural Process To Lower Blood Pressure And Enhance Blood Flow    
However, Capillaries Do Not Increase Blood Flow, Which Can Cause Organ Damage In Eyes And Ears And Even Stroke    
Vasodilation is a natural body reaction consisting of the dilation of the blood vessels, occurring when there low oxygen levels in the blood or an increase the body temperature. Increasing the blood vessel diameter results in additional blood flow, promoting oxygen delivery to other parts in the body, that require it. It can be also induced for treating high blood pressure, drug delivery, or oxygen distribution to certain tissues. It can also be caused by exercise, because it delivers additional oxygen and nutrients, to the muscles, alcohol ingestion, which acts as a natural vasodilator, and inflammation, which is the body's procedure of repairing damage. Vasodilation can be affected by temperature, due to nerve cells that detect high temperature, dissipating it in the skin. Excess weight also affects it, due to that fact that obesity prevents a proper constriction and dilation of blood vessels. Another aspect that affects it is age, because special cells that detect blood pressure begin malfunctioning, leading to high blood pressure in older people. Even though vasodilation is intended to lower blood pressure, it increases pressure on the capillaries, which do not respond to dilation, increasing the risk of organ damage, in eyes and ears, or even a stroke, if these are located in the brain. More details click here.
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Atrial Fibrillation Related To Alcohol Ingestion
Atrial Fibrillation Related To Alcohol Ingestion    
This Condition Increases The Risk Of Stroke    
Atrial fibrillation, also known as a-fib, is a heart condition that an irregular heartbeat, affecting more than 33. million people in the world. In his condition, the upper chambers of the heart, instead of contracting and relaxing to pump blood, it trembles tempers, This causes the blood to pool into the heart, which can eventually result in a blood clot. When the heart begins pumping again the clot is pushed into circulation, increasing the risk of organ damage. If the clot travels to the brain arteries can cause a blood vessel blockage, leading to stroke. There are some conditions that are associated with atrial fibrillation. Among them are high blood pressure, obesity, and obstructive sleep apnea. Researchers have found that reducing or stopping alcohol ingestion can ease the symptoms. Comparing a group that had two drinks per day to a non-drinking group, the latter had fewer episodes and less time in a-fib. Therefore, therapy should include alcohol abstinence, which also has also additional benefits such as weight loss and a decrease in high blood pressure. Additionally, according to studies, drinking appears to be related to developing this condition. Additional info click here.
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Avocado Has Health Benefits For The Cardiovascular System
Avocado Has Health Benefits For The Cardiovascular System    
It Even Prevents The Accumulation Of Fat Around The Belly, Helping To Fight Obesity    
Visceral fat is 10% of the body, but if it is stored in excess, it related to serious health conditions. It can build up in the arteries and also can be located near vital organs, including the stomach, liver and intestine. Visceral fat also increases the risk of cardiovascular problems and all the health issues associated with obesity. According to studies, taking an avocado per day, we decrease belly fat, and will also with lower cholesterol, which helps for weight loss. However, avocado is a fatty fruit, including a high level of calories, so it might seem a contradiction. The reason is the type of fat avocado contains, which is rich in monounsaturated fat and oleic fatty acids, preventing fat distribution around the belly. It also lowers bad cholesterol and decreases the risk of heart disease, obesity, and metabolic syndrome. Also, it helps to neutralize free oxygen radicals, which can affect metabolism, and even alter DNA, resulting in cancer. Click here for more details.
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Top News Of 2019 On Cardiovascular Health
Top News Of 2019 On Cardiovascular Health    
Among Them Are The Detection Of Atrial Fibrillation By Apple Watch, Aspirin Avoidance By Healthy People, And The Effect Of Hypertension Medication If Taken In The Evening    
There have been interesting findings and issues in cardiovascular health in 2019. Among them are persisting problems with generic blood pressure drugs. Among them is the recall of valsartan due to cancer-causing impurities, and also the recall of losartan and irbesartan. Also, Apple Watch can detect irregular heartbeats, consisting of an arrhythmia called atrial fibrillation, diagnosing it properly in a population of 400,000. Additionally, researchers have found the relation between dietary cholesterol and eating eggs, and heart disease. This means that even though eggs are healthy, care must be taken if suffering from a cardiovascular condition. Aspirin has been always recommended for heart disease but does not always do the best for the heart, because it can increase bleeding because of its blood-thinning properties. This means that it can have adverse effects on people that have no cardiovascular issues. However, it is beneficial for people with a history of heart attack, coronary stents, bypass surgery or strokes. Also, if a person has signs that suggest a heart attack, or stroke, it is still important to take an aspirin, immediately. Another interesting news is that a drug for diabetes has shown benefits for congestive heart failure. A study on portable blood monitor usage proved that blood pressure medication have a better effect if taken in the evening, and not in the morning – unless it includes diuretics, which will cause sleep interruptions. More Information click here.
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Kidney Disease Closely Related To High Blood Pressure
Kidney Disease Closely Related To High Blood Pressure    
It Can Be Diagnosed Only With Proper Testing, And If Not Detected, Can Affect Seriously Life Quality    
One of the causes of kidney failure is hypertension or high blood pressure. In fact, it is the second-highest cause of kidney failure, and responsible for one-fourth of all the cases. However, there is a strong association between these two serious conditions: kidney failure can be a symptom and also a cause of high blood pressure. Kidney disease can only be diagnosed with proper testing, and includes the damage of blood vessels, and filters in the kidney, demanding more effort for waste removal. If undetected in time, it can advance to a stage in which the patient will require dialysis or transplant. Symptoms include elevated high blood pressure, a decrease in urine elimination, frequent urination, and edema of the feet. It can be prevented taking similar measures for high blood pressure prevention, such as taking a healthy diet low on salt, and a healthy lifestyle. Additional details click here.
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Pomegranate Juice Can Help Lower Blood Pressure In One Month
Pomegranate Juice Can Help Lower Blood Pressure In One Month    
It Also Requires A Healthy Diet, Low Salt, And Exercise    
According to researchers, pomegranates are among the healthiest fruits due to their large number of beneficial substances. Among them are punicalagins and punicic acid, which lowers cardiovascular risk because they are rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, which lowers systolic blood pressure and promotes cardiovascular health, lowering the risk of heart disease. Additionally, it helps controlling arthritis and joint pain and helps in the prevention of prostate cancer. It can be ingested as whole fruit, or as a juice. One daily cup of pomegranate for 28 days can lower high blood pressure. However, to achieve this goal, it is also required a change in lifestyle, such as lowering salt ingestion, including a healthy diet, and performing physical activity. Click here for more information.
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An Acidic Diet Will Be Harmful To The Body
An Acidic Diet Will Be Harmful To The Body    
Combined With Excess Stress And Pollution, Will Lead To Gastrointestinal Conditions, High Blood Pressure, And Bone Issues    
People have many questions about alkaline foods, as a way to lower acidity in the body. A diet based on alkaline foods can treat gastrointestinal issues, and increase bone density. Also, alkaline foods, which include most fruits and vegetables, are easier to digest. On the other side, acidic foods include meats, salt, eggs and soda, which are harder to digest. Diets based on acidic foods promote inflammation and various degenerative diseases. The truth is that the body has an internal mechanism that regulates the pH level, which is 7.4, and if it detects excess acidity, it will balance with the minerals from the bones, increasing the risk of osteoporosis. Besides the diet, another cause of acidity is excessive stress, because it increases the level of adrenaline. Another cause is environmental pollution. The acidic buildup in the body leads to digestive problems, acid reflux, headaches, high blood pressure and bone problems, among others. It will also speed up the organ aging process.https://justnohighbloodpressure.com/8psg
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Several Medications Can Have Negative Interactions With Alcohol
Several Medications Can Have Negative Interactions With Alcohol    
Among Them Are Heartburn, Blood Pressure, Depression, And Sleep Medication    
Most people take a drink or two in social events or as a way to relax, among others. However, there are medications that have adverse reactions to alcohol, and taking a drink can worsen things. Among them are OTC medications for pain and fever, which contain acetaminophen, a substance that can damage the liver, cause ulcers, stomach issues, and a fast heartbeat, if mixed with alcohol, while prescription pain medication can cause breathing issues, and memory problems. Also, medication for allergy, cold, and flu can cause drowsiness. In the case of antibiotics, it can lead to an increase in blood pressure and a rapid heartbeat. Heartburn medication, mixed with alcohol, will affect blood pressure and lead to a faster heartbeat. In the case of sleep medications, alcohol will cause breathing difficulties, and blood pressure medication can result in arrhythmia and drowsiness.https://justnohighbloodpressure.com/s0pi
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Ingestion Of Fatty Foods Can Cause Extremely Negative Effects On The Body
Ingestion Of Fatty Foods Can Cause Extremely Negative Effects On The Body    
Besides Obesity, It Affects Blood Pressure, Gastrointestinal Processes, And Even Brain Function    
Fatty foods consist of fried or cooked food with excessive oil. They are a poor health option, being higher in calories, fat, refined carbs and sugar, but low in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it has negative effects, such as bloating, stomach pain and diarrhea. This is because the fat is slowly digested, leading to low stomach emptying, which can also cause irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The obvious consequences are weight gain and obesity, due to the high-calorie count, and increase in blood pressure. These are related to serious conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and even some type of cancer. It can also affect the bacteria in the gastrointestinal system, lowering the capacity of digestion of fiber, and also affects the immune response due to its association with these bacteria. Because fast foods are also combined with sugary drinks, which not only contribute more to obesity, but also affects blood sugar, increasing the risk of type two diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. Additional negative effects are related to brain functions, which affect learning ability and memory retention. There are cooking alternatives that use little or no oil, such as oven cooking, air frying steaming and grilling.https://justnohighbloodpressure.com/np2j
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Ingestion Of Fatty Foods Can Cause Extremely Negative Effects On The Body
Ingestion Of Fatty Foods Can Cause Extremely Negative Effects On The Body    
Besides Obesity, It Affects Blood Pressure, Gastrointestinal Processes, And Even Brain Function    
Fatty foods consist of fried or cooked food with excessive oil. They are a poor health option, being higher in calories, fat, refined carbs and sugar, but low in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it has negative effects, such as bloating, stomach pain and diarrhea. This is because the fat is slowly digested, leading to low stomach emptying, which can also cause irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The obvious consequences are weight gain and obesity, due to the high-calorie count, and increase in blood pressure. These are related to serious conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and even some type of cancer. It can also affect the bacteria in the gastrointestinal system, lowering the capacity of digestion of fiber, and also affects the immune response due to its association with these bacteria. Because fast foods are also combined with sugary drinks, which not only contribute more to obesity, but also affects blood sugar, increasing the risk of type two diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. Additional negative effects are related to brain functions, which affect learning ability and memory retention. There are cooking alternatives that use little or no oil, such as oven cooking, air frying steaming and grilling.https://justnohighbloodpressure.com/np2j
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Untreated Chronic Stress In Children Can Seriously Affect Their Lives As Adults
Untreated Chronic Stress In Children Can Seriously Affect Their Lives As Adults    
It Increases The Risk Of Liver And Lung Disease, And Also Cardiovascular Conditions    
One of the most common mental conditions in children is attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Parents are aware of this condition, and the child is prescribed with the corresponding medication. However, doctors and parents must try to find out what has caused this disorder in the child. In many cases, the answer might be an emotional trauma, which, if left untreated, can result in physical health conditions, later in adult life. According to studies, this can mean twice the risk of developing liver and chronic lung disease, or triple risk of having lung cancer and heart disease, in the lifetime. In chronic stress, the brain secretes the hormone cortisol, which prepares the body for a dangerous. Constant exposure to cortisol prevent the child from focusing properly at school, but also affects the organs, possibly causing damage that will show itself at adult life. Fortunately, there are treatments that allow to rewire a child’s brain and prevent these consequences. Additional info click here.
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Untreated Chronic Stress In Children Can Seriously Affect Their Lives As Adults
Untreated Chronic Stress In Children Can Seriously Affect Their Lives As Adults    
It Increases The Risk Of Liver And Lung Disease, And Also Cardiovascular Conditions    
One of the most common mental conditions in children is attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Parents are aware of this condition, and the child is prescribed with the corresponding medication. However, doctors and parents must try to find out what has caused this disorder in the child. In many cases, the answer might be an emotional trauma, which, if left untreated, can result in physical health conditions, later in adult life. According to studies, this can mean twice the risk of developing liver and chronic lung disease, or triple risk of having lung cancer and heart disease, in the lifetime. In chronic stress, the brain secretes the hormone cortisol, which prepares the body for a dangerous. Constant exposure to cortisol prevent the child from focusing properly at school, but also affects the organs, possibly causing damage that will show itself at adult life. Fortunately, there are treatments that allow to rewire a child’s brain and prevent these consequences. Additional info click here.
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Untreated Chronic Stress In Children Can Seriously Affect Their Lives As Adults
Untreated Chronic Stress In Children Can Seriously Affect Their Lives As Adults    
It Increases The Risk Of Liver And Lung Disease, And Also Cardiovascular Conditions    
One of the most common mental conditions in children is attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Parents are aware of this condition, and the child is prescribed with the corresponding medication. However, doctors and parents must try to find out what has caused this disorder in the child. In many cases, the answer might be an emotional trauma, which, if left untreated, can result in physical health conditions, later in adult life. According to studies, this can mean twice the risk of developing liver and chronic lung disease, or triple risk of having lung cancer and heart disease, in the lifetime. In chronic stress, the brain secretes the hormone cortisol, which prepares the body for a dangerous. Constant exposure to cortisol prevent the child from focusing properly at school, but also affects the organs, possibly causing damage that will show itself at adult life. Fortunately, there are treatments that allow to rewire a child’s brain and prevent these consequences. Additional info click here.
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Untreated Chronic Stress In Children Can Seriously Affect Their Lives As Adults
Untreated Chronic Stress In Children Can Seriously Affect Their Lives As Adults    
It Increases The Risk Of Liver And Lung Disease, And Also Cardiovascular Conditions    
One of the most common mental conditions in children is attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Parents are aware of this condition, and the child is prescribed with the corresponding medication. However, doctors and parents must try to find out what has caused this disorder in the child. In many cases, the answer might be an emotional trauma, which, if left untreated, can result in physical health conditions, later in adult life. According to studies, this can mean twice the risk of developing liver and chronic lung disease, or triple risk of having lung cancer and heart disease, in the lifetime. In chronic stress, the brain secretes the hormone cortisol, which prepares the body for a dangerous. Constant exposure to cortisol prevent the child from focusing properly at school, but also affects the organs, possibly causing damage that will show itself at adult life. Fortunately, there are treatments that allow to rewire a child’s brain and prevent these consequences. Additional info click here.
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