justadreamforus · 4 years
Jiangcheng: God of Protection (PART 2/?)
104th Diary Entry of The Priestess
When I first decided to bind myself to his grace, the common people told me love was not a gift my god appreciates. How could a god of vengeance and storms that ripped apart skies understand the gentleness of kindness? How could a god of bloodshed and the ferocity born from war grant the warmth of home and touch of prosperity? You are better off seeking a god who revels in the dalliance of heart strings and opportunities, they had advised me, shaking their heads. A girl such as yourself should not prostrate before a god like him.
Was he that cruel? I had wondered then as I woke up to the toll of the bell which rung outside my doors. Was he that coarse and dangerous, like a hidden viper in the tall grass that attacked all who dared pass? But even snakes did not bite for no reason, I had reminded myself as I bent my head for the governor to paint the lotus mark upon my forehead. For what did it matter how people saw him if I was willing to give all of my soul to the pressed line of his mouth?
What did it matter if I was the first priestess he could call his own since he ascended?
“You may now kneel before his grace’s statue and seek his approval for your station!” The governor had then commanded, voice shrill as he shrieked for a sign, as if any god would actually answer his mortal request! But that was not for me to comment on and so I ignored it, lifting the heaviness of my skirt as it brushed against the cold marble of his temple’s floor; past the heavy wooden steps and past the purple silk that so covered the entryway to his face.
And what a face he had! Cold jade alone could not emulate the glint of his eyes or the sternness of his mouth any better than the carver who had made him from precious stone. The fierceness of his stance, fingers tight around the handle of his sword would have sent a child crying, let alone the famous strike of Zidian which was made of amethyst and glowing in the light of the morning sun! Was this truly the god that my dreams had whispered to run to? I wondered, my heart sinking in my chest and stuttering to a standstill. Should I not leave? Was this truly my god? Could I, fully, dedicate my existence to his image?
Only the Lotus flower in my hands had bade me not to run.
Do not fear, it had seem to murmur, petals fresh from where it had appeared by my bedside. You were chosen, a voice that tinkled and rang had laughed, remnants of my dream singing, you are perfect for him. How could I run after that memory flashed before my mind, soothing the trepidation of my heart? And so I had knelt before him, the statue that has supposedly captured my god in all of his glory, and prayed for his answer.
For a moment I received no reply, silence filling the temple and the only sound being the blood rushing in my veins. And then, a single word reverberated through the air, shaking the stones of the temple and all who clustered behind me with their cowardice and fear in spades.
What a strange question from a god! Why indeed was he the one that I had chosen above the rest? Why not the esteemed God of Light or the God of Redemption? Why was a mere girl, barely at the cusp of womanhood, binding herself in eternal servitude and loyalty to the ascended and furious Jiang Wanyin, supposed God of Vengeance and War? What madness was she spouting? What insanity had taken root in her mind? What indeed when a girl such as yourself should not prostrate before a god like him.
I had no answer. None that I could think worthy of my god as I held onto the first Lotus bloom of Spring, pink petals barely fully unfurled and scent light as the breeze that blew the violet silk curtains in his temple. I had no rational reason, no elaborate speech but merely a heart that sought after a man clothed in purple who had risen from ashes and breathed life into the estate that now protected my town.
“Because you are everything the people have said and more.” I had whispered, the words now flowing through my mind like a vow one would have taken with their husband. “Because you are the lightning storm that terrorizes the sun, but also the light drizzle that washes away the dust of yesterday. Because you are the blade wielded by a slighted soul but also the war cry of a woman kidnapped and forcefully taken. Because you are the vindictive snarl of injustice but also the shadow of a protective guardian.”
“Because,” I trembled, “you are the God of Vengeance and War, but also the God who loves fiercely and protectively. You, are the love of a thousand lifetimes encompassed in a single entity.”
Silence had descended then, the people around me quivering in shock or fear whilst the governor squawked and flailed in terror. Yet I felt no such anxiety cresting within me. Only peace and assurance that what I had said was true, the curl of satisfaction lapping at my soul and breathing contentment into my lungs. I had been prepared to kneel for hours; perhaps he had not been satisfied with my answer for who knew what my god was thinking after all, but he surprised me.
(As he will continue to do for the rest of my lifetime.)
Then rise, my god had rumbled, voice sharp steel and molten heat rolled into one, rise my priestess, with my mark upon your brow and spirit in your heart. Rise and greet the world as the first of my representatives, he groused, tongue clicking against the roof of his mouth, knowing your place is guaranteed by my side. Devote your entire being and body to whom you call your god, he murmured, rainstorm eyes seeking my own as his hand cupped my cheek. Let yourself become mine, he whispered as he leaned his forehead against my own, lightning caressing my skin, and I will never leave your side.
And what sorrow I had felt in that moment then! It crashed into me like a tidal wave, mind drowning in pain and loneliness so stark my lungs almost ceased to breathe. How could my god have lived like this, with prayers so cold and brutal while he was anything but that? How could my god have survived, with the burdens of a thousand insecurities leaking into his being and muttered into his ear? How could my god remain so strong, so beautiful, amid the tumultuous cruelty of mankind? Oh how I wept at the lies the people had sung about him, those calloused hands that were told to be cold-blooded so warm and gentle as they cupped my face, fingers ghosting over the tears that trickled down without my control.
My Priestess, my god had breathed out, do not weep for me.
“If I do not weep, then who shall?” I cried, fingers curled into my robes as I stared at that face, so kind and nothing like the statue before me.
If you weep so bitterly it will only tempt me to take you away before your time, he muttered, thumb brushing my bottom lip. Do not make me whisk you away, my god had grumbled then, for I am a god and should be free at last from answering inane mortal requests!
“And yet you still answered this lowly mortal’s cry for your presence!” I had laughed, wiping my tears away with the edge of my sleeve.
You are not any mere mortal, Jiang Wanyin had smiled, lips quirking upwards as his figure was enshrouded in gold, you are mine are you not?
“I am.” I had sobbed, the ghost of fingers trailing over my cheek and through my hair, “I am yours.” Had been yours since the day you blessed me and filled my cup with so much love that none could ever harm me. Had been yours since you held me tightly amid wrecking sobs and terrors of my own mind. Had been yours since you stood before me blocking the wayward cuts and blades thrown my way. Had been and always would be.
Say it, his voice sang, like the echo of a gentle Spring breeze.
“I am yours,” I whispered, head bowed as he faded, “I am yours, Jiang Wanyin.”
And the I had risen, the scent of lotuses swirling around me like a guarantee to the protection and love he had bestowed upon me. 
The first Priestess of Jiang Wanyin, God of Love and Protection.
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justadreamforus · 4 years
Jiangcheng: God of Protection (PART 1/?)
16th Diary Entry of The Priestess
Sometimes when I get scared I clench my right hand tightly and imagine cool metal resting on my index finger. I imagine lightning crackling between my palms, static electricity running up my arms and making my hair stand on end. I imagine electrifying currents pulsing through my lungs and running in my bloodstream, shivers running down my spine. 
I imagine rough calloused hands squeezing my shoulders, heat burning through my clothes and sinking into my skin like an anchor. I imagine broad shoulders swathed in purple robes filling my vision, violet wrath dancing in time with the gentle chime of a clarity bell. I imagine heated snarls and bitter laughs exploding against the biting cold of loneliness, footsteps loud on the steps of a marble floor.
I imagine storm-grey eyes and a mouth pressed into a thin line of fury, eyebrows drawn downwards even as I feel the murmurs of a blessing pressed against my brow. I imagine filthy curses dripping off a tongue sharper than a blade, of a righteous fury stirring within my chest when my thoughts are blank with an inner fear I cannot name. 
But most of all I imagine that I am shrouded in violent purple. That looming behind me stands a God whose eyes flash with open disdain and whose hands grip tight on the handle of a sword and whip. That mocking sneers and scoffs are hurled out at my enemies while my back presses against searing heat, a stable chest.
I imagine Jiang Wanyin, voice rough and touch just a bit too wary against my cheek as he whispers fool, did you think I would let them harm you? I imagine fingertips grazing my jaw as my God’s gaze burns into my invisible injuries, fire licking them clean. I imagine being reborn from ashes, of living and breathing and fighting beside a God who watches with delightful vengeance.
And when the fear subsides, I know that the scent of lotuses hanging onto my clothes are not my imagination.
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justadreamforus · 4 years
I CANNOT BELIEVE I GOT RECCED??? Oh my god thank you so much! It's an honour and I'm just so grateful for the love 💜💜💜
Temptation’s Galore (breaking restraint) by JustADreamForUs
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Temptation’s Galore (breaking restraint)
by JustADreamForUs
E, 28k, chengyi, background wangxian, zhuiling
Summary:  Lan Jingyi is in love with Sect Leader Jiang and desperately trying to find a way to attract the man’s attention.
Jiang Wanyin is mystified by a certain Gusu Lan Disciple and struggling to keep his desires as well as his fears in check.
Wei Wuxian is happy to give guidance where it’s needed most with the help of his loving husband Lan Wangji.
Lan Sizhui and Jin Rulan just want to survive this and get together.
It’s an exhausting two days.
My comments:  Lots of smut. First, Jiang Cheng is very dominant (and kind of mean and cruel) and works Jingyi over pretty hard. But Jingyi figures out (during the night, presumably) that what Jiang Cheng needs is to let someone take control whom he trusts and who is kind and full of praise. So the next morning, Jingyi takes care of our dark son Jiang Cheng, and that is much better.  Mmmm.
post canon, chengyi, jiang cheng/lan jingyi, pwp, pr0n with feelings, dom/sub undertones, smut, fluff, angst, loss of v*rginity, first kiss, first time, praise kink, more smut, switching, jiang cheng needs a hug, and love and attention, love confessions, humor, light b0ndage, happy ending, @justadreamforus​
(You may wish to REBLOG as a signal boost for this author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
*This is a repost from Sunday, since it was accidentally concealed under a shadowban.*
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justadreamforus · 4 years
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💜Genderbent Modern AU ft. @distractedden 💜
"Oh my god the vogue cover came out so good! Hey do you think Lanzhan will like this spread? I love him so much I-"
"WE KNOW. God will you fucking shut up for once and focus on planning your wedding? Now tell me, do you want fucking cream or ivory for your napkins?"
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justadreamforus · 4 years
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I don’t know, do you know?
Happy Birthday HuaiSang!!!
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justadreamforus · 4 years
I’m thinking about how Jiangcheng...
I’m thinking about how Jiangcheng is probably blaming himself for being the reason Wei Wuxian couldn’t use his golden core which oh god that was why Shijie died, why Jinling’s father died- 
I’m thinking about how Jiangcheng probably forgot he didn’t give his consent in the operation because he’s too busy realising this Wei Wuxian is still the same Wei Wuxian he loved and was thus not corrupted by demonic cultivation and that I killed my own brother for nothing-
I’m thinking about how Jiangcheng refuses to tell Wei Wuxian he gave up his core for him because he deserves to be happy and I could never burden him with this, while everyone (*cough* Lan Wangji, Wenning, entire cultivation world/fandom *cough*) sneers at him for ever hurting someone who would give up their golden core for you Jiang Zhongzhu how could you be so cold hearted-
I’m thinking about how Jiangcheng drops off Jinling at Koi Tower and refuses to say anything even when his nephew hesitantly asks because he’s too young he has to lead a Sect it isn’t easy you know it isn’t easy do not burden him more oh god he has to lead a Sect he’s sixteen Shijie what have I done-
I’m thinking about Jiangcheng flying back to Lotus Pier and staring at the river cresting against the shore, running his fingers through lotus flowers and crying silently because it’s so quiet I can only hear the river and god it’s too quiet, there’s no one here, and I’m really incompetent mother, and I must be a disappointment to you father I’m sorry I’m so sorry-
But most of all, I’m thinking about Jiangcheng wrapping his arms around himself because it’s cold down here at night, that’s all, acting as if he isn’t touch starved and hurting and aching and lonely in a kingdom built in the shadow of another’s history, screaming silently please, please just punish me instead, it’s my fault while everyone else is mourning in the arms of someone who loves them.
Because there are quiet Iloveyous exchanged in the corner of the Jingshi before Lan Wangji is listening to his brother cry my fault I should have known should have lead A-yao better in his arms. Because Jinling receives a hug from Sizhui and a punch in his shoulder from Jingyi the minute he blubbers out the story because you can count on us Jinling don’t worry. Because Nie Huaisang orders a bottle of alcohol and sings his way around it in relief that a decade of planning worked hah it worked and finally everything is done.
All while Jiangcheng is still alone, thinking this is as it should be because I deserve nothing.
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justadreamforus · 4 years
Can I ask for lwj/wwx with abo pregnancy smut? Hehe thank you so much!
A/N: I wasn’t sure if you meant them having sex while Weiying is pregnant, or if you meant them having sex and Weiying becoming pregnant after, so I just went with the first one! Anyway, thank you once again for your request and I hope I did them justice~
PS: I might also post this on AO3 if you don’t mind
WC: 5, 702 words (this was longer than I thought) 
When Weiying had first woken up in Mo Xuanyu’s body, he had realised the latter was an omega instantly, the coy scent of ripe oranges and summer skies giving it away. And when he had received a shoe to his face a minute later, several inappropriate curse words that would have made even his dearest Shijie flinch had flown through his mind. It wasn’t because he hated omegas, oh no, he was very much a gentleman to them, but the glaringly obvious difference in strength was enough to have his teeth grinding as he looked around his abode, shame and anger interwoven with each other.
Because omegas were physically weaker in all aspects, their golden cores taking longer to mature as their bodies were born soft, wide hips and fragile bone structures enticing alphas to mate them, pup them full. Which would have been fine, if it weren’t for the objectification of their body, the amazing blessed fertility turning them into breeding bitches every heat. And that had been the case for Mo Xuanyu, Weiying had realised with startling clarity as he sat in the middle of a ruined shack with barely a blanket for a nest.
 It was cold, the scent of salt sharp in the air as Weiying had cautiously sniffed the material, identifying tears and the bitter tang of blood. This was the scent of depression, of an omega huddling underneath covers in stark fear every heat praying for salvation, and it had made his long gone alpha instincts snarl. His ire only grew more as he noted the treatment he had received from the Mo family, had glanced around the depilated shack with white fury as he finally understood the abuse his summoner had given him, the liberties they had taken with someone weaker, quieter, gentler.
 But Mo Xuangyu had gotten his revenge, painting the Mo estate with blood, and Weiying was proud to call the body his own, alpha or not. Experiencing his first heat had been, well, interesting, to say the least, and mating with Lanzhan had turned his entire world upside down. It was fun, invigorating, life changing, and Weiying was happy to settle down into pillowed forts and hundreds of blankets, safe and comfortable within his nest at Cloud Recesses. It only got better at night, when he could snuggle into warm arms and bury his face into the crook of Lanzhan’s neck, breathing in the euphoric scent of sandalwood and cotton, a happy pleased alpha crooning into his ear.
 He was starting to understand the joy of being an omega, why some would revel in their dynamic even with all the abuse they may have had to face. Because it was a power trip watching Lanzhan melt when he batted his eyes and pushed out his bottom lip, the alpha immediately caving and letting Weiying sleep an hour longer. It made a darker part of him crow with delight whenever he would pinch his inner thigh under a blanket, hidden from view, until his eyes began to water, and Lanzhan would drop his scrolls, rushing into their nest to thumb away his tears. Perhaps it was a tad mean, a little rude to play on the alpha’s overwhelming desire to provide, but Weiying had been dead for sixteen years, damn it he deserved attention!
 And it wasn’t as if he had to do a lot to receive it. Lanzhan was happy to indulge him, happy to be distracted whenever Weiying would climb into his lap and mouth at his scent gland, little whimpers escaping his mouth as he kneaded Lanzhan’s thigh greedily. It was just so easy, letting his robe slide down one shoulder to show off his mating bite, proud and dark against his snowy white skin that would have his alpha sharply inhaling, fangs beginning to emerge. There was a certain level of intoxication to having Lanzhan listen to his every whim if he lowered his eyes just right, the satisfaction of having stone cold perfection give into his warmth, melting under his touch.
 Don’t tell anyone, but it was also highly entertaining to watch Lanzhan’s calligraphy brush tremble, the alpha’s ears cherry red whenever he’s forced to look away, as if he could possibly ignore Weiying’s sobs as he fingers himself open, the scent of slick and an eager omega thick in the air.
 However, he was beginning to think karma was finally finding his way to him when one robust heat later had declared him pregnant and heavy with Lanzhan’s litter. Suddenly everything was too much and too little all at once, and Weiying found himself swinging between cooing at his alpha and, well, dragging his claws through all twenty of Lanzhan’s robes whenever the other irritated him. Which would have been fine if it weren’t for the fact that Lanzhan irritated him plenty, something Weiying hadn’t thought would be possible once they were mated. They were in love for crying out loud! He didn’t know why or what the alpha did wrong to warrant such visceral hate at times, and his logical brain constantly found issues with his weird responses, but Lanzhan was having none of it. And neither, unfortunately, was his omega.
 “I don’t want this blanket! I already told you I don’t like the texture! I don’t like it, don’t want it, don’t need it, don’t want anything to do with it!” Weiying snarls, fingers digging into the pillow he has in his arms like a shield as he glowers at his alpha from his cocoon, canines bared dangerously. He had been antsy since morning, pawing at the blankets and sniffing them carefully as he repositioned them throughout the day, but hadn’t been able to figure out what was wrong.
 At first, he had thought it was the pillows, but the moment he had laid them outside of his nest his inner omega had begun to cry in earnest, and Weiying had practically scrambled onto the floor for them, eyes wild and scent heavy with distress. Perhaps it’s the bottom layer, Weiying had guessed, peeling back the cotton sheet that covered their mattress, aware that it was due for a wash soon. Except he had barely handed Lanzhan the sheet before his omega had screamed, no return it mine part of nest mine mine mine, and he had almost mauled the other in an attempt to get it back, fingers shifting into claws as he spat viciously into Lanzhan’s face. But the alpha was patient, so kind and good to me, what a man, my man, Weiying had thought dazedly to himself as Lanzhan offered him blankets, soothing his omega’s rising haunches.
 And then he had offered that particular set of blankets and well.
 “I hate it! I hate it!” Weiying shouts, chest heaving as he clutches the pillow even closer, violet eyes tracking the alpha who’s standing hesitatingly in the doorway, blankets behind the line separating both rooms. “Everything’s wrong,” he growls, and oh, everything is wrong, and suddenly Weiying is gasping for breath, eyes beginning to water as he sniffles, his bottom lip wobbling as he stares at Lanzhan, at his amazing alpha who’s trying and him, stupid omega who can’t even get a nest right, a nest where we’ll be having their pups and raising them and I’m a failure of an omega-
 “Weiying is not a failure.” Lanzhan’s calm voice cuts through his thoughts, and Weiying finds himself letting out a wet gasp, choked laughter bubbling in his throat as he watches Lanzhan get on his knees, carefully placing the blankets behind him. “Weiying is trying, and that’s all that matters,” Lanzhan reminds him gently, and Weiying growls, a displeased rumble emanating from his throat even as the praise makes him preen, makes his inner omega purr.
 “How would you know that huh Hanguang-jun?” Weiying mumbles peevishly, rubbing his eyes onto the sleeve of his robes as he glares half-heartedly at the alpha. “I’ve been here all morning,” he swallows, eyes beginning to fill with tears once more as he stares dejectedly at his nest, his pathetic excuse of a nest, “been here all afternoon,” he gulps, voice rising in pitch as his omega wolf paces, lips pulled back angrily because wrong, wrong, wrong, it’s all wrong, “and I still can’t fucking figure out what’s wrong!” With a loud yell Weiying threw the pillow, the low thump as it clipped Lanzhan in the chin emphasising his point as he hissed, inner omega growling and digging its paws into the ground because stupid, everything is stupid, everything is wrong, stupid nest, stupid omega, waiting in stupid nest for stupid alpha feeling stupid and angry and empty and-
 The realisation hits Weiying like a slap to the face, and with both hands busy cradling his baby bump now that the pillow was gone, Weiying barely manages to stop himself from tumbling backwards in shock. Because now he’s aware, aware of his hole that’s steadily licking slick, wetting his robes, scent muffled by the mountain of blankets he had added to his nest once he realised he was expecting. Because now that Weiying is paying attention he can feel it, feel the way his thighs are quivering and the way his hole itches, aches for something inside. Because now that Weiying has noticed, desire is welling up in him, calling for strong arms to hold him in place as something thick and hard sinks into his fluttering hole, for big hands to grab onto his hips and hold him down, breed him silly and god am I stupid or what?
 “Lanzhan, I need sex.” Weiying says calmly, eyes wide, and is gratified to see Lanzhan choke, the alpha accidentally knocking his head against the frame of the door in surprise. It makes him want to laugh, and he can’t help the cackle that escapes him as Lanzhan hastily rights himself, back straightening even as the pink flush blossoming across his cheek bones give away his embarrassment. It’s hilarious, downright funny to Weiying because who would have thought I was angry because I wasn’t having sex and oh god I need Lanzhan to sex me up even though we already do it every day and Jiangcheng is never going to let me live this down. But those thoughts will have to wait, Weiying thinks as he licks his lips gleefully, eyes growing half-lidded as he casually runs a hand down his chest to his belt.
 His action earns him a spike in Lanzhan’s sandalwood scent, the musk turning deep as the alpha begins to pay attention, spine straightening as he takes note of Weiying’s casual posture and splayed legs. Playfully toying with the knot, Weiying smirks as he slides his calves out from underneath the blanket, revealing pale lily legs, and accidentally chokes on his own scent, mandarin orange heavy with arousal, the sharp tartness of fruit swept away by the pinpricks of heat and spice. It’s alluring, practically engulfs the entire room, and that thought has Weiying grinning, fangs on full display as Lanzhan’s hands curl into fists, the alpha’s irises blowing out as his nostrils flare, breathing in the scent of slick, fertility and lust.
 Purring softly, Weiying allows the tail end of his belt to slip through his fingers once, twice, watching indulgently as Lanzhan’s eyes follow his movements, the alpha beginning to pant even as the sound remains minimal, quiet. But it’s there, and Weiying is riding on that wave of adrenaline, on that fixated gaze as he winds the tassel around his index finger, shooting Lanzhan a coy smile. There’s a flicker of wry amusement in those honey gold eyes before they darken with desire, and Weiying doesn’t hold back as he lets out a desperate mewl, back arching prettily as he yanks away his belt with a single finger, opening his robes.
 He’s wet, literally gushing, and Weiying feels himself gasp in relief as his heated skin meets the cool air of the room, baby bump proudly on display. It’s small, the curve not quite prominent enough for him to start waddling instead of walking, but it’s enough to force Lanzhan to hyperventilate, the rapid rise and fall of the alpha’s chest making Weiying’s lips curl into a victorious snarl. Slowly, he runs his fingers through the viscous translucent liquid, scooping it up from the inner junction of his thighs and drawing patterns over his skin. He makes a show of it, lifts his fingers into the air so Lanzhan can see the thick strands that drip over his fingers and palm, and when he’s sure the alpha is watching, completely riveted by him, Weiying pushes two fingers into his mouth and sucks.
 “Weiying-!!” Lanzhan rumbles, voice tight, and Weiying smiles sweetly back at his alpha, eyes lowering demurely before he jams his fingers further into his throat, making him gag. It doesn’t taste like anything but himself, salty and a tad flowery, but it’s worth it for the way Lanzhan inhales sharply, hands reaching up to grip at his headband, the alpha vibrating with need. So needy, Weiying thinks greedily to himself as he shifts in his nest, rocking into the sheets and staining it with his slick, so desperate for me. Swallowing around his fingers and letting out a muffled moan, Weiying lets Lanzhan watch him taste his own slick, tongue chasing after the dripping liquid and sliding over his digits before he stops.
 “Weiying…” Lanzhan whispers brokenly, and Weiying sweeps a cursory gaze over his husband before his eyes find the rising bulge between Lanzhan’s thighs. It’s pushing against Lanzhan’s white robes, and Weiying finds himself puffing his chest out proudly, preening at the answer from his alpha, at how much Lanzhan wants me in his lap, wants me spread and ready for him, and that image makes his mouth water. It has him palming his cock from root to tip, grinding into the palm of his hand as he locks eyes with Lanzhan, panting from exertion. The sexual tension in the air is palpable, but Weiying has always been a little cruel, a little mean. After all, how could he not be when his darling Hanguang-jun allowed him to get away with everything?
 Which is why Weiying refuses him entry, refuses to allow Lanzhan into their nest, instead running his hands over his chest and pinching his nipples. Watching as Lanzhan’s knuckles turn white from how hard he’s gripping his knees as Weiying moans, thrashing from the tiny bolts of pleasure is riveting. It feels good, makes him whine and sob as he flicks them playfully with his fingernails, making them harden. He rubs them between his index finger and thumb too, twists and plays until they’re swollen and puffy, areolas pink and heavy, stopping only when a hysterical grunt escapes Lanzhan’s lips. Not too much Weiying, not too much, the omega reminds himself as he lets go of his nipples and heads over to his hips, pulling his thighs apart to display the part Lanzhan wants most, is salivating like an alpha in rut for.
 “Weiying!” Lanzhan’s voice is sharp and furious, and Weiying does cackle at that reaction, eyes flickering up to meet incensed golden eyes as he traces his wet rim, massaging it with the pad of his thumb. His scent blooms even more, the mandarin orange bathing Lanzhan in desperate pheromones that’s a siren call to the alpha, crooning breed me, fuck me, don’t you want me alpha? Weiying’s rim gives way easily, how can it not when we do it every day, and Weiying arches with a relieved mewl when his finger slips in with a loud squelch. Patting his walls, Weiying lets himself adjust to the intrusion, the curl of his finger, before he drags it out and plunges it back in with a loud spurt of slick. Then, with Lanzhan quivering before him from the door way, Weiying begins to talk.
 “Look at what you did to me H-Hanguang-jun,” he whispers breathlessly, biting back a smug grin as Lanzhan visibly flinches, “I wasn’t this lewd when I was here at Cloud Recesses w-was I?” Head rolling backwards in bliss, Weiying lets himself rock against his finger, hole fluttering greedily around his digit, “Was this what you wanted Lanzhan? All w-wet and desperate f-for you?”
 “Ridiculous.” Lanzhan grinds out from behind clenched teeth, and Weiying grins, fangs and all as he spots Lanzhan’s canines grow, digging into the swell of his bottom lip.
 “A-Ah you think so?” Weiying murmurs, panting as his hips begin to shake, rutting furiously against his hand, slim fingers curling in the deepest part of him and making sparks fly up his spine. “But you m-made me like this Lanzhan,” Weiying arches, ass grinding against the sheets as he spreads his legs, swollen rim clenching down greedily on his fingers in full view for the alpha, “you b-bred me, bred me every n-night,” letting out a sharp whine, the omega’s hips began to roll, thighs trembling as his head knocked against the pillows, “you knocked me up-ah!” Eyes rolling backwards from the pleasure that was steadily building in his lower half, heat swirling in his lower stomach, the omega whimpered into the blanket, latching onto a corner with his mouth as he fought through the tremors, legs twitching from his close orgasm. Now, his inner omega howled, and Weiying shuddered, head heavy on the walls of his nest as he sucked on the soft material, breathing in Lanzhan’s sandalwood scent, the scent of mate, love, protection, mine.
 “C-Come here.” Weiying whispers, eyes bleary as he pulls his fingers out with a sickening slurp, more slick pouring out of his sensitive hole that has him spasming, mind blank as he whimpers into the sheets. “L-Lanzhan,” Weiying whines, and this time he raises his head to stare at his alpha, irises blown, and cheeks flushed pink from arousal, “come here.”
 That permission, that command is all it takes for Lanzhan to snap, the alpha letting out a bloodcurdling snarl as he rips off his head band and practically throws himself into the nest. Squealing loudly, Weiying moans as a hot mouth engulfs his own, plush lips immediately prying his own apart and Lanzhan’s tongue plunging into his own. He gets a sharp nip on his lip for his troubles, for teasing, and Weiying whimpers as Lanzhan slides a hand under his neck, supporting him as he ravages his mouth. It tastes of home, of a furious desperate alpha, and Weiying finds himself pawing at Lanzhan’s robes, yanking the belt off and tossing it aside. More, more, his omega screams, and Weiying finds himself manically sobbing, canines snapping at Lanzhan’s ear as he snarls at the alpha to go faster, move, hurry up. It’s a scramble to get each other’s clothes off, and Weiying lets out a yelp as Lanzhan rips his to shreds, whimpering as the alpha snarls into his ear, angry and animalistic.
 “Lanzhan,” Weiying whispers, chokes as the other runs his nose down the side of his neck, “Lanzha-ah!” With a low growl, the alpha sank his teeth into Weiying’s scent gland, the smell of copper and blood permeating the air as Weiying wailed, head thrown back in ecstasy and pain. It’s everything he needs, everything he has been craving for since this morning when he had woken up grumbling and aching, inner omega whining that something isn’t right, need something, something’s missing. His annoyance was now all melting away under his alpha’s careful ministrations, roaring desire making his omega preen and hum, leaving him pliant as Lanzhan spreads his legs and sets a pillow beneath his hips, taking care of me like always, touch gentle even as his eyes glow, amber glinting deliriously.
 It doesn’t last though, as Lanzhan sinks two thicker fingers into him with voracious intent to drive him wild, scissoring Weiying open with rapid movements. “Hng, ngh, mmhng!” Weiying gasps at the sudden intrusion, mind turning blank with pleasure as he lets out a soundless scream, legs clamping around Lanzhan’s torso as he fights a delicious shudder that wrecks his body. It has his hands scrabbling over Lanzhan’s shoulders, eyes filling with tears as he bounces on those fingers, long and rough from hours of playing guqin, and it shouldn’t be amusing, but it earns a soft huff from Lanzhan, and Weiying laughs too, high and hysterical as he undulates, clenches tight around those fingers every time they try to pull out of his body.
 “L-Lanzhan,” Weiying whimpers, and the alpha stills as the omega tugs at his hair, lashes dotted with tears as he heaves, trembling. “R-Ready, I’m ready, Lanzhan, please, alpha,” and with an answering croon, Lanzhan twists his fingers one more time, watches greedily as Weiying arches and wails, clamping around him as he fights through another almost orgasm, hole squeezing and fluttering around the alpha’s fingers. There’s another gush of slick, thick and heavy, and Lanzhan mouths at Weiyng’s scent gland, his bite mark as he pulls the omega’s legs apart for the final main course.
 That move reveals Weiying’s core, his swollen puffy rim, and Weiying has to bite down on his fist as Lanzhan pries his hole open with his fingers, putting him on display for his mate. It doesn’t help that he’s lying on his back, that his womb is swollen from carrying Lanzhan’s pups, and shame, for the first time in his life, wells up in him as he feels his channel weakly spurt, slick dribbling out from his gaping hole. He tries to hide it, as he always does, but his face must show it all, for Lanzhan is leaning in, and Weiying sighs as the alpha rubs his nose against the other’s, rumbling reassuringly as he slides a large hand over the baby bump. Alpha is good, Weiying’s inner omega purrs, alpha will protect us, alpha has waited sixteen years for us, and with a soft sob because how lucky can I be, how lucky am I, Weiying cradles Lanzhan’s face and pulls him closer, kisses his forehead.
 “Weiying?” Lanzhan questions softly, and really this is unfair, Weiying thinks to himself as he looks up at his husband, really looks up at the man who has risked everything for him. Those sun gold eyes that peonies and all the gold of Lanling Jin could never compare to, long butterfly lashes and that gentle taciturn mouth, all of it was his. From the sweat of his brow to the tips of those long flowy locks, that strong sturdy back that bore thirty discipline whip scars and that burn on his chest that Weiying would have shared back then, was all his. Sixteen years he had waited, this beautiful gorgeous man had waited, had held a torch for him, raised his son, inquired about him, lived through seasons calling his name from spring to summer to autumn to winter. Sixteen years, and staring at the slight frown marring Lanzhan’s face, the worry hidden in golden orbs that whispered is this okay, are you okay, tell me what I can do, made Weiying feel like a carefree child running around Lotus Pier all over again, lips trembling and heart just so, so full.
 “Inside.” Weiying answers instead, voice small, and Lanzhan blinks as Weiying buries his face into the alpha’s neck, presses his lips against the shell of his alpha’s ear and says, “I need to feel you.”
 “Mm.” Lanzhan murmurs softly, and Weiying isn’t crying, he really isn’t, as Lanzhan presses a kiss to his temple, the head of his cock rubbing against Weiying’s fluttering entrance. Nodding his head in permission, Weiying gasps, eyes squeezing shut as he feels Lanzhan move, cock nudging at his inner walls and gliding even deeper. He can feel the burning heat that follows, the stretch making him writhe as he feels Lanzhan’s cock throb within him, an answering pulse as he clenches down on it, overwhelmed. They’re doing the same thing, but everything is just so much more, and Weiying finds himself sobbing as his alpha’s cock spears through his wet heat, loud and wet amidst the little worn out cries and whines that escapes his lips, those sounds kissed away by Lanzhan, the alpha crooning softly into his ear.
 “Lanzhan, Lanzhan,” Weiying babbles, tear tracks running down his face as he turns his head and latches onto the alpha’s scent gland, a desperate broken wail muffled as he laves at the raised flesh, walls trembling from where Lanzhan is sheathed in him. It feels like a million fireworks are going off, the heat of their bodies building on each other, cresting higher and higher the way drinking alcohol on a cold night always feels. It makes him dizzy, the beat of his heart echoing as he’s pressed chest to chest with his lover, the Wen sect scar a dark mark on a pure pristine canvass, a mark of ownership Weiying had placed on the alpha before he had even realised Lanzhan was his.
 Sucking harder, Weiying trills, voice garbled as he breathes in satisfaction and happiness, sandalwood flooding his senses as Lanzhan slides a hand over his baby bump. The alpha caresses the curve lovingly, and Weiying lets out a wet laugh as those fingertips dance over his stretched skin, palm hot and steady. He can feel the answering churn, of pups twisting in response to their father’s touch and these are his children, Weiying thinks dazedly as he splays his own hand over Lanzhan’s keeping the alpha’s touch there. There’s life in him, and it’s his, his and Lanzhan’s, and this time Weiying can’t help but smile, eyes filling with tears as he purrs, kneading the alpha’s forearm sweetly. It earns him a happy chuff, Lanzhan’s own rumble escaping the alpha’s throat before he decides to move.
 Grabbing Weiying’s hips, Lanzhan slides out and Weiying whimpers at the loss, nosing the base of Lanzhan’s throat as the wet sound of flesh meeting flesh meets in tandem with the slow drag of cock inside him. It’s sweet torture, feeling Lanzhan pull out, grazing his most tender spots and ignoring the way his walls clung onto the alpha’s cock, wet and leaking. It makes him weak and wanton, hips jerking upwards desperately as he mewls and paws at his alpha, screaming for attention. Inside, come back inside, his omega cajoles, hole fluttering prettily around air as Weiying looks up at the alpha through his lashes, light-headed. Lanzhan’s brows are furrowed in concentration, beads of sweat running down his temples, and beautiful, my beautiful wonderful husband, when he moves. And the sound that escapes Weiying’s mouth is visceral, unholy, as he feels Lanzhan’s cock dive right into his deepest recesses.
 “H-Hah! Hng, hn, mhn,” liquid pleasure is runs through Weiying’s veins as Lanzhan begins to move, and while the other is quiet in bed, nothing quite beats the satisfied grunts and huffs of air his alpha gives every time he pulls out only to chase the tight heat of Weiying’s hole. “G-Good, Lanzhan s-so goo-ah!” Weiying whines, head lolling backwards as he feels his lower abdomen begin to twinge, his thighs twitching as heat pooled in his lower half and slick spurted out of him. Babbling, fingers still splayed over his baby bump, Weiying moves to touch his cock only to whimper as Lanzhan slaps his hand away, growling threateningly as he slows.
 “N-No!” Weiying cries, bottom lip trembling as he rocks his hips weakly, each move punctuated with a gasp. “P-Please, alpha, a-alpha d-don-” he doesn’t get to finish his sentence as with a rumbling purr Lanzhan’s thrusts begin to pick up speed once more, a feverish light in those golden orbs as the alpha buries his head into Weiying’s neck and begins to mouth at his scent gland, tongue massaging that swollen flesh and raking his fangs across it. There’s no pain to it, only an overwhelming scent of lust, of sandalwood piqued with heavy flora, the scent after a rainstorm, and Weiying feels himself moan as Lanzhan’s grip on his hip tightens. It’s going to bruise, and a vicious sense of triumph runs through his veins as he drools, mouth gasping for air as he stares at Lanzhan, the esteemed Hanguang-jun with his eyes glowing and lips pulled back in a dangerous feral snarl, debauched, tainted.
 I did that, he thinks delightedly, fingers entwining around ebony black hair and yanking greedily, I put that expression there.
 “K-Knot m-me.” Weiying manages to utter through the rapid abuse of his body, words stuttering out as he pants, locking his ankles around Lanzhan’s torso and tugging the alpha closer. “W-Want a k-knot. W-Want Lanzh-zhan’s knot-hng!” It earns him a soft hum of delight, the light airiness of cotton making itself known as the alpha begins to move even faster, meeting his omega’s demands and oh it feels so good, Weiying thinks to himself as he keens, throwing back his head as he wails, hole wide open for his alpha to use. There’s something about this that’s finally scratching his itch, his instinctual craving that’s been gnawing at his insides all morning, and Weiying lets it be known, lets his alpha bask in the happiness that he’s satisfying his omega with every loud cry that accompanies his thrust.
 “Weiying.” Lanzhan murmurs and the omega makes a soft inquiring sound that sounds more like a ragged sob, and the alpha croons, voice a melody as he knocks his head against Weiying’s. “Weiying.” Lanzhan repeats, more breathlessly, and oh he’s close, and Weiying arches, hips shoving upwards to meet his alpha’s as he gasps out “Yes, c-come on, almost-” and is greeted with the tell-tale swell of an alpha’s knot. Moaning, Weiying grabs onto Lanzhan’s arms and moves with renewed vigour, chest heaving as he bounces on the alpha’s cock, eyes rolling backwards as his thighs begin to shake, balls pulling tight. A desperate low “Weiying” made through gritted teeth is all the warning he gets before his alpha is shoving his knot inside him, and Weiying chokes at the fullness, rim stretching tight to accommodate the cock which lodges within him.
 “Lanzhan, Lanzh-ah! A-Ah, hng, mmhng!” Weiying wails, spine bowing as he lifts off the nest, lips parted in a silent scream. It feels like he’s dying, spirit barely anchored into the mortal realm as pleasure erupts, sending his blood boiling with heat. Lanzhan’s playing dirty, grinding against his prostate and mean, alpha’s being so mean but oh how Weiying loves it. Thrashing weakly, fingers digging into Lanzhan’s biceps so hard he almost draws blood, Weiying is on the cusp of something, abdominal muscles beginning to curl as he’s fucked into his nest, the brutal abuse of his prostate by the head of his alpha’s cock making him drool and his thighs quiver. Please, please, his omega screams, wailing as it comes even closer to the high it’s desperate to reach, pup me, fill me, keep me full always, always-
 A firm hand on his cock jerks him out of his thoughts, and Weiying squeals as Lanzhan begins to stroke him, head shaking wildly as his fingers begin to morph into claws, digging into his alpha’s white soft skin. “N-No,” Weiying gasps, eyes wild as he stares at his alpha deliriously, his curved womb blocking his cock from view and wobbling with every aborted shove of Lanzhan’s hips. Pupils dilated, and lips parted in a broken wail, the omega can only shudder as his alpha rubs the head of his cock, fingers ghosting his silt and making pleasure burn through him. It’s building, the tension in his abdomen, and Weiying can’t hold back his howl of delight as the pleasure peaks, cresting magnificently as he cums, sobbing on Lanzhan’s cock, teeth bared and eyes alight.
 “Weiying, Weiying, Weiying.” Lanzhan chants, voice tight, and the omega whimpers as he feels his alpha abuse his prostate, pressure unforgiving. But this is Lanzhan, alpha, alpha who was so good, sated his omega so well, “Lanzhan,” Weiying purrs gently, fingers carding through Lanzhan’s hair as he noses at his alpha’s neck. “Lanzhan, I need you.” He whispers, voice weak as he locks eyes with glowing amber hues. And just like that the alpha is coming, breath hitching and body stilling as enlarged fangs find purchase on Weiying’s neck, the alpha shaking as he cums, spilling inside Weiying’s body in drawn out spurts.
 It’s gone now, the need to pace and to shred and to have something. Was gone the minute Lanzhan gave a low grunt and snarled, nostrils flaring as his seed flooded Weiying’s hole. Shivering from the aftershocks, body oversensitive, Weiying can only murmur soft words of endearments, breathing in the scent of sandalwood and cotton, basking in the post coitus glow. “So good, so good Lanzhan.” He murmurs, voice soft, and Lanzhan snorts, the sound muffled from where his jaws are still clamped around Weiying’s scent gland. The overwhelming scent of mandarin has faded, Weiying’s omega finally sated, and slowly, like he’s handling something infinitely precious, Lanzhan carefully dislodges his canines. It’s sore, and the wince that escapes Weiying doesn’t go unnoticed as the alpha lets out a frustrated sound, tongue soothing over the mark as he looks up at the omega worriedly.
 “It’s fine, really.” Weiying whispers, lips beginning to curl as he presses his forehead to Lanzhan’s, the headband still wound around his wrist. More than fine, his omega purrs, rubbing its head against the alpha, tail flicking lazily in happiness, alpha is perfect, perfect. Slowly moving the alpha’s hand back to his distended womb, Weiying blinks back tears as he feels the pups move, stirring slightly before nestling inside him. Mine, this is mine, he thinks, awed, and there’s no helping it as a tearful grin breaks across his face, as he rubs his nose against Lanzhan’s, heart warm and body perfectly sated. A low rumble echoes across the room, and Weiying huffs as Lanzhan pulls him closer, wrapping his arms around him and cuddling the omega close.
 He’s lucky to have his Lanzhan with him.
 “Hey, I don’t think we should let Jiangcheng name them. He sucks at names.”
 “Mm. Whatever Weiying wants.”
 So, incredibly, lucky.
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justadreamforus · 4 years
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When a grumpy boy is shipped with a sunshine boy
Inspired by @justadreamforus Chengyi stories on AO3
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justadreamforus · 4 years
🍡Dessert Themed Asks (NSFW) for Character Analysis
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Chocolate Lava Cake
How many times a week would they bed their s/o? Would they be upset if their advances are rejected?
Tang Hu Lu
Are they sadistic or masochistic, and how would that transpire in the bedroom?
Are they into vanilla sex or are they kinky? How would they conduct after care if it’s the latter?
Steamed Pears
Do they get embarrassed by dirty talk, and are they any good at it?
Osmathus Cake
Are they a top, bottom or a switch? Would they change their mind if their s/o asks them to?
Strawberry Shortcake
What kinks do they have, and how willing are they to reveal that list to their s/o?
Are they dominant or submissive in bed, and do they like switching up the power dynamics?
Do they enjoy giving and/or receiving oral? How good are they with their mouth?
Do they worship their s/o’s body, and which body part do they find most attractive?
Cotton Candy
Do they get jealous easily/are they possessive? How do they feel about bondage, spanking, handcuffs, or collars if that’s the case?
Bubble Tea
Are they an exhibitionist? If they are where would they most likely have sex in public, and if they aren’t can they be persuaded to do so?
Bobo Chacha
Would they be open to a threesome? If they are who would be the character they choose, and if they aren’t how would they express their disapproval?
Would they use toys? If so what would they use, and if they don’t, can they be persuaded to do so?
How often do they masturbate, and do they enjoy doing it? What do they use or fantasise to get off?
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justadreamforus · 4 years
🌈Colour Starter Prompts (SFW)
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“You know I would shoot down the sun if you asked me to. You only need ask.”
“You have the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen… Ah I’m sorry, am I making you uncomfortable?”
“Why are you like this? And why do I especially love you when you’re like this?
“You make me so incredibly happy that I just don’t know how to feel anything else when I’m with you!”
“Jealous? I’m not jealous! Who cares about what you do? Not me that’s for sure!”
“… Just tell me something, and don’t lie to me, but did you ever love me at all?”
“Look at me. No, don’t turn away. Talk to me. Don’t you dare run away.”
“Shh… I know. You don’t have to apologise, no, save your strength. I know.”
“You don’t understand! You don’t, you don’t know what I would give to stay with you.”
“I will find you in our next life, I promise. I found you in this one once. Don’t think it won’t happen again.”
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justadreamforus · 4 years
🌸 Chinese Flower Themed Asks (SFW) for Character Analysis 🌸
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A symbol of longevity and humility Are they arrogant or humble? Would they be stubborn in certain situations?
Chinese Roses
Frequently used in food as well as cosmetics such as perfumes How would they woo their s/o? What is their love language?
A symbol of fame, prosperity and wealth Are they thrifty, or do they like to splurge?
A symbol of purity, where an enlightened mind may rise above the sufferings of the world Are they naïve or gullible? How kind are they to strangers?
Plum Blossoms
A symbol of nobility, modesty and good fortune How does society view them? Are they well-loved or feared?
A symbol of youth; usually referring to young boys and girls Do they have any regrets, and what do they wish they could have done differently?
Frequently used in Chinese medicine, where it cures deafness and kidney ailments Do they fall sick easily? What are they like when sick?
A symbol of glory, fame and splendor How ambitious are they, and what do they want to achieve most?
A symbol of feminine beauty; also represents personal growth, honor and wealth Do they practice self-care? What activities do they do in their free time?
A symbol of heavenly beauty and is frequently alluded to a fairy What is their ideal type in appearance and personality?
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justadreamforus · 4 years
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What is a request and what should it include?
A request is when a user submits their chosen prompt into my askbox with their chosen fandom and character! I will then either write a drabble or headcanon according to your request.
Do you consider match-ups/match-making a request?
I do! Please tell me your fandom, what you’re looking for – a lover/best friend/sibling – as well as some information about yourself and I will gladly match make for you~
Can anyone make a request?
Yes! Anonymous or not, the request will be happily accepted if it follows the rules and is submitted when the askbox is open.
Can my request be about a ship instead of a s/o or y/n insert?
Yes! All ships are welcome here as long as they are healthy and consensual.
Do you accept NSFW requests? Are there any kinks you refuse to write?
Yes, I do accept NSFW/smut requests! I’m open minded to all kinks if it is consensual, and no, dead bodies cannot give consent, so I will reject any “Dead Dove: Do Not Eat” tropes. That means requests with tentacles, bestiality, parasites et cetera will be filtered out.
What if I’m interested in dub-con/unhealthy portrayals with a ship, s/o, or y/n?
I will only do unhealthy/dub-con if it is a consented scene/play. For example, I do NOT take pedophilic requests (and I will shoot anyone who dares come near me with that). However, I will accept infantilization/child play if it has been negotiated with two consenting adult characters beforehand. In other words, only consensual non-consent is accepted, after care WILL be given, and all characters are/must be of age.
What is the difference between a starter prompt and a character analysis prompt?
A starter prompt would give you a drabble and usually has more storyline while a character analysis prompt is basically headcanons about a character and is more information based.
Do you accept prompt suggestions?
Yes, I do! I will collate those I find interesting and release them as a new prompt for the followers so feel free to send them in.
Do you accept fandom suggestions?
I do accept recommendations, but I might not add them to the fandom list. This is because characterization is very important to me, and I don’t want to give shoddy answers to wonderful asks if I’m not familiar enough with the fandom/characters. But you never know so feel free to send them in any way!
Do you only do anime/cartoons/donghua?
While that is the current genre I’m writing for, I may open it up to movies/films, musicals, games and books depending on the demand. So, don’t be afraid to send them in!
How long does it take for my ask to be answered?
It should be answered in a week unless an announcement has been posted saying otherwise! If your ask isn’t answered it has either been filtered out because it doesn’t follow the rules, has already been done before, or I never received it in the first place. Feel free to send it in again though!
When does the askbox open/close?
It will open on Monday and close on Sunday(GMT+8)! I will then spend a week writing and filtering out the asks before opening it on Monday again. So, it will open twice a month if I’m not otherwise occupied.
Do you write chaptered stories/full-length ones online?
Yes, I do! My latest works are currently being hosted on AO3 under the same username, and I have works on AFF as well as FF, though they are largely abandoned and signs of my ‘dark past’. Currently the only active accounts I have are AO3 and this tumblr.
Do you do commissions?
Currently I do not do commissions, but I may open it up in the future depending on how job-hunting goes after I graduate! I do want to write full-time, but I have to eat and well, that costs money…
Do you do art collaborations?
Yes, I do! Currently I’m in a semi-permanent collaborating with Denise (@distracted_den on Instagram). If you wish to collaborate by drawing pictures from any of my drabbles or stories, feel free to send in an ask!
Does Denise (@distracted_den) do art commissions/requests?
Currently she does not do art commissions or requests, but she may change her mind if you give her enough love! She’s currently working full-time after all, so please be patient with her.
Do you take art submissions?
Currently I do not take art submissions, but if there is enough demand I will open it up! So please, don’t be afraid to send in an ask.
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justadreamforus · 4 years
Only a maximum of three characters will be accepted in one character analysis/headcanon request, and one character/one ship for in-depth scenarios/drabbles.
Requests not pertaining to headcanons or drabbles – meaning you might have questions for me as an individual, clarifications for my stories et cetera – will also be accepted.
If the prompts do not suit your taste, feel free to submit your own. However, I may collect your prompt for future use, and please make sure you have read through the FAQ guidelines – there are certain things I will not write.
Please don’t send in multiple requests at a time as all that does is increase the time I spend filtering asks to ensure everyone has an equal chance of receiving a reply.
This blog is NSFW friendly, and because of the negotiation of kinks involved I would like to remind everyone to remain civil even if you come across something you do not like.
That’s all from me and I hope you have a great time on my blog! Thank you for your support!
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strike-through - currently not interested or will return in the future
italics - is being considered 
Boku no Hero Academia
Yuri on Ice
The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (MDZS)
Scum Villain’s Self Saving System (SVSSS)
Heaven Official’s Blessing (TGCF)
The Husky and his White Cat Shizun (Erha)
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