justchasingghosts · 3 years
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Spn dogs-winchester brothers
I DID IT. re-vamp of this drawing 
i said if it got 100.000 notes i would re-draw it and you guys sure were eager.
this better get 100.000 notes all overagain for the nagging you guys put me though ohmygod also if you delete my artist comments i will fcking shit on you
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justchasingghosts · 3 years
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#SPNDEN 2021 | Jared Padalecki about Castiel & Dean last scene in episode 15.18
Disclaimer: I won't tolerate any hateful or BS comments/tags on that post. You're free to think whatever you want, you can disagree but Jared view of that scene is valid and I'm glad he shared it with us.
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justchasingghosts · 3 years
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loving the fucking energy this season 😌💅🏻
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justchasingghosts · 3 years
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J2 | Denver 2021
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justchasingghosts · 3 years
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they were deranged for this <3
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justchasingghosts · 3 years
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9.01 / 15.20
it’s almost perfect.
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justchasingghosts · 4 years
even though i’m not a fan of tlou2’s plot (no spoilers), i’m still watching every part of seán’s playthrough of the game
if that doesn’t tell you that i’ll watch seán play any long, single player game, i don’t know what else to say
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justchasingghosts · 4 years
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inb4 Seán reaches 25 million after posting that video *checks watch*
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justchasingghosts · 4 years
It’s been a minute, but I’m going to wax poetic about the personality test video. 
To clarify before I get into it, I do want to say first that even though I haven’t posted in like 2 years, I have still continued to watch Sean somewhat regularly. I’m graduating from medical school on Thursday (weird, I know), so suffice to say, I’ve had less time in general to keep up with every upload and make posts/gifs/anything. I still watch every long multi-part playthrough he uploads; he is the first person I go to for those (if he plays the game of course), but watching the usual daily uploads is a little more difficult, compared to 4 years ago when I had time to watch every single one. So everything I say next is as someone who has been keeping up with him, even if my lack of posting suggests otherwise. *deep breath*
I’m glad he noticed how much he’s changed in the past 3 years because I have absolutely noticed it as well. The main difference between the 2017 and 2020 videos is best exemplified in the first 5 seconds-- no more intro and green hair. I’m not going to speak for Sean (these are just my own observations), but around that time in 2016-2017 (with his increasing popularity and the green hair becoming a staple), it felt like his online personality was becoming a caricature of himself. Yes, he is a ~loud boi~, but in retrospect (compared to how he is now), it does seem like he had to make sure he was fitting this image the internet has made of him. This is not a conscious thing, it can just happen sometimes. Even the fact that a lot more people call him Sean instead of Jack now is evidence of a shift to him being less concerned about a specific persona he has to maintain rigidly.
When he finally dyed his hair back to his natural color and started growing it out, when the intro and outro went away, and when he started wearing gauges (I only mention that because when I first started watching Sean, I wore 8g plugs, and now I'm at a size 00g...how time flies), it seemed like a great weight was lifted, and the shackles were finally off. The timeline off the top of my head is going to be wonky (apologies), but then he started streaming on Twitch whenever he felt like it, making more ambitious non-gameplay related videos, just doing whatever the fuck he wanted. He was having fun with it, and it was nice to see.
I wanted to make a comparison of his answers between the two videos, but since he admitted that some of the choices he made in 2017 were influenced by the fact he was being filmed, it seems a little fruitless to do it individually since I don’t know which answers were genuine and which were not. But I think that’s kind of not the point.
The main thing I wanted to say was that I have noticed a difference in Sean the past year/2 years (what even is time now), and I’m not going to say he seems happier because you can act happier online pretty easily.
I’d say he seems much more human.
Like, he’s no longer posting twice a day because it was slowly killing him. If he’s not feeling up to it, he won’t upload for a day. If he feels like checking out the memes on his subreddit, he’ll do it. Who cares. Instead of trying to maintain the image and persona of “jacksepticeye”, he’s focusing on Sean McLoughlin. I don’t want it to sound like he’s truly zen now and perfect, because that’s not the case (sorry, Sean). Obviously there’s always room to grow and change for the better, but compared to before, he appears to be healthier online now.
I’ve changed a lot myself in the 4 years I’ve been watching Sean (binging his videos all day everyday for 3 weeks straight in Feb. 2016 kept me from killing myself vs. attending a virtual graduation in 4 days that I didn’t think I’d be alive for), and it’s been really interesting to see us both, in parallel, become more comfortable with ourselves, in varying degrees of course (read: I’m still a mess). 
He’ll always have a special place in my heart, and I’m proud of him.
((P.S. - Sean, if you do see this, I have but one request/suggestion. I’ve seen your Twitter interactions with James and Elyse Willems, and, if you’re interested, I think collabing with Funhaus would be really cool. They’re all pretty great, and I think you’d have a lot of fun together.))
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justchasingghosts · 4 years
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“I think this one was a lot more honest.”
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justchasingghosts · 4 years
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“I want something bleak and hopeless…like real life.”
Mythic Quest: Raven’s Banquet, S1E5 - A Dark Quiet Death
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justchasingghosts · 6 years
im going to try to make some gifsets and videos again
but they may not be about the topic you'd expect
bear with me, ive got a creativity itch i need to scratch
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justchasingghosts · 6 years
a quick little edit because why not
“My android is name. I’m the Cyberlife sent from Connor.”
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justchasingghosts · 6 years
one of the worst things about mental illness for me is that it quickly and easily drags me back into unhealthy habits....i feel relieved every time it happens
music can never be loud enough to drown it out and i don’t want it to
...now i’m sifting through sean’s tumblr to see if someone has made the posts that i now feel compelled to create
this should be interesting
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justchasingghosts · 6 years
*just casually drops into the tag*
i just wanted to stop by and say that the colon and cataract surgery video was a little too real for me as i’m currently on my surgery rotation (2 weeks in, 6 more weeks to go) and have seen my fair share of colons, among other things. 
i mention this because right when i try to take a break, relax and watch some youtube videos, said “break” reminds me that i should be doing work and studying instead
let me live my life, dr. jeff 
(and i’m keeping my eye on you, dr. suzi)
i’m not particularly sure why this of all things prompted me to post something after so long....but just as quickly as i reappear, i disappear once again
*throws smoke bomb*
(ps - i hope everyone’s doing okay)
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justchasingghosts · 7 years
Hey how are you doing? You one of my fav blogs and was wondering?
I’m doing okay, been attempting to study for my exams next week
thank you for asking :) 
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justchasingghosts · 7 years
*slides on into this tag*
uh....he....he.....hey guys...
if you want...to....you know....have the fofparty, it begins now
*flies away*
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